A Gorgeous White

Chapter 299: An Understanding Husband


The whisper fell from his lips. The youth's heart began to beat wildly, as loud as the thoughts swirling in his head. Ever since his rebirth, Hadrian hadn't shown him such fierce expression. The man's eyes were burning with unrestrained anger. Something manic as bubbling within it, awaiting the chance to burst open. Moulin wasn't scared. He was confused and worried. Questions swirled in his head, and he didn't know how to obtain the answers to each of them. The only question, so clear and bright, in his mind, appeared to float in the evening of his thoughts.

'Is Hadrian angry at... me?'

Never again did Moulin want Hadrian to suffer. And the look on the man's face now was enough to arouse the anxiety in his heart.

"Is it my fault?'


The call boomed in his ears, shattering the young man's world of thoughts. Silver eyes lifted, turning away from the Lord Hadrian's gaze and stopping at Emlen who's face was brimming with perplexity. His expression suddenly cleared Moulin's mind.

When he felt the sting in his hands, he looked down. He didn't realize he was clenching his fists so tight that his nails cut his palms. The layer of frost receded into his skin as he relaxes, forcing himself to calm down. Meeting Hadrian's gaze again, Moulin was calmer. Unfortunately, Hadrian's gaze remained frightful. Knitting his brows, Moulin decided to question Hadrian later.

There was the sound of breaking wood, cracking floorboards, and the falling dust from the ceiling. Every soul within the room shifted their attention to the woman rising from the wreckage.

Malyana groaned and sighed as she rose. Her ruby eyes were cold and helpless. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt. The only thing that disappointed her was the rudeness of Moulin's comrades and his so-called lover. Ignoring the eyes around her, she dusted her sleeves and torso with her hands before straightening her back. There was not a scratch on her, which relieved Moulin.

"Honestly, maeruthans are indeed rude and barbaric." She muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear. Then she turned to Moulin with a smile, "Of course, you're different from them, little snowflake."

Moulin sighed, muttering an apology.

"Moulin, are you alright?" Emlen rushed towards his little brother. However, he stopped halfway. His expression was cautious and attentive, as though he was trying to move without waking a gigantic slumbering beast.

Emlen was near, and Moulin could clearly see where his gaze was directed.

It was from behind him.

Slowly, Moulin turned his head slightly. And there behind him was a man, clad only at his waist, revealing its nude torso and the striking likeness as that of Hadrian's features. The only difference was its pure black eyes and golding slit pupils. Eyes of a snake.

Moulin raised his brows. This was Malyana's creature who protected him. The youth paused, thoughts clicking. So this was what caused the silence around him and the cautious gazes Moulin thought were directed at him.

That means Hadrian wasn't angry at him... He was-

"Get away from him!" Emlen mustered up his courage and grabbed Moulin's arm. He pulled his little brother to his side and inspected him for injuries. Releasing a relieved sigh, he turned his attention back to the creature impersonating their Lord. His grey eyes looked as if they could pierce through steel.

"Brother, no," Moulin spoke hurriedly before his elder brother could do something dangerous. Emlen turned to him in confusion.

"The mistress and I have spoken to each other. She's..." Moulin glanced at the fox woman eyeing him with a curious look. "... an ally."


The silence was heavy around him. Fortunately, it was brief, and Moulin didn't have to suffer from the stillness of the air. Their gazes were almost drilling into his skin.

"Tell us..." Hadrian was the first to break the silence. His eyes coldly glanced at the creature possessing his features before meeting his lover's pure silver eyes. Every little movement he would make seemed to make anyone around him tense. His aura was too suffocating, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Taking one deep breath, Moulin began to explain the details about the discussion between him and Malyana. It was brief and direct, and in less than a couple of minutes, the people within the room understood. Moulin could point out several unconvinced expressions when he lifted his eyes. Their wary eyes were directed to Malyana and Hadrian's clone. However, it was Hadrian and Emlen's response that mattered.

"Do you believe her?"

Hadrian suddenly questioned Moulin. There was a short silence between them. The youth gazed into Hadrian's eyes, knowing the man was well aware of Moulin's emotions. Feeling the tender thumps of his own heartbeat, Moulin slightly lowered his gaze.

"I didn't see any... dishonesty in her heart. She's somehow knowledgeable about me and my abilities."

"And you want to know more from her." Hadrian surmised.

Moulin nodded. He felt a hand caress his cheek, making him raise his gaze. Hadrian gave him a soft look as he slowly strokes the smooth skin underneath the youth's bright eyes. The slow and warm breaths that came from Moulin's nose slowly eased the raging fire in his heart. Hadrian finally sighed and spoke, "I will hear her."

With Hadrian's decision spoken, no one objected. Emlen was a bit reluctant. However, he was busier trying to keep Moulin away from the beast woman and her pet. Malyana overhead their conversation and was more interested in the interaction between the little snowflake and his big handsome lover. Moreover, the young purifier's brother looked quite amusing. She felt so fortunate to be able to meet new beautiful faces today. Only, these beauties were too fierce.

As Hadrian and Emlen discussed with Malyana, Moulin and the others were forced to standby and wait in another room. Malyana's chambers were fortified with a strange barrier, keeping any sound inside no matter how loud it was. Moulin couldn't help but sigh at their luck, ignoring the ominous feeling creeping at the back of his mind.

A few moments later, Nhero and his men entered the chambers. Moulin was spared from explaining as the others kept him away from the room and the heavy aura surrounding it.

"See? I told you you'd live." Ghana flashed an amused grin as she crossed her arms.

Jagra lifted his head from his arms, revealing a pale expression. "I... was almost assaulted! Their gazes... felt like insects swarming my body..." He shuddered, recalling when a drunk orc stopped him. Luckily, he escaped with a clean kick between the man's legs.

Finally, the chamber doors opened, revealing a grinning Malyana. Her eyes shined beautifully as she made her way to Moulin's side of the room. Hadrian, Emlen, and Nhero trailing behind her, wearing dark gazes. Although their discussion looked successful, Malyana must have said something that made them look like they were about to tear someone's head off.

"My snowflake, the alliance was successful!" She chuckled. Her crimson nails trailed down her jaw as she spoke. Her tail swayed as though it was dancing in the air. Her mood seemed to brighten the surroundings.

"Now, we only one problem left to finish!" She added. Without breaking eye contact with the silver-eyed youth, she raised her hand and beckoned. "Harow! Come and bring our little snowflake a change of clothes."

The man impersonating Hadrian abruptly stiffened. His skin transformed into a dark scale surface. Bones creaked, and muscles shifted. Even the golden silk clothe wrapped around its waist vanished. Golden hair darkened and lengthened.

What appeared before Moulin's eyes was a tall creature. It slouched as the room couldn't accommodate its height. Skin dark and scary, and its long wavy pitch-black hair reached the bottom of its knees. It was nude, but none of its private organs were found. However, what was more shocking was its eyeless face and its giant mouth in a long frown. Its claws are sharp as steel, and muscles wrapped its body, exposing its strength.

A... A malibreed?

The creature made a deep vibrating hum facing the smiling Malyana before it kneeled on the wooden floor. The loud thumps of his knees resounded throughout the silent room. Every single gaze witnessed as the creature sank into the solid floor as a person would sink in a river.

Before everyone could be overwhelmed by the stillness around them, Emlen burst out, unable to contain his shock.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD-wait" He then paused. He released a stuttering breath before turning to Malyana. "I didn't agree to it!"

"Agree to what?" Moulin asked, confused. When he looked at Hadrian, the man only glanced at Malyana.

The Fox lady sighed and flicked the golden hair over her shoulder before speaking. "Who else is capable enough to blend in and capture Lord Accrius? Our little snowflake here has all the qualities that man desires. A slender build, smooth white delicate skin, bright silver eyes, and... that rare hair color."

Moulin then understood. He was now aware of Emlen's reluctance and the cold look on Hadrian's face. The people around him only cleared their throats as they looked away. Unmoving, Ghana and Jagra stare at Moulin with wide eyes. If circumstances were different, this scene would have been intriguing.

"Is there something wrong?" Malyana tilted her head.

"No. He's not going." Hadrian spoke. His eyes deepened as he met Malyana's stare. "He's staying here with me-"

"Hadrian," Moulin called. The young man crossed his arms. Unwavering, he stood, receiving Lord Hadrian's golden stare. There was a calm look in Moulin's silver eyes as he met the man's overwhelming gaze. To the others, his courage still amazed them no matter how many times they've witnessed it.

After a few moments, Lord Hadrian unclenched his fists. The conceding look in his eyes relieved Moulin. There was no need for more words.

"He'll go." Hadrian finally spoke.

"What?!" Emlen gaped, despite the dropping jaws around him. "Are you... Are you out of your mind? Did it slip through your ears why that bastard prefers people who look like my brother?!"

Hadrian calmly looked at Emlen. "Moulin... wants to settle things with him. He... didn't have the chance before."

Why does it look like he's defending himself? Was what everyone thought. They were witnessing the scene they felt they would only witness once in a lifetime. To see the powerful Lord Hercullio defeated against a single word from precious young master Moulin.

Nodding, Moulin gave his elder brother a smile. "I can deal with the bastard quick, brother. I'll clean him off swiftly and neatly."


If it were before, Emlen would definitely fall for those looks. But currently witnessing the darkness behind that gentle and soft smile, Emlen was at a loss for words. His lips parted, but no words were spoken.

Witnessing the scene, Nhero and Malyana carefully analyzed Moulin's methods. The young Aphrodite is crafty and sly. It was almost inspiring.

Finally, a gurgle sounded. Emerging from the ground, Harow appeared with a set of clothes neatly hanging over his lengthy arm. It if wasn't for the fact that his features matched exactly as a malibreed has, he would've appeared like a loyal and obedient titan.

"Well done, Harow." Malyana strode towards the creature and lifted the clothes. She chuckled lowly as she faced Moulin and the others. "Now, little snowflake. We don't have much time. It's time to get dressed."


Moulin silently eyed the clothes carefully. 'Are these... really clothes? or... A piece of transparent fabric...?'

Emlen's face reddened a thousand shades deeper. He almost screamed. "My brother is not fucking wearing that!"

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