A Gorgeous White

Chapter 228: Returned At Last

The sound of rustling leaves filled his ears. 

A man sat under the towering tree of the Fraunces domed greenhouse. A cloud of gloom surrounds the area. A silence so ominous as if death was lingering in the air. The flowers were bright, the scent of herbs and mana was captivating, and the dazzling leaves that hang from the branches of the trees looked magnificent to the eyes. Indeed, the sight would lift one's spirit. 

But there was no joy felt. The man who sat with cold, lifeless eyes was none other than the heir of the Fraunces nobility. The young lord Maxille raised his hand to his face. A dreadful and weary sigh escaped his mouth. His head was lowered. It differs significantly from the more dignified posture he always wore. If one entered the area, their eyes would widen in shock and surprise at the sight.

Maxille slowly opened his eyes. Gray and exhaustion filled his features. The imperial knights of the palace have taken over their manor. Even if they still follow the orders of the Lord of the house, it didn't erase the fact that the palace did not trust their method of confining anymore. A wrinkle appeared between Maxille's brow. He seemed to be annoyed and hopeless. 

His gaze lifted. Gray eyes stared at the gem-like leaves. The filtered sunlight dappled over his face, and he recalled a memory. A memory of him and his he had missed so much, Moulin. He and Moulin had spent their time together here under the tree of the greenhouse. They taught harmoniously. A topic Maxille very much wished would disappear from his memory but couldn't. 

It was here when Maxille knew that Moulin had a person he held in his heart. 


He sighed once again. That man had taken his brother and threatened them with Moulin's life. He wondered how his dear little brother was faring. Was he alright? He hoped Moulin had finally learned about that man's schemes and come home. Gray eyes were enveloped with worry.

Ah. His heart ached so much it hurt even when he slept. Does Moulin hate him now?

"My Lord..." 

A voice called behind him, and Maxille did not bother to turn. His right-hand knight came and stood with a straight back behind him. "The Lord has called for your presence..."

"My father..." Maxille lowered his head. "Where is he?"

"The west drawing-room, My Lord. He is entertaining the royal knight commander and suggests you be there to witness their discussion." 

Maxille furrows his brows. His father had been shouldering all the work lately. Although Maxille had help solved most of the problems, his father was there to finish it all neatly. And now, the royal sentinels were here to make trouble in their own abode. Maxille felt distaste spreading in his mouth. High-born pigs. 

Maxille narrowed his eyes and stood up from his seat. He took one deep breath of the cool, clean air before sighing. "Let's go..."

Maxille strode towards the exit. Flowers of different species fluttered as if to greet his presence. He did not spare them a glance even until the coils of the guardian opened for his departure. Before he left, he took one last glimpse of the giant tree where he had sat under. His eyes deepened. 

And without a second thought, he turned and left the greenhouse. The coils of the guardian plant protecting the greenhouse all slithered back to block the exit once again.

As he walked, Maxille passed by a couple of pale-looking servants. They wore black attires, still mourning the loss of their friends. During the last few weeks, more and more servants left the estate. His father told Maxille that he had dismissed them as not to spread the Kron within the manor. However, Maxille had seen with his own eyes how they snuck past the guards and climbed over the walls to escape. He had told his father, but he only smiled with a faint nod. 

Deep inside, Maxille then knew that it was useless to try and escape the eyes of the royal knights. But he would stay shut and not speak a word. Minding his own business. 

Looking over the lush gardens, Maxille slightly narrowed his eyes. The estate appeared deserted. Quiet and bleak wss the atmosphere around him.

"Eldest brother..." 

A familiar voice caught his attention. Maxille looked ahead and met similar gray eyes. However, unlike his own, they were filled with restrained anger and revealed a desperate sorrow. Maxille hated this look on Emlen's face.

"Emlen..." Maxille ceased his steps as Emlen did before him. Inside, he already knew what Emlen wanted from him. 

"Brother, please..." Emlen began as he drew his brows together. "Let me see our Mother..."

Maxille stopped. It felt as though something was blocking his throat."You know I cannot allow that..."

"Just once... Let me see her... " Emlen's voice broke. "It's been weeks. And I cannot imagine the loneliness that haunts her in that room... "

Maxille wavers. 

Their mother. Their poor mother who was unfortunate to be the victim of the damned Kron. She has been isolated, and they were unable to see her pale, listless face for weeks. It was torture. Their father took the news even worse than Emlen and Maxille. Maxille had witnessed his brave and noble exterior shatter before his eyes.

They were a mess. 

Maxille, admittedly, yearned to see his mother again. Bright and lively. But fate seemed to have different plans. 

"Emlen... " Maxille sighed. "Even I want to... but I cannot allow it. I cannot risk your safety as well... we have lost too much. People are dying within our walls. I cannot have you join them as well. You must understand..."

"I cannot bear it any longer. I cannot just sit by  anymore." Emlen shook his head. "You and father want me to stay in closed doors to be safe, but I want to help. Mother... she's dying, isn't she..." 

As much as Maxille wanted to comfort his younger brother, he had to endure it. Hearing those last words spoken by Emlen's mouth. Maxille narrowed his eyes.

"There will be a way..." Maxille forced out. There has to be.

"My Lord..." 

Maxille's knights apologized for the interruption and quickly reminded him of his destination. With a sigh, Maxille nodded. He turned to Emlen helplessly. In truth, Emlen's words were true. He and his father have been treating Emlen carefully. 

"Why don't you join me and take part in father's discussion in the drawing-room..." Maxille suggested with knitted eyebrows. 

Gray eyes lifted. The second young master stared at his brother for a few seconds before nodding silently. 

With a faint smile, Maxille beckoned Emlen to walk with him as he led the way. There was a bit of light in Emlen's eyes. Maxille could see it. 

As they headed to an open courtyard, Maxille decided to break the silence between them.


However, before he could open his mouth, a loud thud noised behind them. Maxille felt a disruption in the air. The presence of mana was brief but intense. 

When they turned their heads, they froze on the spot. 

Eyes wide in shock and disbelief.

Carrying a wounded Vernallian young master was the young man both brothers have spent days aching in worry and sorrow. Weak knees crashing heavily on the ground, arms trembling at the weight he was forced to carry. Messy silvery-white hair draping down his delicate face. 

Bloodstains were visible on Moulin's chin as he panted heavily.

Maxille and Emlen felt as though they were rooted to the ground. 

"T-Third young master!" It was the voice of Maxille's guard that brought them back to reality. It was really Moulin in front of them.

Moulin, hurt and aching, had bloodstains and bruises on his skin. The mana around him was faint, and he looked as if he would collapse at any moment.

"Moulin!" Both brothers hurried to Moulin's side. Their voices were so loud it caught the attention of the guards and servants roaming the area. In less than a second, a crowd formed. 

Emlen almost stumbled as he ran forward. He kneeled beside his younger brother's exhausted form and held his shoulder to keep him from falling. Maxille yelled hastily, palmed Moulin's back, and inspected his body. But it was as though Moulin could not hear them. His eyes were blinking slowly, weariness, hunger taking over.

Moulin panted. His lips parted, and his grip on Alsander tightened. He didn't know passing through a portal had become so energy draining. 

"Inform my father and send the healers!" Maxille gritted his teeth as he ordered the knights.

The men quickly turned to do as they were told. 

Dizziness filled his head, and Moulin felt his vision turned blurry. He felt someone loosen his hold on Alsander, taking the weight away from his limp body. His hearing faded. He could only hear unclear voices. He couldn't understand them.


The shout entered his ear, but Moulin remained still, unclear of the world around him.

When his vision blackened, all he could recall was arms slipping underneath his body and lifting him off the ground. He willingly loses himself to unconsciousness.


'It is coming... The day foretold... It is coming... '

Voices echoed endlessly in his head. It felt as though his brain was vibrating. 

Moulin frowned. His eyes shut tight. An uncomfortable ache was settling in his chest.

"How is he?" 

"Unwell. It seems he was exposed to mana-draining restrictions far too long. His energy is depleted. And it appears he hasn't eaten well. He will need mana-enriched food and rest. Plenty of it. A day or two of sleeping will perhaps do him good."

"Damn it! Were they treating him like a fucking prisoner?!"

"We should've stopped him. He wouldn't be like this if we stopped him."

Moulin groaned. Although drowsiness was plaguing his insides, he forced himself to open his eyes. The light beside his bed blinded him for a brief moment before his vision adjusted. And he met the sight of four people standing not far from him.

Sensing the faint shuffle of blankets on the bed, the four people instantly turned their gaze.

"Moulin!" It was Emlen's voice that he heard was louder than the rest.

Before Moulin could react, strong arms quickly embraced his torso. Moulin felt like he was about to spit his lungs out. 

"Get lost!" Maxille glowered as he yanked Emlen away. He then approached Moulin ignoring Emlen's annoyed grunt. Maxille held Moulin chin and carefully examined the paleness of his little brother's skin. Moulin's lips were dry, and he looked sickly. 

Cursing under his breath, Maxille's eyes flashed. 'I'll kill him.'

"Moulin..." A deep voice called. 

Moulin blinked as he furrowed his brows. His eyes met his father's. The man looked like he had ages more years. Weariness was evident in his features. Lord Fraunces neared the youth's bed and pulled Moulin into his embrace. 

Moulin felt warmth in his father's arms. He swallowed. Eyes wide and moist. With tired arms, he raised his hands and returned his father's embrace. Moulin pressed his nose on his father's shoulder. His fingers curled tightly. He was like a lost child that finally found comfort. 

"Welcome back, my son..." Lord Dontae whispered. The emotions in his heart were bursts inside his chest. Relief washes his heart.

Moulin nods faintly. 'I'm home'

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