Guoguo likes to listen to the sound of rain hitting the tiles. When she listens to it, she falls asleep, and when she listens to it, she doesn't want to get up.

Shen An got up very early.

It was raining heavily outside, so he put on his shoes first, then put on his clogs and went out.


It rained heavily and the sky was full of rain and fog.

Bianliang City in the early morning looked more like late night due to the heavy rain.

He first went next door to see Guoguo, and then came out to wash up.

In the pouring rain, Bianliang City was still stubbornly awake, but all the noises were suppressed by the sound of rain.

The sight was filled with rain, and the sound of wind and rain filled the ears.


Occasionally, a thunder exploded, and the lightning flashed, making Bianliang City pale.

Zhe Kexing also came out, and the two started running one after the other.

The drainage of Shen's house is okay, but it rains heavily, so there is a lot of water.

After the run, the two quickly went to take a shower.

Breakfast is pork buns and a bowl of vegetable soup for each person.

"Guo Guo hasn't woken up yet?"

Shen An had breakfast and then took a walk on the corridor. When he walked outside Guoguo's bedroom, he asked Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen went in for a look and smiled lovingly when she came out. Said: "The little lady is still sleeping, sleeping well."

Shen An walked in after hearing this.

The outside room was where Aunt Chen slept. Shen An gently opened the door.

The room was luxuriously paved with wooden boards, with some toys scattered randomly on them.

There were some pieces of paper on a small table. Shen An walked over and picked them up and looked at them. People were drawn on them.

The big one must be him, with his head drawn into a square shape. The little one is herself, with a round face...

Guoguo turned over on the bed, then opened her eyes and stared blankly into the void. She slowly turned around and saw her brother.

"elder brother……"

You can't go out on a rainy day, but you can't avoid going to court.

Shen An is teaching Guoguo how to read.

The sky gradually became brighter and the heavy rain became lighter.

Guoguo sat in front of the window and read with her brother, one word ten times.

"New, new, new..."

When I read it for the third time, Zhuang Laoshi's voice came from outside.

"Lang Jun, the news from the court says..."

Shen An stood up and touched the top of her sister's head, and said, "Draw the red by yourself, then go back and check with my brother."

Guo Guo said with a bitter face: "Brother, my hands are so sore."

Shen An smiled and said: "Go back and ask Mrs. Chen to rub it for you. Besides, I only learned ten words, so it's very fast."

He left the room and pointed towards Zhuang Laoshi.

The two of them walked along the eaves to the main hall. Yang Mo, who was soaked in the rain, was already waiting.

"Mr. Shen, many people in the court this morning accused you of being a monster and saying that you can control witchcraft. You should stay away from the court. It is best..."

Seeing the embarrassment on his face, Shen An smiled and said, "Is it best to be exiled?"

Yang Mo nodded, wiped the rain off his face, and said, "The officials were furious, but the censors refused to retreat. Even Bao Gong couldn't stop him..."

"How does it end?"

Shen An stretched out his hand to wash away the ink marks outside the eaves, took a deep breath, and felt refreshed and comfortable in his heart.

"The censors refused to retreat, and the officials said they would discuss it further and then dispersed."

"The prince has entered the palace."

Shen An nodded slightly. This is how people are. I helped you, so you should help me when you are able, otherwise this friend will never last long.

"It is harmful and useless for the prince to enter the palace at this moment."

This means tying the Prince's Palace and the Shen family together. Zhao Yunrang is really decisive and interesting.

Want to exile Shen An? Then you should exile me too.

But Shen An was not optimistic about his entry into the palace this time, and even the officials could not stop those mad dog-like censors. He, Zhao Yun, could only express his anger by letting Zhao Yun go.

"Thirteenth Lang said that this matter must be started as soon as possible, otherwise it will get bigger and bigger. He has already sent someone to ask the monk, saying that he wants to ask about this witchcraft..."

Zhao Zongshi was also very interesting, and he violated some taboos and went to invite a monk.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside. Yao Lian opened the door with an umbrella, but Zhao Zhongzhen rushed in from the door, soaked all over.

It’s all interesting!

"It's time for me to move too."

Shen An pointed at Zhao Zhongzhen, and Zhe Kexing went over, grabbed him and walked back.

"To take a bath!"

Zhao Zhongzhen struggled, but Shen An stopped him with just one word.

Then he ordered: "I will write a memorial here and you can send it to the palace immediately."

Later, this memorial was sent to Zhao Zhen, who had a splitting headache.

"What did you write?"

He now has a headache and feels dazzled when reading the text, so Chen Zhongheng is reading.

"Your Majesty, Shen An said that witchcraft is fake. He is willing to offer a reward to someone who knows how to use witchcraft. He will bear the responsibility himself, whether he lives or dies."

If some people in the court have doubts about witchcraft, most of them believe that witchcraft is indeed a thing.

Even though Shen An made the puppet in front of everyone, the reason why everyone stopped was because the emperor didn't want to cause a big case.

With witchcraft and Gu, it must be a big case, and maybe even my family will be involved.

So the important ministers calmed down, but the censors went crazy.

Those crazy dogs!

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but want to scold those censors, but he needed to control the situation, so he had to endure it.

He pressed his temples and sighed: "Witches are a taboo. He is asking for my forgiveness..."

Chen Zhongheng said: "Guan Jia, Shen An said that you issued a prescription for treating witch poison back then, instead of keeping it secret. This is kindness and foresight. As the saying goes, it is better to block than to open up. Since everyone is silent about witch poison, it is better to try it in public. "

Zhao Zhen was a little moved.

If the reputation of witchcraft could be eradicated...

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also became cannon fodder...

And he became a wise king.

This temptation is great!

He thought for a while and ordered: "Go to Shen's house immediately and ask the young man whether it is true or false. Don't make fun of your own life. If you are really sure, then inform Zaifu when you come back."

Chen Zhongheng rushed to Shen's house in the rain. When he went in and saw Shen An playing with the dog under the eaves, he shouted: "There is going to be a commotion outside, and you are still playing..."

Shen An smiled and said: "Chen Douzhi came in person, but did the officials agree?"

Chen Zhongheng frowned and asked, "Are you really sure?"

Shen An nodded, "Back then I met a teacher who said that he lived in seclusion in Mang Mountain. He was surrounded by graves on weekdays. UU Reading Not to mention gods, even ghosts could not see him. The teacher said that my Life is hard, and you are not afraid of gods and ghosts, let alone witchcraft."

Chen Zhongheng looked at him carefully, and then said: "Then it's settled, you can prepare it yourself."

Shen An said calmly: "What are you preparing for? We have our own righteousness, why should we be afraid of these monsters?"

This is better than pretending. Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Kexing beside them both had excited faces.

Then Shen An sent someone to look for the 'master', accompanied by two guards and several minor officials.

The guards represent the royal family, and the petty officials represent the political hall.

According to Fu Bi, the matter of witchcraft and witchcraft should be clarified in one fell swoop, and it should be liquidated if it should be liquidated, and it should be laughed off if it should be laughed off, without leaving any future troubles.


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