A Gorgeous White

Chapter 230: My Dear Mother

The sound of the nightly crickets sang pleasantly within the darkness. Petals of different shades glistened as the moonlight bathes their delicate forms. Night has come, and heavy gloom that was visible during the day fades in the evening.

On an empty expansive balcony, a figure swiftly landed on his feet. A chilling wind came to brush his body, but he didn't shiver from the cold. Instead, he found it comforting. Pure white strands glittered under the moonlight. They swayed behind the slender back of the youth, carefully walking towards the closed doors. Moulin felt slightly conflicted when he tried to open the doors. 


His eyes furrowed. He didn't want to make any noise lest he'd wake his mother. Taking out a pin from his hair, he inserted a tiny pin into the keyhole. Moments after trying to pick the lock, Moulin finally hears a crisp click.  A sigh escaped his lips.

Before he opened the doors, he stopped hesitantly. 

'Would she sense me? Is she sleeping at this hour? What if she isn't?'

Moulin drew his eyebrows together and shook his head. Just one look. Afterwards, he would leave. Moulin nodded to himself and took in a deep breath before slowly opening the door. There was a creaking sound, but it was faint, and Moulin knew it wasn't enough to wake a slumbering person. 

Slowly, he walked inside and left the door slightly open for his escape. His heels met the furred floor. It would feel lovely underneath his soles if he'd bare his feet. His eyes scanned the room, and Moulin remembered the peacefulness his mother's room had always given him. Whenever he visited, it was always delightful. The interior didn't change, he realized, but he didn't pay most of his attention to it. 

Walking forward with light steps, he looked like a careless thief striding into an emperor's treasury without care. His eyes were searching, and then they stopped. His gaze locked on the elegant canopy situated before the wall of his north. The gauze-like bed curtains looked especially glamorous yet plain. Just how his mother wanted.

Moulin's stepped stopped. His pupils quivered as he laid his eyes on the sleeping figure at the bed. 

Her breaths were steady and faint. Her wavy curls spread out on the soft white pillows. Her hands were clasped on her stomach. Expression, peaceful. It was this scene that would make anyone breathless. If they ignored the signs of the Kron plaguing her body.

Visible black veins sit underneath her skin, decorating her body like a net. Her lips were pale and dry, and she looked as if she hadn't drunk water for weeks. Black veins appeared as they were crawling from her neck up to her cheeks. The sight would make anyone want to step back. But Moulin wouldn't.

Pain pierced his heart. He felt like there were needles inside his gut, pricking holes into his innards. It was as though he was bleeding internally. Moulin fingers trembled as he raised his hand to his mouth. He stifled the sound, daring to escape his lips. 

The Kron had no cure. People have yet to find and create it. But will his mother last until it was found?

Moulin was very late. Too late.

Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. His knees felt weak, and he instantly lowered himself and hid his head under his arms. It was cruel. To think that he thought he had finally gotten what he had wished for—a second chance in life, a wonderful family, and a wonderful mother. 

There was a price. 

He would die thrice and would lose someone important. 

Moulin shakes his head with a quivering sob. Honestly... He couldn't even question those freaking gods this world worships. 


The youth froze. His head abruptly lifted, and his eyes grew wide in shock. 

His mother was wide awake. Sitting straight on her bed. Her drowsy eyes meeting his. Moulin didn't know how to react. He only sat there frozen. When did she wake up? How did he not notice it?

"Mother..." Moulin said subconsciously. He swallowed with a pale face. "I..."

Lady Maxiel breathes out. Her eyes blinked, hopefully wishing she was not hallucinating seeing her son. But when Moulin soft voice entered her ears, she then knew it was all real. Her dear precious son was here right before her bed.

Suddenly, the realization sank in her mind. Moulin was unprotected here in her room. Dread filled her eyes, and she hastily scoots backwards. "You shouldn't be here. Do you know how dangerous it is for you to enter my room?"

"I..." Moulin eyes were brimming with sorrow and anxiety. "I apologize..." 

Moulin quietly stood up slowly. He clenched his finger with a shaky sigh.

Lady Maxiel observed her son. Relief and joy flooded her heart. He was alright. Thank the heavens; he was alright. No one could describe how thankful she was feeling. How long had she missed him. The day she had collapsed, she failed to talk to Moulin. Every day she regretted breaking her promise and imagining how depressed his son had been as he waist for her response. But there was no strength in her limbs. The Kron was eating away her mana and gradually devouring a large amount of her energy every day. She could barely walk anymore.

The pain inside her body was excruciating. She could barely bear it without screaming. 

"Moulin..." She spoke up with moist eyes. "I missed you, my son." She couldn't reach out even if she wanted to. But even if she could, she wouldn't. She would rather die than let the Kron take away his son too... 

"How are you?" Maxiel asked with a gentle gaze.

Moulin almost wanted to run to her and embrace her. Feel her warmth around him. And he would listen to her words and tell her his stories. Moulin bites his lips. And with a faint smile, he replied. "I am well, mother..."

"That is good..." She sighed and briefly chuckled. "I never expected you would be so sneaky as to enter someone's room while they sleep. How did I discipline you?"

Moulin lowered his head. "I'm sorry..."

"How obedient... You sure change your colors fast, dear." Lady Maxiel shook her head with a smile. Her youngest son was as adorable as ever. Her smile slightly dropped as a sigh escaped her pale lips. "I'm sorry, I couldn't talk to you sooner..."

"I know, Mother. I understand. You don't have to apologize. It's really alright." Moulin lifted his head, hastily responding. He didn't want to hear his mother apologizing to him for something she couldn't control. It wasn't her fault. 

Maxiel stopped. The look on Moulin's face made her heartache. A wistful smile graces her lips, and her gaze is lowered. "You look unwell, Moulin..."

Moulin stopped. He looked down nervously. "I'm alright, Mother..." 

"That is not what I meant, silly child." She chuckled. " How can I not recognize my own child's troubled expression? What has been bothering you, Moulin?"

"It's nothing, Mother..." Moulin smiled. "I just wanted to see you. It has been so long..."


Suddenly, a frown replaced Lady Maxiel's smile. With a raised eyebrow, she looks at Moulin. "Is it that man? The Hercullio lord?"


Moulin parted his lips, but then no words were spoken. He didn't know how to deny or make up a lie under the watching gaze of his mother. He could only lower his eyes on silence. 

"Did he hurt you? Threaten you? What did he do? How did you come back?" As she asked, she slightly leaned forward, eager to hear her son's answer. "What happened?"

Moulin's gaze softened as he watched his mother who was starting to rain down questions on him. He paused for a moment before knitting his brows. "It's..." He sighed, "It's a long story, mother. However, I realized that... he isn't what I originally thought he was..."


There was sadness in his eyes. Lady Maxiel could perceive it. It glossed over those dazzling eyes of silver. Flooding them with endless sorrow and hurt. The news should've delighted her; however, she didn't feel the slightest bit of satisfaction. She never wanted to see her son dwelling on the painful depths of his heart. It was heart-wrenching to witness. 

"That can't be true..." She smiled. "No matter what he was before and how he is now, he is still the same person... I believe you already know that."

Moulin looks at her with a hopeless gaze, "He's changed, mother."

"Do you dislike him for it? Hate him?"

The youth's brows knitted. Silver eyes blinked with uncertainty, but his voice was true. "I don't... I can't hate him... I could never..."

Maxiel smiled. "To change a person to your liking is difficult. Only they can shape themselves to how they want to be. Others can learn to accept them. Love is fickle. Perhaps, there are times a person will change for the person they hold in their heart."

Moulin stopped. 

Will Hadrian change for him? If he would become different badly because of him, was there a chance for Hadrian to change for the better? Moulin smiled as he lowered their gaze. 'Perhaps... There is a chance...'

"Do you love him?" Said Lady Maxiel. Her fingers loosened on the blankets covering her lower body. 

There was a brief silence. 

The youth slowly lifted his eyes and smiled faintly. "I do..."

"If you are afraid that he will change, I believe you can use your charms to bring him back to the right." 

Moulin furrowed his brows and chuckled. "Yes, of course, mother."

"You adorable, fool. You must listen well to your mother or else- cough, cough!" 

Moulin froze. Fear filled his chest. He was about to take a step forward when his mother suddenly raised a hand to stop him.

"Don't... come any closer..." She said while breathing steadily. She gripped the sheets; her face paled greatly. Looking at her weary expression, pain gripped Moulin's heart. His mother was hurting...

After a while, when she could finally breathe a little better, she gazed at her son with a wistful smile. "I think it's time for me to rest." She was reluctant. She wanted nothing more than spend the whole night talking to her son, but she knew that she could not. Lady Maxiel didn't want to put her son's life at risk. 

Moulin clenched his hands. "I understand..." He bowed his head and softly said. "Please rest, mother."

"Hm, you too..."

With a reluctant heart, Moulin turned around and headed towards the door. But before he could take a step outside, he stopped. His hand gripped the door handle tightly as he spoke. "You will be cured, mother. Don't worry... You will be alright..."

It was uncertain if whether he was trying to talk to his mother or convince himself. 

Lady Maxiel only smiled in response.

She watched her son step outside and closed the doors behind him. When he was gone, she could help but bury her face in her hands. Her shoulders trembled.

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