A Gorgeous White

Chapter 304: Hiding In The Dark

The daring eyes of the haunted are flooded with unimaginable fear. Its pupils are like flaming amber, bright and filled with mystery. It was yet to be known as it remains in the dark, eyeing the little building they called an 'inn.' Under its roof, the murmurs were brief as every single person aimed to keep their voices quiet.

Within one particular room, dim and quiet, a silver-haired youth pulled out a folded paper. It was folded multiple times, which made it turn thick-looking. Ignoring the faint stains on its corners, Moulin slightly narrowed his eyes as he unraveled it. His fingers slid smoothly against the surface of the paper as he spread it on the bed before him. It was the copy of the map Emlen made for him. With a fingertip, Moulin carefully traced the routes they had taken until he stopped an inch from the dense forest after the Helion Outpost. They were no longer on the map. They were located somewhere far, and Moulin didn't even have the chance to discover what was above this giant cavern, the shelter of Gaclan. 

Suddenly, a hand wraps around his waist from behind. Moulin didn't need to look to know who it was. He only glanced past his shoulder before folding the map. "The others?"

"Are waiting to meet the friend of the lady fox orc," Hadrian answered as he gently moved Moulin's hair aside and kissed the youth's fair nape. With a faint smile, he added, "I and a few others will be escorting her back to the inn."

Moulin turned around and brought himself closer to Hadrian's arms. The silvery sea in his eyes softened a bit. He fixed the lapels of Hadrian's thick, dark overcoat while whispering. "Be careful."

The Lord softly kissed the smooth forehead of the young man in his embrace. He knows there was nothing as significant as returning to his beloved's side as soon as he can. "I will."

Moulin accompanied Hadrian as he met with the others who would join him and watched Hadrian's departing back disappear down the rocky slope. He silently wished for Hadrian to return to him quickly. Moulin furrowed his eyebrows as he shifted his attention towards the large structure at the far side of the City. The dark reddish color of the fortress looked as if it was carved out from rocks forever stained by blood. 

Returning to the inn, Moulin went to say a few words to Emlen and Nhero before making his way back to his room. After all the things they had for through for the past few days, Moulin needed to be in someplace quiet so he could soothe his nerves and calm his anxious heart.

When he arrived before the door of his and Hadrian's room, he paused. A crease appeared between his eyebrows, and he pushed the door open. 



A small snow-white fox was baring his teeth ferociously. Claws extended and eyes boiling with intimidation, the little beast looked surprisingly fierce despite his small size. Snow was more than threatened at the sight of the creature before him. 


Moulin lifted his eyes, and his gaze landed on the towering, slouching creature in the middle of his room. Its head was lowered, bulging shoulders slightly raised as the room's height was too short for him. The ends of its long pitch-black hair spilled themselves on the ground, curtaining some parts of the dark scaly skin. The creature was not as large as the malibreeds Moulin had come across. Fiercely facing it was a particular snow-white fox baring its teeth as if he would charge in the next minute. However, the giant remained still. It felt no fear or intimidation. For some reason, Moulin thought the creature would even let Snow attack him willingly.

As if sensing Moulin's presence, both creatures turned towards Moulin. Snow's ears perked up, and his beady eyes brightened at the sight of his dear master. It was funny how quickly he shifted his attention to the frightening malibreed to the youth closing the room's door.

Moulin calmly walked towards the two beasts. "Harow?"

Huffing, Snow ran towards his master coldly, ignoring the giant. Moulin patted Snow's head shortly before rising and looking at the malibreed.

Harow, the eyeless monster, only tilted its head at him.

The creature in front of the young Aphrodite was one of the reasons why most of their men were highly reluctant to ally with Malyana. Harow's presence only served to heighten the anger and hate of the knights and Nhero's men. Moulin wasn't surprised. After all, the malibreeds were the reason why many of their friends and families have died. Being in the same room as one of these creatures would surge their desire to kill. Fortunately, Malyana offered them a peaceful shelter, food, and drink to divert their attention.

Moulin furrowed his brows as he questioned, "Does the lady... need me?"

Moulin was certain that the beast understood him. However, could Harow even talk?

Suddenly, Harow shook his head slightly. The thick strands of hair that covered its face swayed from left to right as he did. Just as Moulin thought that the giant was only here to visit, Harow suddenly fished something from within his messy hair behind him. He released a deep rumble akin to the sound of the shaking earth as he searched for the object he had hidden.

Moulin and Snow glanced at each other before facing the busy Harow. "...?"

After a few seconds, the creature finally stopped as it caught something between his two clawed fingers. Then as carefully as he could, he pulled out his hand and revealed a single flower from the mess of his hair.

Moulin raised his brows as he looked at the little five-petaled flower within the malibreed's large ghastly fingers. There was a pretty silvery sheen on the flower's petals. Lifting his gaze, Moulin stared at the gigantic creature who was making sure he was still as not to hurt the delicate flower between his fingers. The very sight of it made Moulin smile slightly. Was he giving this to me? How cute...

Harow parted his mouth, revealing a few of his sharp teeth, and tilted his head as he slowly offered the flower to the young man before him. When one of the petals fell off, the giant stilled, and mournful energy washed over his massive body as he tried to save the delicate fluttering petal. The floor trembled at his movements.

Moulin quickly touched Harow's fingers, making the giant freeze. The youth crouched down to pick up the petal before rising. He smiled warmly as he gently took the flower between Harow's fingers. "It's beautiful. Thank you."

After a few seconds, the giant released a low throaty sound before nodding. Moulin chuckled as he realized that the end of the flower's stem was crushed flat. However, he wondered how a malibreed could carry the mentality of offering people flowers?

Before Moulin could speak, Harow suddenly sank into the ground, completely disappearing before the aphrodite's eyes.

Moulin blinked.

Curious, Snow continuously scratched the part of the floor where Harow had sunk into.

'Was he acting shy?' Moulin thought as he lowered his gaze to the little flower in his hand. Recalling Harow's careful actions, Moulin couldn't help but smile. Was Harow truly a malibreed?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Young master, Your brother wants to have a few words with you."

The youth turned to look at the door, and the smile on his face remained. "Yes, I'll be there." He spoke loud enough for the other person to hear.

Moulin slightly bent his knees to bring the little Opallian fox in his arms before walking towards the door. He held the delicate flower in between his fingers, wondering when Hadrian would return.


Loud. Ghana thought that her ears would explode at any second as she endured the frequent bustle outside the building. Propping one of her feet on the small wooden stool below the chair she was sitting on; she wore a severe expression as her eyes kept glancing at the open window of the room. The hands that were busy sharpening her spear paused as she once again turned to the window gloomily.

The view beyond the window revealed the dull sight of the cavern's gigantic walls. But it wasn't the view that annoyed her but the ceaseless noise outside the building. They were currently living within Malyana's abandoned inn that they had occupied to hide Quade. When her ears caught a loud bang, Ghana abruptly stood up from her seat and marched towards the window. Holding her spear in one hand, she glowered as she looked downwards.

She found three of her men along with two of Nhero's men, bickering loudly. At the far side of the building, there were the remains of the destroyed table. Ghana clenched her jaw. Despite this, the men continued to fight.

With a clenched jaw, Ghana gripped her sharpened spear and hurled the weapon towards the five idiots without hesitation.

Sensing the threat, the five people turned their heads with wide eyes. Frozen like a statue, they watched as the spear flew past them and pierced a giant boulder a few meters behind them. The spear was embedded deep, and the tip protruded out of the other side of the large rock. Shocked and doused with cold fear, the five men turned their heads stared at seething Ghana.

"Idiots! Stop making a racket before I make put a thousand holes on your sorry asses. Now bring me my spear back before I shove it down your bickering throats."

Shuddering, the men bowed their heads in apology before doing what they were told and leaving the area as silently as they could.

Ghana huffed before she strode towards the couch, grabbed her dagger, and left the room. 'Damn it, why was she the one to be left behind?' She internally complained while stomping her feet. After making sure Kier was resting well in the other room, she ventured down the hallways where the entrance to the basement was located. Her eyes narrowed when she noticed the knight guarding the door was missing. Probably, out to take a break again.

"I have to do everything myself. Those useless fools..." Ghana hissed as she gripped her dagger and wrenched the door open.



Alarmed filled her senses, and Ghana instantly ducked as the blade flew over her head. Her eyes glowed a fierce cerulean before she spun the dagger in her hands and hurled it at the other person in the room. However, the other person effortlessly caught the dagger she had thrown.

Ghana glared as she stared at ropes and the broken pieces of the chair lying on the cold ground. At the corner of the room was the mangled body of the knight assigned to guard the door. Ghana's blood boiled as she returned his gaze to Quade Accrius.

The man wore a wicked smile as he played with the weight of the blade in his hand. He raised his chin and tilted his head. "Ghana, was it?"


Shrugging, Quade ignored her silence before tossing the dagger in the air and catching it with a swipe. His eyes flashed blood-red, and the smile on his face became more sinister. "Let's have a small chat, shall we?"

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