A Gorgeous White

Chapter 178: The Family Reunites

Within the silent private garden filled with gem-like flowers, the cool breeze entered through the gaps of the vines climbing on the domed roof. 

A flash of light suddenly appeared accompanied by the whirling wind of coldness, brushing every grass tip and flower petal. As the light faded, two figures were revealed, standing on the soft grass of the garden. 

Golden suddenly eyes narrow when a faint disturbance briefly fills the air.

The area was not too dim, for the faint glow of the blue flower's centers illuminated the surrounding. The view looked majestic and ethereal, as if no ordinary person would dare step on this sacred-looking area.

Silver eyes roamed throughout the vicinity, assessing and sensing if there were people nearby. When he felt that there was none, he sighed in relief. He initially thought his brothers would be impatiently waiting here for his arrival. Eyes locked on the tables and chairs of his garden, Moulin stepped away from Hadrian's chest. Softness and longing layered his silvery pupils as he looked around the place.

Two little furballs jumped down from his arms and scurried around the small space of the private garden. They barked and yipped happily at each other as they curiously ran around the little flowery bushes decorating the garden. 

"So this is the third young master's secret garden?" Hadrian spoke while wearing an amused smile. His golden eyes watched as Moulin turned to face him with a frown. 

"You should be honored, My Lord. Nobody knows of this place except for my family and me. Anyone else would have been executed..." A corner of Moulin's lips was raised. Slowly he walked towards the white round table positioned at the center of the garden. Pink fingertips delicately caressed the smooth surface of the furniture. There was not a speck of dust or grime.

His brothers must have cleaned the place for his arrival. 

"How frightening..." Hadrian smiled. His steps were unhurried as he approached Moulin's back. Slipping his arms to circle the youth's slender waist, Hadrian whispers. "Don't forget our deal, My love. I am quite exhausted from expending a significant amount of energy to transport us to your beloved home. I am deeply in need of some relief and service..."

Moulin rolls his eyes. Pushing the man's cheek away, he smiles faintly. "Be patient, you animal."

Hadrian chuckled, and he pecked Moulin's temple before distancing himself. "Your brothers are indeed sharp. They have erected a triggering barrier within your garden. How clever... "

"I am quite proud of them." Moulin raised an eyebrow at the Hercullian Lord. He tilted his head as he continued. "They must be on their way here at this moment. So I guess it's time for you to get lost, my love."

Hadrian's eyes darkened as an alluring smile graced his lips. He suppressed the urge to just take his lover away and make love to him until his screams reach the other side of Corahn. "Your lovely mouth is enticing me. It makes me want to do something you wouldn't like..."

Moulin chuckled and just turned to beckon the energetic furballs towards him. His silver eyes glanced at Hadrian playfully. "Hurry and go, you oaf."

At the same time, the youth caught a noise coming from the entrance of the garden. Moulin's brows furrow and he stares at Hadrian hurriedly. With a smile, the man abruptly disappears within Moulin's sight, leaving the youth to sigh in relief. For a moment, he thought Hadrian was going to reveal himself to the person making their way towards Moulin's secret garden.

The sound of panting and rapid heavy footsteps filled the area. Moulin's hands nervously sweated, and he bit his lips in anticipation.


Moulin's eyes widened at the sight of his second elder brother. Emlen struggled to steady his breaths, grey eyes widening disbelief and hope; relief clouded his expression. He looked like he had run across the land.

It has been so long since he had seen his brother. Moulin's heard pounded. 

Slowly, Moulin parted his lips.

"Brother Emlen-"

Moulin was interrupted when Emlen suddenly rushed towards him and gathered Moulin in his arms tightly. Moulin could feel the heavy pounding of his brother's heart. The youth felt a twinge in his chest as he slowly returned to hug his brother. Moulin must have missed him so much. He smiles, feeling warmth seep inside his heart.

Emlen's eyes were bloodshot when he embraces Moulin. His thoughts had gone chaotic, and his grip on his brother tightened. 

"Brother..." Moulin whispers. "I missed you..."

It was when these sweet words entered Emlen's ears, did the man froze. His grey eyes softened as he relished the sound of his little brother's voice. His youngest brother had returned to them. He was here in his arms, safe and sound. A wave of relief flooded his soul, and he hugged Moulin, refusing to let go.

Moulin only chuckled at Emlen's actions. His brother was indeed a man, but Moulin could not help but think that Emlen acts like a child sometimes. It was cute.

Slowly, Moulin lifted his gaze and spots another person entering his garden. His silver eyes widened in surprise and joy. "Eldest Brother!"

Maxille had chased Emlen after the realization that Moulin had indeed arrived. His grey eyes widened in surprise and longing. His steps slowly halt, and his clenched fists relaxed along with the raging emotions in his heart. His precious little brother had returned. The amount of hope, joy, and relief in his eyes was immeasurable. 

"Moulin..." Maxille found his voice, and he forced his still body to move towards his precious brother. There was a slight tremble in his voice as he spoke like a thirsty man with a parched throat discovering a heavenly oasis.

"Thank the gods you are back..."

Emlen's arms loosened at the sound of his eldest brother's voice. Although he was reluctant, Moulin should go and greet Maxille as well.

Moulin rushed towards Maxille's embraced and happily hugged the man. His eyes were moist as he smiled. Maxille immediately wrapped his arms around his brother with a wide smile.

"I missed you, Moulin..." 

"I miss you too, eldest brother..." 

Slowly parting, Maxille caressed Moulin's cheek feeling the plumpness on his little brother's cheek. Hm, thankfully, Moulin was eating well and healthy. The very thought calms the young heir's heart.




Maxille and Emlen lowered their gazes and found a familiar snow-white fox and an unfamiliar black wolf pup sitting on the grass obediently. Snow was yipping happily at the sight of his master's brothers while Keir blinked curiously at the two unknown men.

With raised eyebrows, Maxille smiles warmly. Snow was still as energetic as ever. But who was this other one beside the Moulin's pet?

"This is Keir. I adoptedly during my mission." Moulin introduced as he crouched and brought the two pups in his arms. 

"I see..."

Had Moulin taken in another pet? Judging by the looks of the behaved black wolf, Maxille could feel that it was no ordinary wolf pup. The markings on the wolf's body were suspicious. However, before Maxille could further investigate, he dismissed his thoughts and turned to face his little brother. 

"Come... We must go and greet our father. He had mist anticipated your arrival that he refused to leave the receiving room." Maxille chuckles at the thought. "He will be delighted to see you healthy and well..."

"Yes." Moulin nodded. He was looking forward to seeing his father's face again. As he followed Maxille towards the exit of his garden, he beckons the two little brats to follow him. 

Emlen walks beside Moulin with unknown thoughts. Briefly, he glances at the emptiness of the garden with suspicion. 

Had Moulin come alone?


The night was most joyful in the Fraunces manor. The knights, servants, and the mages hurried to greet the third young master of the grand noble family. They had heard that the third young master was returning, but none had expected for him to return so soon without announcing! Still, they were joyful. The smiles on the Lord and the two young masters' faces were like a spring of relief to the people. 

For the last few weeks, it was like the whole manor was shrouded with gloom and despair. The return of the third young master was a blessing indeed! If only the madam could witness this.

"My beautiful young master, I missed you!!!" A red-headed girl dressed in a servant's outfit greets the youth while wiping the tears in her eyes. The freckles on Pola's cheeks made her appear exceptionally youthful as she took out her handkerchief to dry her tears. 

Moulin could only helplessly comfort his trusted person under the cheerful gazes of the people around him. Pola could not stop her tears as she looks at her master. Lord Fraunces smiles as he waved his hand to dismiss the people within the room. The servants began to vacate the area, slipping through the doors to leave the family some privacy. Pola reluctantly left with a sad smile. When the doors closed, she dried her tears with a sigh.

No, there's nothing to be sad about! The young master will be sleeping in his quarters, and she was going to make sure she would attend to his every need! Determination flashed in her eyes as she lifted her head.

Yes, she must prepare the bath. Young needs a soothing, comfortable bath before he sleeps. She would prepare Moulin's nightclothes, some snacks and collect a few new books from the archive. Moulin must miss relaxing. She heard the Azuran Academy was a place filled with fierce warriors who take on dangerous missions. Young master Moulin must be having a hard time relaxing in that kind of place. She must make Moulin exceptionally comfortable in his time here in the manor and perhaps... He would want to stay here a little longer!

With a smile, Pola lifted her skirt and hastened her steps, unaware of who was waiting in Moulin's room.

Within the room, illuminated by the chandelier's warm light, Lord Dontae Fraunces and his two elder sons stare at the strange contents within the glass bottle placed at the center of the table.

"This is..." The Lord of the house rubbed his chin as he curiously assessed the bottle on the table. 

Moulin nods with a serious expression. "Yes, it is the cure that would heal mother's illness. Father, trust me. She will be healed if she consumes the concoction."

Emlen faced Moulin with a worried expression. "Moulin, how did you obtain this?"

"It is the reward of my service for the crown prince of Thundralln."

"...I see." 

Silver eyes carefully analyze his family's concerned expression. With a smile, Moulin softened his eyes. "Father, brothers. Do not worry. This cure is definitely trustworthy. I have seen ill people bearing symptoms similar to mother's case. Mother is half-maeruthan, so she bears the same symptoms to the maeruthans consuming the poison she had also absorbed. This cure is specially made by the imperial doctor and mage of the Royal Family in Thundralln. If you doubt it, you can have Phaelona or our family Seer, Colahn, to examine it if would assure you... Please... "

"Father..." Maxille turns to their father, anticipating his reply.

"Hm..." Lord Dontae Fraunces turns to his youngest son. The creases on his forehead relaxed, and he convinced himself to trust Moulin's judgment. Perhaps, he should follow Moulin's suggestion and let Phaelona and Colahn examine the fluid first.

"Alright... " Lord Fraunces slightly lowered his eyelids and spoke decisively. His eyes shifted to his eldest son with a faint smile, "Maxille, go and deliver this to Phaelona and Colahn tonight. Tomorrow we will see the results of their examination and let your mother intake the cure..."

"Yes, Father." Maxille nodded.

"Moulin..." Emlen shifted his attention to his little brother with a gentle smile. "Come, let me escort you to your room. You must be tired..."

"Thank you, brother..." Moulin smiled and stood up from his seat along with Emlen. They offered their goodbyes to their father and left the room.

Moulin is brimming with happiness inside as if his heart was filled with warm honey. He was happy Emlen had offered to escort him; that way, he will be able to converse with his second brother-


Why did it feel like he forgot something?

His steps gradually slowed down.

Turning his head, Emlen looks at his little brother. "Moulin?"



Silver eyes widened.

Hadrian was in his room!

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