A Gorgeous White

Chapter 306: To Gain A New Ally (2)

"Honestly, Who can bear wearing such a thing?" Jagra shuddered as he dropped the 'costumes' from the crate. He looked as if the mere touch of the fabric scalded him. The people around him chuckled at his reaction. I01v1& However, they could agree that the clothes brought to them were outrageously lavish and revealing.

Malyana laughed as she placed a hand on her waist. Her glittering ruby eyes sparkled with amusement. "Well, did you think dancers wear winter clothes to entertain guests? Cease your complaints. We have work to do."

Sighs filled the room, but every single soul began to move, preparing tools and weapons to be carried for tomorrow's big event. In one corner, Moulin eyed the busy crowd as he finished checking the vials in one crate.



The female fox orc sauntered towards him while wearing a somewhat lazy smile.

Moulin shrugged. "You can't tell?"

Malyana grinned at his response before picking up one of the bottles in the wooden box. The viscous fluid moved as her fingers tilted the glass bottle sideways. Moulin's eyes followed the movement of the liquid.

"Who sent these supplies?" The youth asked. Moulin's hand stroked the side of the box slowly.

"An ally. A very patient one."


"One of your friends in the brothel?"

Malyana slowly lowered her gaze, "Used to be. Until a beast picked him up, and I never saw him again. He's out there suffering." She returned the bottle to its place in the crate. The vibrant colors within all fifty vials appeared like stars in the reflection of her eyes. Something nostalgic crossed her mind, and Moulin was able to feel it.

"If he's still alive and communicating with you, then he must be so determined to overthrow the Orcan leaders of the red palace. Although he is not here, he's fighting with us." Moulin turned his gaze to the potions, oblivious of Malyana's soft gaze after his words finished.

"Yes, he is..."

Half an hour passed, and the men all fell on the ground with tired sighs. Although they had finished with the preparations, there was still one thing left to finish, and they were the least looking forward to it.

"It's time to practice the dance." Malyana excitedly declared. Her eyes were shining, for she was waiting for this moment. Frowns appeared one after the other around, but she was the least bothered by it. Instead, she was amused and more determined because of their expressions. Clapping her hands, she ordered them to get up while sorting them into groups.

"I don't... dance." Jagra declared with a determined expression. His eyes glanced at the crate of costumes in fear.

"C'mon. Who hasn't seen the mighty Jagra dance till he dropped? Even the most experienced performers would fall to shame compared to you." One maeruthan brought up the hilarious memory of the first time Jagra was drunk.

Jagra cursed loudly while the others laughed aloud. Their merriment didn't last long when Malyana narrowed her eyes at them, silencing the room.

"I'll fetch Selia." Moulin held back a chuckle as he turned around. He bit his lips as he spotted Jagra giving him a begging look. Moulin chuckled as he finally fled the room. The silent complaints from his comrades seemed to tickle his ears even if he didn't hear it. Their faces told him everything. It was quite an amusing sight to see, and it left Moulin a pretty smile on his face as he walked the lonely narrow hallway.

Moulin went upstairs to the room in the west corridor where Selia's quarters were. Nhero, Emlen, and Hadrian were busy discussing the further details of the plan in the room just beside it. Moulin decided to visit Hadrian and his brother after he fetched the strange bubbly girl.

Knocking twice, Moulin called the girl before he opened the door. "Miss-"

Three pairs of eyes turned to the silver-eyed young man who abruptly entered the room. Moulin paused in the doorway.

"Ah, it's the pretty man." Selia chuckled with a childish smile as she turned to face Moulin.

The other occupants of the room consisted of a garish eyeless giant, flinching at the sight of the elegant young man, and a little snow-white furball sitting on top of the giant's head.

Harow and Snow? What are they doing here?

Moulin furrowed his brows as he slowly closed the door. In the next second, Snow abruptly jumped down the giant's head, scurrying towards his master enthusiastically. The little fox snuggled in Moulin's slender arms comfortably when the youth caught him with ease.

Glancing at the little creature in his arms, Moulin shifted his attention to the other two. He gave a faint smile to Harow before speaking to Selia. He spoke gently with a smile. "The Lady called for you. She said it is time to rehearse."

"And so it is." Selia flicked her chestnut braid behind her shoulder and twirled a pretty white flower between her fingers. She glanced at Harow playfully.

Moulin heard a terrible growl coming from the massive creature before her. Nevertheless, Selia rained unmoved in her place as she played with the pretty flower. Finally, Harow huffed. He briefly turned to Moulin before sinking into the floor and disappearing.

Laughing, Selia knocked her heel on the floor as she turned to Moulin.

The young man drew his brows together, understanding a bit of the scene. "Why do you tease him?"

Selia dangled the flower in front of her face. "I see you're quite close with Harow."

"You know him?"

"Maybe?" Selia shrugged. "I don't know the monster side of him. But..." She slowly stepped closer to Moulin until they were only inches apart. Her eyes glistened, and she raised the silvery flower between them. "...I guess he's smitten with you, young master. That's a first."


Moulin carefully held the delicate flower between his fingers. It looked exactly like the flower Harow had previously given to him. Silver eyes softened warmly as they gazed at the tiny plant. The little fox in Moulin's arms sniffed at the flower curiously.

Selia grinned and abruptly pushed her face closer. Although Moulin was a little tall, she easily faced him while raising her heels a little. Her sudden actions surprised Moulin, and the youth leaned back.

'This girl doesn't care about personal space, does she?' Moulin thought.

Selia lifted her chin. Her pink lips moved as she whispered. "You're a strange purifier. A very... strange one."

She was getting closer.

"Miss Selia, please keep you dista-"

The door was abruptly opened, startling the two people. Golden eyes are like sharp daggers fiercely pointing at the two occupants of the room. A thunderous storm brewed within those gold pools.

Moulin blinked when he saw Hadrian. He was too surprised even to utter a word. On the other hand, Selia only grinned before she reached out and patted Moulin's tender cheek. Unbothered by the heavy atmosphere in the room, she passed by Hadrian as though nothing had happened.

Hadrian didn't forget to spare her one deadly gaze that left her heart trembling. Walking down the hallway, she chuckled. "Geez, how possessive."

"You're finished?" Moulin finally spoke after Selia departed. He breathes out while keeping Snow in his arms.

Hadrian didn't answer. Instead, he strode towards the silver-eyed young man, grabbed his nape, and pulled him in a deep, punishing kiss. He was slipping his tongue inside the youth's mouth, mapping him from inside. The irresistible kiss did wonders in making Moulin pliant against Hadrian's lips.

When they pulled away, Moulin breathed heavily. His breaths are warm against Hadrian's mouth. "Nothing happened..."

"You were too close." Hadrian countered. The heavy emotions in his eyes seemed to dissipate slowly. Pecking the youth's lips, the man went on. "They're always all over you when I'm not around."

Moulin rolled his eyes. "This is only one time. She wasn't even trying to do anything."



'What does that mean?' Moulin gave him a questioning look.

Suddenly, Emlen popped out of the doorway.


Emlen froze when he saw the pair's positions. Jaw clenched, and he took a deep breath before scowling. "Do you think this is the appropriate time to fool around?"

Moulin swallowed before stepping back from Hadrian's hold. An embarrassed flush filled his face. "B-Brother... "

"Moulin, come. We have things to finish." Emlen steeled his voice, and Moulin helplessly walked to his brother's side.

"You..." Emlen eyed the unfazed lord. Emlen's grey eyes turned darker. "Fucking control yourself!"

Moulin gave Hadrian an apologetic look before he was dragged away. When they left Hadrian's eyes, the golden Lord raised his fingers to his lips, recalling the softness of his lover's mouth. Unfortunately, they were interrupted. Raising his head, Hadrian glanced at the door with a sigh.


The roars echoed throughout the vast halls. The hanging crystals in the ceiling and the solid walls shook at the might of the furious roar. A starving beast released its fury upon the trembling souls below the dias. The fear of death claimed their whole being, feasting on their writhing souls. They did not utter a word, no matter how terrified they were. They feared to anger the master even more.

"Worthless pigs! If you want to serve me, then serve me with your life!" The man standing before the stone throne roared to the three kneeling slaves. Fury boiled in his blood as he raised his hand-turned-claws and slashed the nearest slave before him. The two remaining slaves shrieked as blood and viscera splattered on them. The slave was cut into three bloodied parts like a piece of chopped meat. The slaves could not help but lower their heads to the ground and beg for forgiveness, shaking in fear. However, the man's wrath wasn't sated. The very sight of red incited his need for blood even more.

"Brother, stop." A calm voice echoed and reached the ears of the wrathful orcan lord.

In a split second, a devious smile stretched on the orc's bloodied face. "Ah, you've finally come, Artus, my dear little brother."

Artus silently walked across the halls. His eyes swept over the dais where the dead laid, and two shuddering slaves pressed their heads on the ground. The scent of fear wafted towards him. It made Artus's stomach churn, and a heavy feeling washed over his cold heart. His expression remained unfazed, as though he felt nothing from witnessing the scene.

The Leon raised his head and spoke. "Brother, you must control yourself."

The man, bulkier and more extensive than him, raised his brows and smiled. A necklace of gold adorned his neck, and his long golden hair was clipped with beads. Paint marked his bare upper torso, the symbol of his power and clan. He wiped off the blood on his hand with his tongue and sighed. "Perhaps, it is my hunger that frequently rouses my anger."

The Master laughed as he ordered the guards to get rid of the two slaves before him. They were shouting and begging for their lives as the men whisked them away. Artus forced himself to remain calm.

"No matter..." The Lord whispered as he raised his gaze to the gigantic golden crystals embedded on the ceiling. Shimmering before his eyes like countless suns. "I will await the feast..."

Artus's eyes turned cold, and his fists clenched. Before he could speak, his brother suddenly shouted at one slave.


"You! Call Mellano to my quarters! If he is even late by one second, I will skin him alive!" He snarled. "That worthless bitch must be wh*ring himself to anyone he sees!"

Hot burning anger rushed inside Artis's veins. He wished he was an unforgiving, selfish man who wouldn't even bat an eye when he killed his only sibling. But he persisted. Everything goes as planned. He cannot ruin it...



He watched his brother's back with calm eyes, ignoring the fire within him.

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