A Gorgeous White

Chapter 335: Through The Portal

The harsh landing should have struck pain unto his elbows and knees. Perhaps, his arms and the sides of his face would have scratched the rough ground, and Moulin would be groaning in pain. However, this was not the case. Underneath him was the familiar softness and firmness of a human body. The youth's fingertips brushed against the soft fabric. And most of all, Moulin could feel the rapid beat of the person's heart and the bountiful ambiance of fresh mana. Who in their right mind would release their mana so freely at this times and within this unholy place.

Surprisingly, Moulin heard and pained groan. And abruptly, all the youth's cautiousness rushed back in his mind, briefly restoring his vigilance. Moulin used his hands to push himself off the man, pressing the person on the ground with unrestrained strength. Once again, the man released a grunt as his chest was forced to the ground. Murmurs filled the air. When Moulin's vision cleared, he didn't look at the person beneath him. Instead, the youth raised his head and assessed his surroundings.

People stood at a distance from him, muttering and staring with curious eyes. They wore familiar garbs, but Moulin couldn't grasp where he found their clothing's resemblance. There wasn't any fear in their gazes but wonder. Lanterns were strewn above, tied to the thick branches of beautiful, healthy trees. Their thick leaves danced as a gentle breeze passed through them. The branches were widespread, almost enclosing the whole area like a weaved basket. Small spaces could be found within the door-like opening of the tree's wide trunks and round holes serving as windows. The place was indeed nothing like Moulin had ever seen. It was warm and peaceful.

What had caught Moulin's attention was the resident's physical characteristics of pointed ears and bright eyes. A thundering pound noised within Moulin's chest as his mind reeled.

"What..." His mouth moved. Eyes darting around him. The people drew closer.

Moulin was oblivious of the numerous thudding noise behind him. Too distracted by his surrounding. Nor was he paying attention to the deep soul-penetrating gaze underneath him.

"Ah! My Lord!" A thin teenager scrambled forward but hesitated when he came close to Moulin. He blinked and was immediately entranced by the striking looks of the man restraining his Master.

It was only when Moulin noticed the teenager did Moulin remembered the person underneath him. He looked down, refusing to lighten his forceful hands. The moment he did, his voice was stuck in his throat. Silver eyes are constricted. The abrupt surprise stiffened Moulin.

The man met his gaze, gawking equally. His ruby eyes quivered, and his mouth was unable to form words.

Moulin, who had just awoken a couple of months ago, still had fresh memories. Although he felt that his body had grown older, his memories remained clear. And he was familiar with this man...

"Lord Ordan..." The boy muttered uneasily. His brows furrowed in worry while he glanced between his Lord and the beautiful man on top of him.

Like lightning, the name struck Moulin speechless.

Before he could clarify, the clothes on his back were pulled, and Moulin found himself rising from the ground. With a faint thump, the young man's back pressed against a muscular chest. An arm was wrapped around his waist, almost possessive. Moulin didn't need to question who had pulled him off. From the strength of this arm alone, the gentle and swift slide of it as it moved around his waist countless times, and the comfort it brought, Moulin knew precisely who it was without looking.

Hadrian held Moulin against him. The portal had closed a few moments ago, and every single one of his men had escaped safely. Although exhausted, the men gaped around their surroundings. The smell of food lingered in the air, and the warmth of the atmosphere made them almost weak to their knees. It's been so long since they've felt this kind of serenity.

"Young Master!" Colahn hurriedly approached Moulin and the others. Seeing that they were alright, he sighed in relief. Meanwhile, Keir ran towards Hadrian excitedly. The people parted at the sight of the fearsome creature.

Hadrian continued to eye the man that had risen from the floor with the aid of the teenager that had hurried to help him. Moulin and the rest of the men intently stared at the man. Their gaze looked as if they would crush the man back to the ground.

"Are you..." Tessley stepped forward. Her amber eyes gave the man before them a silent look.

"Ordan..." Hadrian spoke. There was heaviness in his voice like a boulder dropping into the ocean. There wasn't any meaning behind it but a quiet acknowledgment.

The moment the name was spoken, most of the crowd began to murmur. Their questioning eyes drifted to Ordan as if seeking answers from the look of his face. However, the man didn't reply. His eyebrows rose slightly. There was a tight knot in his chest and the desperation and despair from long before resurfaced. A breath of relief escaped his throat, and for the first time in years, his smile was genuine. No longer hollow and faint. The elves around him widened their eyes in disbelief.

Suddenly, two men rushed and jumped towards him, once again, slamming him down on the ground. Troid and Tyve wore big grins as they wrestled the former Guild Lord of Dragor.

"You were alive!" Tyve shouted in his ear.

And Troid equally shook Ordan's shoulder, "Bastard! We thought you were dead!"

Ordan could only helplessly receive their endless and painful complaints with a smile. Tessley only shook her head with a sigh. Inwardly, she was relieved as well.

While the men continued to make a scene, Moulin blinked in surprise. Before, he thought he was the only one who knew about Lord Ordan's identity of being Hadrian's follower while being Dragor's Lord. Moulin slowly turned his head towards Hadrian.

Hadrian lowered his gaze to Moulin, perceiving his lover's questionable look. "Some things happened when you weren't here..."

Nodding, Moulin returned his gaze, witnessing Ordan being helplessly strangled within the twin's embrace. Looking at the man, Moulin smiled faintly. It seems that Ordan must have revealed his loyalty to Lord Hercullio and grew close with the guild. Moulin's gaze turned wistful. Many things... He missed so many things...

"It seems we have guests..." A soft voice spoke, interrupting the maeruthan's reunion.

Moulin and the men all shifted their gaze towards a short figure, slowly making her way down the spiral staircase around the largest tree in the area. When she spoke, the whole place was silent. The elves paused their curious mutterings and turned to her with an admiring gaze. When Moulin's eyes drew towards her, his eyes widened.

It was a small girl with bright green eyes wearing an unimpressed look on her face. Locks of long auburn hair framed the sides of her adorable face. There were sparkling little gems dotting her hair and the corners of her eyes. As she slowly made her way down the stairs, the lacy ends of her yellow dress fluttered in a bounce.

What was most eye-catching was the two pairs of wings on her back. Its translucent surface glistened beautifully. Fae kind, Moulin thought, feeling his heart thump. As if annoyed by her slowness in taking the stairs, the little girl fluttered over the last few steps with ease and walked towards Ordan and the group. The elves around her only gave a smile. They were already used to her haughty personality.

The atmosphere abruptly changed because of her appearance. But the person causing it looked a nine-year-old or even younger! Moulin didn't know whether to be cautious about this adorable little doll or not. Conflicted, he could only furrow his brows and observe.

"Lady Adeina..."

Finally, the hooded man, who led Hadrian and his group out of the temple, spoke. He approached the little girl with a slight bow. The girl pouted at him, and then with narrowed eyes, she craned her neck towards the group of foreigners.

"Maeruthans? You've surprised me this time, Envihr. I thought you'd bring me back a headless malibreed again."

"... Last time was an accident." The hooded man reasoned with a heavy sigh. He then glanced at Hadrian and his men. "I reckoned they were acquaintances of Lord Ordan. They're pathfinders from Helios..."

Lady Adeina cocked an eyebrow. His eyes trailed towards Hadrian and the strange purifier within his arms. "It seems they aren't just pathfinders..."

"My Lady..." Ordan slowly pulled himself away from the twins and hurried towards the little girl. He fixed himself and gestured his arm towards Hadrian.

"Before your presence is the High Lord Hercullio of Helios City." Ordan introduced.

The moment his words sank in every single elf's ears, the crowd murmured. Surprise etched their faces as they exchanged looks while drawing closer to the maeruthans for a better look.

Lady Adeina's eyes slightly widened. She turned to the hooded man, Envihr, and was replied with a nod. After a few seconds, she closed her eyes to calm her heart and restored her strict appearance. With slow steps, she placed her hands behind her and approached the group.

"Welcome to Artheia, Your Excellence." Adeina nodded to the tall man.

Hadrian silently replied with a nod. Although unfazed, the youth within Hadrian's arms felt his heart freeze. Artheia? They... Are they in Artheia? How was that possible?!

Moulin looked around him and noticed the elves that were peeking to have a look at him. Trying hard to ignore their gazes, Moulin mulled over why there were elves in Artheia. The last time he knew, elves were the most loyal creatures to their land. Some would even risk their lives protecting it. However, if they were here, they must have retreated to Artheia, for the Kron had already corrupted Meian. Did they really flee to Artheia? The country that was most farthest from Meian?

Lost in his thoughts, Moulin didn't realize that Lady Adeina and Hadrian had finished talking. There was a solemn air between Lord Hercullio and Lady Adeina. The men and the elves silently confirmed it.

"You and your men must be tired from your journey." Lady Adeina nodded to one of the elven women. "I'll have your temporary quarters ready and have food and drink delivered to you. You've come a long way for your friend..."

Hadrian thanked her and gestured the group to follow elves. Moulin drew his brows together when he turned to Hadrian, noticing the man didn't make a move to join them. Hadrian placed a hand on the curve of Moulin's back and lowered his head with a whisper.

"I'll join you later. Be good and wait for me."

Their lips were so close that Moulin could feel Hadrian's breath on his lips. Secretly, Moulin glanced at Lady Adeina and sighed. Of course, they would be discussing things further.

Moulin nodded.

"Moulin..." Emlen called for him from behind, refusing to go without his little brother. Malyana rolled her eyes at him in amusement.

"Go..." Hadrian said, smiling softly.

Moulin nodded, but before he could walk away, Hadrian pulled him close and caught Moulin's lips with his own. Moulin was surprised and eventually gave in to his lover. The kiss was brief, but it was enough for Moulin to yearn more.

"Wait for me..." Hadrian said.

Emlen frowned and called for Moulin again. Meanwhile, Moulin replied to Hadrian with a smile and a nod before he went with his brother.

When the maeruthan's disappeared through the vines and treehouses, Hadrian remained standing. The elves who had witnessed such a romantic display were impressed and intrigued.

Hesitantly, Ordan approached Hadrian from behind. "My Lord, Is he really..." His words trailed off, reluctant to incite the Lord's painful memories.

"Yes, it's him..." Hadrian calmly replied despite his subordinate's concern. His eyes remained silently gazing at the direction Moulin and his men had gone.

"He came back to me."

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