A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 123: Have you thought clearly?

In the deep alley, there is green moss on the stone road washed by heavy rain, and there is a sense of moisture from the threshold to the door cracks of the houses on both sides.

At the end of the alley, a man in black sat on the ground, holding a tortoise shell in his hand and throwing it down...

"This is……"

There was a circle of people around him, and when they saw the tortoise shell bouncing on the ground a few times, they couldn't help but retreat.

The man raised his head, his eyes were deep and emotionless.

"Bring the chicken..."

A chicken was delivered to the man.

He chanted to the chicken, and the chicken gradually stopped struggling...

He looked up at the woman standing opposite and said in a hoarse voice: "Okay, your husband's disease has been transferred to this chicken..."

The woman rushed into the home, and everyone was expecting news.

"Ah! Officer... Officer, you actually got out of bed..."

A scream of joy was heard, and everyone looked at the man with reverence and... fear.

"Well... I also have patients at home..."

"Go to my house first."

The man's surroundings were immediately filled with people, and the noise was intense.

"Get out of the way!"

The two sergeants pushed away the crowd, stared at the man and said, "Huang Lin, come with us."

In just three days, under threats and inducements, most of the pretentious people in Bianliang City were cleared out. Ouyang Xiu exclaimed why there were so many, and then felt that he had neglected his duty, so he wrote a memorial to plead guilty.

A crowded group of people stood in front of the government office. After screening, all those who were cheating were kicked out.

"Hurry up and change your profession! Next time we are caught, we will all go north to play tricks on the Liao people."

In the end, two men and one woman were left.

Ouyang Xiu felt that this was a bit inappropriate, but since the officials and prime ministers all agreed, he didn't have any objections.

The candidates were submitted, Zhao Zhen looked at them and agreed to test in Kaifeng Mansion the next day.

He originally wanted to test it in the palace, but he was persuaded by the ministers and assistants, and in the end he was even disqualified from watching.

"Mr. Lang..."

Shen An got up very early the next morning. After practicing martial arts with Zhe Kexing, he took a shower and changed into plain clothes.

The sky was still dark. Mr. Zhuang was holding a lantern beside him and said tangledly: "Mr. Lang, that's witchcraft!"

He turned around and took a look and said, "You don't care about yourself, but the lady is still young..."

It doesn't matter if you are brave, but what about Guoguo?

This was the best way to persuade him after thinking about it all night.

Shen An straightened his collar, then yawned and said, "I said, these things may have some kind of supernatural power, but my life is very hard!"

Zhe Kexing stood behind him, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, and said solemnly: "If there is someone who really knows the magic, I will kill him with a knife and see how magical he is."

The three of them left the house, and the Yulin Lane was quiet.

Zhuang Laoshi watched them mount their horses. After hesitating for a moment, he asked the same question that he had been suppressing for a long time: "Mr. Lang, what should I do if... I am a villain?"


Zhe Kexing lightly reined in his horse, turned around and was ready to scold him.

Shen An waved his hand and said calmly: "Prepare more good dishes at home, keep an eye on Guoguo, and wait for my return."

Zhuang Laoshi sighed, then lowered his head and entered the house, and then the door was closed.

There is still moisture in the alley, and the moisture is steaming, and there is a mist in front of you.

Today, the front office of Kaifeng Prefecture is very lively, and it can be said to be a sea of ​​people.

"Is he Shen An?"

Shen An dismounted outside the crowd and saw Zhao Zhongzhen.

"Brother Anbei..."

Zhao Zhongzhen's body was a little damp, so he squeezed over hard and said, "I'll go in with you."

"What are you doing in there?"

Shen An handed the reins to Yao Lian, cupped his hands to the left and right, and said, "This matter will probably be over in the morning, and I will be able to get home in time for lunch."

Zhao Zhongzhen's eyes were full of worry, Zhe Kexing had already taken the lead to clear the way.

"don’t worry!"

Shen An nodded to him, then followed Zhe Kexing in.

The crowd silently made a way, watching as the most daring young man in history was about to enter.

Not only does witchcraft make high-level officials talk about it, but it can also stop children crying at night among the people, so everyone thinks Shen An is crazy.

"Someone saw his sister playing with a doll, which shows that the doll he made himself is probably fake. He still dares to come here now. This is like throwing himself into a trap!"

"That's a witchcraft. If you don't do it right, people will die."

"The officials have said that they don't care about life or death. It's so strange."

"Why is he so brave?"

"He also has a younger sister who is less than five years old at home."


There were gradually more discussions around. In everyone's opinion, Shen An was standing when he went in, but he was probably lying down when he came out.

"If the heart is there, the dream is there...Brother An, we support you."

"The power of a united people can cut through gold."

"Passion makes dreams come true, and dreams make future!"

"If you want to succeed, go crazy first and rush forward with a simple mind!"

A neat voice suddenly came and suppressed those discussions.

Everyone turned around and saw more than a hundred people standing outside, everyone with flushed faces and shouting.

Shen An cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

Most of these vendors came from Zhouqiao Night Market. It was the peak dining period, but they gave up their business and came here to cheer up Shen An.

Shen An held his hand all the way until Ouyang Xiu appeared inside the gate.

Ouyang Xiu rubbed his eyes, then looked at Shen An for a while and said, "It's Shen Daizhao!"

Shen An smiled and said: "Thank you, Mr. Ouyang."

Ouyang Xiu turned around and went in and said, "It's not hard, those three people are already here. Are you sure?"

He looked sideways at Shen An and asked seriously: "This is the last chance. If you regret it, I can find a reason to stop this matter."

"Before I walked out of my house earlier, the sky was pitch black."

Shen An helped him and said, "Be careful where you step."

Ouyang Xiu said: "I have bad eyesight, but I saw the morning light."

At the edge of the eastern sky, a streak of fish belly white floats, with faint purple behind it.

Shen An glanced at Chen Xi and said: "The story of witchcraft originated from our ancestors, and their affairs are often cryptic. Lawless people often use the name of witchcraft to deceive people. Mr. Ouyang, if this mystery can be broken, then My adventure today was worth it."

Ouyang Xiu turned sideways and looked at him carefully, and after a while he said: "It looks pretty white and tender, okay, okay!"

Shen An touched his face and thought that he had been out in the sun a lot recently, so wasn't it a little dark?

Before arriving at the lobby, two men and one woman were already standing waiting.

At this moment, the sky was full of purple, and a petty official sighed: "The prefect is bathed in this purple. From now on, he will definitely go to the political hall and accompany the officials day and night."

This flattery was good, and Shen An took another look at the clerk.

But Ouyang Xiu was just indifferent. He went to the hall first and then said: "See if the gentlemen are here?"

Today is a grand event, and the prime ministers and assistants will join hands to watch the battle, which is a testimony.

Shen An was looking at the two men and one woman. Both men were thin and looked indifferent.

The only middle-aged woman was a little fat, smiling and very amiable.

These are all gods and goddesses. In the future, they would definitely be sent to the desert to dig coal.

The three people were also looking at Shen An. When they saw that he was just a teenager, they all shook their heads. The woman even sighed, which was a bit pitiful.

"Get out of the way!"

There was a noise behind him, and the ministers were coming.

Shen An turned around and held his hands.

Fu Bi nodded to him and said, "If it can be done, you have done a great job. If it can't be done, I won't blame you."

Witchcraft is a scourge for high-level officials. If it can be exposed, it will be a great merit.

Han Qi glanced at Shen An, then nodded slightly.

Ouyang Xiu looked at the east and said, "It seems to be a little brighter, gentlemen, but do you want to start?"

Fu Bi turned around and looked at the front of the hall and asked, "Have you verified your identity?"

This matter needs to be conducted in a fair environment, otherwise the outcome will be questioned.

Ouyang Xiu nodded, and then suggested: "How about letting some common people in?"

Fu Bi nodded.


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