A Gorgeous White

Chapter 184: Awakened And Embarrassed Moumou


Moulin's eyes abruptly open. His breaths were rapid and heavy. With one move, he instantly sits up and held his head. "Hah... Hah... Hah... "

His heart pounded strongly as if he had just run a whole mile in one minute. The messy waves of his hair fell down his trembling shoulders. His chest, rising and lowering, Moulin shuts his eyes tight as a piercing ache enters his skull. Dizziness filled his mind. It was mind-numbing. 

'A dream?' Moulin furrows his brows. 

No, he didn't think so...

It felt real... 

Morhas... What did he mean to tell him?

Suddenly, heavy footsteps entered his ears and Moulin, driven by his unstable state of mind, swiftly summoned an ice blade and hurled it towards the person revealing himself. The blade cut through the air with a swish!

However, the man only waved his hand and caught the dangerous blade of ice within his grasp. Golden eyes stared with uncertainty at the disheveled look of the youth sitting on the bed. With suspicion, his eyes narrowed.

"Did you have a nightmare?" His deep voice inquired and he slowly approached the canopy bed.

Silver eyes slightly widened. The youth stared at Hadrian who came near him with a concerned gaze. Gradually, his breathing steadied, "Hadrian..."

At the same time, the blade within the man's grasp disappeared into a flurry of snow.

The Lord calmly sat at the edge of the bed and reached out to caress the youth's cheek. With a soothing tone, he spoke comfortingly. "I'm here." 

Moulin instantly felt at ease and he leaned his face against Hadrian's palm. The shock and panic in his silver eyes finally abated. He gave himself a couple of minutes to calm himself and lean on Hadrian's touch. The contact was surprisingly comforting. It did great to soothe his heart. Moulin sighed. 

After a couple of minutes, Hadrian drew his eyes together. "Must be quite a nightmare."

A crease appeared between Moulin's slender brows. The youth slowly narrows his eyes as he lifted his head to meet Hadrian's gaze. "It wasn't a dream. I had-"

Moulin stopped when his throat felt constricted. His eyes bulged open as he felt a painful pressure around his throat. His mouth opened and closed to breathe in the air but to no avail it was hopeless. His eyes reddened and he stared at Hadrian in shock. Alarm flashed in those magnetic golden eyes. Hadrian hastily held down Moulin's hands that were about to reach for his throat. 

A speech restriction, Hadrian recognized. He knew that this kind of seal can only be invoked by an infinitely powerful individual. Hadrian could not break the seal but he could take away the pain. Darkness surged in his heart, poisoning his mind blank. Who would dare do this to his person?!

Hadrian narrowed his eyes and he raised his other hand to hold Moulin's throat in a gentle grip. His long fingers curled around the youth's pale throat. His small adam's apple brushed Hadrian's palm. Looking into those desperate eyes, Hadrian calmly spoke. "Look at me calmly. It won't be painful..."

Moulin couldn't breathe. His lungs ached. The pain was similar to how he triggered the speech restriction a long time ago. Although panic decorated his face, he followed Hadrian's words and forced himself to calm down. 

"You're doing great..." Hadrian kissed Moulin's forehead and began to spread his mana toward's Moulin's meridians. Moulin trembled at the burning sensation around his throat. His hands clenched tightly into fists; knuckles whitening. With a thundering heart, he compelled himself to endure it.

It was not long before the pain and restriction around within his throat gradually lightened. When Hadrian remove his hand, Moulin gasped and he took in a lungful of air. He coughed between breaths as tears formed in his eyes. 

Hadrian stroked Moulin's back, feeling deeply angered and helpless. He couldn't do anything but watch as tears fell down the youth's pale cheeks. Bloodcurdling loathing filled his veins, pouring down like hot tar on his heart. Who did this? He will kill them! The cords in Hadrian's neck turned visible. 

"Cough!... Cough!...Hah... Hah... " Moulin breathed heavily. His shoulders slacked and he leaned his forehead on Hadrian's chest. 

Hadrian embraced the youth tightly. It was then that fear crept into his skin like long loathsome centipedes. They burrowed into his heart and nested. Brewing anxiety and distress. Hadrian bent his head and kissed Moulin's forehead. 

"Who did this to you?" He whispered darkly.

Moulin only shook his head. He couldn't tell. If he did, he would only trigger the speech barrier again.

Hadrian glowered as he stared at the bright daylight shining through the windows. "Is it the restrictions?"

Nodding, Moulin wrapped his arms around Hadrian. He felt that he would feel safe only within this man's arms. 

Hadrian gnashed his teeth. Ferocity boiled within his eyes. He tightened his arms around his beloved and declared, "We must rid you of that seal first. I will find them and they will pay for what they've done."

Moulin's eyes abruptly opened. Slowly, he pulled away from Hadrian's arms. "No, it's not-"

Knock! Knock!

Moulin stiffened while Hadrian expressionlessly raised his hand and broke the seal of the barrier briefly. When Moulin heard the door creak, He started at Hadrian in disbelief and shock. 

What was he doing?!

Hadrian only showed a faintly smile at the youth's expression. "It's alright..."

There was the sound of footsteps.


The door's lock sounded and the barrier weaved itself back. As Moulin was about to question Hadrian...



Snow and Keir suddenly appeared and approached the bed. They hopped on the soft covers of the blankets, rolling on them and running before they jumped into Moulin's embrace. 

Snow happily licked Moulin's delicate fingers as he sat on his master's blanket-covered thighs. Shyly blinking his golden eyes, Keir stopped and glanced at Hadrian as if asking for permission. Hadrian only gave him a side glanced with a slight nod. Happily, Keir jumped beside Snow and barked adorably at Moulin, wishing to be petted too.

The alarm and panic quickly vanished the moment Moulin saw the little furballs. He didn't want to move much because of the ache of his backside and the soreness of his lower body so he just leaned on Hadrian as he indulged himself in the cuteness of the little brats. 

A smile graced Moulin lips and he close to dismiss the anxiety in his heart that came from his and Morhas's conversation and the dreadful triggering of his speech barrier. A sigh escaped his lips and it didn't escape Hadrian's sight. The Lord narrowed his eyes slightly. Unknowable thoughts roamed in his mind.

"Young master?" 

A sweet voice noises within the room.

Moulin lifted his gaze and spotted Pola who was blinking at him with awkward eyes. She still could not accept the fact that her pure and magnificent young master was in a relationship with this Hercullian noble. Yes, Pola spent the whole night researching and even using her connections with the manorial's knights to learn the identity of her young master's lover. The dark circles underneath her eyes were proof of her effort. 

A Hercullian noble. 

It all makes sense now... Her young master... must be COERCED BY THAT MAN AND FORCE HIM TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP!

Yes! That must be it! She had heard of the reputation of this man. The blood of thousands was stuck underneath his fingernails. He's cruel and manipulative. His naive little master must have fallen prey by his looks! 

The naive Moulin: ...

Oh, her pitiful young master... Pola couldn't accept it! She will not accept it! 

The third young master must have no choice but to be swayed by the man! 

Pola stared at Hadrian who was gently stroking her master's back. It pricked her eyes. When Hadrian noticed her gaze, Pola quickly shifted her attention away. Decisively, a plan formed inside her mind. She must act meticulously. Her enemy was an extremely intelligent one, so nothing must go wrong.

"Pola?" Moulin knitted his brows.

A faint smile decorated the young woman's face. She slightly bent her head and spoke. "I have prepared yours and your guest's meal, young master. Please come and freshen up before you eat. " 

Breakfast was Pola's favorite part of the day. She wanted to take care of her master while he changes and bathes. Unfortunately, it was that damned dog that stole the task of waking up her young master. 

Moulin nodded and then told Hadrian to take the pups and head to the table first. When he pecked Hadrian's cheek, he stopped. "You changed?" Moulin furrowed his brows. "When?"

Hadrian leaned forward and whispered on Moulin's lips, "I went back a few moments ago."

"Oh..." Moulin blinked. 

Sigh. Honestly, this guy's ability is meant to be envied. Although it has limits, how convenient it is...

Afterwards, Hadrian stared deeply at the two black and white furballs and the little pups instantly scurried off the bed, running towards the table set by Pola. 

Snow: How dare he looks at me like that! 

Keir: Scary...

"Young master, let me help you..." Pola offered as she hurriedly approached her master and ignoring Hadrian.

Moulin raised a hand and shook his head. He winced when he felt an aching pain in his waist and back. Although it was only faint, Moulin had just woke up and he could not ignore it. He cast a glare at Hadrian's way and snapped. "How rough were you for the pain to not fade away until morning?"

Rough? Pola blinked.

A corner of the lord's lips lifted, "You were begging me for it. Did you forget?"

Begging? Pola wrinkled her forehead.

Moulin glared at him and sighed. "Honestly, We should never do it in the bath again. Next time, we do it on the bed, and no more weird of those..." Moulin blushed furiously. "... things."

"Of course, Master" Hadrian flashed a grin. He bent his body and landed a kiss on Moulin's lips and withdrew before Moulin could snarl at him. Watching the man walk further away from him, Moulin restrained to throw a couple of ice daggers at him. The flush on his face failed to fade away when he recalled the unforgettable events last night. 

Moulin bit his lips. Honestly, how embarrassing. He couldn't believe he was so immersed during that moment. Sex between the both of them always blows his mind away to the point that it would change Moulin. 

"Gods..." Moulin rubbed his face. 

That was his first time doing something so obscene. Roleplay wasn't even on his list of interests. Seriously...


Moulin paused. 

He slowly lifted his head and met Pola's round widened eyes. The young woman was holding her breath as she stared at her master.


Moulin abruptly flashed a smile, "Did you prepare the bath, Pola?"

Pola then snapped back to reality. She stuttered.

"H-Huh?... Uhh... Y-Yes... I did... Yes. I did, young master..."

Moulin's smile twitched. "Then please help me to the bathroom."

"Y-Yes! O-Of course, young master!"

Moulin tried his hardest to restrain his expression. 

'Stop stuttering, girl! You'll make me feel so embarrassed that I'd want to bury myself alive!'

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