A Gorgeous White

Chapter 256: Come And Meet Them

Their reunion was brief. As Moulin and Ghana spend the next couple of minutes embracing each other, Ghana kept whispering his name. Her long braided platinum blonde hair fell like a thick rope. The soft silk around her torso caressed Moulin palms. The feel of embracing his friend, comforting her, and reuniting with her was magnificent. He wanted to know everything about her-about her adventures, her hardships, and how she lived her life in his absence. 

Before pulling away, Ghana gave Moulin a tight reluctant squeeze. She withdrew her arms and abruptly raised a hand. "You're all dismissed."

Silence immediately filled the whole area.

The men took five long seconds to understand her words. Their expressions remained unchanged, shocked and confused. Something about their Captain has changed. They could feel it. Perhaps, their captain had been possessed!

Realizing that her men had made no move, she turned her head to them with dark threatening eyes. Flinching, they quickly moved their feet and saluted before her and her friend. They left the open area rapidly, leaving a trail of smoke behind them. They didn't even dare glance at the massive black wolf nearing the pair of friends. 

Moulin furrowed his brows as he met Ghana's eyes, "Did you have to?"

Ghana narrowed her eyes at him. The corner of her lips was tugged downward. "Is that really the question you want to hear from me?" Her voice was deep. It was slightly intimidating. 

Ghana's lip twitched as she continued, "You... " Her eyes slowly analyzed Moulin's body from head to toe. "You have a lot of explaining to do..." She met his bright silver eyes fearlessly.

Swallowing, Moulin nodded. His mind was already planning on apologizing to her first. 

Ghan took a deep breath before lifting her gaze to the snowy skies. 'It seems this was Moulin's doing,' She thought. Ghana had so many questions to pour down unto the youth's head. She didn't care about interrogating him until he couldn't sleep. She wanted to know everything! His disappearance, his death, and everything. What the heck was happening? Everything was just so confusing.

"Come..." Ghana spoke with a stern tone as she used her scarf to wipe her face. Damn it. She then strode forward with heavy steps, heading towards the exit of the arena.

"Where are we going?" Moulin asked. He bent down, picked up Snow, and hurriedly caught up after the female warrior. Kier trailed behind them like a serious guardian. When Moulin's eyes assessed his friends back, he realized how taller Ghana was compared to him. She's even more manly than him. The thought somehow made him disheartened.

Through the arched hallways and arriving at a slightly crowded area, Moulin silently followed Ghana until they reached the teleportation platform situated at the center of the open space. Ignoring the attention they were attracting, Ghana stepped into the platform, and Moulin, curiously along with Kier and Snow, followed her.

With a straight face, Ghana flipped a token, and their figures disappeared instantly. 

"Hey... was that the captain?" Someone spoke during the silence.

"I-It was. But forget about that, that wolf... It's THAT wolf. And that maeruthan... An aphrodite."

"... I think so."

They have never indeed seen an aphrodite maeruthan. And a stunning one at that.

Is this a sign?


Recovering his vision, Moulin found himself appearing in a dark alley. It was dim and murky and smelled like used oil and sink water. What surprised him even more was the disappearance of a teleportation platform beneath his feet. The sound of people noised several meters ahead of him where the alley's exit was exposed to his eyes. Numerous people are wearing similar yet different colored robes passed by in a rush.

The token Ghana must have used should be intentionally tampered with to divert the destination away from the designated teleportation platform. Such a thing was illegal. However, who would care about such things in these times?

"Can your... " Ghana paused when she stared at Kier. Uncertainty filled her eyes briefly. "Can your wolf change its form?"

Unsure, Moulin turned to Kier. Before he could even speak a word, the wolf suddenly glowed briefly. A flash of light occurred, and the once large form of the Golden blood wolf disappeared. Instead, what replaced it was a miniature version of Kier. His marks didn't disappear. The shrunken beast looked as if he'd returned to his past years. Moulin felt satisfied, approving greatly with the new look.

Nodding, Ghana took off her scarf and gently wrapped it around Moulin's head like a hood. She gave a soft smile, "You're as eye-catching as always." Moulin responded with a raised eyebrow. After carrying both the wolf and fox in his arms, he followed Ghana as they exited the alley.

They were venturing down the streets. The faint scent of incense and perfumed filled the air as several people in robes wandered about the district. They were rushing as though they were being chased. Moulin almost collided with one man when he wasn't careful. 

"The third district. This is the work ground of all mages." Ghana explained as she turned to another street which was more vacant and open. The houses were almost uniform. It was the difference in design and decoration which made the buildings different from each other. Moulin nodded as he looked around. Then he stopped.


Does this mean he was out of the Towers? A sense of dread filled him, and he decided to return quickly afterward.

"Over here..." Ghana spoke as she heads towards the gates of a very simple yet elegant building. They swiftly entered through the gates. Watching Ghana's movements as she took out an ivory tablet and the doors instantly granted her entrance. Moulin entered after Ghana with a questionable expression.

Where is this? Why did Ghana bring him here? Is this her a house?

The interior was pretty simple. A twin staircase foyer greeted them when they entered and a lightless chandelier hanged on the ceiling. Given the dimness of the area, an eerie atmosphere filled the place. The smell of rose-scented candle wax wafted in the air. It probably came from the candles on the chandelier.

Ghana pulled the rope beside the doorway, and the sound of a ringing bell resounded throughout the hallways. 

"Ghana, whose house is this?" Moulin asked as he glanced at her. 

"You'll see" She smiled and placed her spear against the wall. She then held Moulin arm. "Come, let's not wait for him."


Ghana towed Moulin behind him. They came up the stairs, and the steps creaked under their footsteps. Arriving on the upper floor, Ghana leads the way through the hallway. Still, it was dark. Not even a candle was lighted. The woman pulling Moulin seemed to know her way through the building.

Finally, Ghana paused before a wooden door. Moulin felt the grip around his wrist slightly tighten. With a calm smile, Ghana pushed the door open. 


A loud groan entered their ears. With the sound of clinking metal, the faint scent of old pages and wood, Moulin felt slightly overwhelmed by the coziness the room greeted him with. Under the light from beyond the windows, the room was illuminated. Bookcases layered the walls. A round, unbalance table sits at the center of the room. Among the open books and daggers on the table, a person lifted his head from his folded arms. 

Moulin stiffened.

"Ghana..." The man with messy black hair rubbed his eyes after taking off his glasses. His loose tunic revealed the not-so-visible muscles of his body when he leaned back on his chair, trying to shake off the drowsiness. 

'Jagra, ' Moulin internally said. His eyes were wide and unblinking. Is this why Ghana brought him here? To meet Jagra?

Moulin curled his fingers. His heartbeat quickened, and the man at the table quickly sensed it. 

Jagra fixed his glasses on his nose before glancing at Moulin. "Who's your friend?"

"Look.. don't freak out when I-"

Moulin whipped his head to Ghana and abruptly pinched his friend's arm.

Ghana jerked and turned to Moulin. "What?"

Moulin whispered, "Don't. I don't think-" 

"Don't think what?" Jagra stood up from his seat, confused and suspicious. His eyes narrowed on Ghana, "I've been busy, so I couldn't accompany you to train the soldiers. What are you up to this time? Are you skipping your duties again?"

"I wouldn't!" Ghana fired back.

The man in glasses only frowned, feeling more suspicious. "Then why are you here so early? Who's this person behind you?" His eyes narrowed as though he could pierce through Ghana's soul.

"T-This is... " Ghana could never feel calm every time Jagra would glower at her. She started sweating nervously. 

Staring at the scene before him, Moulin was surprised by Jagra's strong awareness. He was like a fierce executioner, ready to decapitate sinners. Jagra wasn't so tense and cautious before. Now... with the daggers laying before the table, he looked as if he was picking the blade for murder.

Ghana swallowed, "I-I mean this-"

Suddenly, the doors at the side opened. Bursting into the heavy atmosphere was a tall woman. Her hair pulled up in a bun. Freckles decorated her cheeks. However, she looked mature. Her fine figure, all curves, and a curious look in her calm eyes silenced the room. In her arms was a box of rolled parchments. 

Once again, Moulin felt like he couldn't breathe once he laid eyes on the woman. 

"Pola, you've arrived." Jagra whirled and acknowledged the presence of the woman beside her. He sighed, "Looking at you is refreshing..."

Ghana rolled her eyes. 

"I'm glad you still have the confidence to say that." She replied. And her calm eyes swept over the clutter on the table. She felt an itch on her fingers. With a sigh, she raised her gaze to Jagra, "We are far from done, Sir. I suggest you clean up the table. The others have already arrived and are awaiting your presence." Then she turned to Ghana, "Both of you."

Ghana paused. Her heartbeat suddenly quicken. Unconsciously, she scratched her cheek as she looked away while clearing her throat. All these details entered Moulin's eyes. The youth and his brows furrowed. "...?"


Moulin felt his throat constricted. He didn't know if he was even ready for this. Maybe he should come back another day?

"Who is your guest?" Pola's voice was soothing and calm as she swept her eyes over Moulin, whose face was covered by Ghana's scarf. 

Moulin felt his body stiffen and then nervously began to overwhelm him. He couldn't answer. Luckily, Ghana stepped forward faced the two people in the room. She took a deep breath which confused the man and woman. "This person-"

"A friend." Moulin interrupted. He added, "I am her friend..."

Ghana turned to look at him. Her blue eyes were confused and intense. Moulin exhaled deeply and shook his head. 'I'll have to prepare myself next time. Moulin couldn't restrain himself from thinking unnaturally about the results of revealing his identity. Somehow, he found the situation a bit... frightening.

Moulin revealed a slender hand and grasped Ghana's arm. With a whisper, he said, 'I'll go first...'


At that single sound, everybody in the room stopped. 

All eyes turned to Moulin in less than a second. Jagra's eyes were even more intense as he eyed Moulin. He could sense the person's heartbeat growing faster and faster. That sound... It was something he had forgotten about after several years. 

Was it... Snow?

Abruptly, Moulin hastily wheeled around and hurriedly bolted towards the door. 

"Wait!" Pola extended her hand.

Ghana was closer, and she reached out to grab Moulin's arm, but all she could reach for was the scarf. And she pulled it... unintentionally.

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