A Gorgeous White

Chapter 185: Wake Up, Mother

His soft sigh warms his damp lips. Moulin vacated the bathroom. Doors closed with a ringing shut. His bare feet tickled the smooth shiny floor with the softness of his toes. 

Bathed and dressed, refreshed and soothed, Moulin made his way towards the long table situated before the glass balcony doors. He wore a white loose tunic that appeared translucent against his fair unblemished skin. His silky silver hair, elegantly braided and tied with a blue ribbon. Moulin who wore a relaxed expression eyed the food and the man making himself comfortable on his seat. 

Snow and Keir were gobbling all the food on their plate. It was both their third time and they still felt famished. Pola fell in love with the two adorable furballs at first sight. Together they were an ultimately adorable pair! With her hands clasped in front of her, Pola smiled at the two pups and then shot Hadrian a suspicious glare as well. 

"Good meal, My lord?" Moulin raised an eyebrow at Hadrian as he took the seat beside the golden-eyed man. 

Hadrian lowered the cup of black coffee in his hand and lifted his gaze to ravish Moulin's appearance. The liquid gold within his eyes deepened in color and a smirk played on his lips. "Indeed, it is."

Moulin narrowed his eyes at Hadrian's response and sighed. "Control yourself..."

"It sounds easy when said. Truly, it's torturous to just watch and not eat."

"Shut up" Moulin turned away and began to fold a napkin on his lap. His actions were elegant and neat. It made Hadrian amused. 

The rest of the meal was slightly chaotic for Moulin had to scold Snow and Keir who hopped on the table causing the utensils to fall to the floor. The table trembled as the two began to chase each other playfully with a macaroon in their mouth. Pola became flustered and she hurried to stop the two mischievous pups. Moulin glowered at the fox and wolf and wanted them that if they continued to misbehave they would never leave this room. Reluctantly, the two pups quietly jumped down from the table with lowered heads. 

In truth, it wasn't Moulin that had made them stop, but it was the extreme gaze of the golden-eyed lord who glared at them while Moulin was talking.

Snow: Hmph! I'm not afraid of him! Master can just beat him up!

Keir: I was bad. Wuwu...

After a few minutes later, Moulin finally finished his meal. With a cup of warm milk in his hand, he slightly turned his chair and gave a side-glance at the crystal cool of the balcony revealing the calm and grey skies. It seems that winter was about to come. Zenin City had always experienced more snow than the other three seasons. It was one of the reasons Moulin loved his home.

People, rich or poor, would all have a roof to cover their heads while living in the cold weather. And although this was the case, the people of Zenin have adapted to the cold environment of the city.

"Young master..." 

"Hm?" Moulin calmly hummed a response while he continued to stare at the balcony. 

Pola softly smiled and furrowed his brows as she began to relay the information she was tasked to relay to the third young master before she entered the bed chambers. 

"The Lord of the house has requested your presence..."

Moulin stopped. He gently placed his cup on the table and nodded to Pola. "Thank you, Pola"

Pola bowed to him.

Of course, Moulin already knew why his father would summon him. Maxille had delivered the cure to the family mage, Phaelona, and the family seer, Colahn, last night. Today, Moulin would know the results and then they would proceed to cure his sleeping mother.

Silver eyes glanced at the lord. Concern and uncertainty flashed in his eyes. "I will return shortly. Don't carelessly explore my house as you like. You still have to keep yourself hidden. Remember what we talked about before we arrived."

Hadrian amusingly narrowed his eyes and absorbed the youth's concerned look in his eyes. "Is it because you couldn't admit you would miss me, young master? Is this why you forbid me to roam freely in your abode?"

Moulin expressionlessly flicked the man's perfect nose. "No, I just don't want you to reveal yourself... yet."

Hadrian cocks an eyebrow. His whole expression evidently showed his interest in the topic. Moulin drew his brows together and looked away. 

"Just... Keep yourself busy..."

"Of course, young master." The teasing tone within that man's voice instantly made Moulin uneasy.

Not a moment longer, Moulin stood up from his seat, scolded Snow and Keir one last time, and followed Pola out of the door. He glanced at his room one last time before heading to his father's study. There were doubt and unease in his gut but he kept a straight face. Hadrian babysitting the two brats made Moulin slightly doubtful. Would Hadrian be too harsh on them?

Hadrian in child training: Eyes Snow and Keir intently. 

Snow and Keir: Master... C-Come back. 


"My son" Lord Fraunces Dontae instantly rose from his seat at his desks and strode towards Moulin with hope-filled eyes. 

"Good morning, Father" A bright smile graced the youth's face as he watched his father approach him.

The Lord embraced his third son tightly. Moulin was surprised. After a few seconds, he gradually raised his arms to return the hug. Moulin noticed the slight tremble of his father's arms as he hugged him.

Lord Fraunces pulled away from his son and patted Moulin's shoulder. The despondent expression that plagued his face for more than a month had vanished. What replaced it was the heartening emotion that filled his eyes with mirth and hope. With a smile, Lord Dontae spoke to Moulin. "Phaelona and Colahn have deemed the vial that you have brought to be a miracle. A small portion of the composition of the concoction couldn't be identified by them. But they guessed it would be useful to finally wake up your mother."

"Thank goodness..." Moulin smiled. 

The Lord of the Household nodded and patted his son's head dotingly. "Thank you, Moulin..." 

"It is nothing significant, Father. We all wanted to cure mother's illness. If you hadn't told me, I would have not thought of bringing the cure..." Moulin's voice gradually softens. He lowered his gaze thoughtfully.

Moulin's father gave a silent hum. "It was my fault. We had told you very late. Forgive me..."

Moulin knitted his brows, "Please don't blame yourself, Father" Moulin's voice was weak and soft as he comforted his father.

Suddenly, two knocks were heard from the doors. Maxille announced his arrival before Lord Dontae allowed him to enter. With a breath, Moulin's esteemed eldest brother entered the room and his silver eyes softened tremendously. 

Maxille's eyes caught sight of Moulin's figure and delight filled the young lord's expression. "Little brother..."

"Hello, Eldest brother." Moulin greeted with a smile. 

Maxille felt his heart melt as he walked forward he took Moulin's hand and spoke to him and his father with an enthusiastic tone. "The seer, Colahn, finally concluded that they would cure mother in half an hour. He's still gathering his tools but he will set us in mother's quarters."

Moulin notices his father's delighted expression. Lord Dontae nodded with exhilaration. 

"Good! Good. Come, we must hurry."


The doors opened abruptly and Colahn and his assistants along with the family physician were startled. They immediately stood up when their masters entered the threshold. Emlen was already by their mother's side. The second young master widened his eyes when he saw his family. 

"What took you so long?" He said as he stood from his seat and tucked Lady Maxiel's hand underneath the blanket.

"How long were we?" Maxille raised a brow. "We came as fast as we could."

Lord Dontae took the seat when Emlen stepped back to give way to his father. With hopeful eyes, he caressed his wife's cheek. 

Ignoring the curious and fawning glances of the servants, Moulin went to stand between Maxille and Emlen. With a soft voice, he greeted his second elder brother with a smile. Emlen softened his gaze and held his little brother's shoulder to pull him close. He shot a glare at Maxille before he turned his attention to the bed where their mother was sleeping. 

Her skin was deathly pale and her eyes were closed as though she would never open them. Moulin shook the thought away. It terrified him. 

Mother will awaken. And when she does, Moulin will give her the warmest hug. He would kiss her eyes and thank the heavens.

With the whole noble family present within the room, Colahn instantly went to work. With the help of the Lord, he lifted the Lady's chin and prepared the vial. Moulin watched as his father carefully held his mother's back his arm and he sits closer to his wife with anticipation.

Colahn worked fast. His actions were very careful. It was said that the fluid would immediately disperse once it reaches a person's throat. Since they were healing the spiritual soul and not the physical body. It would distribute through the person's internal soul and unseal the restriction caused by the venom. Automatically, the patient would awaken and vomit out the poison.

Finally finishing the task, Colahn anticipated as he waited silently. He placed the vial in the tray his assistant had prepared and glanced at his masters. His eyes stopped when it landed on Moulin. However, the youth didn't have the mind to pay attention to the seer.

Every single person within the room was suffering from the dreadful silence. 

Lord Dontae was getting anxious as the seconds went by. 

There was nothing... 

Moulin held tightly held his nervous eldest brother's hand as Emlen pulled Moulin close, rubbing his shoulder in comfort. 

Why is nothing happening? 

When will the potion take effect? 

Isn't the cure suppose to be instantaneous?

Moulin held his breath. 

Did something happen? 

After a few long minutes, Lord Dontae lifted his gaze. Pain filled his eyes. "Why isn't my wife waking up?"

Colahn became flustered but he calmly placated the Lord, "My Lord, the vial doesn't seem to work instantaneously. Perhaps, we should wait a bit-"

"I have been waiting for almost a month for my wife to wake up! You were so confident about curing her!"

"My lord..."

The room became chaotic. Even Emlen and Maxille joined the argument. The servants were anxiously fearing the people within the room. However, none of them moved to blame Moulin.

Moulin's pupils trembled. This regarding the air prickling his eyes, he kept his gaze on his mother. 

He stopped. 



In an instant, everyone was quieted and they stared at the once silent youth whose eyes were wide and surprised. His two elder brothers thought their little brother would begin blaming himself so they began to persuade Moulin that none of it was his fault.

"No... Mother..." 

Moulin pointed with wide eyes. "She's... awake..."

Instantly, every single person within the too returned their gaze to the Lady of the House who was silently leaning on her husband's shoulders.

Not a moment later, her lashes trembled. Everyone held their breaths. Numerous pairs of eyes began to redden and moisten.

Slowly, those long lashes fluttered open, and those round peaceful eyes were revealed. 

"D-Darling..." Lord Fraunces held his wife and he began to chant her name. "Y-Your awake!"

Dry lips move. Lady Maxiel knitted her brows in confusion. "D-Don?"


"Mother!" Three voices sounded together and the three sons hurriedly approached the bed with tearful yet joyful eyes. 

Servants instantly went outside to spread the joyful news of the Lady's awakening. Colahn sighed in relief and his assistant comforted him with a tearful smile.

Lord Dontae thanked the heavens for their mercy and kissed his wife's forehead. Maxiel, Emlen, and Moulin embraced their mother. Their heartbreaking expression could make anyone pity them and at the same time admire their filial piety.

Surrounded by her family, Lady Maxiel only blinked. 

What happened to me?

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