A Gorgeous White

Chapter 298: The Third Young Master's Suspicions

A soft echoing laugh resounded throughout the area as if it was a sound bouncing off the dark walls of a deep endless cave. Moulin stopped. He raised his head and realized that the ceiling had disappeared. What replaced it was infinite pitch-black darkness stretching so high it was impossible to see the end of it. Perhaps, there was no end. It appeared like tendrils trying to lure the young aphrodite beneath. Afterward, a slow enticing sigh sounded—the sound of an amused woman appreciating her creation.

Moulin narrowed his eyes. It was evident that the mistress had kept him trapped within some space. It could be an illusion of a room, but to find out, he must take action. However, under the eyes of the master of the illusion, he is a helpless mouse forced to hide his identity. For a moment, Moulin strangely thought he was alone. Moulin lowered his head, and his eyes stared at the man standing in front of him.

"..." Hadrian met his unwavering gaze. Those golden pupils were captivating in a sinful way. Moulin was undoubtedly swayed. However, he felt as if there was something missing...

'I didn't expect the person in your heart to be... such a fascinating man.'

The Mistress' voice spoke once again. Her figure was nowhere to be found but Moulin reckoned she was here. Her presence was here, untouchable and unseen. She was watching him.

Her words clicked something in his thoughts. The brightness in the youth's eyes diminished instantly. 'I knew it, he thought.

"Moulin..." Hadrian spoke. His voice is calm.

The youth faced him expressionlessly. "Don't imitate him. You are not him."


'Pfft! Hahahahahahahaha!'

The walls trembled. The floor vibrated. It was as though the whole room was affected by the explosive emotion from the woman's laughter. Moulin turned his gaze away. Every bit of him is cautious as he recognized the vigorous power surging around him. How can he break through this?

'Oh, how amusing.' Malyana chuckled. 'To think I would have this little treasure see through my magic. How interesting!'

Moulin abruptly turned around, feeling the abnormality of the energy behind him. He drew back and watched as hundreds of black snakes fell from the darkness above. They coiled around each other, hissing endlessly. Their reptilian eyes glowed a bright gold, beautiful and terrifying. Forming a tall figure, they hardened into stone. Stone faded into soft flesh before Moulin's eyes. Locks of golden hair fell past her shoulder. The curled tips ended right below the curve of her behind. Dressed in her usual loose red clothing, Malyana revealed herself with a wicked smile hanging on her lips.


Moulin froze, caught off guard when the orcan female snapped her fingers. Alarmed, he narrowed his eyes, breaking restraints, and summoned a long pure-white sword. His blade sliced through the air as he swiveled. The daring tip of his two-edged blade glowed. It was an inch away from the bare skin of the man's neck.

Hadrian was reaching towards him. Pupils dark, shaped into slits like a viper's. His handsome appearance exuded fierce energy like a predator ready to kill. Moulin was able to stop him in time. Even this fake had the awareness to fear being slain.

"Hm... I knew your looks weren't the only interesting thing about you." Malyana spoke.

Her eyes fell on the sword within Moulin's grasp. A dazzling white blade emanating pure precious energy. Her eyes slightly widened, curious and surprised. She examined Moulin's figure before speaking.

"Nhero must have recruited you." She said, raising her hand.

Moulin watched as the person before him withdrew, standing straight like a pillar. The youth lowered his sword, slowly sensing the illusion's intent to retreat. However, his grip on his weapon remained tight. He will stay cautious until he is free.

Drawing back, Moulin glanced at the woman standing behind him. "..."

"I won't bite, little snowflake." Malyana chuckled, resting a hand on her hip. "I will not harm you. I was already aware of your identity from the moment you stepped into my chambers."

"..." Moulin narrowed his eyes and turned around. If that was true, was she pretending not to know about Nhero and us? Moulin felt slightly anxious. This woman is even more dangerous than he thought. He had no way of escaping this place without causing a racket in the brothel. Now that his identity was exposed and he was trapped in this strange space of illusions, Moulin decided to withdrew the idea of fighting his way out. Perhaps, distracting this woman will give him enough time to think of another solution.

Finally lifting his head, Moulin spoke. "What do you want?"

"Now, that's better. Your voice is quite charming." Malyana praised. Her red lips curved into a smile as Moulin only narrowed his eyes. Breathing out a relaxed sigh, she tilted her head with a smile. "You're a purifier, aren't you?"


"I see." Glowing brightly, her ruby eyes appeared enchanting. Although Moulin refused to respond, she was already convinced. The sword in his hand made it all clear. Malyana cleared her throat.

"I am not your enemy."

The look in Moulin's eyes was cold and terrifying. He wasn't convinced.

Malyana already predicted his response and continued, "I have already known about Nhero's silly attempt to assassinate the Orcan Lords. Now, I am convinced he is serious about it. His movements are too easy to predict for a master of illusions and magic. However, I cannot deny that I, as well as many others, detest the rulers of this city. We share the same goal."

Moulin was seething. "You have men and women to engage themselves in debauchery, threw them at paying 'guests.' Spreading this essence in the air to muddle the minds of every single people stepping into this brothel. How am I to believe that you have the same intentions as Nhero?"

"So you've realized..." Malyana rubbed her chin with her finger. 'Perhaps, the incense is useless against purifiers.'

She composed herself. "These men and women I have taken in are determined people who work alongside me. They are my ears and eyes. And I am not that vicious and cruel to force the unwilling on those worthless pigs. My magic indeed disrupts the minds of everyone inside this building. However, it does not work on those I have blessed. The customers who frequent this establishment are those with ranks, distinguished people. They are weak against any magic I have cast. Their little mouths tend to babble about recklessly when they are drunk and hypnotized."

"..." Moulin drew his brows together.

"I shall show you the truth of my heart if you wish." Malyana moved forward and extended her hand. "Hold it."

"..." Moulin wanted to draw back. He stared at the hand cautiously before making up his mind. Reaching out his arm, his fingers touched Malyana's pale palm. The woman took the chance to grab Moulin's hand.

Suddenly, Moulin held his breath, pressing his lips together as his perception abruptly magnified a thousand times. The loud beating of Malyana's heart drummed in his ears. The rush of her blood and stillness of her ruby pupils. And he could see it- the glistening white of her inner soul. Her aura was dark, like grey smoke billowing. Her soul, a being's most vulnerable element, was pure and dotted with a hint of red, but none of it was corrupt. Moulin didn't know how he was able to witness this, but he knows now about Malyana's truth.

Pulling away, Moulin felt his senses return to normal. His pupils are quivering of what he'd experienced, but he remained calm.

"Do you see it?" Malyana spoke, a bit anticipating.

Moulin nodded. "Yes..."

Sighing, the orcan fox smiled. Her tail swayed excitedly.

"Why are you telling me this?" Moulin asked her. His brows knitted.

"I want to aid you and your plans to defeat the City Lords. I see Nhero has brought quite a capable company. Perhaps, he will succeed. However, I will assure you, with my help, it will be much easier."



Moulin knew he wasn't the only one to be making decisions. Especially as something as crucial as this. With a sigh, the young man could only say. "I am not the only person to be deciding."

Malyana raised her brows. Her nails tapped on her skin as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I see. Then I shall be speaking about this matter to your comrades as well." The young aphrodite in front of her nodded.

The fox woman sighed. Tutting, she gave an understanding nod. "Very well, I-"


Out of the blue, a violent tremble shook the whole space, fiercely vibrating. Moulin held his ground as he gazed around them cautiously. The energy around them turned chaotic and intense. The endless shaking beneath his feet almost made him lose his balance.

Malyana gnashed her teeth. "What in the world-"


Malyana hurriedly glanced at Moulin and snapped her fingers. "Harow!"

The clone impersonating Hadrian moved and held Moulin in a protective embrace. Moulin flinched, but he didn't refuse the clone's intent to keep him still. Savage energy was clashing against the protective barrier of Malyana's illusion space. It was persistent and powerful! Malyana feared the collision of both her and the opposing energy would destroy her space, shattering it. Gritting her teeth, she turned to the two people behind her to teleport them to safety. She couldn't lose this space!

However, it was too late.


Walls cracked and shattered like a destroyed mirror. Overpowered by the energy, Malyana's space could no longer withstand its attack. The world around Moulin seemed to crash and break down, dissipating away. Mana was slipping everywhere.

Malyana's ruby eyes widened in shock. She stood rooted to the ground witnessing the destruction of her creation. How was something she had worked to create for years was destroyed in mere seconds. Although she was devastated, she suppressed the anger and snapped her fingers.

Moulin closed his eyes as a bright light flashed around him.


In the next second, he found himself standing on a carpeted floor. The smell of incense in the air was strong and warm light kissed the paleness of his face. Breathing out, he opened his eyes slowly. It appears that they have teleported back to Malyana's chambers.


The first thing he saw was Malyana's body, thrown across the room, crashing hard into a wall. Wood broke, and splinters flew into the air.


It was Emlen's voice, Moulin recognized. Stunned by the abruptness of the situation, Moulin lifted his gaze and saw his elder brother with a face brimming with endless worry. There were there behind him, looks of his comrades.

And standing in the middle of the room was none other than the man Moulin hoped to see. The real dominating Lord Hadrian Hercullio. The youth felt relief pour down inside his heart.

The only strange thing that bothered Moulin was that Hadrian wore a dark expression as he met Moulin's gaze.

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