A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1031 I am very relieved, tough guy Chen Zhongheng

Zhao Yunrang's laughter is extremely contagious and extremely relaxing.

He lay down on the couch with his chest open. Asu behind him was scratching his back, his expression indifferent.

Shen An thought of the troubles he encountered and asked, "Before the current official entered the palace, your life was not easy. Why can you remain open-minded?"

If you need to scold, you can scold, scold Zhao Zhen, scold Zaifu, anyone dares to scold.

When people are young, they are a little unscrupulous and do not care about the impact or consequences. They do whatever they want and say whatever they want.

But as you get older, experience will warn you about the bad consequences of doing so, and others will remember you...

So you gradually become less talkative and slower in action.

This change is called stability.

But Zhao Yunrang has not changed at all. His screams and curses can be heard outside the house, and his hidden weapons make his children and grandchildren frightened...

Shen An felt that this state of life was extremely comfortable.

But how can you be so comfortable?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Yunrang laughed and said: "That's how people are, living one day at a time, you think about what will happen tomorrow, what will happen next year, what will happen in the future... what will happen to your children and grandchildren... It's useless to think about it. No, it makes people restless and makes them more tormented... In this case, why do I still worry? Live however you want. On the day you die, if I can say that you are at ease in this life, this is the way to become an immortal. Buddha."

Shen An lowered his head, only feeling that he was far away from this realm.

"You have something to ask for!" Zhao Yunrang said calmly: "If you have something to ask for, you won't be able to meditate, and you will be restless..."

Is this old guy resigned to his fate?

Shen An felt very curious and looked up, only to find that one of Zhao Yunrang's eyes was black and blue.

Why does this look like being punched?

Shen An couldn't think of anyone who dared to punch Zhao Yunrang, so he was a little confused.

Zhao Yunrang saw his confusion and said calmly: "I accidentally hit a tree while walking."

I believe you, just fool me!

Shen An then went into the palace to ask Zhao Shu for instructions.


Zhao Shu looked very energetic, holding a document in his hand and reluctant to put it down.

"Classes will open tomorrow, how are the students doing?"

He glanced at the document in his hand carelessly. Chen Zhongheng took the opportunity to wink at Shen An from the side, his left eyebrow raised, and his left cheek kept trembling, as if he had a cramp.

Is this a bad mood?

Shen An expressed that he had received it, and then said sternly: "The official family, those students are very honest, the family...the elders of the clan are very supportive of the academy...they say they can only beat and scold, and if they don't obey, they will be beaten to death, so just treat it as a crime." I never gave birth to this son..."

Shen An was a little confused when he heard this, thinking that these students were not hostages, so why did they do something so dangerous?

Chen Zhongheng started winking again. Shen An was still comprehending what he meant, and Zhao Shu turned his head and saw it. He didn't say anything, just quietly watching the two men flirting with each other.

Chen Zhongheng raised his right eyebrow this time, and his right cheek trembled unnaturally, as if he had a cramp.

He squeezed his eyes and raised his head.

He wanted to tell Shen An that the official just mentioned your going to the prince's mansion and seemed very angry.

What do you mean?

Shen An looked at it for a long time and felt that it didn't mean anything bad.

Then why are you winking?

So Shen An stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then shook his head, indicating that he understood and would give you the sauce later.

Chen Zhongheng was so angry that he wanted to hit someone. Is a certain old Chen that greedy person?

He was about to give another hint, but he felt that it was a little too quiet, as if he had stopped breathing.

He slowly turned his face and saw Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu held his chin with one hand and looked at him like this.

"What does winking mean?"

Zhao Shu was really interested in knowing.

Chen Zhongheng knelt down and said, "I am guilty."

How do you want to die in front of Zhao Shu, sending messages to people with eye contact?

Zhao Shu is not Zhao Zhen. This emperor has no good opinion of his servants and will never cripple those who can kill him.

But Zhao Shu said calmly: "Get up."

No punishment?

The sun is coming out in the south!

It’s because my character, Lao Chen, has exploded recently. I have worked hard many times without complaint and have been noticed by the officials...

My character is really good!

Chen Zhongheng felt that he had escaped, and he couldn't help but thank the gods and Buddhas all over the sky in his heart.

Zhao Shu looked at Shen An and asked, "How is the king's health?"

He regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth.

Sure enough, Shen An said sincerely: "The prince said that he can still drink and play with women every day."

Zhao Shu's cheeks trembled and he asked: "The academy will open tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

The emperor's own father was actually showing off outside the palace, which was quite impressive. Moreover, he is still very old and does not cultivate, which is even more admirable.

Shen An said: "I have invited the prince to take charge tomorrow. The prince is highly respected and respected. I think he will be very kind tomorrow."


Zhao Yunrang went to the cliff to scowl and scold anyone he didn't like.

For example, that Zhao Zong'e was a fool who dared to fart around anyone, but he didn't dare to go to Zhao Yun's place.

Zhao Shu felt very relieved when he thought that his father was going to the clan academy tomorrow to curse.

The brothers and nephews in the house have been scolded badly. This time, in a different place, I think they will have more inspiration.

Zhao Shu felt happy and asked again: "How does the prince feel?"

"Okay, that's great."

Except for one black and blue eye, Shen An didn't notice anything wrong with Zhao Yunrang, but seeing that something was wrong with Zhao Shu's expression, he decided to go back and take a look.

"Go ahead."

Zhao Shu thought about opening the door tomorrow with malice, and couldn't help but mourn a moment of silence for those clans.

Later, when Chen Zhongheng had some free time, he went out to rest.

There is never a shortage of people around him to welcome him, and he is the center wherever he goes.

"We all know that when you winked at Minister Shen County over there, the officials were looking at you. I was really worried about you at that time!"

Chen Zhongheng said calmly: "He is very loyal, and the officials see everything, so naturally they will not punish him for minor offenses."

"Yes! We all know how favored the officials are. In the hundred years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, it seems like this has not happened before, right? It's really amazing!"

Everyone praised him one after another, and Chen Zhongheng said reservedly: "Be more cautious around officials. Don't say these words again."

Everyone agreed, and someone said: "Chen Douzhi is a noble and upright person. He is truly a role model for our generation."

"If a certain person had half the abilities that Du Zhi has, he would have been transformed a long time ago."


The chamberlain has no roots, he is just a duckweed without roots, so he likes these compliments very much.

Chen Zhongheng only felt happy. When he was about to go back later, a chamberlain came over and said, "You all know that the official just gave the order and said..."

He glanced at Chen Zhongheng, looking very sad.

Chen Zhongheng's heart skipped a beat, and he thought, could it be that the official family is having an attack just now?

How to punish?

It's probably a salary penalty, right?

My money!

"Say it."

The visitor said: "The official said that you should run around the inner palace... fifty times..."

Damn it!

Chen Zhongheng's legs almost gave out, and then he forced a smile and said, "Did you hear that wrong?"

Fifty laps. Although the inner palace is not as big as the Han and Tang Dynasties, it is still enough to endure. Fifty laps...

The visitor said with a bitter face: "As you all know, the villain asked specifically, did he say fifty laps? The official was delighted and threw the tea cup away. You see..."

He pointed to his forehead, where there was a red mark.

Chen Zhongheng gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay. The officials think that a certain person has gained a lot of weight recently..."

So there was an additional scene in the palace: Chen Zhongheng and Chen Douzhi were running in circles.

At this moment, Shen An also came to the Prince's Mansion again.

A man was kneeling outside the county prince's palace, pleading.

"...Prince, that punch was really not intentional..."

Shen An had some impression that this person was from the clan and was of the same generation as Zhao Zonge and the others.

Let me go, Zhao Yunrang’s black eye was shot by this guy?

Have courage!

In the palace, Zhang Bian came in to report the details.

"Officials, those people started making noises when they heard that the academy would open tomorrow, saying they were going to block the door. When the king got the news, he asked Zhao Yunliang to call for people, and then the king took them to... to raid the gang. people."

A surprise attack is a sneak attack.

The group of people were drinking in the restaurant and vowed to make the academy look good tomorrow. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yunrang rushed in with his men and beat everyone on sight.

Lao Zhao won a great victory and pursued him triumphantly, but was punched black-eyed.

Zhao Shu looked at the document in his hand and sighed: "You should...even if you want to fight, you should be at the back. Why...why did you rush to the front?"

He was very angry before, but now after hearing his father's boldness, most of his anger has dissipated.

But Lao Zhao is not young anymore. If something goes wrong, what should we do?

Zhang Baibian said: "In the official family, the king of the county takes the lead. He shouts the most and fights the most."

In other words, Lao Zhao had the loudest voice and played the most heartily.

Thinking of his old father rolling up his sleeves and leading a group of young men from the clan to fight in a group, Zhao Shu felt very...

"I'm so relieved!"

The fact that my old father can still fight means that he is in good health. He is really good!

As soon as Zhao Shu was in a good mood, he asked: "How far has Chen Zhongheng run?"

The chamberlain with a sad face next to him said: "Guan family, Chen Douzhi has run twenty laps."

"Only twenty laps? How is he?"

"Chen Douzhi's body is covered with sweat and soaked to the skin. His breathing can be heard from a hundred steps away. He fell many times..."

Zhao Shu picked up the document, which contained the details of the melee between Liao and Xixia.

"Guan family, because of this news, five brothers from the Imperial City Division died."

Zhao Shu lowered his head slightly and said, "Thicken the pension."

He is an emperor, not a young man who sheds tears when he sees the autumn wind.

"Let him run five more laps. The remaining twenty-five laps will be punished later depending on my mood."

After five laps, Chen Zhongheng fell to the ground. Several chamberlains hurried over to help him up, "Call the doctor quickly."

"Something...nothing...nothing...little thing...little thing..."

Chen Zhongheng wanted to pretend to be a tough guy, but the strained muscle in his thigh suddenly twitched.


The screams were lingering and melodious, and several palace maids couldn't help but turn around, their faces red.

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