A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 99: Little Brother Becomes Big Brother

Zhe Kexing said with some confusion: "I am submitting a memorial...will the officials be angry?"

"Since everyone is watching out for your home, why are you so angry?"

Shen An felt that he was bewitching a loyal general and opening a door for them.

A door to a better life for them.

"Remember Wen Yanbo?"

Shen An continued to confuse: "Those people are impeaching him, but did he do anything wrong? Don't make light of that Hetu, everyone knows it is fake."

Zhe Kexing nodded, and Shen An smiled and said: "This is a fear. Just like your family, civil servants have reached the top. After a few years of service, you'd better get out of the way, otherwise people will come to impeach you. Do you understand now?"

Zhe Kexing slapped his forehead and said: "If Wen Xiang doesn't leave, he will be impeached, and if the Zhe family doesn't leave, they will be feared..."

Shen An nodded, with a look of joyful expression on his face.

"Brother Anbei, please bow to me!"

This is a little brother paying homage to a big brother!

This bow... From now on, Zhe Kexing will have to regard Shen An as his brother for the rest of his life.

This time Shen An did not stop him, but helped him up with a smile and said: "Many things seem complicated, but in fact they are just one word: profit!"

Since you have become my little brother, I will naturally keep it from you.

Shen An told the secret behind this very frankly: "The advantage the Zhe family had over the Song Dynasty in Fuzhou was that they blocked Xixia and also contained some Liao troops."

No one has ever analyzed national events from the perspective of interests. Zhe Kexing was dumbfounded and admired.

"And if the Zhe family withdraws from Fuzhou, what benefits will the Song Dynasty gain? If you change to another general, not only will you not be able to control the Fan people in Fuzhou, but you will also lose a general. The next time the Xixia people attack, they can still stop them Do you want to live there? The important ministers will naturally calculate the weight of these gains and losses.

And what about Zhejia? The most the Zhe family can do is to change their way of life, but they don't have to fight with their lives and blood... Do you think the officials and the people in the court would agree? "

Zhe Kexing thought for a while and said tangledly: "This is what you said before...the child who can cry!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An laughed, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Smart, that's exactly what it is."

At this time, Zhuang Laoshi came in a hurry and reported: "Mr. Lang, there is someone coming from the palace. The official has announced that you are coming to the palace to see me."

Shen An felt guilty for a moment. He coughed dryly and said to Katsuyuki: "If you want to do it, go to Xinfuzhou as soon as possible. While His Majesty is in a good mood, you won't care if there are any traps."

Zhe Kexing forgot about this, grabbed Shen An, and said seriously: "Brother An Bei, the officials must have known what happened last night. I will go and see the officials now. I killed the person, and I can do things alone... …”


Shen An felt that young people were worried, but they forgot that they were still a teenager.

The chamberlain who took him into the palace looked at him curiously all the way, and almost wanted to ask, 'You are so young, why do the officials value you so much? ’

"I have met His Majesty."

After saluting, Shen An stood there honestly.

"If I hadn't known your true identity, I might have thought you were an innocent young man."

Zhao Zhen looked at this seemingly honest young man and said with a headache: "Last night you sneaked out of the house and went to the night market to attract Liao and Xixia people to fight with each other... Tell me, if someone discovered last night, what would you do? Can you still live?"


Shen An gave a dry laugh, and Zhao Zhen sneered, waiting for him to pretend to be stupid.

But Shen An didn't expect that Zhao Zhen's first thought was safety. He felt warm in his heart, so he frankly admitted what happened last night and said: "Last night was my fault, but the Liao people are domineering. If they can't be taught a lesson, The majesty of the Song Dynasty will be gone. Under this, the safety of my ministers is nothing."

Zhao Zhen was even more emotional after hearing this. He felt that those ministers were stable, but who would risk their lives for the face of the Song Dynasty?


During the morning discussion, some people were even worried that the Liao people would blame the Song Dynasty, and suggested that they send an envoy immediately to explain, and it would be better to bring something with them.

This is really...fucked!

Zhao Zhen felt that these vulgar words were very relieving, so he couldn't help but say them.

"This is...fucked!"

Shen An was confused for a moment.

Chen Zhongheng's face instantly became dull.

My official family! It's okay to scold someone behind their back, but Shen An is here now!

Several chamberlains in the palace lowered their heads deeply, but their bodies were trembling.

Zhao Zhen was also stunned. He turned around and looked at the trembling Shen An, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"You guys... just laugh."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Zhongheng was the first to laugh, and laughter continued in the hall.

After laughing, Zhao Zhen asked: "What did you do last night?"

Is this gossip?

Shen An felt more like she wanted to relieve her anger.

The emperor felt that what he did last night was so beautiful, but he didn't know the details, so he couldn't wait to summon him into the palace to explain.

"That's it..."

Shen An said seriously: "The envoy from Liao was arrogant and the Song Dynasty was in trouble. I thought that His Majesty was feeling aggrieved, so..."

"... Zhe Ke was an expert in archery. He hid in the darkness and hit the deputy envoy of the Liao people with one arrow. The Liao people were panicked. The Xixia people thought that the Liao people were timid and prepared to fight back. At this time, the Liao people started to attack one after another. Draw the sword..."

Shen An's eloquence was so good that Chen Zhongheng was nervous and excited at the same time.

And Zhao Zhen wasn't much better. UU reading www.uukanshu.net It wasn't until he heard Shen An leading people away quietly that he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't take any chances next time."

This emperor was always very kind, and his concern came from his heart, which moved Shen An.

But as soon as he changed his words, Zhao Zhen said with a relaxed expression: "The Liao people are in big trouble this time."

Shen An didn't know what was going on, so he asked, "Your Majesty, have you got the evidence?"

Chen Zhongheng said proudly: "The Liao people wanted to flee in a hurry, but they couldn't take the corpses of Yelu Sichen and the others back all the way. What would happen if maggots appeared on the way? So Ouyang Xiu used this as a basis and asked the Liao people to sign the document. Sign in and everything is settled!"

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Ouyang Xiu's eyesight is not very good. In the early morning, he ordered dozens of torches to be lit, and he just stared at Liu Shen's signature and signature. Otherwise, he would have left Yelu Sichen's corpse there to stink."

"Is Zhe Kexing's archery really so good?"

The emperor's thinking was always very broad, and ordinary people simply couldn't keep up.

But Shen An said without thinking: "Your Majesty, Zhe Ke is very good with swords and arrows. I am no match for people like me who hear the chicken dance every day."

Zhao Zhen pointed at him with a strange expression, and finally shook his head and said: "The Zhe family is a general. He has been thinking about practicing martial arts since he was born. You... you need a ladder to climb over the wall. You should be honest from now on."

Shen An felt that the emperor had underestimated him, so he planned to continue practicing hard after returning home.

But just after he left the imperial city, his eyes were dazzled by the sun, and he was slapped in the face.


Shen An just covered his head when he heard a familiar voice.

"I'll beat you to death, you idiot!"

Bao Zheng appeared in Shen An's eyes with a fierce look.

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