A Gorgeous White

Chapter 340: Where... am I?

"They have a purifier!"

Adeina's words boomed throughout the halls. It echoed, entering the ears of every single individual within the area. And the silence after it was heavy, burdensome, filled with disbelief as the people were caught off-guard. Surprised at the unexpected words from the fae-kind. They looked at each other as if to confirm what they had just heard.

Adeina became nervous. Not because of the audience's and the council's reaction to the words she spoke but the soul-penetrating glare that drilled at the upper side of her skull. She shuddered, resisting the urge to cower. Golden eyes locked on her small form, deep and deadly as if meeting that savage gaze would rip her soul into shreds until there was nothing left from it. She couldn't help but swallow openly, forcing herself to keep her gaze on the councilors and the Elven king.

Emlen stared at her. Suddenly, there was panic in his heart, gripping his soul tightly. How dare she? What in the world was she trying to do? There was only one purifier in the group, and it was none other than his little brother.

"You say they have a purifier?" One of the Elders leaned closer. His elbows rested on the table surface as he weaved his fingers together, eager to hear more. Now, even Elder Ardathna kept silent to listen to their reply.

Adeina hesitated before she nodded. This was the only thing she could do for Ordan.

King Nordehl raised his brows. He grew curious, and he glanced at his councilors, receiving their conceding looks. Slowly, he returned his gaze to Adeina, who had taken a step forward along with her guard. He spoke, "Is... this true?"

Emlen clenched his fists, and Ordan hesitated while glancing at their Lord. However, it seems Hadrian looked unfazed. Ordan, with much restraint, responded softly, "Yes, your majesty."

Murmurs erupted, exploding within the hall. The elves stared at the councilors with anticipation, awaiting their following words. They looked at their king, who was leaning forward, eyebrows raised in intrigue.

"Lord Hercullio, Your Excellency... I believe we can negotiate." Nordehl finally said, accompanied by the councilor's nods, favoring the sudden events change.

"My brother will not be a part of this bargain." Emlen hissed with all the fury in his heart.

The Elven king furrowed his brows. Nordehl had looked into Moulin's siblings before. "Your brother? So, it is your... elder brother?"

"What?" Emlen's face scrunched up. Then he stopped, realizing that the King didn't know about Moulin's return. This King was once a prince that had known Moulin from his first and last sentinel mission. He had forgotten that this elf could have heard the news of Moulin's... disappearance.

"Well, who is it?" Elder Adarthna spoke impatiently, eager to end this meeting as soon as possible so he wouldn't see their faces again. He snorted. "Or is it all lies? Tsk, the blasphemous things you maeruthans spout. How ridiculous-"

His words were cut short when the doors slammed open with a loud bang!

The sudden sound abruptly caught the attention of all. Countless eyes quickly shifted towards the intruder. There, before the gaping doors, with eyes filled with excitement, the jewel of Thundralln breathed heavily. Her hair is braided, golden flowers coiled around the strands, and she wore an elegant blue dress, dragging a long white-laced cape. Her pointed ears are adorned with exquisite golden ear cuffs. She breathed heavily, fingers quivering.

"Brother! I-It's Moulin!" her voice was so loud, it rang through everyone's ears. This time her beautiful silver eyes were watery as if she had just gone through the most tragic experience in her life. Anyone who would look at her would have the urge to comfort her and dry her tears. An elven servant ran after her only to freeze in place. The whole court had their eyes on her Lady. She was too late to stop the princess and could only bow her head in shame.

The elves were confused, staring at her. The moment a tear rolled down her cheek, chaos roused within the hearts of the elves. Suddenly, they thought that the situation had become even more problematic! For once, they did not chatter but were stuck, unmoving and flustered as though they were lost in some endless maze. Ever since the king revealed the existence of their hidden princess, their hearts softened at the sight of the lady. She looked so much like the Queen-mother, and they would climb mountains and cross oceans for her.

Despite their surprise, the elders all turned to their king. Nordehl had stilled in his seat. Uncertainty and confusion etched his face like a clean sheet of parchment with splotches of ink, ruined.

"Eilhara..." Nordehl's eyes slightly squinted. His head shakes. "This is not the time-"

"Brother, I know who I saw! It is him, truly." The princess's hands clenched, and suddenly there was a fire in her silver eyes burning with determination. This was the first time she showed her persistence before countless eyes. And it seems she wasn't bothered by the attention at all.

Eilhara paused when she spotted the three maeruthans before the Elven council. Their prominent figures stood out within the halls—the glistening light from the chandeliers above illuminated their forms vividly. At the front of the three stood the man Eilhara was quite familiar with. Lord Hadrian Hercullio in the flesh. He wasn't looking at her, but even so, she perceived the cold look in his eyes like a ruthless blizzard burying cities under the freeze. The air he carried was frightful, and its influence upon them was significant. He looked more of a king, a ruler.

"Eilhara, stop." Nordehl rose from his seat. He hated to doubt his beloved sister, but the words she spoke were just... unimaginable. Sighing, he returned his gaze to his guests.

"She.. is not wrong..." Out of the blue, Ordan spoke out with a lowered head. When Nordehl stopped, anchoring his attention to him, Ordan continued. "Moulin Fraunces ... He's the purifier. "

"Shut your mouth." Emlen lowered, flaying Ordan with a fearsome look. However, the former guild Lord didn't meet his gaze.

Meanwhile, Lord Hercullio glanced at Ordan, who, this time, raised his head and hesitantly met Lord Hadrian's chilling gaze. Ordan felt his soul tremble. He was stepping over boundaries that would displease Lord Hercullio. But if it means keeping a chance to regain the Dragon crystal, he would submit to any consequences. Ordan lowered his head.

Hadrian sighed while a wretched feeling rose within his chest. Ordan did what he could. However, he wasn't letting these elves do what they wanted with Moulin. The choice wasn't theirs. If Moulin chooses to help, then Hadrian will abide. However, if he doesn't, then Hadrian didn't mind having a little blood in his hands. Nevertheless, he would never blame anything on his little lover.

The elders quietly discussed with the Elven king. Their expressions changed from reluctant to hopeful after a few words from King Nordehl. Finally, the Powerful elf shifted his attention to the three men before the table.

Maintaining a calm expression, he spoke. "I believe we should be welcoming another maeruthan to the court."

Another wave of murmurs spreads throughout the halls. Lost in their chatters and thoughts, they were oblivious about a colorful bird, tilting its head as it perched on the crystal chandelier. Its Aezelian eyes observed the scene silently.


The doors of the domed garden opened, startling everyone within it. By instinct, the maeruthans jolted out of their seats, grabbing their weapons, and the few elves within the garden murmured, confused. Within the terrace, Moulin and Malyana turned around when they heard the faint clamor within the inner area. Afterward, a pair of elven knights and the male elven servant who led the maeruthans in the garden entered unhurriedly.

The servant looked around with a concerned expression. "Moulin Fraunces?"

Ghana abruptly stood from his seat and faced them. Suspicious, Jagra rose as well. All in the same instance, the maeruthans narrowed their eyes cautiously.

"What business do you have with him?" Ghana asked, vigilant.

"Umm..." The servants stuttered as Ghana towered over him like a fierce giantess. He wanted to curl into a ball within her shadow. The knights with the elf became wary.

"Ghana, stop. You're scaring them."

A smooth voice spoke. The elf glanced at the figure behind Ghana, making his way towards them with languid steps. Ghana felt a hand press on her shoulder, and she relaxed, stepping aside to reveal the aphrodite maeruthan before the elves.

A silvery nebulous gaze met the elves' eyes. The elves froze when they saw the youth's features. Silver eyes. There was only one person in Thundralln to possess such eyes, and it was none other than their beloved princess. However, this man's eyes were more vibrant, breathtaking like glazed moonlight, mystical and beautiful. Although the servant elf already saw Moulin peeking at him when he led the maeruthans to the gardens to wait, he still could not help but have his breath taken away by the stunning man. Up close, he was even more... gorgeous. That red mark on his neck, though...

"Ahem." Ghana raised an eyebrow.


Clearing his throat, the elven servant bowed in embarrassment. "The council requests your presence, Milord."

A crease formed between Moulin's brows. 'Why do they want to see me? Did something happen to Hadrian and the others?' Silver eyes narrowed, and poison flitted within Moulin's gaze, but he was quick to hide it.

The elf shuddered, feeling a cold breeze past his body.

"I see. Please lead." Said Moulin as he glanced behind him. His stare signaled Ghana and Jagra to be prepared.

The attendant nodded and gestured. "Please, follow me, My Lord. Let us hurry."

The doors closed after them as they left, leaving the maeruthans' thoughts to go wild. It was clear that something unusual had occurred. However, they did not have even one clue about it.

"Harow..." Malyana called, and a black snake exited her crimson sleeves. The snake's golden eyes blinked at her in anticipation.

"Follow them."

Secretly, Harow slithered down the floor and slipped through the gaps of the branching walls of the area. Malyana sighed and glanced at her side.

"Convenient." Ghana whistled. "I hope nothing serious is happening."

Nodding in agreement, Malyana gazed at the skies in the balcony.

Through confusing hallways and elegant doorways, Moulin finally found himself standing before a tall wooden door. Honestly, for some reason, something felt off a while ago before he was brought to this door. Elegant carvings and flecks of gold adorned the door. A giant tree is formed. Its branches reached the skies and touched the stars. Beneath it, mountains and the kneeling forms of elven people.

"My Lord, please enter." The servant bowed his head, unlikely quiet and solemn. The knights opened the door slowly, revealing the warm interior inside.

Moulin nodded and entered without a second thought, eager to see Hadrian and his brother. However, his expectations were swept away when he realized that there was not one soul within the area. Luscious plants surrounded the place, hanging from the high ceiling, climbing on the glass walls, and some were placed in extravagant pots. A calm atmosphere filled the little greenhouse.

"..?" Moulin narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, the sound of a closing door entered his ears. He swiftly turned around only to realize that the door had disappeared.



Moulin scanned the garden. Gradually, confusion filled his calm expression.

'Where... am I?'

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