A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,360 Then go smash up his house

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The sound of wailing came from the room. Guoguo was sitting on the stone bench outside, holding his chin in his hands, and said with a sad face: "Modou loves to cry so much!"

Taro sat on the edge and nodded with a bitter look on his face.

Just now he went in to tease his younger brother, which made him cry.

Once Mr. Maodou starts crying, he won't stop crying until he bursts into tears.

Just now, Taro pretended to coax his younger brother, but was slapped out by Yang Zhuoxue. Fortunately, he was coaxed by Guoguo, otherwise they would have cried together.

Zhao Wuwu couldn't help but shake his head when he looked at the two aunts and nephews.

"Why do you feel like there is something missing in this house?"

She felt that the Shen family's backyard seemed a little lonely.

Aunt Chen said with a smile: "It's just that the head of the family is missing. Without the master, the family has no soul."

Zhao Wuwu thought for a while, "But I don't know when Mr. Lang will come back?"

"The autumn wind blows and the wild geese fly south. It's almost time."

Aunt Chen is very confident that Shen An will come back before winter. "These letters come every now and then. It shows that the husband is thinking about his family."

She talked for a while and then went to the front yard.

In the front yard, Zhao Shun, the Yang family's male servant, was talking to Zhuang Zhen, looking sad.

"What's wrong?"

When Zhao Shun came, he probably had something to do.

Zhao Shun said: "Mr. Lang fell ill. I came here to see if I could ask my wife to hire an imperial doctor."

Zhuang Zhen said: "Talk to my wife about this and see if there is any friendship with Mr. Lang."

Aunt Chen went in again and told the story. Yang Zhuoxue, who was coaxing Maodou, immediately ordered: "The official knows the imperial doctor and has a friendship, but that is not appropriate... Let the housekeeper go to the imperial city and send a message to the king. It’s been said.”

Aunt Chen went, and Yang Zhuoxue was a little restless waiting for the news.

Zhuang Laoshi came back later and said that the imperial doctor had gone.

"That's good."

Yang Zhuoxue breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Maodou sleeping in his arms, and said angrily: "He's just a debt collector!"

Aunt Chen smiled and said: "Most of our children are debt collectors. Who said this, but it's a good saying! Look at my governor, he has been stupid since he was a child, but he finally gave him the opportunity to study, but he didn't say anything. Yes, what do you mean, I will drive cars for young ladies and gentlemen from now on."

If Governor Zhou continues to work in the Shen family, he will become a servant.

Once the master-servant relationship of employing the master rises to the level of a servant, the status will naturally be different.

Later, Mrs. Chen returned to her home in the front yard. She saw Tuesday lying on the bed with his legs crossed and humming something, so she went over and slapped him.

"Hey!" She was startled on Tuesday and opened her eyes and said, "I'm just coming back with Ermei to buy groceries. Don't make trouble."

Aunt Chen sat on the edge of the bed and said in a daze: "My wife and I tried it out just after I got off the bed. She said that our governor will also drive the car for the family in the future. She didn't say whether it was good or bad... I was worried that she would not want the governor in the future..."

Zhou Zuo said angrily: "How old is the governor now? Where can he work? Besides, Lang Jun asked him to study, maybe he wanted to cultivate him! Don't you want the governor to be a Jinshi or something in the future? Then you will also Can there be a reward..."


Aunt Chen pouted at him and said, "So is it easy to win the Jinshi? You didn't even take the exam without seeing Wang Langjun! He is a very smart man, and he is not sure. How can our governor have a chance?"

Tuesday leaned over and put his arms around her waist. Aunt Chen twisted it, and then said quietly: "As a mother, I only think about the good of my child. She thinks endlessly, wishing she could arrange for him all his life." , then I dare to close my eyes and enter the coffin..."

"Why are you panicking?"

Tuesday's hand groped in, and then he said happily: "Langjun is here! You didn't notice that Langjun often stands on the steps and watches our governor sweep the house. What is this? He is thinking about the governor's temperament... This is going to happen. Arrangements must be well-founded, right?”

Aunt Chen was delighted when she heard this, "Really?"

Tuesday smiled and said: "Others don't believe it, but you still don't believe it, Mr. Lang?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?" Aunt Chen pulled out his groping hand and said, "Mr. Lang is both civil and military, and he will be the Prime Minister from now on. Who doesn't believe what he says?"

On Tuesday, he wanted to put his hand in, but was slapped hard by Mrs. Chen, who jumped up in pain.

"Boom boom boom!"

Someone is banging on the door outside.

Under normal circumstances, even if the most distinguished guest comes, he will not knock on the door. This is very rude.

So I subconsciously rushed out on Tuesday.

"Whoever dares to cause trouble, kill him!"

He rushed out, and so did Yao Lian and Chen Luo.

Zhuang Laoshi coughed dryly and said, "Open the door."

He was carrying an ax in his hand, Yao Lian was holding an eyebrow stick, and Chen Luo was holding a short blade and hiding it behind his back, and then went to open the door.

When the door opened, it was Zhao Shun who was sweating profusely.

"It's not good... Lang Jun is not good."

Zhuang Laoshi's expression changed and he said, "Mrs. Chen, hurry up and tell the lady inside, and Yao Lian, hurry up and ask for an audience with the king..."

"Hold on, madam!"

When the news reached the backyard, Yang Zhuoxue was stunned for a moment, and then said slowly: "Let the housekeeper watch the house, Guoguo..."

Guoguo came over and Yang Zhuoxue said, "You are old too. My sister-in-law will go back to her parents' house. You are at home..."

She pressed Guoguo's shoulder and said, "You are in charge at home. If anything happens, just push it away."

"Okay." Guoguo nodded firmly.

My sister-in-law is going back to her parents' home to see her father. There will probably be some chaos there, but it's not easy to take her there.

Sitting is just a way of saying it, but it actually means letting her rest at home.

Taro will cry and cannot be kept, let alone edamame. Once Yang Zhuoxue leaves, the crying will be endless.

Therefore, my mother's strength was often forced out of her.

Yang Zhuoxue took her two children and went to Yang's house with Zhao Wuwu and Chen Luo.

"The little lady is back." Ah Qing happily welcomed Yang Zhuoxue in.

This long-lost title made Yang Zhuoxue a little sad, and she went all the way to the backyard.

The imperial doctor was sitting in front of the desk, with a pen in his hand and paper on the desk, but he couldn't write.

Is your condition in trouble?

Yang Zhuoxue came closer and said, "May I ask, sir, how is my father?"

The imperial doctor looked up and when he saw it was her, he sighed: "With this condition, I am a little hesitant."

This means that the cause of the disease cannot be determined, and therefore no medication can be administered.

"Thank you very much."

Yang Zhuoxue said: "Although we are enemies in the same industry, my father's matter has made me confused. The imperial doctor will come later, and I would like to ask Mr. Haihan."

Saying that she was blessed again.

If you invite an imperial physician to see a doctor and then another one, that is offending someone.

Does the person in front of you think you are looking down on me?

Then came an opportunity that felt like a slap in the face...

So Yang Zhuoxue said it first because she wanted to avoid this situation.

——If you feel that you have been wronged, you can avoid it first, and we will just pretend that it is nothing.

This was a time when life was at stake, and she couldn't care less.

However, this kind of treatment method was frank, and the imperial doctor did not feel any discomfort.

Then Yang Zhuoxue entered the bedroom.

Yang Jinian was lying on the bed, his face flushed and his breathing heavy...

"Mom, what's wrong with dad?"

Li turned around and said solemnly: "Your father said he had stomach discomfort the day before yesterday. He developed a fever after a day of delay. Now he is unconscious..."

Yang Zhuoxue took a closer look, frowned and said, "The official is not here, but the imperial doctor will come later."

"Yes!" Li was also very sad.

The son-in-law is known as the only successor of Mangshan's miracle doctor. If he were here, he would definitely be able to find a solution.

"Isn't the imperial doctor outside? Why is he still here?" Ms. Li was a little puzzled.

Yang Zhuoxue said: "This imperial doctor is probably not good at this..."

"But the imperial doctor in the palace is at your disposal?" Mrs. Li felt that this was inappropriate and was a little panicked.

"Don't worry, mother." Yang Zhuoxue comforted, "The official has a lot of merits in his hands."

Li said subconsciously: "Aren't those legs?"

After speaking, the mother and daughter looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Madam, a royal doctor is here."

Later, five royal doctors came.

Mrs. Li couldn't help being flattered, "The Yang family is deeply grateful for your majesty's love."

The head of the imperial doctor said: "The official family has learned the news that Duke Shen is serving the country in the northwest. There is something going on at home. Naturally, the palace cannot just sit back and watch. Let me just come and treat him. If there is anything missing, go back and get it."

Some people said that Zhao Shu was mean, and some said that he was sick, but at this moment, Mrs. Li was moved to tears.

Five imperial doctors came together, and it didn't take long for them to come to a conclusion, and then a good medicine was missing. Someone immediately went back to the palace to get it, and they were really resolute.

"My son-in-law is so valued by the government. You have to serve him well."

When Mrs. Li saw that the imperial doctors were all confident, she couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, and said some kind words to her daughter.

"He doesn't like to be waited on."

Yang Zhuoxue said with a smile: "Except for being unwilling to do laundry, he can do everything. He often cooks and the family agrees to eat...sometimes he even secretly goes out to eat with Guoguo and taro. It's delicious. When you come back, wipe your mouth clean and say you're going for a walk..."

This son-in-law...

Li couldn't help but laugh.

"Nowadays, these men just like to put on an act, and there are fewer true-hearted ones like son-in-law."

"You only have a sister-in-law at home. I'm afraid it's not safe. You should go back quickly."

Li started to drive people away. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

Yang Zhuoxue said: "Later, I will go back when they confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a prescription."

At this time, in the Shen family, Guoguo was sitting behind the screen in the side hall, with Zhao Wuwu beside him.

Outside the screen stood Lei Xiang, Xianglu's steward, with Zhuang Laoshi and Yao Lian standing on both sides.

"...Then Chen Fuler's family is in the cotton business. They buy a lot of cotton every year to weave cloth, which requires a lot of manpower..."

"Usually, the two wells don't interfere with the river. But in our workshop, women are mainly working. Chen Fu'er's family used men to work at first. Later, they found that the men were not as refined as the women, so they changed. But the Bianliang women are very particular when they go out to work. I don't believe it. Our family is worried about them going. Our family has a good reputation, and everyone in Bianliang knows that the husband is famous for his virtue, so if you just call, there will be someone to do it..."

Conquer people with virtue!

Zhuang Laoshi couldn't help but raise his head a little higher.

"The people Chen Fu'er's family has recruited are all kinds of things. Isn't it so urgent that they even come to recruit women from our workshop to work..."

There was no word behind the screen, and Zhuang Laoshi asked: "What method did he use?"

"Offer a high price and promise to be 20% higher than ours every month."

Tsk tsk!

This price is not low, which shows how profitable the cotton business is.

"Our family has a cloth shop. I went to ask the people at the cloth shop and they said that I don't have to worry about selling cotton cloth now and making money."

Suddenly, Guoguo's voice came from behind the screen, "Who is right?"

Lei Xiang said: "Our family has a contract with those women, but recently a hundred or so people's contracts have expired, so more than twenty people have been dragged away. However, our family's contract says that there is any priority to renew the contract... …Our family has a right.”

"Then go smash up his house."

Guoguo's voice is very clear.

New Year, new atmosphere, please vote for me.

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