A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1099: I capture the Liao general alive

In the dark night, the defeated Liao army swarmed past, and the Liao generals who roared crazily did not dare to stop them. They could only say in despair: "The Song army's methods are one after another... If it's not a familiar general, who is leading the army?"

"It's Shen An!"

Someone spotted the black-armored cavalry and shouted, "It's Shen An who's here."

General Liao saw Shen An rushing to kill him and cursed: "This beast... I should have raided Xiongzhou and killed him back then!"

Shen An's experience has become a legend in the Song Dynasty, and the same is true in the Liao Dynasty.

Shen Bian clamored to organize the army to prepare for war and prepare for the Northern Expedition. No one in the Song Dynasty took it seriously, and the Liao Dynasty even listened to it as a joke.

Later, Shen Bian disappeared, and Shen An carried his sister to Bianliang. From then on, the legendary road began.

This man was still born in the same mold as Shen Bian, and he slandered Daliaoduo. However, after so many years of slandering Daliao, no one has succeeded.

So the songs continued to sing, the wine continued to drink...

It wasn't until the Xixia people were beaten up by the Song Dynasty that Daliao became a little alert.

That's why the Liao army teamed up with the Xixia people in Fuzhou to dig a hole for the Song army. As a result, Shen An stabbed the Song army in the butt from the outside. It hurt.

From then on, the Song Dynasty began to become unruly and unruly towards the Liao Dynasty. Of course, the Liao Dynasty wanted to teach them a lesson, so Yelu Hongji took the opportunity to attack Xixia and stared at the Yanmen Pass of the Song Dynasty.

Once Yanmen Pass is lost, the Song Dynasty will have no danger to defend. The Liao army will be able to freely choose the direction of attack.

Yelu Hongji was about to give the Song Dynasty a hard blow, but in the end he was almost burned to death. Later, he became angry and ordered an attack, but it failed.

Yelu Hongji, who vomited blood, was not a good emperor, so he had to take revenge, so the Liao army sent a large army southward, preparing to capture Baozhou in one fell swoop, and then defeated the Song army's reinforcements in a field battle.

This is a perfect plan. If it can be successfully implemented, the next step is for Daliao to force the Song people to cede territory and pay compensation.

But now it failed!

The cheers of the Song army were in my ears, and my own cavalry was running away.

"Who is that?"

General Liao saw a strange flower.

No, it's a chariot.

There was a fat old man standing on this chariot. The old man was chopping with a sword, he was very brave.

Grass mud horse!

When did this ancient chariot begin to be resurrected?

In an instant, Liao general's head was covered with black lines.

"That's Han Qi!"

Someone was exclaiming, "It's Han Qi!"

Han Qi led the army and Shen An commanded. The Liao general said in despair: "Isn't Han Qi a fat man?"


The man on the chariot was indeed a fat man.

The red coffin is very eye-catching and very eye-catching.

And a big fat man was sitting on the coffin, hacking away.

"Kill him, kill him!"

General Liao's eyes were red, and he galloped towards him.

Once Han Qi is killed, Daliao will turn defeat into victory.

"Da Liao will win!"

A group of Liao troops fought bravely, but when they rushed to Han Qi's chariot, only three people remained.

General Liao was among these three people.

He shouted with all his strength: "Old thief Han Qi, suffer death!"

Han Qi was in a state of frenzy. He heard the sound and looked around, only to see a Liao general charging towards him.

Want to kill me?

Come, or not, you are my grandson!

"Get out of the way!"

Han Qi was furious. He put down his long knife, picked up a stick and swept it over.

His movements are too slow in the eyes of General Liao, and the wooden stick attack is not just for fun, are you sure?

The Liao general was overjoyed and was about to lean back to avoid the stick, and then killed Han Qi with a single blow.

call out!

An arrow came from the side and hit his waist. Yan Baoyu, who was not far away, put away her bow and arrows, and then chased Shen An again.

Damn it!

General Liao, who was leaning back at first, froze, and was immediately swept off his horse by Han Qi with a stick.

"It's General Liao!"

Han Qi was overjoyed, "Bring it, bring it quickly!"

An infantryman ran over, and two men set up Liao General. Then one of them checked and found an arrow on his waist. As soon as he pulled it out, Liao General woke up.

He was struggling to die.

"Get it up!"

Two infantrymen brought General Liao up. Han Qi had no other tricks and just sat down.


General Liao, who was not afraid of death, howled miserably and lost the ability to struggle.

Han Qi, who could make Zeng Gongliang faint, gave her a hard kick...

Is there anyone in this world that can't be solved with one ass? If so, then two butts!

Han Qi stood up and sat down again. General Liao rolled his eyes.

"He pulled!"

"It stinks!"

The two foot soldiers laughed on the side.

Han Qi tried his best to lift the incontinent Liao general and shouted: "I capture the Liao general alive!"

He was extremely proud at this moment!

"Wan Sheng!"

Killing generals and capturing flags is the most morale-boosting thing, let alone capturing them alive.

The morale of the Song army was greatly boosted and the pursuit began.

The Liao army, which lost its commander, ran wildly and could only escape for its life.

The Song army was so cruel!

A group of infantry caught up with a group of blocked cavalry. First, the crossbowmen fired a volley, then the spearmen stabbed, and the sword and shield soldiers slashed...

After a few rounds, the ground was full of corpses, and Song Jun happily led the horse to continue the pursuit.

More and more cavalry gathered around Han Qi. The cavalry followed him and charged forward. Once they encountered the assembled Liao army, the carts rushed in and broke a path, and then the Song army's cavalry was on the side. Cover up.

The chaotic Liao army collapsed completely, and countless people were running away. In the dark night, all kinds of screams were echoing, like hell.

Groups of Song Army cavalry continued to drive away the Liao Army. Gradually, they formed an arc, with Shen An in the middle.

"The enemy forces are gathering!"

Hundreds of Liao troops in front of them stopped gathering inexplicably, and one of them was still roaring with all his strength.

This is mostly about preparing to be the hero who turns the tide.

It's just that Shen An likes to break the hero's legs the most, so he ordered: "Crossbow arrows say hello."

"Fire the arrow!"

The cavalry brought out their crossbows, and after a wave, the hundreds of cavalry turned into dozens of cavalry.

The remaining Liao army was swept away.

"How dare you be a hero?" Shen An laughed.

The chase lasted until noon. When the sun was about to rise, someone shouted: "Yishui is ahead!"

Shen An reined in his horse, and the cavalry behind him reined in their horses one after another.

"Hey war horse."

Everyone dismounted and walked to the river. The war horses lowered their heads to drink water. The people took out the concentrates they carried and fed the war horses, and then sat down to eat dry food.

"The wind is rustling and the water is cold..."

Huang Chun stood by the Yishui River and suddenly recited this tragic song from more than a thousand years ago.

“A strong man once gone never comes back!”

Han Qi is here.

The two-horse carriage is particularly eye-catching, and the red coffin is really unforgettable.

"This is the Liao territory."

Han Qi staggered when he got off the cart. After he stood firm, he asked, "Where is the dry food? I'm starving."

Someone handed dry biscuits, and Han Qi ate two, and then said: "The front is Liaojing, and beyond is Fan Yang. Let's go back to the teacher."

He was already satisfied and felt that this battle had settled his regrets. Even if he died at this moment, he would be willing to do so.

"Prime Minister Han..."

Shen An swallowed the dry biscuit, then took a sip of water to smooth it down, stood up and said: "This is our place... Prince Dan sent Jing Ke off here. Gao Jianli built the building, Jing Ke sang loudly, and then he and Qin Wuyang shouldered the heavy responsibility. Now... this is our place. How could the Hu people dare to show their teeth to us back then? Now that the Liao people are domineering, do we still have to abide by any rules?"

Everyone couldn't help but stand up.

Shen An solemnly said: "Since records began, as long as we Han'er ourselves are not in chaos, foreign enemies will never bully us. In a word, as long as we unite as one, we will be the only ones to bully others!"


Everyone couldn't help but cheer loudly.

"Yes! In the past, during the Han and Tang Dynasties, who could come after Han'er was so terrible? It was only when the country was in civil strife and weakened that the barbarians had the opportunity to invade..."

"If I could return to the prosperous age of Han and Tang Dynasties, I would be willing to die."

The soldiers were very excited, and so was Shen An.

"This is a great victory. Our army fought a decisive battle with the Liao army in the wilderness from daytime to early morning of the next day. There was no pretext or trickery. The Liao people were defeated. What is this?"

Shen An waved his arms and roared; "Han'er stood up again, what do the Liao people mean? Kill them!"

Han Qi couldn't help but stand up and said: "The enemy can come, and I can go!"


Shen An was waiting for this sentence, and he said: "In this way, our cavalry will continue to pursue, while the infantry will stay to clean the battlefield, and then stationed in Baozhou City..."

"Prime Minister Han." Shen An said to Han Qi, "You can't go anymore, otherwise the Liao army will go crazy."

The Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty led the army in pursuit...

A big defeat was enough to make the Liao army miserable. After hearing the news, their eyes lit up and they attacked with all their strength!

Once Han Qi is captured...

That's a comeback.

Han Qi also knew this, and he had no physical strength left after running for so long.

"Okay, but where are you going?"

Han Qi asked warily.

It wasn't that Zhao Shu didn't trust Shen An, he was worried that Shen An, who had lost his restraint, would do something that would make him vomit blood.

For example, leading the army directly to Fan Yang would shock the Liao Kingdom.

Shen An said sternly: "The official is just chasing me to Laishui..."

Laishui is fifty or sixty miles away from here, not too far.

Han Qi nodded and ordered: "Don't be reckless. Return to the army as soon as you arrive at Laishui. I'm waiting for you in Baozhou City. When the time comes, you will kill sheep and cows... celebrate!"

"Xiang Han, isn't it good to kill the cow?"

A civil servant who followed said with a tired face.

Han Qi said disdainfully: "This was captured by the soldiers, and they cannot cultivate the land. If they are not killed for meat, how can they be kept for breeding?"

Along the way from Bianliang to the north, he had to lead the way, and his food and accommodation were not much different from those of the soldiers. As a foodie, this is torture. Now that he had the opportunity, how could Han Qi let it go? UU reading www.uukanshu.net

"Prime Minister Han, I'm waiting."

Shen An led thousands of cavalry, one person and two horses, to attack.

"Come back early!"

Han Qi said with a smile: "The young man is full of energy. I will definitely praise him when he comes back."

Everyone agreed, feeling that the battle was complete.

"Xiang Han, see you Fan Yang!"

A word came from the front, and Han Qi was instantly furious.

"That's Fan Yang!"

"Brothers, let's go and see Fan Yang!"

The large group of cavalry roared away.

"Don't go to Fan Yang! There are many Liao troops there!"

Han Qi was really angry, but the cavalry ran fast and lost sight of him in an instant.

He stood there and sighed for a long time: "It's good to be young."

"Prime Minister Han..."

Someone was cheering behind him. Han Qi turned around and saw a large group of infantry approaching quickly. They were escorting prisoners of war, carrying war horses and countless baggage. The laughter spread throughout the land.

"Xiang Han, what a great victory!"

"Yes!" Han Qi said with tears in his eyes: "Great victory! Great victory in the Song Dynasty!"

This was the Song Dynasty's decisive victory over the Liao Kingdom since the Chanyuan Alliance. After this battle, the Song Dynasty would no longer be afraid of the Liao army.

"This is a reversal of the country's power!"

Han Qi patted the handle of the knife on his waist and said happily: "The Song Dynasty has been suppressed by the Liao people for a hundred years since its founding. Now we have reversed the country's power in one battle... I can't help but be happy, I can't help being happy!"

"Reversed the power of the country!"

"Xiang Han said that our battle reversed the Song Dynasty's national power."

"Yes! We have never defeated the Liao people so well before, and we defeated them with infantry in the wild."

"We won't be afraid anymore."

"No, it's the Liao people's turn to be afraid of us."

Hope surged on everyone's smiling faces, and cheers spread everywhere.

"Great victory..."

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