A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,361 The King is on the lookout

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Before Yang Zhuoxue went out, he said that Zhuang Laoshi was looking after the house and Guoguo made the decision.

She went to her parents' house and came back in half a day at most. Nothing would happen to the Shen family for a while, so she said this casually.

But I didn’t expect that things would actually happen.

Whatever happens comes, it comes. Zhuang Laoshi feels that he can be stable for the time being.

But I can't bear it. Guoguo really wants to be the master for once!

In the end, her decision was to destroy Chen Fuler's house.

Lei Xiang couldn't help but look at Zhuang Laoshi and thought to himself, what is the little lady's trick?

According to his assumptions about this matter, he should first stabilize the mood of the female worker in the workshop, and then come to question her.

Smashed their house!

Is this a bit more aggressive?

Zhuang Laoshi was also very conflicted, but it was necessary to maintain Guoguo's authority, so he said seriously: "Didn't you hear what the little lady said? Yao Lian went to gather people quickly."

Yao Lian was startled, "There is no one left at home."

Zhuang Laoshi stamped his foot, "Didn't the Mangshan Army leave dozens of people to watch the workshop on Zhuang Shang? Hurry up and call them."


Yao Lian rode out of the city to call for people. Zhuang Laoshi walked to the screen and said with a smile: "Little lady, is that villain leaving now?"

Of course he has to take charge of this matter, otherwise those country soldiers are all thieves and their attacks are insignificant. If someone is killed and Lang Jun is not at home, this matter will be in trouble.

Behind the screen, Guoguo was sitting there, with Huahua lying at her feet. She thought about it and remembered that her brother said, don't be afraid if something happens, just hit him.

Yes, since my brother entered Bianliang City, he has displayed great authority all the way.

So what should I do now that my brother is not at home?

She frowned, and Huahua at her feet stood up, stretched, and looked particularly fierce.

"I'm going!"

Zhuang Laoshi quickly gave some advice, but Guoguo was seriously preparing to take charge of the work.

So later, when the Mangshan Army entered the city and assembled outside the gate of Shen's house, they saw a young lady with a childish brow.

The carriage is ready, we are driving on Tuesday, Yao Lian is escorting, Zhuang Laoshi is following the carriage...

Guoguo stood outside the door, followed by Zhao Wuwu.

The Shen family was in full force.

As Guoguo walked down the steps, the neighbors looked in front of their house.

There's nothing I can do, the noise is too big!

Dozens of rural soldiers blocked the door of Shen's house, and they all had a tough aura.

Seeing Guoguo come out, the soldiers crossed their hands and saluted, "I've seen the little lady!"

Zhuang Laoshi glanced at Guoguo worriedly, worried that she would be shocked.

Guo Guo glanced at them and said, "Follow them all."


Guoguo got on the car, gave a light shout on Tuesday, and the carriage slowly drove out of Yulin Lane.

"What are you doing here, Guoguo?"

The neighbors were a little curious.

A carriage, accompanied by dozens of tough men, such a lineup is rare in Tokyo.

Word spread quickly.

When Guoguo arrived outside the gate of Chen Fuler's house, it was still quiet.

The autumn wind makes people feel cool but also chilling.

Zhuang Laoshi asked through the car curtain: "Little lady, we have arrived at Chen's house...but we have to fight in."

Guoguo thought sadly while sitting in the car.

What a pity, she is still underage!

"His family doesn't make sense."

Guoguo got the idea right.

My brother often says that we must convince others with virtue.

Well, it makes sense to do something that convinces people with virtue.

That's what Guoguo thinks.

"Smash it."

Guoguo waved his fist and pursed his lips.

Zhuang Laoshi shouted at the top of his lungs: "My lady has an order, smash it!"

Two rural soldiers rushed over and took turns hitting the door with their shoulders.


The door was knocked open, and the Chen family inside happened to hear the sound and came over.

"what for?"

He only had time to ask a question before the man was overwhelmed by the village soldiers.

Then the smashing started inside.

Guoguo opened the corner of the car curtain, took a look inside, and then lowered the car curtain.

Zhao Wuwu knew that she probably couldn't bear it, so he said: "Little lady, I have seen many people in the palace before. This person, Lang Jun once said, the Shen family does not bully others, but they cannot be bullied by others. If so, Someone touched our home, and we have to make him pay the price even if we fight hard. Today is the price."

Guo Guo nodded.


"A thief has entered the house!"

"Where are the people from the Inspection Department?"


There was a commotion inside, and the neighbors were alarmed.

They came out to take a look, and saw the carriage and Zhuang Laoshi.

Zhuang Laoshi raised his head and said, "The Shen family is doing something."

"Which Shen family?" a neighbor asked.

Zhuang Laoshi asked back: "How many Shen families are there in Bianliang?"

The man shrank his neck and said, "Shen An's family?"

Zhuang Laoshi nodded lightly. At the entrance of the alley, a group of sergeants from the inspection department were trotting over.

On the left side of the alley, several men were standing there. One of the young men turned around and said, "I have nothing to do today. You can go on your own later."

The leading sergeant shouted: "Who are you waiting for?"

The young man smiled, and another man beside him said: "A certain Su Shi."

Another man said coldly: "A certain Wang Yu."

The young man turned around slowly, and a sergeant suddenly exclaimed: "It's the king!"

The young man smiled and then looked at the Chen family.

Several sergeants looked at each other, and finally someone said: "The king is here, we can't afford to offend him."

Another said: "If we don't care, we are afraid of being impeached by the imperial censor. Then the king will be fine and we will be unlucky."

"Idiot, then Su Shi is the censor."

"I don't know who was doing the damage inside, but it actually attracted the attention of the king and others..."

"Don't use the term "guardian" carelessly. It's embarrassing."

Watching the wind is a lingo among thieves, so it is inappropriate to apply it to Zhao Xu!

A group of sergeants left angrily.

Su Shi sighed: "Guoguo did a little bad on this matter. She should report it directly and let us take action... That would be great."

Wang Yu frowned and looked at him, feeling that it was really tiring to hang out with such idiots all day long, "Brother An Bei is not at home. If someone takes action at this time, anyone in the family who has the ability to fight back will not call someone, otherwise in the future Brother Anbei, can you still go out? If you worry about being bullied at home when you go out, what else can you do? "

Su Shi said dissatisfied: "It's the same if we start to shock!"

"This is a business dispute, what should we do?" Wang Yu would never have said so many words, and would only give him a cold look.

Zhao Xu explained: "Business disputes are always there. It's okay to ask people for help, but you can't ask people all the time, right? So don't ask people if you can do it yourself. Guo Guo doesn't think so, but But the actions fit together, he is indeed a genius!”

Wang Yu looked at him coldly, feeling that this man was a bit shameless, but considering that he was praising Guoguo, that was all.

The beatings of the Chen family continued.

"Is there no law anymore?"

Chen Fuler's wife couldn't help shouting loudly when she saw the village soldiers smashing the house.

"Here comes someone!"

The servants lying on the ground in the front yard were all beaten to the ground when they tried to stop him.


The village soldiers only smashed and smashed, and did not take action if no one resisted.

"I'm going to file a complaint!"


Several rural soldiers dropped what they were holding and stared at her.

A murderous aura enveloped Chen Fuler's wife. She felt her lower abdomen was a little bloated, so she took a few steps back, clamped her legs and shouted, "What are you going to do? Someone is here..."

On the other side, several rural soldiers happily tore down a few pillars, and then the main hall collapsed.


They ran out in disgrace, turned around and looked at their masterpieces, and couldn't help but smile.

Isn't it time for the little lady to relieve her anger?


The village soldiers walked away. The Chen family looked at this mess and couldn't help crying.

"Call the officials back!"

Chen Fu'er was called back. When he saw this, he couldn't help but became furious and said: "Don't look, it must have been done by the Shen family. I will file a complaint right away!"

He angrily went to Kaifeng Mansion to report the crime, and was successfully taken in.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Jian, the inquiring promotion officer, looked listless.

I feel sleepy in spring and tired in autumn, and it’s the best time to sleep now.

Chen Fuler said: "Just before, Shen Guoguo from the Shen family led people to smash up the villain's house. Now the Chen family is in a mess, and even the main hall has been smashed."

Yang Jian's eyelids twitched, thinking that the main hall had been smashed? This is cruel enough!

"This is a bold matter, come here."

"The villain is here."

Several government officials came forward to listen to the order, and Yang Jian said angrily: "Lawless, lawless, how big is the Shen family? This is the Song Dynasty, this is Bianliang. Even if a relative of the emperor breaks the law, there is no place for him to sit in Kaifeng Mansion!" Go, go get someone from the Shen family!"

Several government officials looked at each other in confusion. Upon seeing this, Yang Jian smashed something down, but it was an inkstone. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The inkstone shattered and debris flew.

"Bring the person here in half an hour, otherwise he will be held responsible!"

Several government officials were pissed off. Yang Jian took a deep breath and solemnly said: "If we are officials and do not make decisions for the people, then we are mediocre officials!"

Chen Fu'er below was moved to tears and said: "The Shen family has been domineering in Bianliang for many years, and no one has been able to control it. Today, when Yang Tuiguan takes action, the people of Bianliang will be happy and overjoyed..."

Yang Jian looked outside and smiled slightly.

A clerk came in from outside and asked, "I dare to ask Mr. Yang, but has anyone spoken ill of the Shen family?"

This person was close to the prefect Yang Zuo, and Yang Jian did not dare to neglect him. He said: "This person is the one responsible. The house has been smashed by Shen Guoguo."

The clerk glanced at Chen Fuler and said, "He has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. He is not a good person at first glance."

Chen Fu'er touched his fat face and thought, what did he say? Outsiders say that a certain person has a fat head and big ears, and he is a lucky person at first glance.

Yang Jian's eyes turned cold and he said: "There is someone involved in this matter, and the people investigating the matter have also gone there. Someone asked someone to go to the Shen family and ask them to bring someone in for questioning..."

"May I ask Mr. Yang, who should I take?" The clerk seemed respectful, but there was a look of urgency in his eyes.

Yang Jian...the Kaifeng official with the same name as the Sui Dynasty emperor said lightly: "Of course it's Shen Guoguo."

The clerk's face turned cold instantly, "The prefect has an order, but there are other reasons for this matter. The Chen family was at fault first, so let's leave it at that."


Chen Fuler couldn't help being angry, but she didn't dare to get angry.

Yang Jian stood up, put his hands on the table, leaned forward, and asked, "The person has gone."

The junior official is a member of the prefect Yang Zuo and will follow him in the future, so he is not afraid of Yang Jian and said firmly: "The prefect has an order, and this matter is over! Why...is the official Yang disobeying the order?"

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