A Gorgeous White

Chapter 371: My Love, My Life

"This... feels strange..."

"How so?"

The shadow receded from Moulin's body. Silver eyes blink beneath the red, hesitantly trailing Hadrian's movements from the shadow. Those strong hands shifted to hold the sides of his hips. A slight pressure on his flesh as if to test its durability... or to just feel the bouncy suppleness of the youth's milky skin. Hadrian drew back, but his prominent build still loomed over Moulin.

Golden eyes raked all over the Moulin's torso, and he could feel its smoldering gaze piercing through the last piece of clothing covering his body. He shuddered internally and tested the binds keeping his hands unmoving. However, he didn't struggle and waited with much-heated anticipation.

Somehow... It was embarrassing to be looked upon in this state.

Moulin could not unearth the perverse feeling in his heart. Ignoring Hadrian's question, he could only close his eyes, burying half of his face on his arm.

"You refuse to answer?"

Suddenly, the hands on his hips tightened their grip and abruptly tugged Moulin's lower body downwards, meeting the Golden Lord's clothed, frightening rod. Moulin yelped as the core of his body, moist between his legs, was flushed against the constricted shaft, twitching solid.

Moulin could feel the cloth dampening from the slick, and he reddened even more. He instantly turned his head, releasing a silent gasp from his throat as he felt Hadrian rocking slowly between his legs. Moulin could not stop the squelching sounds from entering his ears and, even more so, the clothed giant rubbing between his legs.

"No- wait." His breath hitched. A trembling sigh escaped his lips. His body rocked against the movements. Slow... excruciatingly slow and tantalizing. Hadrian must know what he was doing to Moulin's body, kneading the bud, fattening it, until it would flower.


A sound of amusement tickled Moulin's ears and with it was the moment of the brute strength of Hadrian's hands on his flesh as he thrusts roughly between Moulin's legs. Moulin threw his head back with parted lips. Toes curled, and his mind swivels in the red of his vision.

His bare legs are twitching, open and slack.

"What was that?" A hot breath drew close to Moulin's cheek, licking his skin. "Do you not like this?"

"Ah..." A sound left Moulin's mouth when Hadrian rocked against his slit again, followed by a sweet kiss on his delicate jaw.

Moulin arched his neck, feeling slightly hazy. Kisses trailed from his cheek to the curve where his neck met his shoulder. There was a bite, a suction on his skin, a wet swipe of a tongue, but Moulin could no longer count it. His heartbeat pounded against his ears.

"Answer me, love."

Heated breath caressed the shell of Moulin's ear, and Moulin shuddered uncontrollably unresisting. Suddenly, the sound from the youth's lips turned into a whine.

A cute sound that almost drew out laughter from the lord's heart. Hadrian lovingly caressed him. His hands softly left his lover's reddened hips to explore every bit of skin they could touch. Moulin, who was under the mercy of those touches, could only tremble pliantly, relishing the restricted cock rubbing on the plump lips of his core. Internally, he hoped he'd be free from this teasing and be adequately filled. His bottom clenched, and his thighs shuddered at the thought.

"You are quite stubborn..."

Moulin heard a chuckle along with those words. He paused, confused.

Abruptly, Hadrian reached for his tied wrists, pressing them further and harder on the sheets. Moulin's elbows instantly straightened at the stretch.

"Agh!" Moulin furrowed his brows. 'What?'

Before he could speak, Hadrian's hand slipped downwards, fisting Moulin's erect member. Moulin's thighs flinched at the rough contact, and he could not help but gasp, bare knees struggling against Hadrian's waist.


"Yes?" The man's words flowed like calm water. It sounded as though he was faultless—innocent against Moulin's warning tone. He continued, "Will you tell me to stop?"

His hand began pumping Moulin's member, alternating from rough to smooth strokes. A fire razed inside Moulin. Arousal dripped endlessly until it was overflowing, turning his mind into mush. Moulin gasped, breath quickening. His limbs flinched and twitched, suffering from the intolerable rising pleasure boiling underneath his skin.

Soon, he forgot to resist, and his mouth opened. "I want it! I... Ah- I want... It..."

In the next moment, his body stiffened, back arching as pleasure doused his whole being. Relief fell like a boulder dropping on calm, serene waters. His toes curled tightly, hands clenching, and his body twitched as he was gradually brought down from the heights.

Moulin trembling, breathing heavily as his body lazily nestled under Hadrian's form. His limbs turned limp, and he could not bother with anything anymore.

"I love it..." A lovely whisper slipped past his closing lips. A sated, salacious look filled the youth's expression, and coupled with his beautifully restrained state, he looked like the embodiment of desire itself. He looked utterly ravishing.

The cords on Hadrian's neck tightened. His eyes darkened, raking his eyes all over the youth's face. A possessive savage ness violently pulsed through his veins. With ragged breaths, he drew back, releasing Moulin's hands. He roughly shed his clothing and let the dark pants remain.

Moulin furrowed his brows slightly, awareness gradually returning to him. He heard the loud click of the buckle before it was tossed to the floor. The shuffling of clothes continued, but Moulin could not bother to think about it anymore.

'Ah, what was he going to do next?'

Although he asked this, it was quite clear what would happen after that mind-muddling orgasm.

Moulin moaned as Hadrian's hands found his hips once more and yanked him down. The mattress dipped as Hadrian pressed his weight on it, letting it creak for all he'd care. Moulin's breaths quickened as a shadow enshrouded his vision beyond the red fabric.

"My lovely bride..."

Moulin stopped. Heart, beating drastically as those words entered his ears. For a moment, he imagined a future of smiles and delight. Within the arms of this man above him, kissing under the blue sky as the bells rang and voices wishing them well. The heavens blessed their union, and they would be together forever until the end of time.

Suddenly, Moulin's eyes moistened, dampening the red fabric.

Hadrian immediately noticed the oddity, witnessing the tears soaking the red fabric. With their connected hearts and bonded soul, Hadrian wistfully lowered his head, gently bringing his hand to caress his lover's face. His thumbs drew the ends of the fabric upwards until they revealed those wet captivating eyes that would hook every person gazing at them.

Moulin sniffed, showing a rare, vulnerable side of him swelling with anticipation and fear of the future. But deep inside, he was truly happy...

When he saw Hadrian's face, he could not help but let his eyes water.

Hadrian smiled softly, planting a loving kiss on Moulin's eyelids. Then his lips descended, "My bride, do you like it if I call you that?"

Moulin pressed his lips together, nodding as he gave in to kiss Hadrian's lips. His tears stained his cheeks, but he didn't deny Hadrian's words.

"Are you afraid?"

"Yes..." Moulin said between the kiss. His lips quivered. He is afraid of losing everything he has with Hadrian. "When everything is over..."

Hadrian met Moulin's moistened silver eyes, swollen with love and the hopes for the future. Hadrian could not help but soften under that gaze.

Corhan was growing harsher. Darkness prevailed, and dreadful creatures rose and threatened life. Many things will come and invade their lives, and so many cannot imagine a peaceful future. Day by day, thousands succumb to the Kron and the alluring darkness.

What would await Moulin's life with Hadrian? If the day comes that they will be forever separated, Moulin could not bear it... He could not.

Before Moulin's thoughts could go further into the darkness, Hadrian spoke.

"Do not worry..." The lord planted a kiss on Moulin's forehead. His words are soft, aiming to alleviate Moulin's troubled heart. "I will promise us a future. When the time comes, we will marry. We will never part."

Moulin's heart drummed, swelling with passion. His words are beautiful, and Moulin will always remember them. "You are mine..."

"As you are mine..." The man's lips claimed Moulin's mouth, sealing those words.

Their tongues slide against each other as though in a slow tantalizing dance. Fire bloomed, arousal soared, and not one of them could resist the other. The kiss was rough, feral.

Moulin released a whimpering moan as Hadrian's hand wound its way between the youth's spread thighs, reaching for the unattended slick hole. His thick fingers stroked the delicate rim before gradually slipping inside. The tight flesh surrounded the first digit, and a groan rumbled from Hadrian's throat. He felt as if he was drunk from the yearning and want.

Slowly, back and forth, slow thrusts turned rough. Sinfully sleek. Moulin turned his head unto his arm, gasping between moans as his body rocked.

When he was played enough, strings worn and weary, he felt those fingers slowly leave him. Moulin clenched from the emptiness.

Hadrian shifted forward, leaning down and kissing his beloved's cheek, letting his lips caress his soft skin. Carefully, he brought Moulin's tired hand to wound around his neck and brought his other hand to release his stiff cock and positioned himself.

Moulin felt the nudge of the shaft's blunt head against his slit, pushing forward. He let his legs wrap around Hadrian's waist, clinging to him.

"My fate..." Moulin whispered.

Hadrian kissed him, brimming with love. My sun, My moon, My joy, My love...

"My life."

Moulin furrowed his brows as Hadrian breached him. Oh, so slowly, yet they wanted more. To be embedded into each other, to mold their souls together.

A whining moan left Moulin's lips, laced with desire as he rocked himself against Hadrian's thrusts. A pummeling force seemed to overtook Hadrian's pace. As though something was chasing him, driving him towards the deepest part of his most beloved. His teeth clenched, and a sheen of sweat coated his skin as he moved and moved. Thrust after thrust, he pumped into Moulin, loving him.

Moulin gasped, arching his neck, welcoming every thrust and felt so filled. Haziness filled his vision, but it all turned clear when he saw Hadrian's face. Eye brimming with passion and mad with desire. Possessed. Only for him.


One deep thrust particularly hit that delicious part of him, and then Moulin was a moaning mess. His hands clutched tightly on the broad muscles of Hadrian's back. He loved every moment and felt so... content.

"My life..." Hadrian grunted with dark possessive eyes.

Moulin let himself be taken into those golden magnetic orbs. Let this man own his soul and his heart.

Perhaps.... It was already his at the moment they met.

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