A Gorgeous White

Chapter 303: The North City

The pungent smell of iron permeated the air. It was what welcomed Moulin the moment he entered the room where Quade was locked inside. A couple of Nhero's men parted to make way for Hadrian, Moulin, as well as the massive wolf beast that entered the room with them. Kier growled intimidatingly, but he remained calm as he followed his two masters, ignoring the eyes around them.

Silver eyes gazed at the sorry figure tied to the chair at the center of the room. Bleeding heavily, Quade's face almost looked so disfigured. A line of red dripped down from his nostrils, the corners of his mouth, and even the skin underneath his right eyes. Nhero must have released all his anger by beating him up. Quade was unconscious. Moulin indifferently yanked his gaze away, and he searched the room for Nhero and Malyana. One man stepped up to tell them that the two were seriously discussing within the other room.

Nodding, Moulin strode towards the door across the room with unhurried steps. When they entered, Nhero and the fox lady paused to look at them. It turns out Emlen and Ghana were also present.

"You're here. Hm, that was quicker than I thought." Malyana chuckled. Her ruby eyes darted between Moulin and Lord Hadrian Hercullio. A teasing smile formed on her red lips.

Emlen frowned, glancing at Moulin with suspicion. "What do you mean-"

"Ahem!" Nhero cleared his throat. He smiled faintly at Emlen before turning his gaze back to the table. "Lord Quade has given us all the information we need to cross the river to the North City. Although he cannot use him because of his current state now, we've acquired his token and code to grant us access when we arrive at the border of the river."

"That means we have no chance if we resort to sneaking ourselves through the borders. The security is too tight. We have to do like any other people would have to do to enter the North City." Ghana sighed while placing her hands on her waist. "We need to purchase a ride towards the inspection border of the Northern Walls if we want to enter."

"A boat," Moulin muttered. He glanced at Hadrian, who was silently listening to the plan they've formulated.

"Exactly, little snowflake." Malyana nodded as she stepped a bit closer to Emlen, who was glaring at her every move. She patted Emlen's shoulder before adding, "However, anyone would be suspicious when they land their eyes on your bold fashion. I suggest you, people, all dress up. I have a few ideas in mind."

Emlen grimaced. "Hands off me, woman."

Malyana only chuckled as she back away with a sly wink.

"I agree. And we have to decrease the number of people we bring." Ghana nodded.

This time Hadrian spoke. His eyes remained emotionless as he rested a hand behind Moulin's waist. "We bring half our men. Leave the others to watch Quade. We rest tonight, tomorrow we depart."

"Yes, My Lord." Ghana lowered her head, and she quickly left the room to divide the men. Emlen nodded. Before leaving the room, he paused to say a couple of words to his dear little brother while discreetly eyeing Hadrian coldly.

When Emlen left, Moulin sighed. He turned to Malyana and lowered his head. "We are grateful for your help, My Lady. The men were hungry and tired because of the journey."

Malyana shook her head, and she waved her hands. "It is alright. I find great comfort in your company. Having capable Helion maeruthans to aid us will possibly help us accomplish our assassination effortlessly. We have many people who shared the same goal as us. When the time is right, they will rise and advance."

"I understand," Moulin smiled.

They discussed a few subjects regarding the passage towards the North City before leaving the room. Perhaps, tomorrow they will be able to pull it off. They only have to make sure not to cause any misgivings under the gazes of those orcan guards.

Moulin hoped nothing would go wrong...


The sound of water was refreshing and soothing. Perhaps, in different circumstances, Moulin would be relaxing without caring about the problems of the world. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Crowds of people blocked the entrance of the pier. However, the sight of the ferocious-looking beastmen watching over it was enough to intimidate the desperate people. Cries and shouts resounded throughout the area. There was the scent of blood and decay. The North City was paradise for the poor men. The food was bountiful, the air was fresher, and it was less wretched. Everyone wanted to seize the chance to get on the boat and reach the city.

There was a long line in front of the entrance, and a group of men and women were unusually calm as they faced the terrifying eyes of the orcan beast guard.

"You! State your business!" The beastman shouted.

Ruby eyes glistened brilliantly. Malyana smiled fearlessly. Her fox tail swayed behind her seductively while she fished out a bronze medal from her pouch. The symbol of snake and lion embellished it. Behind Malyana, a group of people waited behind her silently. One of them was carrying a caged pure-white fox.

"I was granted the honor to be invited for the evening feast by Lord Quade Accrius. Mister, look upon me kindly. My fragile self cannot stand the atmosphere around here." A swift fragrance emanated from her. A pinkish glint glowed in her pupils as she stared at the beastman's captivated eyes.

After a few seconds, the beast-man cleared his throat awkwardly. Blinking, he turned his gaze away with wagging tail. "O-Of course, Milady. Hurry and enter, we wouldn't want the lord to question you." He swallowed while glancing at Malyana's mesmerizing gaze.

Malyana uttered her thanks with a sweet smile as she and her people entered the gates. They were quickly offered a spot on the boat and began to depart from the pier.

"That was quicker than I thought..." Jagra whispered to Moulin as they loosened the scarf covering their head. He drew his brows together as he turned his gaze at Malyana, who was busy entertaining Emlen.

"Yes, we're fortunate," Moulin muttered before he turned his head to search for Hadrian.

Suddenly, a hand rested on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. Moulin raised his head, and his eyes met those familiar golden ones. Hadrian stands behind him like a protective guard, cautious around anyone who might come near. They weren't alone in the boat after all. Easing himself on the small bench, Moulin relaxed his guard, trusting Hadrian's watch. Jagra turned silent conscious about the High Lord's presence behind him.

A full hour was consumed before the boat finally arrived before the looming entrance of the border walls of the Northern City. The walls towered over them, appearing indestructible. It stretched a few kilometers from both sides. Its ends combined with the walls of the cavern as if it was originally part of it. Its presence was the ultimate division of the City as a whole. Moulin recalled Nhero saying that Gaclan wasn't divided before the Orcan feline lords took over.

There was another pier at the entrance of the border. Only this time, the men who watched over it appeared more serious and were dressed to intimidate.

One by the passengers left the boat were forced to line up before a group of orcs for another inspection. Moulin witnessed one man who had failed to answer the orcs questions was being dragged away screaming and yelling. Moulin anxiously held Hadrian's hand.

"You and your people, step forward. State your business." With predatory eyes, the orc glared at them coldly. Suspicious of the number of people.

Malyana stepped up and began to explain their reason. It remained the same. However, the orc didn't look convinced. He seemed to be immune to Malayan's hypnotism as well.

"Funny, Lord Accrius would have personally informed us of his guests." He glanced at the others behind Malyana. "Why are you bringing a group of maeruthans to the city? What is really your business, here?"

Malyana stopped and sighed. "Does the Lord even need to inform you of such trivial matters frequently? I have received his token for entry. Is it not enough?"

"No Lord would give their only token to just anyone. They wouldn't leave it in other's hands. It is too important." The Orc stepped closer, growling. Everything about these people was too suspicious.

Realizing that they were catching the attention of the other guards, Moulin felt anxious. His back was filled with cold sweat. Were they going to be captured?

"Stand down." Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke.

Moulin and the rest of the men flinched. This voice...

The orc turned his head, and his eyes widened at the sight of Lord Accrius himself. Shock filled his being. "M-My Lord! Y-You were here? H-How"

Quadr gave an annoyed expression as he walked beside Malyana. "You dare to trouble my guests? I should have you removed! Get out! Let them in!"

Stiffening, the orc bowed. "Forgive me, My Lord!"

He then began yelling to the other men to open the gates for them.

Moulin widened his eyes in surprise as he stared at Quade. As Hadrian pulled him to walk, Moulin couldn't help but glance at Malyana and the lord beside her. But the moment he and the others walked past them, Moulin blinked in surprise.

Quade briefly met his eyes, and during a split second, the man's pupils shortly transformed into gold slits. Eyes of a snake. Realization dawned on Moulin as he finally stepped on the stoned ground of the North City. It was Harow, Malyana's shape-shifting familiar.

'How convenient...' Moulin couldn't help but think as he glanced at Malyana and Quade behind them.

Out of the blue, Hadrian abruptly squeezed Moulin's shoulder. "Stop looking..."

Moulin stopped and turned to the stoic man walking beside him, pulling him closer. The corner of his lips lifted slightly in intrigue. "How cute..."

Hadrian only looked at him with a frown. However, the warm look in his eyes made Moulin even want to indulge in that stern exterior even more. It was a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by that doting gaze. Moulin could never have enough of it.

The group waited inside the dark passage for a short while. They moved forward the moment Quade and Malyana finished talking with the guards.

"What a fascinating creature..." Jagra praised as he examined Harow's immigration of Quade. Indeed, one of a kind.

"Let's keep moving," Nhero spoke while eyeing the orcs at the pier.

They entered the passage and finally reached the end, where bright yellow lights welcomed them.

The North City was extremely different from the South from sight alone. The paths were neater, and the dwellings that surrounded the area were far more decent than the ones in the south. Crowds of beastmen were threading the narrow streets, and the air felt a bit fresher. The only thing that bothered Moulin was the sight of humans, dragged behind their beastly masters, chained and collared like animals. Perhaps, the only similarity of both the north and south was the misery of humans.

Moulin clenched his fists as he watched a line of human slaved towed behind a large beast. The subject of money escaped the bastard's mouth.

This needs to be stopped...

Malyana cleared her throat and beckoned the rest to follow her to a secret place. A friend she knew was generous enough to offer them lodging. Discreetly, Moulin and the others covered their selves with their cloaks to discreetly slip through the crowd. The location was situated on the far side of the North City. They passed through countless alleys and districts before finally arriving in front of a tall house made entirely of stone. It was hidden behind a rocky hill, concealed from the City's affairs. An ideal hiding place.

When the door was opened from the inside, they didn't waste a second to enter.

Moulin glanced at the view behind before following the others inside. He threw the feeling of being watched in the back of his mind.

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