A Gorgeous White

Chapter 307: The Banquet, No More Waiting

A blanket of cold wrapped around their weary bodies. The little fabric on them failed to keep them warm.'. With the wagon's unfavorable shaking as it crossed the rough ground, neither were even the slightest bit calm nor comfortable. But, who would be? If others were in their shoes, they would no doubt feel the same. It was a poor sight to watch. A group of men and women dressed lightly, crowding the small wagon. Malyana kept a calm exterior as she endured the cramped view. Her lips curved into a small smile, watching the all too serious faces of the people before her. She sat at the center at the front, facing the driver, none other than her trusted creature.

"Soothe the rigidity of your expressions." She started, covering her smile with a fan. "Otherwise, we would be suspected at first sight. It would be a waste of effort, and I'd rather die than witness the fall of our plans." Her ruby eyes narrowed—a threat to those watching her.

The men turned away, swallowing. Malyana was cunning, sly, and threatening. And they have already experienced her wrath during the first few minutes of their 'dance rehearsal.' Jagra shuddered as he recalled the memory of those red eyes as if they were judging him of his worth. Selia only giggled while she combed her fingers through her chestnut hair, amused.

They were on their way to the performer's entrance. A thorough inspection and a horde of orcs await their arrival.

Seeing that they were nearing the draw bridge, Emlen closed the curtains and turned to his silent little brother at his side. Concern was written all over his face. "Stay by my side at all times and never part from the group unless if it is necessary. Understood?"

Moulin sighed. "I know, brother."

'Honestly, I'm already 26 years old. I can take care of myself.' Moulin resisted the urge to speak his thoughts. Nevertheless, he enjoyed his brother's protectiveness.

"Remember your brother's words."

Moulin paused and slowly turned his head to his right. He raised a brow. "How supportive of you, My Lord."

Hadrian gave him a side glance while wearing a faint smile on his face. He tightened his grip around Moulin's hand before leaning down to his lover's delicate ear. "Be on your guard."


For a brief moment, Moulin had the urge to yank the man down for a sweet kiss. But then, his brother was also beside him, glaring daggers at the both of them. With a sigh, Moulin only kissed Hadrian's cheek and nodded.

Emlen huffed and turned his gaze away, realizing that everyone was staring at them. Multiple gazes observed the three of them curiously. With one cold glare from him, every pair of eyes hastily shifted their attention elsewhere.

Finally, the carriage crossed the bridge, and numerous orcan guards blocked their path. Moulin felt his heartbeat rise as several voices spoke from outside the carriage.

Patting her dress, Malyana rose from her seat with a calm smile before she exited the carriage. Selia went after her with a bright smile on her face. This was the time she was going to be helpful. While the two women stepped off the carriage, the others silently listened carefully.

Moulin raised his head, and his eyes met with Hadrian's unfazed countenance. Golden eyes were staring at their interlocked fingers as if it was more significant than the tense situation. Even Emlen was nervous about their circumstance. Impressed and uncertain, Moulin hid a smile as he tightened his fingers around Hadrian's hand.

In the next instant, Malyana and Selia returned to the carriage with pleased expressions. The carriage moved abruptly, and once again, they were moving forward.

"Easier than I thought." Malyana opened her fam as she spoke.

Selia nodded. "Honestly, is that the best of their security? Even a child can get past them. If I'd known it would be this easy, I would have fluttered my lashes to every guard in this castle."

"Don't curse our luck now," Nhero spoke. "We aren't even halfway through our plan. We must remain cautious." The others nodded in agreement.

The wooden gates creaked loudly, wood scraping the rough ground. The carriages were led to an expansive courtyard where the other performers were waiting. The area was dim. However, torches were scattered around the vicinity providing light throughout the yard. The square was connected to the outer building east of the palace. Tunnels were carved through boulders, serving as pathways.

As they vacated the carriages, Moulin swept his eyes around him. Men and women were dressed explicitly. Their skin glistened under the light of fire and lanterns. Moulin could see both human and non-human crowding the small area of the courtyard. All with anxious expressions. Indeed, he could see that they were in the most unfavorable positions.

However, it will all end tonight.

Quickly, the group prepared themselves silently for the next step of their plan.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called as he walked towards the man. His fingers slipped into the lapels of the man's cloak before pulling them apart, revealing the extravagant attire beneath. A black robe adorned with golden patterns and laces.

Moulin resisted a smile. "If only Varick could see this..."

Hadrian caught Moulin's chin. "Don't even think about it."

Chuckling, Moulin helped him take off the cloak, oblivious of his comrades who were slowly distancing themselves.

Hadrian, as the strongest in their group, needed to stay with Malyana and the other dancers, given that they were more vulnerable and more exposed to the eyes of the orcs. He was their trump card if ever the situation would get out of hand. It was a bit difficult for Malyana to decide on a position for the Lord. However, with excitement, she made a few adjustments to the dance where Lord Hercullio would be involved.

"Sword dancing..." Moulin grinned. "How marvelous. I wish I would be there to see it, My flawless dancer."

"I would be happy to offer you a private performance," Hadrian smirked.

"Wow, intriguing. Please step away from my brother." Emlen interrupted as he pulled his brother away. "Mind the situation."

"Of course, brother." Moulin nodded as he slowly removed Emlen's hand. He turned to Hadrian with a soft smile and glittering eyes of silver as dazzling as moonlight.

"Be careful." His voice is soft. His hand is reaching out to caress the older man's cheek.

Hadrian lowered his gaze, leaning slightly on the youth's fragile palm. His actions were an apparent response to Moulin.

Now, it was time to leave.

Separating into two groups, Nhero gave the signal, and Malyana was quick to receive it. Selia went to distract the watchful stewards with a woeful cry as she fell. Almost immediately, the men were lowering themselves before her. When Malyana sensed that the guards had been distracted, she closed her eyes. The torches flickered, dimming as though a strong breeze passed them.

Moulin glanced at Hadrian one last time before darkness enveloped them all.

And then the light returned.

A small commotion occurred, but it was silenced by the mighty shout one of the guards made. It was just the wind, they said.

"They've successfully slipped away." Malyana declared as she walked beside Hadrian. Her eyes glanced at where Moulin's previously stood. "Let's execute our role properly as well, Milord. I know you wanted to hurry back to your lover's side as quickly as you can."

Hadrian narrowed his eyes. "This is your fight, not ours."

His voice is cold, but it was no insult. He continued with a glance at her. "Nonetheless, my men and I will benefit from this 'assassination of yours."

"Of course, Milord." Malyana smiled. "We will be a great aid."


"Do you know you're way around here?"

Moulin asked softly as he kept his back pressed against the wall. He shut his mouth when an orc walked past the hallway they were hiding.

Nhero turned to him expressionlessly. "Slight knowledge."


Emlen, Moulin, and the rest of the men looked at him. The silence broke when Nhero raised his hand, and they were once again moving, slipping into corners, eyeing passing servants and guards, and swiftly blending with people. Moulin glanced at Nhero with a frown. 'Were they possibly lost?'

Finally, they found themselves hiding behind giant ceramic vases filled with grown trees. Plain wooden double doors entered their view as they hid. There were two orcs with giant spears guarding it.

"Inner halls," Nhero spoke as he eyed the doors. "We go through there; we enter the inner part of the palace."

Before Moulin could speak, Nhero continued. "However, we cannot move recklessly. The guards are elite felines. It's impossible to go past them-"

Before he could finish, the boy behind him abruptly stepped out from where they hid.


They watched as Moulin exposed himself before the guard's eyes. They are too shocked to utter a word. In the next instant, two thuds sounded. Two bodies fell to the ground. The tip of a smooth sharp needle protruded out of their napes. The blunt end of the extended ice could be seen at the center of their throats.

Moulin lowered his hands and glanced at his comrades. "Put them under the soil of the vases."

It took Emlen, Nhero, and the rest of the men a few seconds to process Moulin's words before they quickly did what they were told.

"Next time, warn me." Emlen grasped his brother's shoulder after the task was finished. Moulin gave a faint smile and nodded obediently.

Not long after, all of them slipped through the wooden doors. Fortunately, the hallways were deserted. Perhaps, the banquet had started. The group released a sigh of relief. They were able to enter the inner palace successfully.

"This is where we part." Nhero declared. He fished out a map and handed it to Emlen. "The map of the palace. The slaughter room is located just behind the palace kitchen. Dungeons are put up to store their livestock. You must go there at once. The Lords preferred to have their meal raw and alive. Be careful. The inner palace is dangerous."


Emlen nodded. "I wish you the best. We will aid you once we have taken care of the prisoners."

"I will be waiting."

Nhero nodded to both of the brothers. His eyes landed on Moulin, and he smiled. "Hopefully, you will succeed."

Afterward, he took half of the group with him before he took off. Moulin furrowed his brows before he followed his brother's lead.

Moulin hoped they wouldn't be facing more trouble.

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