A Gorgeous White

Chapter 369: A Significant Task

The once serene room filled with the ambiguous presence of tantalizing enticement transformed into a battlefield where two gazes clashed powerfully. The room temperature plummeted, and Moulin swore that if he didn't intervene, a real fight would break out. However, inwardly, Moulin would rather jump out of the window than take care of these dog-like adults.


But he was a 'generous' and 'caring' person. No one could stop these two other than himself. With a frown, he held back his brother, who was about to charge towards the impassive person languidly sitting on the wide bed. Emlen violently cursed at Hadrian, but the latter only released a spine-chilling aura. Nevertheless, this only aimed to spite Emlen even more.

Not long after, Moulin finally brought Emlen out of the bedroom and not before shooting a glare at Hadrian, hinting him not to interrupt them. With a calm expression, Moulin started to coax his perturbed elder brother.

"You and that MAN! Before my presence?!" Emlen questioned furiously. "Did he forget that you are unwell?! Four hours hadn't even passed. What were you two thinking? And... And..."

Gah! He was so angry he couldn't even say the very thing which pissed him off the most!

Moulin sighed, and he rubbed his injured arm subconsciously. "No, he didn't forget, and yes, we were wrong..."

Emlen's eyes were burning. He started scolding Moulin endlessly, but now that the object of his anger was not in his sight, he gradually calmed down, and his voice began to soften. As several minutes passed, Moulin realized that Emlen's way of scolding him was a bit similar to Maxille's. A certain aphrodite felt a bit fortunate.

Not long after, Emlen's fury diminished, and he gave Moulin a few words of advice before calmly fixing himself.

The door to the bedroom creaked open, and out came a particular High Lord exiting the room as if nothing had happened. Emlen's eye twitched. The unlawful scene flashed in his mind once again. His blood boiled. It was different when he had to accept and respect the lord and his little brother's relationship while witnessing the bits of their affection in the open. However, it was another thing if they were carelessly exploring their sensuality in front of his eyes!

Remembering it made him want to lock his little brother up!

Moulin: I'd beat you into a pulp before you could.

His thought was interrupted when a deep but sincere voice spoke.

"It was my wrong. I will pay attention to Moulin's health next time." Hadrian's face was as unreadable and cold as ever. However, despite this, Emlen froze in his place.

This was the very first time he heard High Lord Hercullio apologize so openly it felt as though there was an explosion before his face. Emlen had thought that he'd have to face Hadrian's violent wrath afterward. So what? He wasn't afraid of fighting him. However, the man's apologetic words significantly crushed his frightening expectations. Suddenly, he didn't know what to say...

Moulin widened his eyes. He looked calm, but his heart was secretly bursting with pride.

After long minutes of silence, Emlen finally cleared his throat and nodded to Lord Hercullio. He turned away abruptly, unable to face this golden-eyed beast's new side. No, he was still furious! B-But maybe... it'd be better to discuss in another day? Yes. Mn, that's probably the best. He'll vent anger out on him... in another time!

Moulin couldn't help but feel so relieved in his heart. Before the situation could get awkward, he quickly pushed Hadrian back to the bedroom to rest, slammed the door, and yanked his brother away to eat. Didn't he say that they'd have a meal together when he returned?

Within the emptiness of the vast room, Lord Hadrian stood before the door, suffering under the unbearable heaviness of loneliness.


The fire crackled in the hearth, and sparks flew with the orange blaze. The towering trees blanketing the land made the island significantly colder than Gala'En. Inside a simple dwelling within the tree village, a little figure moved hastily, bumping against the tower of wooden mortars and artificer's tools. The people outside gradually left their dwellings, resuming their vibrant lives. However, the swarm invasion had just passed and left dread to linger within their hearts.

The bell didn't ring. The villages knew the swarm had constantly attacked the Island of Gala'En. Still, it doesn't imply that they wouldn't touch the towns if they saw one person exposing themselves like a delectable morsel before their eyes. Did the people in Gala'En fail to perceive the invasion?

If it weren't for the nearby island's warning, they wouldn't have retreated into their homes in time. What had happened?

Fragile fingers parted the curtain, and bright eyes peeked a glimpse of the group of chattering elves beneath the wooden stairs of the treehouse. The leaves rustled as the cold wind passed through the branches.

"It seems that the core island will fall sooner than I thought." The fae's voice sounded sweet, but her words were the complete opposite. Her little fingers left the curtain and proceeded to tinker around the table.

"Ah, you shouldn't say that, My Lady." The hooded figure lazily sitting on the chair spoke. His legs are stretched and his feet rudely settled on the coffee table. The grime from the soles of his boots dirtied the once clean polished surface.

The vein on Adeina's forehead pulsed as she glanced at those filthy boots. "I say what I want, Envihr. And get your feet off the table!"

Envihr shrugged and helplessly conceded. He sat up properly, facing the bright orange light from the fireplace, and reached out to take one of the filled teacups on the table. Glancing at his busy fae master, Envihr shifted his attention to the other people within the room.

"My Lady, you mustn't ignore your dear guests. Isn't that highly improper?"

The three maeruthans at the other side of the table stiffened. Ghana, who sat between the two men standing behind her, calmly fixed her expression, accepting the tea Envihr generously offered. She wasn't truly fond of the drink, but she learned to keep a respectful appearance, especially towards a distinguished audience.

Adeina flicked the thick curls of her hair off her shoulders and continued with her work, carving out a shiny black rock. The wings on her back fluttered adorably, facing the curious people behind her. However, no one dared to mention how 'cute' it looked.

Adeina frowned, gazing through the thick magnifying glass. "They are the reason why I'm working so much these days. Honestly, their impatience could not even let me have a wink of sleep. Am I supposed to feel grateful for that?"

The maeruthans lowered their heads guiltily. Envihr shrugged once more. "It was the High Lord and His majesty's request."

Adeina no longer responded, busying herself as though she hadn't heard any of his words. However, Envihr knew she was too stubborn to admit that she was still willing to help the maeruthans despite the troubles given to her. She was even more willing if it meant that she could meet that strange maeruthan purifier again.

After two hours of silence and short conversations, Adeina finally stopped. Envihr handed her a clean white handkerchief which Adeina took, wiping the sweat above her brows with it. Pride and satisfaction welled up inside her chest. With her thickly gloved hands, she carefully removed the artifact from the table and faced the maeruthans with her head held high.

"Finished." She grinned.

Ghana's eyes brightened significantly. Behind her, the two men were elated, staring at the little fae girl with stars in their eyes. The attention only made Adeina even more boastful.


Envihr shook his head.

"You have worked hard, My Lady. We will be forever grateful." Ghana stood from her seat, giving the fae a strikingly respectful bow. The two maeruthans behind her followed their leader, bowing with equal respect.

"As you should." Adeina nodded, resisting the urge to laugh out loud. He raised both her arms, appearing like an endearing child presenting her work as though a child would before their parents. She loved their praise.

"This artifact will enable the teleportation portal to reach distant lands. However..." She paused, intently staring at the three maeruthans. "It will require an object that originally belonged to that land. Anything that was created within that land will do."

"Ah!" One of the maeruthans exclaimed. "Will the torn pieces of our uniforms suffice?"

The other man quipped, raising a finger. "How about bread? I still have some lying in my bag. Or... or uh... strands of my son's hair?"

Adeina's face turned distorted. Bread? How long have you been carrying that? And their uniforms weren't even recognizable anymore. They were bloodied and contaminated. These people were fortunate that the king gave them new clothes to wear. And why was he carrying his child's hair? Adeina shuddered.

A cough noised within the room, immediately catching the occupant's attention. Ghana met Adeina's gaze. "Will a medallion or a badge do, My Lady?"

"Yes!" Adeina nodded, sighing. Finally, something definitely usable. "When do you want to leave?"

Ghana replied, "Tomorrow. My Lord has given us an important task to deliver the dragon core as soon as possible."

None of the people within the room was ignorant of the importance of the task. They were all knowledgeable of the events, spoken to them by other than Lord Hercullio and His Majesty himself. Not one word about this task should spread.

The fae lowered her gaze. "I've heard. How many of you will go? The artifact could only carry three people at once."

"Then three it is." Ghana nodded. "We will set off at dawn. I shall inform the lords."

With a sigh, Adeina nodded. She turned to put the artifact on the table. "Then it's settled. Envihr, you will accompany me tonight to prepare the platform. I will also require a few men to work."

"I will pass your request immediately." Ghana nodded.

Envihr slipped his hands into his hood, rubbing his face and groaning lowly. Another job. However, how could he say no to his dear sweet master?

A while later, as the breeze grew colder and the leaves grew noisier, a man stood in the desolate terrace of Moulin's chambers. The golden strands of his hair fluttered with the wind, and they shined like vibrant sun rays. His upper body is bare, exposing the rawness of his muscles to the air. The dark belt on his waist hung loosely as though they'd fall off with a slight tug. Even if it didn't, it would be a sight to see... And Moulin's eyes would welcome it very much.

"Eilhara's confidant came." A smooth, elegant voice flowed into Lord Hercullio's ears. The man's eyes grew hooded as he turned to meet that captivating silvery gaze.

Moulin stopped, sizing Hadrian's body from head to foot. A naughty glint flitted past his sight. Hadrian loved that look. Anticipation burned like a forest fire within his chest.

Hadrian approached him with slow, unhurried steps. He is a prowling predator—eyes gleaming with amusement. Something about his dark air made Moulin's knees impossibly weak... It was undeniably arousing.

But Moulin refused to submit. The youth cleared his throat and threw him the parchment. Hadrian caught it without tearing his eyes away from his enticing beloved.

The Lord opened it and glanced at it once before crushing the delicate thing within his hands. He slowly approached Moulin. "Tomorrow at dawn."

"Yes. We must see them off." Moulin had the urge to step back from the towering man before him. Agh! Don't think that I'd ignore that murderous 'weapon' underneath your pants!

"Don't we have all the time we need, little doll?" A grin.


Caught by a hot embrace, Moulin sighed. Honestly, he hoped to sleep early today....

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