A Gorgeous White

Chapter 183: The Hidden Story

*Warning; mention of child death*


One deep breath and closed eyes. 

"A story, untold and hidden.

Never to enter one's ears. Words chained within the darkness of the chest. Never to be uttered or sang. This story of the forgotten."

The youth listened. His silver eyes are a bright moon, glowing with inquisitiveness. The small hand within his grasp felt as soft as a feathered pillow, holding him gently, embracing his long fingers. The childish voice echoed within his ears and Moulin stayed quiet to hear more of it. 

Warmth seeped into his hand and the life of another played before his eyes.


Morhas was a god's child but was never a God. 

Ripped out from the womb he was created within, he perished pointlessly. But an offspring of a deity could not die and disappear so quickly. Before the blade of his aunt could cut his body and shatter his soul. The voice of his mother's hateful screams echoed throughout the temple walls. Anguish and fear laced her words as she crawled. Tears streaming down her face. Her nails clawed the stoned floors while she cried and bled. 

Naithalauna pitied Ethowna. However, confusion devoured her does her sister cherish the child after all? Within her grasped was the limp body of the child of her sister. Her hands bathed in blood and the limp body of the sweet child. The wails of her sister struck her with guilt and she began to yield to submitting herself to the grace of mercy. Blade lowered to spare the body.

However, when she did, the pitiful screams from her sister grew and grew. Blood sprayed from her mouth as she spat unlawful words with bloodshot eyes. The once beautiful and kind goddess was driven with the poison of revenge. She cursed and cursed while her wounded hands moved to wrap around her empty stomach. Salty tears mixed with the deep crimson of blood. Mind muddled, screaming with denial.

"It's GONE! GONEEE! NO!!!" Her eyes bulged from her skull as she screamed. The blood on the floor soaked her hair of curls. The deceit, so deep she drowned in it. 

The sight was horrible. Even Naithalauna could not bear to look at her sister any longer. The pain of realizing what she had done to her sister pierced her heart. 


"Kill it! Kill it!" Ethowna screamed. "He took it from me! My Life! He STOLE IT FROM ME!!!"

It was then that the goddess realized that her sister did not despair because of the loss of her child but the loss of her godhood. The thin and tiny still body within her hand had devoured her sister's divinity for his own. But now this child was dead and the means of returning her sister's powers have died along with him. 

Was this their punishment? 

Although the power of protection revolves around her and her followers, Naithalauna has killed an unborn child who was without fault. Perhaps this was her punishment. If she knew, she wouldn't have killed this parasitic creature.

The shake of her head destroyed all of Ethowna's hope. She bawled like a wronged mortal. Cursing under her breath with broken sobs. 

Where did it all go wrong? Was it the time when she embraced love with all her heart? When she chose to serve her people than rule with 'him'? When she held her womb with infinite disgust of the parasite leeching off her?

No, that wasn't wrong. She didn't do anything wrong! She was innocent! 


A victim! 

She never wanted this!

'This demon under the guise of a child deserved it...'

The anger and deceit led to Morhas's undeserved ending. His corpse was abandoned within a random and desolate place. Cold and ruthless. A rotting death.

They knew he was dead. Believed that he had perished. Body shredded and cut to pieces. Thrown away like waste. A sad and pitiful ending of a life that failed to even begin. 

The life of his body had perished... yet his soul was flickering within the darkness of his poor tomb. It is not easy to kill a god. Like shattered glass fragments. Flickering and dying. Hopeless. 

It is wasn't for that warm desperate hand that collected him, that sought the last of his soul, he would not be living and speaking with Moulin. Truly he was grateful yet despair haunted him. Was it right for him to live? 

'Yes, you have every right to live'

The sound of that voice destroyed every bit of doubt in his being. 

He will live for this person. 

He will serve him. 

He will destroy for him.

For... his father... 

The Lord of Demons and creation, Vigal.

His benevolent, kind father. His savior. The only person in all the realms that would love him. Even without a body and sense, he could feel the warmth of affection. 

However, his joy was short when his father, the great God was defeated and murdered by the very people he cherished.

No joy was everlasting... There will always be an end.

Struck by despair, Morhas continued to live in solitude and hiding. His life was never known by the God's but he kept himself hidden. For fear and sadness. 

Waiting is all that was left to do.


Wait for the right time to reveal himself. 


Wait for his... father. 


Disbelief marred the beauteous face. Moulin took a step backward, shocked about what he had just heard.

Morhas... is... 

The demon god's... SON?

The God who created those horrible gruesome creatures that feed and breed on the living? He demonic God that was worshipped by Veialeans and devil organizations? Although it pained Moulin to hear of Morhas's story he could not shake off the shock and fear forming inside him. he felt as if he would be swallowed and manipulated. Played by a lie. 

He should escape and fight back. 


But... Is it all true?

The texts in history books were exceptionally different than what the child has shown him. The beloved God Ethowna bore the child of the Demon God, Vigal, and despised her child. On the other hand, The horrendous Demon God, who was despised by all saved his child and loved him. It was as if everything was upside down. The grain of truth filtered and separated by the desert of lies. 

Truth or Lie?

"What... "

An ache pierced Moulin's mind the more he thought about it.

Silver eyes quivered and he loosened his hand but the hand tightened his grip with a sad smile. 

The black and silver eyes belonging to the child made Moulin pause. Internally, he didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Stop thinking or this space will shatter and we will never be able to meet again..." Morhas chuckled, however, it did the least to ease Moulin's discomfort. Somehow, it sounded like a threat more than advice...

"The things you showed me..." Moulin hesitated with narrowed eyes. "Are they... All real?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Morhas grinned playfully. "I would never lie to you, Moulin"

"Why not?"

Moulin asked "Why wouldn't you lie to me? We don't know each other. When I first came to this world you helped guide me in my sleep but I don't see the reason why you should do that? I didn't do anything for you to help me. Is it pity?" 

"Why would you think of it that way?" Morhas smiled. However, there was not a hint of sadness or happiness in his eyes. "I helped you because I care about you..."

Moulin furrowed his brows in confusion. "Why? Why would you care about me?... "

"Silly..." Morhas's voice changed. It was deeper and more ominous. It made Moulim freeze in his place. The child stopped and then cleared his throat. Lifting his gaze, he grinned. "You are the first person to visit me! Of course, I should care about you!"


"Yes!" The child giggled. He then turned his head and pointed at the glacial cave beneath the mountain. His eyes deepened with meaning.

"You were living in my grave..."

Moulin froze. 



Slowly, he turned his gaze to look behind him to stare at the opening of the ice cave where he previously lived. 

Morhas's grave?

"I also met the original soul of your body, however, his time was short. His death was indeed pitiful."

The child beside Moulin sighed. "Afterwards, you awoke a few days after. It was disappointing to see that I could only speak to you in your sleep for my abilities are limited but I made sure to prove my presence by giving you light..."


Moulin then recalled how the frigid walls of ice would glow every time he would enter the cave. For a long time, he thought it was his powers, his interactions with the snow, that caused it. He wasn't aware it was Morhas, the child that had been teaching him and guiding him. 

"I... was living in your tomb?" Molina muttered dazedly. 

"Yes!" Morhas nodded with delight. He tightened his grip on Moulin's hand. "It was so fun. You were so uncertain of how to control your abilities like a little bird first brought into this world, innocent and unaware of how the world works. However, your brother came and suddenly took you away... " His smile grew wistful. "Well, it made me glad that you came to visit once... and... With your lover..."

Moulin snapped out from his thoughts when the child's words entered his ears. He abruptly whipped his head to face Morhas. Eyes filled with surprise. "Y-You... were there?"

"I was always there..." Morhas tilted his head.

Oh, Gods. 

"Oh..." To think Morhas actually witness them during that intimate moment. 

"Although I wondered why you brought that man instead of that adorable fox of yours. You two were inseparable..." Morhas spoke his expression was hidden when he looked away. 

"Hm..." Moulin furrowed his brows. Snow was left in his room that night he went with Hadrian.



Moulin turned his gaze and noticed the child was suddenly silent. His eyes were downcast and a frown hanged on his lips. Although he was a god's offspring, he behaved like an ordinary child. His expressions exposed his emotions openly in front of Moulin.

"What's wrong?..." Moulin asked when Morhas wasn't speaking. 

The child gripped his hand and sighed. "We don't have much time..." He explained with a woeful smile.

No time. No time. He must hurry. No time.


Moulin instantly lowered his gaze and saw the crack spreading from where he stood? What? He tried to summon his powers but realized he couldn't even summon a single snowflake. Morhas's grip on his hand tightened. Confusion broke into Moulin's face.



Multiple cracks triggered more cracks and Moulin felt that the frozen floor beneath him could no longer stand his weight. 

"Don't fight it..." Morhas gently told the youth. A sad smile graced his face. "After this, I can no longer speak to you..."

"No! I still have more to ask you!" 

Moulin clenched his jaw when he struggled to free his hand from the youth. How is this possible?! Why was he so weak that he could not break free from the hold of a little child?!

"All answers will soon come to you. But you must face the price if you want to obtain them."

"You haven't answered my questions! Have you forgotten it? Hurry tell me right now!" Moulin gnashed his teeth as alarm rang inside his brain. "Why did you bring me here? Why was I brought into this world?"

Morhas stopped.

As if a force was compelling him. It restricting his throat and bound his soul. However, he wrenched free from those binds. 

Forgotten? Why had he forgotten that?

'Leave him'


Morhas knitted his brows.


Morhas steeled himself.

He must tell Moulin what he wants to hear or he will regret it.

As the cracks became more dangerous, Morhas spoke. "I brought you here to warn you! Your death is near. You must avoid it! Avoid the day when..." He paused. "When..."

His mind turned blank. 

Why? Why now?!

He had forgotten. The words he wanted to speak vanished within his mind. Shaking his head Morhas gnashed his teeth. "Moulin. Your life is a s-"


The last words failed to enter his mind as Moulin was plunged into darkness.

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