A Gorgeous White

Chapter 370: I Can't See!

The kiss was soft against his lips but not too gentle. Amidst the sound of shuffling fabric, a hot tongue delved into the wet cavern of which was Moulin's moist mouth. Their lips moved as though in sync, lost in an addicting dance. A faint moan slipped past his lips, kissing the mouth that pushed harder against him.

A string of silver stretched between them as they finally parted away a few inches. Although haziness clouded his alluring eyes, Moulin's mind was clear... and he realized he was sitting on the bed, leaning back slightly. The towering build of the warrior before him shrouds him in the intimidating shadow of his form. It made Moulin feel vulnerable and exposed. Although it was arousing, such feelings roused his stubbornness. It was... exciting even.

Hadrian, with a hooded gaze, bent his head. His lips hover over Moulin's delicately lush ones. His arms are like pillars caging the little one beneath him, and his mouth spoke for the writhing desire within his heart. "If I could lock you up... keep you from the world..."

Moulin's eyes softened, "That would be cruel, My love... Nevertheless, you are endearing."

"You would change your mind if I do act upon my desires." Hadrian leaned, brushing his lips against the tip of the youth's nose. "But perhaps, you wouldn't think so badly about it... when you experience its hidden delights."

"Curious..." Moulin chuckled. With anticipation, his breaths seemed hotter and quicker now. He raised his chin as if to catch the lord's hovering lips. "Would it be really... delightful?"

The gleam within those magnetic golden eyes brightened like a beast's starving look once it had successfully lured his prey towards his mouth. "Do you want to try it?"

"...Hmm." Moulin cocked an eyebrow. What was he up to?

This time Hadrian leaned in dangerously closer. "First, you must trust me if you agree..."


Oh, how Moulin was interested. However, something about this made Moulin slightly terrified... and yet curious at the same time. There was no harm in trying, was there? And besides... how could Moulin not trust this man?


Finally, the youth gave a slight nod. "Show me..."

In the next second, the world spun. His back bounced against the softness of the mattress. Silvery strands spread out like a fan of gorgeous curls. Moulin blinked in confusion when he felt a sudden tightness around his wrists. He furrowed his brows and looked down on his hands.

Bound by the lavish dark blue tie around his wrists, Moulin stared at it for a few seconds before an explosion of red stained his face. A smirked graced Hadrian's face as his piercing gaze studied the flushed face of his lover. Moulin felt even more embarrassed, imprisoned by the man's unwavering attention.

"Mn, delightful." Hadrian chuckled, amused.

Moulin was speechless. He couldn't even fire back anymore. W-What is this? Wait, no. How could I not recognize this sort of thing? Was Hadrian into this?!

'It seems like I scared him.' Hadrian was more amused. However, he wasn't done.

When Hadrian raised a strip of red fabric, Moulin stared at it as though it was a knife threatening his life. But he could neither deny his curiosity nor his expectation. Hadrian's gaze bore into him, studying every bit of movement from Moulin's face; the slight twitch of his mesmerizing pupils, his slowly parting lips, and the redness growing deeper on his cheeks. He looked delectable...

"This is..." Moulin finally found his voice. He sounded weak and meek. The skin underneath his binds tingled with a prickling heat, shooting straight down his navel.

"Trust me..." Hadrian's voice kissed his ears.

Before Moulin could think, the red fabric approached his eyes and shrouded his vision with crimson. Afterward, all he saw was deep red, dark yet inviting. The knot is tied against the back of his head. His heartbeat pulsed within his hearing, and his blood dripped with intoxication.

He couldn't see anything. But he can feel and hear the movements around him, especially a certain gaze that seemed to burn his body ablaze. A warm hand pressed against his chest, feeling the frantic drum of his heart. Moulin blushed from the heat of the touch.

Hadrian looked down on his work. Deep searing hunger bursts forth from the depths of his heart, burning like wildfire within the rings of his eyes. The youth was oblivious about it. And unaware of how debauched his appearance was in the reflection of the lord's eyes.

The red fabric seemed to defile the lightness of the youth's features like a blood-red rose on a blanket of pure white snow. The ball in the youth's throat bobbed, swallowing enticingly, a fluid movement on his smooth white neck.

"This feels strange..." Moulin muttered lowly. He twisted his hands, unable to comprehend his situation. What will happen next?

Hadrian silenced him with his hand slipping underneath those tied wrists. A slow tantalizing caress from Moulin's firm stomach to his chest. Long and thick fingers moved over the beautiful bump of the exposed collarbone and curled around the smooth curve of the aphrodite's neck.

Moulin's breath hitched. He didn't want to be tied and blindfolded. Without his vision, the other heightened senses blared within his brain. He felt fingers untying the knot of his collar and slowly unbuttoning the rest of his upper clothing. Moulin twisted his waist, feeling the air caress his skin and those teasing fingertips brushing his flesh.

"Raise your hands."

The command was dark yet... soft. Moulin furrowed his brows and hesitantly lifted his wrists. His fingers curled as he obeyed.

"How obedient..." Hadrian smirked.

Moulin's forehead creased, and he lets out a snort. "Stop that..."

A chuckle entered Moulin's ears, making him frown. Honestly, what does he want to do next?-

Moulin gasped when he felt strong hands abruptly grip the sides of his waist, tugging him towards the end of the bed. The strength within them threatened to break him. However, Moulin knew well that this man wouldn't hurt even a strand of his hair. Heartbeat quickening, he felt those hands move, caressing his sides as though one would treat a priceless treasure. They slid unhurriedly, and thumbs teased his hips, drawing circles on the skin beneath the fabric.

Moulin's chest alternately raises and lowers. A sudden rush of heat crept between his thighs. When he thought he couldn't be any more shocked, a firm thing wedged between his thighs.

"...?!" Moulin subconsciously bent his head. Blinded and restrained, he could do nothing but wiggle. Moulin couldn't be more familiar with the tempting width of Hadrian's hips. Countless times had his ankles and thighs pressed against its sides that it was impossible for Moulin to forget him.

The thought made him grow red, a shade deeper.

Then there were slow heated puffs of breaths, tickling the center of his chest, now bare with the fingers parting the seams of his top. Moulin trembled slightly, breathing more rapidly.

"Calm down..."

As that crisp voice spoke, Moulin stiffened, feeling the soft brush of Hadrian's lips on his flesh as he said.

"You're breathing too hard."

"Who wouldn't be?" Moulin countered, but he tried to relax. "I'm not used to being... like this."

"You only have to trust me..." Hadrian smiled, amusingly staring at his beloved's luscious lips, trembling slightly. His eyes darkened as he caught a glimpse of those pearly white teeth discreetly nibbling its lips red.

"Its a bit difficult to do that..." Moulin frowned, feeling more sensitive than usual. He felt as though his whole body was on fire. "I don't think I can-"

He abruptly swallowed his words when he felt Hadrian dip down, kissing on his flesh unhurriedly. Moulin's arms shook, and his hands quickly gripped the sheets above his head. Soon enough, he felt the wet slide of a tongue between the gentle kisses trailing down his stomach.

Suddenly, his body flinched from an unknown force. A ripping sound tore through the air, and in the next second, Moulin's torso is fully exposed to the room. The pale expanse of his flesh, the curves of his firm abdomen, and the delicate rise and fall of his chest are, oh, so alluring to the golden gaze eyeing it.

Moulin's hands twisted within his binds, and his brows moved underneath the red fabric. If Hadrian could see the look in his eyes, then perhaps, he would not think of tarrying any longer and ravishing him instantly. But as though he saw it, an insatiable hunger rose within the lord, resurfacing and boiling.

With eyes glazed with want, Hadrian lowered his head and began unfastening the band of the youth's pants.

"W-Wait..." Moulin stammered as uncertainty settled in his stomach. He tried to raise his torso, but a heavy arm pushed him back. He could do nothing but feel the cloth smoothly slide away from his legs. His feet were already bare and rosy. Toes are curling and kissing the carpeted floor endearingly.

He was no longer the short delicate-looking thing that he was once before. Yet, the allure of his innocence and desire thrived, fueling his seductive charms. No one could resist it.

Moulin swallowed, accepting his fate. He couldn't see the look on Hadrian's face, but even if he couldn't, he could feel the burning gaze roaming all over his body, like a wet tongue licking a ball of candy. Moulin could not hide from it, causing a slight flush to climb from his chest to the delicious curves of his neck. The junction between his legs made it even more problematic for him to think clearly.

Hadrian's thighs intentionally spread themselves to widen the space between the youth's made ones. His eyes are like fire, bright and smoldering as they look. Suddenly, his hand moved downward until they stopped where Moulin's hips met his thighs. Moulin was particularly sensitive on that part, and he could not stop the yelp from his throat as Hadrian teased the flesh with his thumbs.

Hadrian's eyes deepened. The thirst and the writhing arousal within his gut burned as a thought flitted through his mind. Seeing Moulin's restrained look and the nakedness of his lower body, he could not help but think that he was doing something vulgar and obscene... as though he was defiling something supposedly untouched and sacred.

It felt... intriguing.

"Don't move..."

Another command. Moulin stopped. Tied up and spread out, and dying in anticipation. How can he stay still?!

"Hadrian..." Moulin's warning voice sounded. His fingers clenched twisted his wrists. However, he didn't dare to unbind himself.

"Mn, young master." Was the reply.

Moulin ignored his erect appendage and the moist part underneath it.

"I... I..."

Argh! This perverting thing...Why can't I say it?!

A deep amused chuckle entered his ears.

"We haven't even started yet...."

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