A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,097 For the Gaoliang River

Human beings have a natural fear of explosions, such as thunder. The closer they get, the more frightened they become, and they may even hide under the covers.

When the huge explosion came not far away, tens of thousands of Liao troops were stranded.

The man was in a daze, but the war horse was neighing.

"Calm down the war horse!"

Soothing doesn't do much for a war horse.

Shen An gathered half of the gunpowder that accompanied him and buried it in more than 20 large pits, creating the largest explosion of this era in one fell swoop.

"Can't control it!"

The war horses are going crazy.

General Liao shouted: "Then charge towards the Song people, charge up!"

yes! Now that the war horse is crazy, let's charge!

Thousands of horses galloping forward, with impatience and impatience.

"Crossbow arrows..."

Countless crossbows were pointed at the sky.


Countless crossbow arrows flew into the air, and then a large piece of the Liao army on the road fell down.

The following cavalry quickly filled this gap. In front of them was the Song Army's array, and rushing forward was hope.

A war horse suddenly stumbled and fell violently.

One after another, the horses fell down one after another.

The people following were wondering, and someone shouted: "Those shameless Song troops, they planted spikes!"

Damn it!

Someone lowered his head and saw a bright color on the ground through the light of the fire, and then the war horse under his crotch flew out.

Who did this?

Lao Yin Bi!

Countless crossbow arrows took off again.

After three rounds, the Liao army, which had lost countless comrades along the way, finally hit them.

The spear breaks, and in the end it's up to the swordsman to solve the problem.

"The Axeman..."

But the king stood there like a beacon, holding his sword high.


The sword flashed and countless blood arrows shot out.


Shen An didn't want to see the swordsman withstand the enemy's attack, and there were tens of thousands of enemy troops, so it was impossible for the swordsman to block them from beginning to end.

A group of sergeants in the back were spinning earthen jars.


The jar flew out of his hand, past the array of swordsmen, and flew into the middle of the enemy group.

"The Axeman...lower your head!"

Boom boom boom boom!

Explosions, bursts of fire...

The swordsmen lowered their heads, and something hit their armor.

But those Liao troops were in dire straits, as a large area in front was cleared.

The axemen got a chance to breathe, but the king looked up and looked ahead.

In the smoke of gunpowder, the Liao army was quickly reorganizing its troops.

A wave of crossbow arrows flew over, and a scream came from behind.

The crossbows are constantly attacking the enemy. At this moment, it is a competition between the wills of both sides to see who can withstand it first.

"The enemy is coming!"

In the firelight, the silhouette of the enemy cavalry appeared faintly, and those ferocious beasts were gradually approaching.


Wang Que's eyes narrowed and he shouted: "Be careful with the spear!"

The thing that heavy armor is most afraid of is the spear. The cavalry uses the speed of impact to thrust out the spear, and those heavy armors will become decorations.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

At the critical moment, a group of crossbowmen came up and fired their arrows directly.

The Liao army that rushed forward fell to pieces, but those behind still bumped into them.

Wang turned sideways and swung his sword, knocking a Liao soldier off his horse, but a miserable howl came from the array.

More than a dozen swordsmen and axemen were stabbed by spears and knocked away in an instant.


The king didn't show any emotion and just continued to swing his sword.

"It's tragic!"

Looking at the fighting, Han Qi felt that those military books were just words of war on paper.

"The enemy army is coming fiercely, and it will be difficult for the swordsmen who follow us to stop it!"

The enemy forces ahead are like waves, while the swordsmen are like rocks.

The waves were crashing, but the rocks remained motionless.

The corpses of men and horses in front of them piled up, gradually getting taller.

Shen An is waiting.

Half an hour passed, and the swordsmen were still wielding their swords, but they were already the second batch.

A civil servant glanced at Shen An, who was stunned, and murmured: "Is this the result of one general's success and the death of thousands of bones?"

The swordsmen were rotating, but the casualties were gradually increasing.


Han Qi couldn't bear it anymore.

Shen An shook his head, "It's still early, the time has not come."

The enemy's momentum is still there, and this is not a good opportunity to counterattack.

"Our trip is not to protect Baozhou City, but to give the Liao people a blow in the wild and let them know... Even if they are out of the cover of the city, the Song Dynasty can still defeat them."

In order to regain the land of Yanyun, the Song Dynasty must launch a northern expedition.

The Northern Expedition represents the beginning of the war, a war of various modes.

The most difficult thing is fighting in the wild.

Without the cover of the city, the Song Dynasty's infantry had to be able to withstand the Liao army's cavalry attack and win.

This is the basis of the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty.

Shen An said he wanted to go to the Northern Expedition, but not many people in the court responded.

In everyone's opinion, unless the Song infantry could defeat the Liao cavalry in the wild, the Northern Expedition would be a joke and empty talk.

The defeat at Gaolianghe was not far away, and the Song Dynasty could not withstand a second defeat.

Yesterday and now, two major battles broke out between the Song and Liao armies, and both cavalry attacked the infantry in the wild.

Who wins and who loses?

Could the infantry of the Song Dynasty be able to stop the Liao army?

Could the defeat of Gaoliang River happen again?

In front of him, Wang Qi was covered in blood. He heard the gasps around him and knew that every time his subordinates swung their swords, they were challenging the limit.

But the swordsman cannot retreat!

He cut off the charging Liao army including men and horses with one knife, and shouted: "For the Gaoliang River!"

Gaoliang River was a great defeat that the warriors did not want to mention.

In that battle, the Song army was so powerful that it surrounded Youzhou City and attacked fiercely. The smug Zhao Guangyi felt that the land of Yanyun was his own, so when reinforcements from the Liao army came, he started a battle near the Gaoliang River.

The two sides have been attacking and defending each other, but the Song army has been attacking Youzhou City for many days, and their morale has been declining. Zhao Guangyi didn't know what was going on, but he was still preparing to defeat the Liao reinforcements...

Just one night, Brother Yeluxiu led his army to attack the Song army. In the darkness, they held torches and looked at the unknown number of people.

The battle was fierce and both sides refused to retreat.

At this moment, the defenders in the city opened the city gates and lined up. The soldiers and civilians shouted in unison, with amazing power.

The Song army encountered enemies on many sides, its command was chaotic in the dark, and it was finally defeated.

What followed was a great defeat that ruined the future of the Song Dynasty.

From then on, the warriors were gradually suppressed and turned into an army of thieves.

That night, the Song Dynasty ruined its national destiny.

And on this night...

With tears in their eyes, countless people raised their heads and shouted: "For the Gaoliang River!"

Let us defeat the Liao army and reverse the national destiny of the Song Dynasty!


"If you advance, never retreat!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the Song Army's sword and axemen actually launched a counterattack.

This was something Shen An didn't expect.

In his plan, the counterattack should wait another quarter of an hour... When the Liao army could not attack for a long time, the Song army launched a full-scale counterattack, just like the Battle of Gaoliang River, defeating the Liao army.

But just like Brother Yelvxiu back then, the swordsmen and axemen were so full of passion that they launched a counterattack without waiting for orders.

The Axeman never obeys orders because they have difficulty moving. Once they are in contact with an enemy, they will fight to the death and cannot retreat...so they either stay where they are or they have no choice but to move forward.

What should I do if the swordsman goes alone?

Tell them to stop?

For a time, the Chinese army was in chaos.

"Do it!"

Shen An pulled out his long knife and shouted: "Throw it out!"

The trebuchet, which had always been patient, showed its power.

Countless sparks streaked through the air, passed over the advancing swordsmen, and smashed into the middle of the enemy army.

The dense explosions were almost indistinguishable, the kerosene bombs shattered, and the flames flew...

Every explosion point was surrounded by hell, and the Liao soldiers and horses fell to the ground and screamed.

Although kerosene bombs are not as lethal as gunpowder cans, they are more cruel.

The men and horses stuck by the fire were shouting wildly, and gradually the fire started to rise, and each human-shaped torch was burning brightly.

"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

At the critical moment, the tireless crossbowmen fired another volley.


The swordsmen in front swung their swords in unison, and the Liao army that slowed down in front was cut off their horses, and then there was movement behind them.

"We are also warriors, and we will never lag behind in killing the enemy!"

A general roared at Shen An, spitting on his face.

Shen An wiped the drool from his face and asked, "Does the spearman have the courage to attack?"

This is the leader of the spearmen. When the enemy rushes into battle, the spearmen are cannon fodder, shouldering the heavy burden of blocking the enemy's first wave of attacks and slowing down the enemy's speed.

The Axemen then took over the battlefield, and the Lancers fell back, ready to fill any gaps in the defense.

But now they couldn't help it anymore.

"Yes." The general shouted with his spear in his hand: "If we cannot win, I am willing to die at the front!"

Shen An raised his head slightly, then nodded heavily.

Morale is up!

When facing the Liao army in the past, the Song army did not seek merit, but sought no fault...

The ultimate goal of countless means in recent years is to boost people's morale.

Now the morale is here.

The morale is like a rainbow!

With tears in his eyes, Han Qi murmured: "This Song Dynasty... is up!"

"Get out of the way!"

The spearmen are coming.

They took over from the axemen and charged at the front.


The general rushed forward and stabbed with a spear hard and accurately.

The Liao cavalry, which lost speed, hacked in vain, and then was stabbed by spears and fell off their horses.

"kill him!"

A Liao army fell, UU read www. uukanshu.net He roared and rushed forward.

Two spearmen came forward and stabbed left and right.

The Liao army swung their swords and cut off a gun shaft, and then cut off the arm of the Song army in front of them.

When his arm was broken, Song Jun didn't hesitate at all, lowered his head and bumped into it.

The Liao army did not expect him to be so brave. He was knocked to the ground. The Song army pounced on him, opened his mouth, and bit hard.


The howling sound was like that of a wolf, and the Liao army's hands hit the Song army sergeant's back hard, making a thumping sound.

But the sergeant didn't let up at all.

"Get out of the way!"

After hearing the shouting, the Song Army sergeant raised his head, biting something like a pipe in his mouth and smiling.

The comrades who rushed forward stabbed the Liao army in the chest with a shot, and then shouted: "Back off!"

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

While the blood was rushing, the bamboo tube was suddenly thrown down from the hot air balloon. The people below picked it up and ran away and handed it to Han Qi.

Han Qi opened it, "The enemy is coming from the right wing of our army... This is a sneak attack."

"This is a desperate struggle!"

Shen An took it and took a look at it and said: "The crossbowmen are ready, the cavalry is ready..."

This is about to launch a general offensive.

The enemy troops on the right wing didn't know that their actions had been discovered by the Song army. Some people saw a fire head in the sky, but they didn't know what it was.

"what is that?"

"I don't know, could it be a will-o'-the-wisp?"

They gradually approached, and the Liao general was overjoyed when he saw that the Song army was unprepared. He pointed his sword forward and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

In the dark night, the Song Army could not detect the sneak attack. Once it was broken into... the battle situation would reverse in an instant.

This was his method of winning in defeat. He believed that the Song army could not detect his sneak attack, and this sneak attack would definitely succeed.

"Da Liao will win!"

The third update is here, good night!

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