A Gorgeous White

Chapter 255: Captain, You're Scaring Me

A gruff cough sounded. 

It was so heavy that Moulin thought the man would vomit out his organs. Moulin was currently walking behind two heavily built warriors. He made sure to keep his presence hidden as his eyes wandered around him. He was feeling as though he was walking down the great halls of Thundralln in Meian. He wondered how big and how tall were each floor of the tower and how it was built to completion in just eight years. 

"Brother, you sick or something?" 

"Am not. Its iust something I ate."

Moulin returned his attention to the two males in front of him. The distance between him and the pair was a few meters. Moulin could hear them clearly. He only hoped Kier and Snow wouldn't catch their attention. There was a strange thrill of eavesdropping, and Moulin was curious of whatever it was they would speak about.

The second man clapped the back of his coughing friend and said, "There's no time to bother about that, my friend. It would be best if you worried about your assistance to the captain. It should be an honor for you."

The first man grimaced, "If it weren't for my stomach, I would feel ecstatic. Although I am glad of her return, she dismissed my greetings and ushered me to teach some immature brats." He sighed, "I'm just a substitute for her partner."

"The caster sentinel?"

"He's a better man than me."

"He's skinny-"

"He could drain your blood with one glance." The first man snapped. 

Moulin tilted his head. 'Who are they talking about?'

"Enough of that." The first man groaned and held his head. He cracked his neck side to side and released a sigh. "I heard the malibreeds have disappeared at the border. Like gone completely."

Nodding, the second man replied. "I heard. I was there too."


"The border when it all happened. You see, the dark forest has transformed. It turned pure white, enveloped by purifying ice. You should've seen the faces of the mages. They couldn't believe it was the reason that drove all the malibreeds away!"

Surprise filled the first man's expression. He asked about the origin of the ice forest, but his friend only shrugged, stating he had no knowledge about it. 

Moulin parted his lips as his eyes widened. The forest... it didn't melt away yet? How? 

He stared at his hands and slightly narrowed his eyes. Purifier... What the hell does this mean for him?


Snow suddenly jumped down Moulin's shoulder and skittered between the legs of the first man. The man jumped in fright as he raised his leg. If it wasn't for his friend, he could've fallen face-first on the floor. 

"Snow!" Moulin shouted. Another thing that scared the two men. 

Muttering an apology, Moulin smiled as he slipped between the two men. His hand beckoned Kier who instantly growled as he moved through the pair. The two men immediately made way for the black beast, and their foreheads turned sweaty. 

Kier growled at them before he chased after Moulin's figure. When the wolf slowly disappeared before their eyes, the two men sighed heavily. Honestly, they felt like their souls were being sucked out of their bodies during the last minute. 

"Snow! Stop!" Moulin called. He swore that when he catches the little brat, he was going to throttle him. He chased the fox until they exited the hallway and entered a huge circular area—the Arena.

This was his destination. However, he wanted to take his sweet time admiring the place, but a particular little fox was feeling mischievous, ruining his plans. 

"Snow!" Moulin snapped. 

Snow suddenly stopped after he climbed on top of a stone railing. Frustrated, Moulin sighed as he walked towards the little brat. Here they could see the full view of the area below—the extended seating of three rows, surrounding a vast open area at the center. Moulin glanced at numerous warriors training in pairs below before he picked up Snow by the scruff. 

"Naughty..." Moulin narrowed his eyes as the snow-white fox instinctively blinked his beady eyes pitifully. 

Kier arrived by Moulin's side, rubbing his head on the youth's thigh. Moulin gave a smile to Kier and told him what a good boy he was. The sight burned in Snow's eyes.

Snow: Sly dog! Stop coddling my master! Go find yours!

Kier only tilted his head as if he didn't understand Snow. Seeing the wolf and fox's interaction, Moulin couldn't help but laugh.


Moulin jumped in fright, almost dropping Snow off the railing. The fox internally shed tears as he clawed Moulin's sleeve desperately. Holding Snow to his chest, Moulin curiously looked down.

"Lifeless maggots! Lift your arms and use force! Where did all your food go?" From afar, a tall woman knocked the end of her spear on the ground. She looked extremely dissatisfied. 

Moulin squinted his eyes.

Somehow, he felt as if the woman looked very familiar to him. Platinum blonde hair, beautifully strong muscles. She was wearing a tight uniform, showing off all her muscles, and a long translucent blue scarf covering her upper body. A terrifying-looking lance grasped in her mighty hands. 


Moulin stopped. Suddenly, his heartbeats turned rapid, and neared the railing slowly until his waist met the stone. 

He couldn't be wrong. He knew her. He recognized her. Furrowing his eyebrows, a smile gradually shaped Moulin's lips. 


He whispered, and his hand clenched on the stone railing. Snow wagged his tail and barked happily. Shifting his attention to the fox in his arm, Moulin realized that the reason Snow abruptly ran off was because he knew Ghana would be here. Smiling, Moulin stroked Snow's head proudly.

"Good boy..."

Snow happily yipped and looked at Kier almost grudgingly. Master is mine!

Kier only blinked his golden eyes and wagged his tail. His little friend is so cute. He wanted to tease him more.

Meanwhile, Moulin warmly gazed at Ghana form from afar. She looks like she's doing well. Her ferociously energetic spirit didn't diminish even a bit. Ghana looked mighty... and very cool. Moulin pressed his lips together. How was it that his friend could have prominent muscles unlike him? He suppressed the grief in his heart. 

Still, it was nice to see her again finally. Her status had probably risen, given that she was training so many knights. Moulin sighed with a smile. 

'How can he face her?'

"Move your damn legs, you little worm!" Ghana hissed as she glowered at a man who was showing very low energy. "If this were a true fight, I wouldn't be surprised if your head happens roll before my feet."

Shuddering, the man's energy was restored remarkably the moment Ghana's words sank in his ears. He quickened his feet as he charges towards his opponent. 

Huffing, Ghana shakes her head. Disappointment filled her face as she began to start another round of observing each of the trainees. 

Moulin's eyes softened at the sight. He exhaled, unsure of what to do afterward. He had seen her and be very much wanted to go to her, to talk to her. However, could she believe he was really him? Perhaps, he had been dead in her eyes for eight years. 

His eyelids slowly lowered. Perhaps he should find the right time to reveal himself...


Moulin sighed. "Not now, Snow."




Frowning, the young man turned to the snow-white fox in his arm. Snow pointed his snout upwards. "Ao!"

Confused, Moulin lifted his gaze. His eyes widened. 

A tiny delicate snowflake flutters down before his face. Then a few more followed.

"What?" Moulin blinked his eyes rapidly. The skies were dim as always. The only difference was that snow began to fall from the sky—a stunning rain of white. 

Suddenly, Snow jumped down from Moulin's arms. The youth felt his heart thunder when Snow began to jump down the railing and descend down the seating staircase. 


"What?" Ghana shot a glare at the person behind him. Surprisingly, it was the coughing man from the hallway. 

The man backed away a little when he saw Ghana's dark expression. What's wrong with everyone today? Why are they fucking scaring him? He slowly raised a trembling finger to the sky. Ghana followed the direction of his finger. The rest of the people stopped their activities as well and realized the falling snow around them. 

Strange. How was it snowing today? Wintertime was still a few months away. They turned to their captain in confusion. 

The female warrior stopped her movements. Her blue eyes gazed at the sky deeply as though she was lost in her thoughts. While her men exchanged glances, she slowly raised her hand and watched as a single snowflake fluttered down her calloused palm. 


Suddenly, to the men's surprise, Ghana's expression turned wistful and solemn. The ice melted on her palm, giving her a faint cool sensation. A sigh escaped her lips. 



Ghana stiffened. She turned her gaze to her side and saw a little snow-white fox sitting beside her boots. Her expression instantly froze. 

"Captain?" The man behind her slowly called. 

Ghana gripped her spear. Her mouth opened, but no words were able to escape her throat. She pointed at Snow with a shaky finger, unable to form words. She must be hallucinating. Her deceased friend's lost pet was sitting in front of her. Snow... Snow, the brat. Moulin's little brat. 

"A-Ah-" Ghana kept pointing at Snow as if the little fox could explain everything to her.

'Captain, you're scaring us.' The men all thought as they witness the abnormal expression on her face. 


Ghana frightfully jerked back. The beast is real!

Then... she returned her gaze to the snowfall around her. 


The shout wasn't too loud, but it was clear to everyone's ears. The owner was unaware of his actions as he almost stumbled down the stairs. Fortunately, a big black wolf was there to aid him. 

Ghana turned her gaze, and at that moment, Moulin froze. He wrecked his mind to hide. However, he already knows it was too late. How stupid was he to shout out loud if he didn't want to get caught? Moulin's body froze when several eyes turned towards him, including one particular pair of blue eyes. 

Ghana stared at Moulin with wide eyes. Her body, unmoving, as stiff as a statue. It looked as if her soul just left her body. 

A heavy silence enveloped the whole arena. The men were surprised with the appearance of a beautiful maeruthan and, at the same time, wondered what his relationship was with their captain. Their captain... they turned to Ghana and were even more horrified when they saw their captain's expression. 

Tears suddenly flowed down her cheeks. Her beautiful yet fierce eyes are layered with tears. She couldn't believe it. There was no mistake... It was Moulin. 

Moulin felt lost when he saw her expression. He hesitatingly reached out. "Ghana..."


Ghana suddenly marched towards him. She bore an intimidating aura, and her eyes glowed fiercely. Although there were still tears in her eyes, it only made her look vengeful.

The men around her started to panic and hurriedly told her to stop. They also warned Moulin anxiously as well.

Moulin furrowed his brows, but before he could step back, he felt strong arms suddenly wrap around his body. The tight grip almost seemed to crush his bones!

Although Moulin wanted to wheeze, his heart softened immensely as he realized Ghana had accepted his presence. He closed his eyes and returned his embrace.

"Moulin..." Ghana whispered as she hugged him tightly. "You're back..."

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