A Gorgeous White

Chapter 337: I Am Yours

A fire sparked, a hundred tongues of it licking their skin. Flesh stroking against each other in a harsh wet slide. Within the room, the temperature rose despite the freezing night. For the two people entangled in each other's naked bodies, it felt as if they were rolling within ticklish heat, engulfing them in flames. Strands of soft silvery-white hair swayed in the air. Slender yet firm arms shook as the fingers at the end pressed on the solid valleys of the man's body underneath him. His long eyelashes fluttered in a quiver. The drive of want electrocuting even the very tips of his fingers.

The candlelight had gone out on the bedside. And the contraceptive fluid from the fallen vial dripped down the edge of the table. It was as if a person was in a hurry to consume it, leaving it open and spilling out.

The muscles on the youth's pale back clenched and released alternately as his hips rolled, pressing harder against the stronger man's hips. The grunts underneath him entered his ears. A pleasant burning feeling came with it like dirty words spoken beside his ears.

"Haah..." Moulin released a breath. His trembling thighs were straddling Hadrian's powerful hips. The wet squelch between them seemed so loud in their ears. Moulin shuddered, feeling the stretch between his thighs sting. However, there was a strange pleasure from it.

Lowering his head, his hooded eyes lifted. Silver pupils took in the delicious sight in front of him. The feeling of taming a powerful savaged beast drowned Moulin briefly.

Lord Hercullio, with all his suppressed desire, stared up at youth above him like how a predator would eye his prey. Ruthless hunger filled his eyes to the brim. The cords of his neck tightened, and his limbs were stiffening, twitching as if in the next second, he would pounce at the lustful person on top of him with teeth-scraping savagery. However, it took on one finger for Moulin to subdue him as if a spell had been cast.

Moulin's eyes slightly narrowed, and the edge of his fingernail trailed the lines of the abdominal muscles brimming with explosive power. A chock-full of satisfactions graced the feature's on Moulin's face. It felt good to be holding the bomb in his hand.

With another roll of his hips, Moulin smirked, hearing the deep groan from the Lord beneath him. Hadrian narrowed his eyes. And his hands that had remained on the youth's fleshy thighs abruptly move to grip Moulin's hips. Moulin let out a gasp, unconsciously tightening around Hadrian's thick cock. Hadrian's throat twisted inwardly, feeling the heavy tightness of the walls surrounding his shaft.

"You're doing it on purpose, aren't you, little minx." Hadrian lets out a grunt. His jaw clenched as he gazed at Moulin, somehow feeling threatened by the smirk that played on the younger man's lips.

"Am I?" Moulin only chuckled. His breaths were growing hard, and he spread his legs wider, giving the golden-eyed man an eyeful of their drenched connection. Leaning back, Moulin's hands reached out to wrap around his own member, stroking it as he languidly hazed at Hadrian, who was intently scrutinizing his every move.

Moulin's feet are planted on the bed. He slowly raised his knees, exposing the stimulating sight between his legs. "How should you punish me, Master?"

Hadrian's patience snapped. Without warning, his back left the pillows. A snarling ferocity awakened in his eyes. Moulin yelped as the back of his neck was caught by a large hand, harshly pulling him forward to meet Hadrian's mouth.

The kiss was rough and deep. Their tongues grated against each other, pitilessly stroking inside the other's mouth. Moulin moaned, inching forward for more, feeling more aroused than he ever was. The hand around the back of his neck had a vice-like grip on him, keeping him in place. A mind-muddling thrill pulsed through his veins. However, he also melted at the gradual slowness of their kiss.

"Naughty," Hadrian spoke. Amusement filled his handsome face, making Moulin want to swell with pride.

'This man is mine.' Moulin thought. He was briefly driven by the thought and opened his mouth to viciously sink his teeth on the side of Hadrian's neck. Afterward, he took a long swipe with his tongue, delighted.

Hadrian welcomed the pain, luxuriating on the sensation of being claimed by his beautifully strong lover. A sigh escaped his mouth, and he pressed his lips on the side of Moulin's temple fondly.

"Mnh..." Moulin relished the feeling between them. Squeezing the outrageous member buried deep inside him as he stroked his own shaft.

All of a sudden, he felt the world turn, and now he found himself underneath a muscular body. The soft furs behind him made him sigh in content. And the addition of the wondrous muscle-bound man towering over him, dominating his sight, Moulin swallowed.

A deep chuckle noised out from Hadrian's throat as he gazed down at the wonder-eyed young man underneath him. Moulin was assessing his body with desirous eyes as if he wanted to lick every inch of his skin. Hadrian smirked, hiking Moulin's legs up against his thighs as he inched closer, expelling every bit of space between them. The Lord slowly caught Moulin's wrists. His thick fingers curled around those rosy hands, gradually bringing it over the youth's head, locking them in place.

With his hands restrained, Moulin raised a brow as their noses almost touched.

"Bold..." Moulin muttered.

Hadrian smirked. "Fiesty."



Moulin spat. "Scoundrel."

However, Moulin was interrupted when Hadrian suddenly gave a heavy thrust. He gasped, being filled over and over. The stretch was breathtaking. Moulin's breath hitched, and his toes curled as his body was rocked back and forth.

When Hadrian suddenly stopped, he gazed down at the mess he's made. "Tight..."

"Augh..." Moulin glared at him, yet faced with the man that he'd grown to love so much he could only sigh helplessly.

A kiss fell on his lips, his cheek, his eyes, and his forehead. The softness made the youth's eyes close in bliss. He could feel their hearts thumping as if synchronizing. Their bond thrummed with power, vibrant and brimming with passion.

Hadrian moved, rolling his hips as he thrusted, pistoning against that warm drenched heat and grinding at the spot that made his lover moan out in exhilaration. As he rocked the body beneath him, his eyes never left the lustful expression on Moulin's face as he was stirred uncontrollably, blazing with sensual appeal that could make any man or woman mad with desire for him. The thought about other people eyeing, coveting about his lover sparked a barbarous intent, drilling into his heart and venomously flowing within his veins. He would tear them apart if they even think of pining for Moulin.

"I love you..."

A faint whisper slipped into his ears.

These words were like spring water dousing the parched land inside Hadrian's heart. The man slowed down into a grinding pace when he witnessed the teary and passion-filled silver eyes staring straight through his heart. His fingers loosened and, oh, so slowly, traced the fine cheek of the beautiful man's face.

Moulin nestled his cheek on Hadrian's gentle palm, closing his eyes with a whimper as his pleasure climbed underneath his belly. He could feel it boiling inside him.

"I am yours..." Hadrian whispered as he embraced Moulin. His lips mouthing the curve of the aphrodite's jaw with sweet words and promises.

"Mn..." Moulin's parted his lips as his breaths turned rapid. His heart, pounding heavily. Fingertips are now digging into the firm skin on the Hercullian Lord's muscled back. The wet slide inside him was driving him mad. Curses left his mouth in faint whispers as he held on tight, accepting every forceful thrust inside him, letting himself drown in pleasure.

Hadrian's hands now held Moulin's face gently, feeling as Moulin's hands left his back and covered his rough hands. The golden pool within those magnetic irises, brimming with love and desire, aroused a wondrous sensation deep inside Moulin's heart. For a moment, he felt wistful, reminded of the loneliness that Hadrian had experienced.

But right now, they were focused on the present. At this time, within each other's arms, feeling each other's bodies in endless pleasure.

Moulin cried out when he reached his peak. His legs stiffened, toes curled, and his head thrown back to the pillows, exposing the pale column of his throat embellished with ambiguous marks. His lips are gaping, insides tightening significantly, before he slumped back down relief, clouding his mind in a daze. The pink peaks of his chest were rising and falling as he breathed rapidly.

Soon enough, Hadrian grunted, arms tightening around Moulin as he spilled deep inside. He ground hard, pushing deeper as if trying to make a mark inside, shaping Moulin's insides, made only for him. A long exhale escaped his mouth as he felt his limbs grow soft around the youth beneath him. The mixture of their fluids and as well as their sweat dampened the furs.

They stayed entangled in each other while letting their breaths settle.

Not long after, Hadrian pulled out, gazing at his stained cock as it withdrew from the slit between the youth's legs. Moulin moaned, feeling it move inside him. He sighed aftwerwards.

As Hadrian went to fetch the bucket of water and a clean rug from the small room behind the bedroom, Moulin turned to glance at the terrace with furrowed brows. When Hadrian came back, he kissed Moulin's lips as he cleaned him.

"It's dawn..." The youth whispered as he propped his chin on his hand while staring at the busy man.

"Mn..." Hadrian nodded. "Are you sleepy?"

With a frown, Moulin spoke. "I'm more worried about you. I've derived you from sleep."

Amused, Hadrian put away the rag and basin before changing the furred blankets with the one lying on one of the wooden chairs at the corner of the room. But before he could settle with Moulin in the bed, the youth forcibly pulled him. The bed made a loud creak.

"Sleep," Moulin said to the surprised man lying beside him. His slender fingers began brushing the golden strands of Hadrian's head. Silver eyes intensely scrutinized the bright golden irises gazing at him deeply.

Moulin smirked. "I'll wake you up."

Hadrian stared at him for a couple of seconds before he chuckled softly. His protective arms moved to bring Moulin close to him. He brought his lips to the soft silky crown of his hair before closing his eyes. Warmth filled his heart, and he had never felt so complete in his life.

Moulin smiled, shifting closer, hearing the beats of the man's heart against his chest. No matter what would happen in the future, Moulin wouldn't leave him. He swore this to himself.


Clearing his throat, an elven teenager hesitantly knocked on the door of the treehouse. His feet shifted nervously, and he glanced at the height beneath the tree.

Not long after, the door opened, and he gaped at the stunning man revealing himself.

"Can I help you?" Moulin asked with furrowed brows.

"I..." The boy blinked and hurriedly spoke. "I-I'm here to escort you!"

Moulin raised his eyebrows. "Ah, I see. Please, wait for a moment."


When Moulin went back inside, he didn't bother to close the door. The boy peeked inside curiously, feeling a bit excited. He saw the beautiful man walk towards the bed and whisper.

"It's time to wake up..."

"...?" The elf tilted his head.

There was a deep chuckle, and a hand yanked the silver-eyed man to the bed. A taller and more muscular man hugged Moulin and began kissing his neck vigorously.

"..." The elven boy stared.

After a couple of seconds, he turned red and slammed the door closed! He realized that the other man was naked under the sheets, and clothes were strewn all over the floor.

Damn Maeruthans! My virgin eyes! He inwardly cried.

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