A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1030: Rising up, the bench opened

Early in the morning, the students gathered in the classroom. As for Lu Hui, he squatted in the latrine again. It was impossible to get out for a quarter of an hour.

Wang Qi and Yuan Jing stood together, looking at Yang Zhuochao studying on his own with gloomy expressions.

There are many people who cannot succeed themselves but cannot see others succeed, so they resort to various means.

For such people, jealousy is probably their daily routine. And they like to bully the weak the most, which can give them a sense of accomplishment and make them feel that their existence in this world is still useful.

Seeing that Yang Zhuochao was attentive, the two people quietly passed by.


Yang Zhuochao was slapped on the head. He looked up and when he saw these two people, he put down his brush and stood up.

Everyone was looking at him, expecting him to burst into tears as usual, and then asked why he was beaten.

Xu Yi looked at this scene and stepped back slightly, feeling that he should not get involved.

His family was well off, and if Wang Qi and the others dared to offend him, all he had to do was pay for two thugs to make them regret their mistake.

There is no need to interact with villains, just spend money on them.

This is his experience.

But he forgot that Shen An was known as the richest man in the Song Dynasty.

Is the richest man's brother-in-law really easy to bully?

While he was watching with a smile, Yang Zhuochao bent down and picked up the bench, then his eyes widened and he shouted: "I'll kill you!"


He threw a bench at it, and Wang Qi subconsciously raised his hand.


Wang Qi looked at the bent arm with fear in his eyes, and then severe pain struck him.


He squatted on the ground and cried, but no one dared to care.

Because Yang Zhuochao carried the bench and struck it again.

Yuan Jing on the other side was dumbfounded.

Is this Yang Zhuochao?


The stool hit him on the head.

Blood streamed from his forehead.

Yuan Jing reached out and touched it. Just when everyone thought he would get angry and take action, they saw him turn around and run away.

"Yang Zhuochao killed someone, help!"

He ran all the way out, and then the sound faded away.

This actually ran away?

Damn it!

Everyone thought of the fierce Yuan Jing in the past and felt that this kind of people should not be messed with, but what about now?

Yang Zhuochao, who was always bullied by everyone, suddenly became violent.

With just two waves of the bench, the two toughest guys in the school fell down.

Is this Yang Zhuochao?

I really don’t believe it!

"This Yang Zhuochao...could he be possessed by ghosts and gods?"

"Look at him, his eyes are fierce!"

Yang Zhuochao slowly turned around, looked at these classmates and said: "In the past, I was a mess, so I let you bully me. From now on, if you don't want to be bullied by me, then be honest!"

He understood a lot from his brother-in-law's words. The biggest understanding was that no one can help you. If you want to live a good life, you must struggle.

So last night, he thought about how he would react when faced with bullying in the future. He didn't think of any tricks. However, after being slapped just now, he subconsciously became violent.

Looking at these classmates with twinkling eyes, he finally understood a truth.

It turns out that no one can bully anyone, unless you are too weak.

Are they the threshold monkeys my brother-in-law mentioned?

The early morning sun shines on the door. The boy holds a bench and holds his head high, facing dozens of people without fear.

Xu Yi felt a little upset. He felt that Yang Zhuochao had taken away his position as the center wherever he went, even if it was just for a moment.

He picked up his big water glass and took a sip, but the tea was a little colder. He couldn't help but feel even more annoyed, so he raised the water glass and sprinkled it out the door...

There happened to be a person standing outside the door...

Lu Hui squatted in the pit for a quarter of an hour every day. This was unstoppable, but today he was interrupted.

Yuan Jing ran to the latrine crying, her head covered in blood frightened him away.

He had seen many fights, but this was the first time he had his head broken.

He hurried back and heard screams outside. He couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He stood outside the door to observe, but Xu Yi splashed water on his face.

The warm tea flowed down the face, and the tea powder remained on the face, which looked very strange.

Xu Yi couldn't help but panic when he saw it.

I didn't notice it!

I really didn't mean it!

Last time, he used half a piece of cake to smother Lu Hui's face, but today it was even worse. A cup of tea was poured on Lu Hui's face.

Lu Hui walked in, wiped the tea on his face, and said, "Study hard five hundred times."

Five hundred times!

"Nu" and "xue" have many strokes in these two words...

Xu Yi wanted to cry but had no tears.

"what happened?"

Lu Hui asked.

Someone told the situation, but they didn't dare to add fuel to the fire.

Will Yang Zhuochao be in trouble now?

If you don't get it right, you'll have to pay until you cry.

"Well done!"

Lu Hui's words surprised the students.

It turned out to be a good fight?

Lu Hui said angrily: "These two black sheep don't study hard all day long, but disturb other people's studies. They should be beaten. Go and take them to the medical clinic. I'll pay for the medicine and call their parents. Wait. I can’t teach students, and I don’t want to teach them anymore!”

Sir actually broke out?

Lu Hui never cared about students' private affairs. This was the first time he broke out, and he ended up taking down two guys who were beaten up.

What about Yang Zhuochao?

He was so cruel, so he should be punished, right?

Everyone was waiting. Lu Hui pressed his hand to Yang Zhuochao and showed an almost kind smile, "Sit down and talk to me next time if you have something to do. You don't have to fight with them."

Everyone was immediately petrified.

Is this Mr. Lu?

I said, am I afraid I am blind?

In the past, Lu Hui would not even look at Yang Zhuochao, let alone smile at him.

But Lu Hui just now was as friendly as if he were Yang Zhuochao's father and his biological son.

Damn it!

Sir, have you drunk too much?

I was still dizzy from being smoked in the latrine.

The crying Wang Qi was taken away. His arm was broken and he was expected to recuperate for three to four months. After the injury healed, the school would no longer accept them.

Everyone was surprised by Lu Hui's attitude towards Yang Zhuochao, and he announced the reason later.

"This exam..."

Xu Yi sat up straight. Whenever this moment comes, he will become the focus, praised by his teachers, envied by his classmates...

It feels so good.

"First place..."

Lu Hui glanced at Xu Yi, then looked at Yang Zhuochao. Seeing that he was thinking about it, he pressed his hands and said kindly: "Sit down, sit down."

What does it mean?

Everyone was puzzled and heard Lu Hui say: "First place, Yang Zhuochao."

The classroom was eerily silent.

Everyone slowly looked at Yang Zhuochao, and when they saw him sitting calmly with a calm look on his face, they knew that this was not luck.

"Yang Zhuochao works very hard. He studies with two dark circles under his eyes every day. Who has worked so hard? Who?"

How much Lu Hui apologizes to Yang Zhuochao is how powerful his support is now.

Xu Yi looked pale and turned back slowly.

Yang Zhuochao was sitting there with a firm look on his face.

How long has he been trying?

It seems like the dark circles have only appeared for less than half a month, right?

In other words, in less than half a month, Yang Zhuochao completed the surpass and successfully counterattacked in one fell swoop.

What the hell...

More terrible news came later.

"Wang Qi and Yuan Jing's fathers went to look for schools to re-enroll, but no school in Bianliang was willing to accept them."

Everyone looked at Yang Zhuochao.

Yang Zhuochao was reading a book, writing down key points from time to time, and was completely immersed in learning.

"It's Shen An..."

A student who had probably bullied Yang Zhuochao before said with a pale face: "It's not that Shen An doesn't pay attention to Yang Zhuochao, he just feels that there is no point in arguing with a group of students... Now that Wang Qi and Yuan Jing have left the school, he will take action immediately."

They felt that this was Shen An showing his ferocious true colors, but Shen An was very busy and asked someone to spread the word, and then got into preparations.

The clan academy, which has been delayed for a long time, is finally opening its doors.

As the mountain chief appointed by Zhao Shu, Shen An had to end his vacation and went to find Zhao Yunrang.

There are not many elders left in the clan. Zhao Yunbi is completely finished and is imprisoned at home.

Zhao Yunliang is okay, but he is addicted to playing bigu with his son.

"It will take at most three to five years to ascend to heaven."

Zhao Yunliang happened to be here too, and was deceiving Zhao Yun about the benefits of fasting.

Because they were of the same generation, Zhao Yunrang rarely sat up straight, while Asu behind him was still scratching his back...

He yawned and waved to Shen An outside the door, "Come here as soon as you come. What are you doing standing outside sneakily?"

Shen An came in with a smile, "Didn't I see that you have a guest? UU Reading www.uuknshu.net I thought it was not urgent, so I planned to avoid him and come back later."

Zhao Yunrang pointed to the side, motioning for him to sit down, and then said to Zhao Yunliang: "You can ascend to heaven in three to five years... So I will limit it to five years. If you and your son ascend to heaven, then I will burn a handful of paper money to see you off... If you don’t ascend to heaven...can I give you a ride?"

In an instant, Zhao Yunliang's face turned as pale as earth.

"Well... I'm taking my leave."

He ran away in confusion, and Zhao Yunliang was not angry and said: "There are some benefits to fasting, but I don't feel comfortable if I don't drink alcohol every day, and I don't feel comfortable if I don't sleep with women every day, so I'll leave it at that."

This old gangster!

Shen An talked about the academy opening its doors, and finally said: "You are the elder of the clan. Go and cheer up the young people when the time comes. I think they will be extra energetic."

Zhao Yunrang smiled and said: "I know how to scold people. Aren't you afraid that I will scold them stupidly?"

Shen An smiled, knowing that the matter was settled.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zhao Yunrang asked, "How is the fighting between the Liao and Xixia people?"

Even though Lao Zhao spends all day drinking and playing with women at home, he doesn't neglect anything he should pay attention to.

"We are still fighting, but the Liao people are a little tired and are currently in a stalemate."

Speaking of this, Shen An's mood was not generally good, but extremely good. "The Song Dynasty made a lot of money selling weapons. The Xixia people got these weapons and they played a big role in this war... We …”

Zhao Yunrang perked up as soon as he heard this, "We have not only made money, but also weakened the Liao and Xixia people... Great! Kill two birds with one stone!"

He said kindly in a blink of an eye: "You kid is indeed very clever and full of bad ideas...but I like you very much, hahahaha!"

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