A Gorgeous White

Chapter 179: What A Waste It Would Be...

Two pairs of footsteps echoed within the vacant hallways leading to the room of the lovely third young master of the Fraunces Household. 

With a wrinkled brow and a tight-lipped smile, Moulin kept his gaze forwards while his thoughts ran wild. Like his brother, he kept an unhurried pace and curtly replied to Emlen's questions. 

Hadrian was in the room. Was he already in the room, though? No, he wouldn't need to climb up the balcony; he could just teleport himself inside like a ghost. Moulin wasn't currently sure how to save the situation. Had servants entered the room with Hadrian in it? 

At that thought, Moulin almost let out a gasp in realization. Damn it! He had forgotten that!

Secretly releasing an exhale, Moulin glanced at Emlen, who was also profoundly thinking about something. His gray eyes were narrowed, and he wore a severe expression as he walked beside Moulin.


Moulin yanked his gaze back and disregarded his curiosity. He had more important things to resolve. 

Whatever. If something truly had happened in his room, then it happened, and he could only try to find out how to save the situation neatly. Moulin's only concern was what Hadrian was accomplishing during that problem. The man would certainly get rid of anything that would be a bother in his eyes.

He only hoped there would be no blood on his floor...

A few minutes later, Moulin and Emlen finally stood before Moulin's door. With a faint smile, Moulin calmly reached out his hand to open the door. However, Emlen abruptly caught his wrist, stopping him from doing so.


Okay, stay calm...

"Brother?" Moulin questioned as he glanced at Emlen's hand that was gripping him. "Is something wrong?"

Emlen widened his eyes when he just realized what he was doing. However, his fingers stayed curled around his little brother's delicate wrist, afraid of letting go. Swallowing, Emlen lowered his gaze and spoke with a stuttering voice. "W-Why don't you join me for a walk, Moulin? It has been so long since we are and talked with each other."

Seeing his brothers pleading eyes, a sweet smile appears on Moulin's face. "I would love to, brother, but I'm I am feeling a bit sleepy. Perhaps in another time..."


A five-second silence enveloped the two of them. Gray silver eyes looked deeply at the younger man. For a second, Moulin could sense a deep meaning in his elder brother's gaze. He felt as if he was caught in the act of doing something ghastly and horrible. Moulin suddenly nervousness coiling in his gut.

When Moulin thought that Emlen's silence was no longer normal, a smile suddenly graced Emlen's face. "I understand. Then you... must rest." 

His voice was soft and understanding. It somehow calmed Moulin's thundering heart.

"Thank you, brother Emlen." Moulin smiled in return when he felt Emlen's hold loosen around his wrist. Moulin held one of the double doors' golden handles and glanced at his brother. 

"Good night, brother..."

When Emlen nodded to him, Moulin then opened the doors and slipped inside. He was unaware of the smile that fell on Emlen's face before the doors closed. 

Sighing in relief, Moulin locked the doors and leaned his back on the dark wood. He tipped his head back with uncertain eyes. Why was his second brother acting strangely? 

"Y-Young master..." 

At the sound of the voice, Moulin instantly lowered his gaze with wide eyes!

Pola, with all her sweetness, was trembling before him. Her delicate arms are wrapping around her youthful form. Her round eyes were frozen open, and sweat beaded her forehead. Tears threatened to all down her freckled cheeks as she knelt on the floor. "Y-Young master..."

Moulin removed himself from the door and approached Pola. "Pola! Are you alright? What happened?"

Almost instantly, Pola steel her gaze and desperately held her master. With a shaky voice, she yelled. "Young Master, you must escape! T-There's a terrible man in your quarters. H-He has TERRIBLE INTENTIONS TOWARDS YOU! HURRY AND-"

"Oh, he's not going anywhere..." A husky voice laced with unending darkness entered her ears.

Pola stiffened, and she hurried to step in front of her master. Moulin was already so confused. When he lifted his gaze to look past the trembling Pola, he paused. 

Moulin frowned. 

The man with outstanding golden hair, blessed with the beauty of the gods, was wearing a sinister look as he stares at Moulin. He was casually leaning on the back of the chaise couch. His gait was formidably intimidating, making Pola, the sweet girl, want to cower in fear. But No. She must protect her master. She might not be as powerful as the man before him, but she and the other personal attendants of the noble family in this household were trained t to protect their masters no matter what. 

"Stay back!" Pola glared, but the fear in her eyes was unmistakable.

Hadrian only stares at her. His voice grew deep and threatening. "For a feeble girl, you certainly are loyal. How admirable..."

Pola gritted her teeth.

"Enough..." Moulin frowned. He patted Pola's shoulder, indicating her to lower her guard.

"But young master!"

"Be at ease, Pola. I know this man..."

Pola stopped. She glanced at Hadrian suspiciously. Was this man her master's acquaintance?

Moulin looked angry. Hadrian shifted his gaze to his beloved and spoke with a smile. "Are you mad at me, love?"


The young girl's eyes widened. What did she hear?!

"Hadrian!" Moulin snapped. His eyes burned with fury. What the hell was this man up to?!

"You look tense, Moulin. This young lady wouldn't open her mouth, will she?" Hadrian narrowed his eyes. His oppressive aura began to emanate from his body. The room now seemed suffocating and dreadful. Of course, it was only directed to the poor trembling girl before Moulin. 

"Stop talking." Moulin hissed at the lord and faced his attendant, who turned to him in shock. With a calm expression, Moulin spoke. "Pola, you will speak to no one about this matter. Not to my brothers, my parents, or anyone else."

"Your threats are softening, beloved..."

"I don't care and retract your area, you idiot," Moulin snapped at Hadrian. 

The man's eyes softened, and he did as was told. When Pola felt like she could breathe again, Moulin continued.

"Do you understand, Pola?"

Hesitantly, Pola nodded. Then she clenched her fists and stared at her beloved master. "Yes, I understand, master..."

Relief washed over Moulin's chest. There was guilt in his heart, but he chose to ignore it. With a soft gaze, he reached out and wiped away the tears beneath Pola's watery eyes.

Hadrian watched silently. 

"Pola, I will tell you everything tomorrow, alright?" The youth tried his best to comfort the girl.

Feeling the gentle touch of her master's fingers on her damp cheeks, Pola released a soothed breath. The tightness in her chest disappeared. "A-Alright..."

"Good..." Moulin smiled warmly. Gently, he told the girl to leave the room, for he would have a word with a particular person silently leaning on the couch. Although Pola hesitated, she followed her master's orders and left the room.

When the sound of the closing doors entered their ears, Moulin held his forehead with his hand and turned away. He was breathing sharply while his feet began to pace on the carpeted floors. 

This wasn't supposed to happen...

"You are acting recklessly..." Moulin muttered as he glanced at Hadrian. 

"Do you not trust her?" 

Moulin shook his head. "Of course, I trust her. The only thing wrong in this situation is that you chose to reveal yourself to her. Even boldly hinting her of our relationship!"

Hadrian furrows his eyebrows. "Moulin, I know the guilt would suffocate you if you would not tell even a single person in your household about your secrets." He began to approach Moulin with a sullen expression. For the first time, Moulin felt like he couldn't read Hadrian at all. The youth stood still as Hadrian embraced him. His strong arms gave him comfort and ease. However, he also felt slightly constricted.

Whispering above the youth's ear, "No harm will come to her if you think that girl is worth your trust..."

"...!" Moulin slightly pulled away and faced Hadrian. "Touch even a single strand of hair on her head, and I will cut you..."

"It pains me to think I am not more trustworthy than that servant of yours..." Hadrian frowned. "Am I really less significant than that girl?"

Moulin frowned. "You are important to me, and I trust you. It's your mind that I do not trust." He looked away. "... Sometimes you are too unpredictable. I can't feel at ease."

A smile appears on the lord's lips. Golden eyes softened at Moulin's honesty. Gently stroking the youth's back, Hadrian whispers as he carefully held Moulin's rosy cheek. "Whatever is in my thoughts,  believe that I am only doing everything I need to do for you. I will never harm you. I will only protect you and the love that we share, and nothing and no one will tear us apart..."

As much as it brought boundless warmth in Moulin's heart, Moulin felt like there was a deeper in  Hadrian's words. However, he trusts him. Moulin chose to ignore it and let himself indulge in the sincerity within the lord's promise. 

Moulin lowers his head and embraces Hadrian. The man gently strokes the youth back and patiently waited for Moulin to calm down. 

After a few minutes, Moulin gradually pulls away and sighs. 

"Better now?" Hadrian asked with a charming smile.

Moulin nods. "Yes."

"Good." With a chuckle, Hadrian kissed the youth's forehead and held his fair hand. "Come now."

"Why?" Confusion filled the youth's face as Hadrian leads him away. He tilted his head when he realized they were heading to his room's bathroom. 

"It seems that your attendant has prepared a lavish bath for you. It would be a shame not to enjoy her efforts. It smells lovely." Hadrian smirks as he glanced at Moulin behind her.

"Really?" Moulin widened his eyes. "But I had already taken a bath..."

Hadrian's smile straightened, and he feigned a pitiful expression.

If the Leonile sentinels saw this, they would surely die and bury themselves out of shock. Moulin wouldn't even dare what the infinitely-loyal duo, namely Varick and Rowan, would react to Hadrian's childish behavior.

Slowing his steps, Hadrian sigh pitifully, "I am quite exhausted and especially in need of assistance."


Moulin's lip twitched. 

"Are we seriously doing this?" Moulin's nervous eyes roamed his marble bathroom when they entered. The refreshing smell of lavender and honey-filled his nostrils, and he began to feel tempted. 

The air was pleasantly humid, making Moulin want to strip down and jump into the bath without hesitation.

"I see the interest in your eyes. Why should we?" Hadrian suddenly bent and slipped his hand beneath Moulin's knees. The youth yelped and instantly wrapped his arms around Hadrian's neck. 

Watching those silver eyes widen in surprise, Hadrian released a throaty chuckle. He began to head towards the pool with long strides.

Moulin frowned, "You were looking forward to this, were you?"

"I have honored my part of the deal, my beloved." Hadrian defended.

Rolling his eyes, Moulin sighed. "Then I should honor mine as well..."

Hadrian chuckled as he placed Moulin on his feet. The moist surface of the marbled floors of the pool's edge felt pleasant beneath the soles of his feet. Moulin was indeed impressed by the work Pola had done. Certainly, it would be such a waste not to enjoy it. There were even scented sculpted candles elegantly arranged at the sides of the pool. How lavish.

Equally finding the setting pleasant, Hadrian glanced at Moulin.

"How admirable."

"Shut up and strip."

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