A Gorgeous White

Chapter 229: The Third Young Master Has Returned!

Moulin's arrival caused a commotion within the estate that lasted for days. It was all the people talked about ever since then. 

Unaware of the fuss outside, Moulin was kept in his room. He slept like the dead and woke up only when hunger took over him. This went on for two days. He wasn't allowed to leave the room. Even stepping out of bed was forbidden. However, Moulin wasn't bothered. The servants had kept the windows open to let fresh air in. It was all he had ever requested from his family. And as he slept all day, Snow was beside him. The poor little fox refused to leave his side even when Emlen and Maxille wanted to take care of him for Moulin. Helplessly, they could only let the little beast accompany their youngest brother.

Lord Fraunces frequently visited his third son almost every day despite the work overwhelming him. He was quiet as he sat to listen to the doctor's report of his son's well-being. 

And as the days rolled by, Moulin was satisfied. However, hidden deep within his heart, he didn't find peace. 

No one mentioned Hadrian in front of him or even question him about his escape and the state of his arrival. 

These details lingered in Moulin's mind as he currently stared at the rustling leaves. Bits of snow fell from their green curved bodies. The gentle afternoon daylight made the snow glistened magnificently.

"You're recovering well. If you spend a few more days resting, then you will completely recover. However, I suggest you don't start expelling your energy as soon as you go out." A gruff voice spoke. The doctor lowered Moulin's hand and nodded to his side. A servant came to help him clear his equipment. 

"Thank you..." Moulin nods to their family's doctor. The man stopped for a moment before he stood up from his seat beside the bed. 

"It is good to have you back, young master" The man smiled with relieved eyes. 

"Are you sure he is alright?" Emlen suddenly spoke up, nearing the bed. He glanced at Moulin's pale countenance before turning his gaze to the doctor. "Check him a few more times. I am not satisfied." 

The doctor wrinkled his brows before he said. "Young master, this is already the third time. I assure you, he is out of harm. The third young master is recovering quickly. But if it pleases you, he may stay in bed for a day or two."

Moulin hastily turned his head. "That won't be necessary..."

"Yes, I think he should..." 

Moulin sighed as another person came to step forward. With stern expression, Maxille gave the doctor a cold look. He stood beside Emlen. If one looked closely, they would discover how alike their serious expressions are.

Shaking his head, the doctor only smiled faintly. "Then please excuse me..." 

His steps were light as he left the room with his assistant. 

Moulin furrowed his brows as he lifted his gaze. "I am really fine..."

"I wouldn't want to disagree with the doctor's report. You are, indeed, recovering. However, you don't look well. The air around you speaks about it." Maxille said. He sat on the edge of the bed, seeing that Emlen had taken the doctor's seat. With soft eyes, he lifted his hand and tucked a lock of hair behind Moulin's ear. "Is there something bothering you?"


Under the deep scrutiny of the two men, Moulin felt like nervous. From the last two days, he had heard of the tragic situation happening in the manor. His brothers have been working hard. Moulin hesitates if he should bother them with his thoughts.

"Stop hesitating. Tell us..." Emlen spoke with knitted brows.

Blinking, Moulin clutched the sheets of his blanket. His voice was a whisper. 

"Can I go and visit mother?" He asked. Hesitation was evident in his expression. 

When his words sank in their ears, the two men stopped. Emlen's eyes deepened, and he looked away with pressed lips. Maxille clenched his hands. A sigh escaped his lips, and he lowered his head momentarily. A day ago, they had already explained their mother's situation to Moulin. Their younger brother didn't look surprised. It was as though he already knew. However, the despair within his eyes was unmistakable. 

Maxille's eyes lifted, and with a gentle voice, he spoke. "You can't, Moulin. Only the chambermaids and the seers are allowed to go near Mother's quarters. It was also mother's wish for us to keep our distance. Even father, did as told because he respected Mother's wishes. You must understand." Maxille tried to keep his voice as soft as possible to alleviate the emotions daring to burst out from those silver eyes. 

"..." Moulin lowered his head. Although he was reluctant, he nodded his head sun understanding. He didn't want to cause trouble by being so stubborn.

Seeing their brother's respectful silence, Maxille and Emlen both felt uneasy in their hearts. Once again, they felt that Moulin's low-spiritedness became more and more apparent the more they looked at Moulin. Their brother has become relatively silent and depressed ever since he had woke up.

Maxille smiles faintly when a thought revives in his mind. "It seems you need to stretch your limbs. Just this time, I will allow you to leave the room."

Moulin lifted his gaze. "Really?"

"Really?" Emlen frowned. "He needs to rest..."

"I can't?" Moulin looked at Emlen with a sad look. His fingers fidgeted nervously. 

"Erk..." Seeing those pitiful eyes, Emlen stopped. His folded arms slightly loosened, and his posture became awkward. Reluctant yet unable to bear that stare, he looked away while swallowing.


Moulin smiled, ignoring the tiny scoff that sounded by his side. Snow, curling into a ball comfortably, briefly glanced at Emlen before returning to his sleep.

Before Maxille left with Emlen, he strictly told Moulin to wear warm clothes and avoid the knight's barracks and the training grounds. Those places served to become wards for the dying men and women who have caught the Kron within the estate. Moulin was also told to return to his room before dinner. For the sake of leaving his room, Moulin immediately agreed to those terms. After changing his clothes, Moulin sets out to his destination with a particular sleepy fox in his arms. 

The manor had fewer workers than the last time Moulin was here. The hallways were almost deserted. In every turn, he would barely encounter a servant walking the hallways. 

Arriving before the big wooden doors of one of the estate's guest rooms, Moulin slowly knocked with his knuckles. 

There was a soft response inside. Moulin wasted no time and pushed the doors open with a faint smile. 

"Took you long enough. I only wanted one single visit. Is that so hard to do, young master?" An amber gaze eyed Moulin.

Lying like an injured patient on the mattress of an elegant four-poster bed, Alsander sneered as he gazed at Moulin. His two legs were spread as he plucked a grape from the bowl in his hand. He appeared like some arrogant, carefree young master. Moulin almost wanted to kick him off the bed. 

"Unlike you, I was forbidden to leave my room" Moulin frowned as he lowered Snow to the ground. The little fox bolted, jumped on the bed, and snatched the single grapefruit from Alsander's fingers. 

Alsander yelped in surprise, and he glared at the little fox enjoying his spoil. 

"Your little pet needs to learn some manners." Alsander snapped. 

"He's not a pet." Moulin raised an eyebrow. "He's family."

"Right..." Alsander huffed before he held his bowl of fruits tightly in his arms. He eyed the silver-eyed fox warily. Snow only tilted his head. 

Moulin chuckled and approached the bed. "How are you?"

"I'm obviously doing better than you. Thanks for the concern. " Alsander smirked. "The imperial knights blocked all exits and closed the estate with a barrier. It looks like I'll be stuck here for a while. If you don't mind me, I'll make myself comfortable."

"I don't mind at all. It is good to see you well. I've been worried." Moulin sighed as he sat ad the edge of the bed. 

"How touching. It's funny to think that you've escaped captivity only to be imprisoned again."  Alsander grinned with a brief laugh. He only stopped when Moulin shot him a glare. 

After a short silence, Moulin began, "My mind has been drifting to the events at the Golden Fortress."

Alsander stopped. A brief uneasiness sinks into his stomach. He lowered his gaze. "We'll think about that later. Lord Estuvian and Heizea will take care of things. I hope so. Lord Hercullio wouldn't be stupid enough to destroy his own stronghold because his dear little bird had gotten away. And Aedion... He'll be fine... Hopefully."

"Hm..." Moulin nodded.


Alsander released a heavy sigh. His eyes lifted, and he stared at his friend's worried expression. 

"If the Lord comes for you again, What will you do? If he chases you all the way here..." Alsander was unable to keep one of his questions hidden. He was curious. 

Moulin was amused by his friend's submission to his curiosity. Indeed, he is more suited to be an informant than a young aristocrat who finds entertainment in spreading secrets. The words floated in Moulin's mind.

His smile fell when he found it difficult to answer. Moulin pressed his lips together. "I will face him..."


Alsander tilted his head after a few seconds of silence. "That's it? If he'd charge through the walls with an army of brutish maeruthans, I don't believe 'facing' him would solve it." 

Moulin frowned. "I don't want him to lose himself in violence again... He has already done enough. And he hasn't realized it yet. I... We need time... " Moulin sighed. 

Witnessing how troubled Moulin was, Alsander nodded and decided to stop pestering his friend anymore. The two of them conversed about the situation of the estate and Alsander's stay here in the manor. They exchanged a few comforting yet humorous words before Moulin finally decides to end their conversation. 

"Do me a favor and send me some treats." Alsander waved as he glared at his empty fruit bowl. 

Moulin laughed briefly before nodding. He left the room with quiet steps, proceeding to take a walk in the gardens. As he walked through the outdoor hallways, there were men garbed in armor of gold and blue. Navy capes draped behind their back. Their swords, sheathed on their belts, rattled as they walked. Their gazes on Moulin were arrogant and malicious.  The sentinel knights of the imperial palace...

Moulin could see one openly licking their upper teeth as he glanced at him. Moulin only ignored them and hurried to where the snow layered the stone pavement. There was anger in his chest, but he didn't want to waste his emotions on filthy people like them.

Snow's feet created tiny paw prints on the snowy ground. The little beast rolled happily on the pure soft powder. Moulin smiled faintly. 

Subconsciously, he lifted his gaze. 

His steps ceased. 

Not far from where he stood, there was an open window, three storeys high. Flowers of different kinds were placed on the stool of the window. Vines curled downwards; they looked elegant. 

Moulin's eyes softened. He had recognized the window, the room where it belonged to, and the owner of those flowers. There was only one person who can fill their windows with rare luxurious plants. 

"Mother..." Moulin whispered. Silver eyes slightly narrowed. Worry, anxiety, and longing cramped in his chest. 

He wasn't allowed to enter it. Not even go a step near it. What was she doing? Lying in bed alone, counting the second's tick by, gazing at the cruel open world beyond the window...

Sick and alone...

Moulin shut his eyes tight. He wanted to obey his brothers, to heed their warnings. However, he couldn't bear to imagine his dear mother locking herself in solitude.

Moulin clenched his fists. Silver eyes opened slowly. Staring at the open windows, a thought emerges within his mind. He didn't shake it away. 

Tonight, he would go and see his mother.

He'll tell her he's come back. Tell her how much he missed her voice and her gentle gaze. 

Moulin lowered his eyes. Nervousness bubbled inside him, but he doesn't change his mind. 


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