A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1098: Follow me and avenge your shame!

The hot air balloon needs to be kept secret, which will help Zhao Shu's prestige.

But this battle was so important that Zhao Shu inevitably had some considerations, and finally decided to bring the hot air balloon out, even if it was exposed.

Shen An did not use a hot air balloon during the daytime battle, and the military did not even know he had brought it.

At this moment, on top of the hot air balloon, a rural soldier was looking at the entire battlefield with a telescope.

In the light of the fire, the Song Army's spearmen made fierce and continuous attacks, and the Liao Army's cavalry began to counterattack, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a time.

On the right wing, you can see the reflection of a large area of ​​weapons and armor.

This is the cavalry of the Liao army coming for a sneak attack.

Without the hot air balloon, the Song army's ongoing counterattack would be interrupted. Immediately, the Liao army would attack from two directions, and the situation on both sides would likely be reversed.

This is what hot air balloons are for.

The enemy discovered it first!

Han Qi looked up at the firelight above and praised: "It is indeed a treasure!"

At that time, everyone said that this was a weapon for military strategists. It showed its power in today's battle and discovered the enemy's sneak attack, which indeed made a great contribution.

The Liao army began to raid.

"Crossbow arrows..."

The huge crossbow array could not be seen to the side at a glance, and the crossbowmen temporarily aimed at the right wing.


All the means of attack had been transferred to the right wing, and the ignorant Liao army just ran into it.


Even in the dark night, the black clouds composed of crossbow arrows still send chills down the spine.

When the gunpowder cans and kerosene bombs flew over, General Liao's expression changed drastically.

"Song Jun is actually prepared?"

"Who? Who leaked..."

His face was ashen and he shouted: "Fight in, fight in!"

No one could leak the news. The only possibility was that the Song Army discovered their side's sneak attack in advance.

How did they find out? Could it be that any of them could see at night?

Definitely not, it was discovered at close range.

But those trebuchets can't turn around in time!

The fire in the sky was still burning, and a large black shadow could be seen vaguely.

The hot air balloon was successful.

Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the explosion, the morale of the Liao army dropped sharply, and then they were knocked over by crossbow arrows.


Shen An mounted his horse, with Yan Baoyu on the left, Wen Xiaozhong on the right, and the Black Armor Mangshan Army behind him.

The cavalry on both wings received the order, and they began to roar after being aggrieved for a long time.

"When are you going up?"

"We have been watching our brothers kill the enemy, and now County Master Shen finally reminds us? So what are we waiting for?"


A trumpet sound suddenly sounded, and the cavalrymen cheered. They began to break the horses...

"Kill the enemy!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The cavalry on both wings gradually accelerated and directly outflanked them.

This is the signal for a general attack.

"go ahead!"

Countless spearmen are running wildly!

Those Liao soldiers panicked and tried to stop them, but they were all killed by spears.

They had never seen such a proactive Song Army.

In previous conflicts in the border areas, the Song army was always very restrained. Holding the fort was a victory, making the Liao army exceptionally arrogant.

Now this arrogant enemy was attacked by the Song army, and the Liao army was caught off guard.

"Remove armor!"

The axemen started their usual operations. They took off their armor and ran wildly dragging their axes.

The sword and shield soldiers began to overtake and penetrated directly into the middle of the enemy army.

They flexibly held up their shields to block the enemy's attacks, which were losing speed. They formed a group of three, with one person defending and the others slashing.

A cavalryman who loses his speed is a living target. This sentence is clearly revealed at this moment.

The interplay of sword and shield soldiers caused the final morale of the Liao army to drop, and they began to collapse.

Shen An came out with the cavalry in the middle.

"Get out of the way!"

The infantry made way for a passage and couldn't help cheering as they watched Shen An charge in with the black armored cavalry.

"Wan Sheng!"

Han Qi was watching this scene and ordered, "The carriage is coming."

The entourage didn't understand, but still went to the back to look for the carriage.

"The harsh wind blows the frost and the seaweed withers, the muscles are strong and strong, and the horses are proud..."

Han Qi is cleaning the knife.

When he was three years old, his parents passed away and Han Qi was raised by his brothers.

"The Han family has 300,000 soldiers, and the general also leads Huo and Yao..."

Han Qi's voice gradually became louder.

In his weak year, he became a Jinshi in high school, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

"The white feather of the shooting star is inserted into the waist, the sword flower and the autumn lotus light come out of the box..."

Xixia openly betrayed the Song Dynasty, and Han Qi took charge of the Jingyuan Road. In his decision-making against Xixia, he insisted on being tough and demanded an attack on the Xixia people to kill those rebellious people.

When the dispute broke out, Renzong in the court supported Han Qi's opinions, so...

"The heavenly soldiers are shining down on the snow at the Jade Pass, and the captive arrows are like sand shooting at the golden armor..."

Haoshuichuan was defeated in the first battle. From then on, the Xixia people were full of confidence. From then on, there was a big enemy in the northwest of the Song Dynasty.

Since then, the Song Dynasty's national power has gradually declined.

"Mr. Sir, the carriage is here."

A two-horse cart with a red coffin on it, and both horses are armored...

Han Qi looked up and remembered the journey home after the defeat. The family members of the fallen soldiers were holding the reins of his horse and holding old clothes to summon their souls.

Amidst the paper money flying, those people were crying.

You followed Han Zhao on the expedition, and now Han Zhao has returned, but you died in battle... Has your soul returned with Han Zhao?

"They're back!"

Han Qi walked over slowly.

He always felt heavy on his back.

He didn't know why before, but now he knows.

The soldiers who died in the northwest battle refused to go back. Their souls followed him, watching his every word and deed.

Han Qi turned around and looked behind him, "Just wait and watch me kill the enemy!"

The attendant was shocked and said, "My lord, there is no one behind you."

Han Qi climbed onto the carriage with difficulty and said, "There are people, those soldiers are all here..."

"Is your husband crazy?"

Han Qi shouted: "Attack!"


The driver was puzzled, so Han Qi drew his sword and said, "Attack, or I will chop your head off."

The coachman jumped up and shouted quickly, then the two horses pulled the cart and rushed forward.

The attendant was dumbfounded and shouted: "Mr. Sir... where are you going?"

"I'm going to atone for my sins!"

Han Qi suddenly burst into laughter and sang loudly: "The clouds, dragons, winds and tigers will all be handed back, and the white moon will be destroyed by the enemy..."

The two-horse carriage moved very quickly and gradually caught up with the infantry behind it.

"Get out of the way!"

Without the coachman shouting, the soldiers who were frightened by the speeding movement of the cart turned around and gave way to the passage.

"Where is Prime Minister Han going?"

Han Qi was holding a long knife, beating the coffin and singing loudly.

"The enemy can be destroyed, he can be destroyed by raising his head, and he can walk on the intestines of the tiger and touch the blood of the tiger..."

The speed of the cart is getting faster and faster.

"Prime Minister Han is coming up!"

Someone was cheering.

"The beard is hung in the blue sky, and the beard is buried beside the purple wall..."

Ahead was the enemy's rout. Han Qi raised his sword...

"Hu no one, Han Daochang!"

The cart rushed forward crazily, and Han Qi cut off the horses of the Liao army in front with a single blow.

Blood spattered on his fat face, and Han Qi shouted: "Look! Follow me and watch me kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

The soldiers didn't know why, but their morale was greatly boosted.

"Kill the enemy!"

The speed of the cart increased completely. A Liao soldier in front swung his sword and was knocked away.

Han Qi sat astride the coffin, slashing with his sword.

"Prime Minister Han is here."

Shen An, who was charging forward, heard this cheer. He killed the enemy in front of him. When he looked back, he exclaimed: "What is this? A chariot?"

Chariots have a long history, only to be abandoned later.

But at this moment, Han Qi's two-horse cart was as indestructible as a chariot.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

A Liao Qi rushed over. Han Qi lowered his head and dodged the knife. Then he stood up and grabbed Liao Qi's arm. He pulled the opponent over with all his strength.

Weight is not all a disadvantage. At this moment, Han Qi rolled his eyes at Liao Qi with a heavy pressure, and then chopped him off with a knife.

Then everyone saw a strange sight.

The Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, Han Qi, was holding a human head and roaring crazily.

"I can kill the enemy! Follow me and avenge your shame! Avenge your shame!"

The gray beard and hair were flying in the wind, and Han Qi's eyes were full of tears.

How many years.

How many years has he been waiting for this moment?

The war was defeated that year, the people were silent, the court was shaken, and the emperor was depressed.

Because the Song Dynasty now had a powerful enemy.

The northwest was restless, and the Song Dynasty had to pay huge amounts of money and station countless troops every year to ensure stability.

And all this was because of the defeat in the Battle of the Northwest.

"I am a sinner!"

Han Qi roared in the wind, "Faster!"

He felt the blood rushing in his chest, but he couldn't find a place to vent it.

The Liao army in front gathered hundreds of people. They wanted to slow down the Song army's pursuit and provide time for the mass counterattack behind.

"Come in!"

The driver was confused.

He felt that driving Han Qi's carriage was probably the safest position in this expedition...

When Emperor Taizong was defeated in Gaolianghe, he was brought back by a donkey cart.

But Han Qi actually used a large cart as a chariot to rush into the battle. This has nothing to do with safety!

The coachman closed his eyes and shouted: "rush in..."

The cart rushed into the middle of the enemy troops. Han Qi swung his sword vigorously, and the enemy troops were forced by the cart to retreat and make way for a passage.

The pursuers of the Song Army followed this passage and came in, and the sniping became a joke.

"Kill the enemy!"

Han Qi sat on the red coffin, brandishing his sword and roaring.

The soldiers were all cheering: "Victory!"

Is Han Qi crazy?

Shen An led the Mangshan Army to approach from the right. UU read www.uukanshu.net

He wanted to see if Han Qi had smoked. If so, he would knock him out and let him stay behind.

But when he got closer, he found Han Qi fighting hard.

The coachman also picked up a scimitar. He was holding the scimitar in one hand and the reins in the other, slashing with red eyes.

And Han Qi has completely forgotten himself.

He had no regard for his own safety and would kill the enemy as soon as he caught up with them.

This is a crazy Han Qi.

But what is he doing for?

Shen An rode his horse and charged on the right side of the cart. When the front was clearer, he shouted: "Prime Minister Han...why?"

Han Qi turned his face sideways, and his face, beard and hair were dyed red with blood.

He pointed at his back and shouted: "For them, I will take them to kill the enemy and avenge their shame!"

Shen An was stunned, "There's no one behind you!"

There is no one behind Han Qi’s big car!

Could this man be obsessed?

As soon as Shen An had this idea, Han Qi said: "Yes, those soldiers..."

"Who?" Shen An had a vague thought in his mind.

"In the northwest back then...the corpses of those soldiers could not return home, and their souls could not return. They all followed me..."

Tears were shining in Han Qi's eyes, "I will take them to kill the enemy and kill all those beasts!"

"Charge forward!"

he shouted.

The driver moved the two horses, and the cart accelerated.

"Follow me!"

Han Qi was shouting, and the soldiers thought it was to greet him, and they all cheered and followed the cart on both sides.

But Shen An knew that Han Qi was summoning spirits.

Those loyal souls who died in the battle of Haoshuichuan!

He wanted to take them to kill the enemy...

"Come, come all, follow me... let's go kill the enemy..."

The cart rushed forward crazily...

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