A Gorgeous White

Chapter 339: They Have A Purifier!

The sound of rapid footsteps echoed throughout the area as a thin figure hastily ran through the hallways. He muttered apologies when he accidentally bumped against the elves as he ran. He breathed rapidly, heaving as he quickened his pace, knowing that the elders were very much eager to meet the High Lord of Helios City. Thundralln have been separated from the other races for so long that the councilors were quite flustered to be meeting an esteemed figure of a Maeruthan city.

With harsh breaths, the elven servant finally slowed his steps, almost stumbling as he stopped before Lady Adeina and the foreign people behind him. When he saw them, he struggled to breathe in shock when taking in their influential figures. Even from where he stood, he could feel their mana writhing around them. The elf swallowed nervously, but he couldn't stray from his task.

The little fae girl raised an eyebrow while crossing her arms. "Well? Speak, boy."

"A-ah! F-forgive me, My lady." The elf bowed before them and quickly said. "The council is ready to see you and the guests. However, they only asked for the leaders to join them."

"Of course." Adeina frowned. She turned away and glanced at the men behind her.

"Very well." Hadrian met her gaze and spoke sincerely. Afterward, he added. "Emlen, Ordan."

"Yes, My Lord." Ordan stepped forward while Emlen drew his brows together, frowning as he neared Hadrian and the other man.

Blinking nervously, the elven servant began leading the rest of the group away to a room where they could wait while the meeting commenced. Before leaving with the others, Moulin turned his gaze to look at Hadrian. Fatefully, their gazes met.

The golden-eyed Lord revealed a fond smile, reassuring Moulin's heart. With a sigh, the youth nodded slightly before joining Jagra and the others. Behind him, Hadrian watched them depart with deep eyes.

"Reluctant, aren't you?" Adeina smirked, tilting her head. Hadrian didn't respond but instead gave her an analyzing look. Behind him, Ordan, with his eyes, signals Adeina not to provoke the Lord. As usual, the little fae ignored him and assessed Hadrian silently. Silently, Emlen gave Ordan a confused look.

"Let's go." Envihr whispers, taking the lead to end the confrontation and stopping to let Adeina lead the way.

With a huff, the little fae girl shifted her attention and began walking. The three men followed her.

Meanwhile, Moulin and the others were led to a wide area filled with flowers, bright and magnificent to the eye. They swayed beautifully, rustled with the leaves as if welcoming the guests in the green garden. The trees that appeared like coiling vines formed a dome where their leaves wound hang on their vines like the path of falling raindrops. There was a great balcony bearing the sight of the two nearby islands, all bound to the Island core, the Tree of Gala'En, by the roots of the great tree.

The men then sat on the benches and chairs between wooden tables decorated with stunning flower vases. Moulin had to admit that the sight of their rugged and fierce figures didn't suit the delicate elegance of the area, nor does he. However, why should they care? Last night's sleep didn't seem to be enough. Moulin was fully aware of this fact. They were too tired, and their journey wasn't even close to the end. The time that they have now was just a short break. They would be back on their feet before they knew it. Somehow, it was pitiful.

While quietly conversing with, Jagra, Ghana, and Colahn, Moulin paid attention to how much time had passed. Finally, he was getting impatient and excused himself from the three.

"Where are you going?" Ghana asked in concern.

Moulin flashed her a smile before walking, "To the Terrace."

Thinking that the terrace would be quieter, allowing him a moment of calm, he sighed. However, when he arrived, another person was already occupying the place.

"Feeling troubled?" Malyana didn't turn her head while she leaned on the railings of thick coiled tree roots. She is staring at the skies, clouds that were now seas beneath the islands.

Moulin exhaled, dragging his feet to the place beside her. "A little restless and nothing else. How's Harow?"

"Missing you." Malyana chuckled as she raised her sleeves and a black snake blinked its golden eyes before slithering towards Moulin. The silver-eyed maeruthan laughed softly as he reached his arm, allowing Harow to coiled around his wrists.

With amused eyes, Malyana propped her chin on her palm as she stared at the dazzling young man. The breeze carried his white hair in a slow dance, and his eyes were bright and pure. Such an intriguing creature in this world, Malyana thought that it was somewhat an honor to be in his presence. Perhaps, it was fate that they were able to meet.

"I have been curious..." Moulin started as he stroked the skin under the snake's mouth with his fingertip.

"Do tell." Malyana raised an eyebrow as she scrutinized the little black snake.

"How did you meet Harow?" Moulin asked.

"..." Malyana looked at him with a faltering gaze. She closed her eyes and sighed. This abruptly caught the youth's attention. Moulin's curiosity became greater.

Malyana reached out her hand and tapped the little snake's head. Wistfulness flitted through her ruby eyes. Usually, when this topic would be brought forward, she would take her pipe and blow smoke in the air until the memory was forgotten. However, she left her pipe in the city like how she left the past behind and moved one from her revenge. Malyana smiled faintly when Harow perceived her mood, now nuzzling his head on her palm.

"From the moment I was born, he was already there." Said Malyana. "And we were inseparable ever since..."

"I see..."

Moulin's gaze lowered, but his thoughts didn't stop. Indeed, there was something far deeper. Somehow, Moulin could feel it, the secrets she was hiding. However, there were also truths in her words. He didn't dwell on the thought anymore. Clearly, it wasn't any of his concern. But he couldn't help but wonder.

"Enough about me." Malyana smiled, and she turned to lean her back against the railing. She tilted her head as she gazed at the maeruthan beside her. "I see, His Excellence is indeed keen on displaying how 'claimed' you are to the endless eyes around you."

Moulin's forehead creased, and he slightly narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean 'that,' young master." Malyana chuckled, pointing at the little red mark embellishing the younger one's neck. Moulin's collar was left loose, and the wind exposed it all the more.

Moulin touched his neck and realized that his collar button was missing. He immediately palmed his neck, and redness crept into his cheeks. Malyana couldn't help but laugh, which earned her Moulin's frightful glare.

"Damn it..." Moulin hissed as he inched away. Has everyone already seen it? How did he not notice this until now? Did his brother also see it? Thinking about Emlen, Moulin became even more embarrassed. Perhaps, that was why Emlen had given him that comment about 'last night.'

Malyana only lets out a laugh. Locks of her hair fell from her shoulders as a smile, so bright, graced her face. Moulin, red-faced, frowned. His hand remained stuck to the side of his neck, feeling as if he should bury into a hole. He only sighed with a smile. At least, someone was enjoying herself. Gone was the heaviness in her beautiful ruby eyes.

Obliviously, they stood, unaware of the watchful gaze staring at them from a distance. A room cradled by tree trunks and branches with a balcony graced with soft translucent curtains. A lithe figure leaned against the stone railings. Delicate fingers, wearing exquisite gems, played with the end of a white chess piece, a king. His silky raven hair covered half of his back, and his head tilted. Gazing at the two figures, a few floors below, at his right, he raised his brows, intrigued.

Magnetic blue eyes gazed at the particular white-haired person who appeared like the moon itself. Perhaps even brighter, purer, and oozing with that air of mystery and beauty.

"Who is that?" He spoke, eyes narrowing.

The tall servant that held a plate of grapes glanced in the direction and replied deeply. "Guests. Maeruthans. I heard they arrived just yesterday."

"Hm..." The slender figure shifted slightly. His gaze didn't stray from the white-haired maeruthan.


"I refuse!"

A loud bang noised throughout the room. A fist slammed on the table belonging to an elderly elf. His eyes are fearful yet filled with rage. His jaw clenched as he eyed the three men who entered the room a while ago. Three other elves surrounded the table, wearing similar elegant robes equal to his. Clearly, he and the three other elves held great power. However, unlike him, the three were calmer as they faced the situation. They were aware that they shouldn't provoke a certain High Lord no matter what protests would come out of their mouths.

The table was vast and seated at the center, a throne embellished with gold and fine stone, an elf sat. A golden circlet is worn around his forehead, and an emerald hangs on the center, glistening beautifully. Only one person was fit to wear it, which was the highest of all the elves in Thundralln. His green eyes shone brightly. Unlike how he was eight years ago, he had grown significantly in both mind and body. Taller and quieter. On his waist, a sword belt remained, carrying the sword of his beloved father, who had died, corrupted and broken. Now he was wearing his father's crown and sitting on his seat, carrying the burdens of his kingdom.

Nordehl Halthiandor Thundralln tapped his fingers on the table, gazing at his guests whom he hadn't seen for so many years. However, the memories in his mind were as clear as day. Nostalgia had filled his eyes a few moments ago, how he was relieved to witness their well-being. However, the moment he looked at Lord Hercullio, he was reminded of the death of that promising aphrodite maeruthan. A great friend and powerful creature. He'd sigh, shaking his head.

"Be seated, Ardathna." One of the elders spoke to the elder, making a scene. It was rude to be so unruly in front of their king.

"No! Why should we listen to these brutes! We-"

"Sit down." King Nordehl said. There was warning in his voice, enough to squeeze the air out of Elder Ardathna's throat. In the next second, the elder sat on his seat, unrelenting.

This time Emlen stepped forward to speak. "Our men found the Dragon Crystal first. We have risked many lives to obtain it. You must understand if we do not return with it to our city..." Emlen's face darkened, unable to speak the following words.

"..." The elders and the other watchful elves conversed with each other. Lord Hercullio watched, awaiting with cold silence. Many were afraid of looking at him, feeling the dreadful and oppressive mana emanating from his very being. From the horrid rumors about him, he could destroy a city if he was provoked. What could the peaceful elves do if that occurred to their own?

Nordehl sighed and raised his hand to cease the noise. Immediately there was silence. Then he faced his acquaintances, "Our city was in a dire situation as well..."

Hadrian met his gaze with equal heaviness as Nordehl continued.

"My friends, the guardian of our kingdom, the renowned barrier of Thrundralln had fallen many years ago. When we escaped the land, we found refuge in Artheia. However, our new home was already dying during the first few years of living within it. Gala'En's core was corrupted and is needed to be purified. However, the deterioration continued to spread throughout the tree endlessly. Many islands have fallen, and now only five have remained. Our only purifier is injured and could not aid the tree during the last few weeks. This Dragon core served to be a substitute for him." Nordehl sighed.

The elven king lifted his head. "My people are not selfish. We only wish to survive."

"So are we." Ordan drew his brows together. This was why he didn't leave the place and return to Helios. He was chased by malibreeds and risked his life to obtain the crystal, only for it to be stolen by these people.

"Pah! Nonsense!" Ardathna spat. "You people only wanted to covet! I've heard of your chaotic blood, murdering machines! The reason why we have survived this long was because we are far from your filthy people!"

As his words sank, another wave of whispers noised throughout the halls. There were nods of agreement as well as comments of protests.

Anger burned in Emlen's eyes. The longer this would go on, the longer his little brother would have to remain during this mission. They had to return and restore Helios's core. Ordan clenched his fists. He was stripped of his rights to use his ability to remain here, fearing losing the precious crystal that would save their people. If a battle came out from this, he would stand by his Lord. They would come out bloody for all he'd care.

Adeina stood, lips pressed in a tight line. 'Tsk, elves...' She sneered. Afterward, a sigh escaped her lips. Abruptly, an idea appeared in his mind.

But before she could dwell about it, a frightening aura swept throughout the area. It was cold as if death was pulling at their sleeves, wanting their attention. Immediately, silence fell in the air. Not one noise was squeaked out as the heavy, dominating mana aimed to bury them in their place. However, the feeling was gone in an instant.

Confused and frightened, the elves peeked at the unfazed Golden Lord. They kept their mouth shut, fearful. Even Nordehl was surprised. That aura alone could break them into submission. They wouldn't even have a chance if a war broke out.

Hadrian watched Nordehl with a daring gaze. There was only one outcome from this, it seems. He opened his mouth to speak... only for someone to interrupt.

"They have a purifier!" Adeina blurted out.


This time the silence was filled with shock and disbelief.

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