A Gorgeous White

Chapter 336: Passionate Silence

Wonder filled those bright silver eyes. Moulin's gaze followed the wooden staircase coiling upwards around a tall gigantic tree. From their short stroll around the place, Moulin realized that they were residing within a vast forest. The trees were tall but held a great distance away from each other. Smaller trees were transformed into small dwellings while the bigger ones wore big houses atop their branches. Several ladders and one staircase led to those houses. The climb to the rooms with the wooden staircases would be much easier to take.

Several eyes followed the group as they walked. The elven folk that they passed seemed to be quieter than the ones they first met. Small heads craned out from the terraces of the beautiful treehouses, curious about the group of foreigners beneath. a particular youth felt the weight of their gazes the most.

"Perhaps, they thought you were one of them, Young master." Malyana's eyes curved in amusement as her pupils took in Moulin's exquisite features.

Moulin snorted, but Malyana continued while glancing at the inquisitive elves. "I reckoned when you were younger; you were absolutely charming and delicate as a full-bloomed daisy."

'What?' Moulin frowned, but before he could refute the fox woman's statement, another voice intruded.

"Oh, but he was. As captivating an angel, to be precise." Ghana patted Moulin's shoulder with a chuckle. Malyana's eyes rose in interest.

"However, your features now exudes an intriguing sensuous appeal. Amorous and sensuous. Precisely, why I had been so taken to you at first meet." Malyana rubbed her fingernail on her chin as she spoke. Her eyes squinted with a salacious smile. "Perhaps, I know why you have captivated the dreadfully powerful Lord of Helios. He seems to act distraught and apparently unhinged when he loses his grasp on you..."

When her last words were spoken, Moulin's eyes slightly narrowed. His head raised slightly without looking at the two women beside him, he said. "It isn't my appearance which holds him to me...."

He slightly turned to Malyana. "... It is the bond that holds our hearts together. Through Life and death."

Suddenly, Emlen's calls interrupted them. Moulin gave a faint smile to the two before he went to his brother with quick steps. The two women left behind stared at his departing back intently.

"How passionate..." Malyana sighed while she patted the moving bulge on the sleeves of her arm.

Beside her, Ghana chuckled while shaking her head. "He's straightforward and sincere. Unlike all of us, he hasn't changed after eight years in this forsaken land."

Malyana's gazed deepened when she heard her words. Somehow, she felt as if there was something questionable about the female maeruthan's words. A curious suspicion arose inside of her. However, she didn't dwell too much about it. Although, the feeling remained lingering.

"Be sure to take a rest. Shut the door and always be vigilant." Emlen's words echoed in Moulin's ears as he spoke. It was as if listening to a recorder, but Moulin didn't find it bothersome. He treasured his brother's words of concern in his heart no matter how exaggerated they may be.

Emlen patted his little brother on the head and spoke softly. "Rest well."

Moulin nodded. He could tell that his elder brother was exhausted as well. 'I must have worried him too much.'

"You too, elder brother."

Moulin separated from the group and watched as the rest were led to their respective lodging. Climbing up the staircase leading to his room, Moulin marveled at the astonishing sight of glowing orbs hanging from the branches of the trees. Their warm light illuminated the dim forest. An air of mystery surrounded the place, something mystical and strange arousing Moulin's desire to explore. And for some reason, a strong wind blew the higher he climbed.

It was only when he arrived near the top of the steps did he witness the view.

Moulin's words crowded within his throat. His eyes were wide as saucers, and his mouth parted in shock. The wind blew around him, letting his hair flow with the wind. A vast space of air stretched out for hundreds of miles. A gigantic rope-like structure, suspended in the air, connecting the massive island to another, bearing an enormous tree, so tall and so big, it looked as if it pierced the atmosphere and blanketed the world.

An immense thick forest covered the land beneath him. There was no horizon, but the dreadful edge of the earth was revealed to his presence. Clouds are like the sea, stretched out beneath as far as the eye could see. However, there are glimpses of the dark lands beneath the soft clouds' gaps, allowing one a peek of the world under.

Moulin staggered, and suddenly a surge of adrenalin pulsed within his veins. His steps are quicker now, climbing up the stairs, and the wooden staircase is shaking. He burst into the room, ran to the open terrace, and abruptly seized the wooden railings.

He panted. Chest rising and lowering. Heart pounding. Moulin silently gazed at the view in bewilderment. His fingers tightened, and he could hear his heartbeat.

"Skylands..." He spoke unconsciously.

Islands suspended in the air, connected to one island core. The spectacular sight of it almost stopped Moulin's breathing. He didn't expect that he was witnessing this. He had read about it in books, imagining the overwhelming sight of it. The thrum of the wind surrounded him as if in comfort to ease his restlessness, but Moulin couldn't bear to stop himself from absorbing the view in his mind.

Stupified, he spent several minutes gaping at the scene before his eyes.


Snow popped his head out of the satchel, blinking in confusion. Moulin sapped out from his trance and lowered his gaze to his bag. His eyes met bright beady silver ones, pleading for attention.

Moulin furrowed his brows and sighed. He glanced at the view one last time before he returned to the room. He brought Snow to the small bed in the center of the warm room. Everything felt warm and cozy.

As a particular little fox began exploring the room, Moulin took off his boots and the tight vest on his body before he laid back on the bed with a comfortable sigh. His blank gaze settled on the ceiling, and in an instant, drowsiness began to seep into his body. They haven't slept for days, constantly vigilant and fearing for their lives. At this moment, Moulin just wanted to sleep for a whole week. However, he didn't want to.

He wanted to wait for Hadrian.

Unfortunately, within the brief comforts of the room, even he could not resist. Slowly, he let sleep overwhelm him.


A few hours later, Moulin's eyelids twitched, sensing light. He felt the bed dip. Another person's weight settled on the bed. Moulin shifted and reluctantly opened his eyes. Caution seemed to slither away from him as if he already knew who the intruder was.

Long fingers brushed the strands covering the youth's eyes. And Moulin, under the faint candlelight, took in the sight of the golden-eyed man sitting on the edge of the bed, touching him and interrupting his sleep.

Hadrian's sharp features are defined by the shadows and warm light, revealing his handsome solemn countenance. Gentleness was brimming within his eyes and on the tips of his fingers that were caressing his lover.

"Your back..." Moulin muttered lowly, still feeling sleepy. He shifted to lie on his side to have a good look at the Lord on the bed.

Hadrian nodded in reply and added. "You didn't eat."

"I fell asleep." Moulin sighed and slowly rose from the bed with a yawn. Hadrian could not help but smirk at Moulin.

The room was dim. There were a couple of hanging lanterns that hung from the branches above the terrace, illuminating the room faintly. Moulin wasn't surprised that he slept for many hours. On the contrary, he still felt that he hadn't slept enough.

On the rug, at the far corner of the room, two creatures slept soundly. Kier was curled around a particular little snow-white fox as if protecting the tiny creature from the cold. Moulin chuckled faintly at the endearing sight.

He turned to Hadrian, "Since when did you return?"

"Not long."

"So you were watching me sleep?"


Moulin laughed softly and shook his head, perceiving the answer from Hadrian's silence. Shortly afterward, he leaned on the pillows and asked. A smile remained on his lips.

"What did you talk about?"

There was a dauntless silence filling the air between them. It took a while for Hadrian to respond. First, he reached out his hand and caressed the soft cheek of his loved one. The skin was cold to his touch, for Moulin had slept without warmth for several hours.

With a penetrating gaze, Hadrian lowered his head. "Tomorrow, we will present ourselves before the royal council of Thundralln."

When those words fell into his ears, Moulin's eyes widened in disbelief. He straightened his back with quivering pupils, slowly absorbing the words. Inwardly, Hadrian understood his surprise and let the youth take in his words carefully.

Not long after, Moulin blinked, and his soft lips parted. "Thundralln?...They're here?"

Hadrian nodded. "They are here..."

"Where?" Moulin abruptly leaned forward. His eagerness to obtain his answers is evident through the trembling pair of silver orbs.

"Adeia will escort us to their city." Golden pupils drifted slowly towards the open terrace where the lights twinkled on floating islands and the sacred tree that bound the divided land in the air. Moulin followed his gaze, and the answer entered his mind.

"I don't understand..." Moulin held his head. Confusion overwhelmed him. Thundralln's people are here in Artheia? How did they manage to dwell in the Skylands? For how long? Why didn't they try to reach out to the other races and safe settlement cities? Were they hiding?

"Don't dwell on it too much," Hadrian assured him. "Ease yourself. Tomorrow, we will find answers."

Moulin furrowed his brows, unable to separate himself from his muddled mind. However, he conceded in the end.

The night was cold, and Moulin wanted to see the view of the terrace before he would go to sleep again. Hadrian didn't draw the curtains close. He took off his garments, leaving the comforts of his underclothes on his body before slipping inside the furs with his silver-eyed lover.

He lets out a warm breath as his fingers slowly crept into the hem of Moulin's shirt, caressing the smooth pale skin underneath. His palms slid sensually on the soft contours of youth's stomach. His fingertips brushed like feathery strands.

Moulin slightly closed his eyes, marveling at the feeling. He inched closer, yearning for the warmth between their bodies. His hands made their way up to press on Hadrian's muscular chest, feeling the firmness underneath the cloth. As he did this, Hadrian's hands got bolder, now stroking the sides of his chest as if mapping every curve and crevice.

A passionate smile graced Moulin's lips. They were kissing. Deep and slow, savoring each other in pleasing serenity. Moulin moved his lips, opening, submitting as he angled his head. He rose from the pillows, and the bed creaked pleasantly.

As they remained connected, refusing to part their lips, Hadrian's large and warm hands are now roaming on Moulin's skin. The youth smiled between their kiss as his slender hands found the hem of his shirt, pulled it off his head. His soft silky hair fell as waves down his shoulders and over the peaks of his chest. He sighed exquisitely as his body hovered over Hadrian. His thighs are now straddling the man's sturdy hips and pressing against the firm desire underneath.

"Not going to sleep?" Hadrian spoke over Moulin's mouth. His hand now found its place around the youth's nape in a possessive hold.

Moulin's eyes are hooded as arousal slips into his skin, drilling into his pounding heart and sinking underneath his navel. As he gazed at those magnetic eyes, his hand reached up to touch Hadrian's jaw.

"No..." Moulin whispered. "We'll end up sleeping afterward in the end."

With a smile, Hadrian ground his hips. His hands pulled Moulin close to him. "Do you want me?"

There was harshness in his voice as he spoke.

Moulin's lips parted as he breathed, leaning closer and brushing their lips. His reply came out as a desperate whisper.


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