A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,374 Is there really Chen Shimei in the Northern Song Dynasty?

——We need more young people, more bold young people!

It is not difficult to transfer Yang Jian from Kaifeng Fuping to Yushitai as the imperial censor, but it is not easy to complete the matter in a very short period of time.

But they did it anyway.

Sima Guang said the above sentence at that time.

Look at the New Deal, Shen An looks full of energy and energy.

Look at us again, most of us are old men in their forties or fifties, no motivation... No, we all know the true meaning of life of being wise and self-protective, but we can't compete with the shameless people over there!

So here are some bold young people.

So Yang Jian was pushed out.

Yushitai, serving the censor...

This is to be cannon fodder.

If you do well, you will be promoted and make a fortune; if you do poorly, you will be unlucky.

This is a test.

Yang Jian knew this very well, so before he took office, he pondered it in the duty room for a few days, and then issued a bulletin.

Yang Jian impeached Bao Zheng!

At the Xiaochao meeting, Han Qi said: "Yang Jian impeached Bao Zheng for showing favoritism..."

Bao Zheng was stunned.

He couldn't speak at this time.

Han Qi continued: "It is said that there was a case in Kaifeng Mansion two years ago... A student that Bao Zheng liked committed a crime... The man's name was Wang Xiang. He was already married at home, but he was spotted after he passed the imperial examination... That man was related to Uncle Guo's family...Wang Xiang hid the fact that he was married and married another woman..."

If Shen An was here, he would definitely scream out loud.

Chen Shimei!

Later generations rumored that Chen Shimei was a bigamist, was spotted by the late Emperor Zhao Zhen and recruited his consort, and was then beaten by Lao Bao.

Han Qi looked at Bao Zheng and said, "Xiren, what's going on?"

Say something to your boss!

According to Bao Zheng's urine, if he was wronged, he would probably jump up immediately.

But Bao Zheng silently handed him over and walked out.

This is the rule that if a prime minister is impeached, he must go home first to wait for the impeachment.

This is not Bao Zheng’s temper!

Shouldn't he have roared at the court and vowed to cripple Yang Jian?

But he left?

The king and his ministers were a little worried.

Is this true?

Bao Zheng two years ago, when he was the third envoy, had a lot of power, it was not difficult to suppress such things.


Yang Jian impeached Bao Zheng, and when the news came out that Bao Zheng returned home sadly, Yushitai immediately went crazy.

Tang Jie came out, coughed dryly and said, "Yang Jian has done something great since he came here. He is outstanding. You should set an example by following this."

This is the job of the Yushitai. The more powerful people you impeach, the better your performance will be.

Everyone looked at Yang Jian with admiration, jealousy and hatred in their eyes, but Su Shi was a little confused.

Bao Zheng!

How could he do such a stupid thing?

Su Shi couldn't sit still. When many people gathered around Yang Jian to praise him, and Yang Jian smiled and pretended to be reserved, he ran away quickly.

He ran all the way to Shen's house and met Wang Shao.

"Anbei, how about this?"

"Why are you panicking?"

Shen Anzai and Wang Shao were looking at the northwest map and thinking about the northwest attack.

"Hey! How long has it been and you still have the time to think about this?"

Su Shi grabbed the map and roared: "Mr. Bao has gone home."

Shen An was not panicked and said slowly, "It's okay for him to go home and rest for a few days."


Su Shi said angrily: "In two days at most, those impeachments will force Mr. Bao to go to his own place."

If a prime minister is impeached and cannot bear it any longer, he will most likely go to a local office, as is the case with Wen Yanbo, for example. He is still waiting eagerly for Zhao Shu's call.

Su Shi stamped his foot and went back to defend Bao Zheng.

But where is the evidence?

How can you defend without evidence?

Then you can only subjectively say that Bao Zheng has a good character or something.

But Bao Zheng’s character...

Almost everyone who was sprayed by him felt that this old man had no character.

After Shen An waited for him to leave, he laid out the map again, pointed to Xixia and said: "It is feasible if the Linfu Road side comes from the right. They can join forces with Suizhou and follow Xiazhou. , Youzhou swept over, and then waited. The armies gathered in the two surrounding states attacked at the same time, penetrated Xiping Mansion, and forced Xingqing Mansion. The Yuanzhou army on the left pressed all the way, blocking the other end. Liang was desperate at this moment. The only choice is to fight or surrender..."

This strategic situation is excellent, but we still have to see how the Liao Kingdom reacts.

"As for the Liao Kingdom, once the Song Dynasty wants to invade Xixia, the army must be hoarded in the north and suppress the Liao Kingdom to prevent them from taking care of the northwest!"

Wang Shao almost lay on the table, "What if they dare? Then the Song Dynasty will go to war against Xixia and Liao at the same time. Are you sure?"

Shen An nodded, "At that time, we were on the offensive against Xixia and on the defensive against Liao. The smoother the attack on Xixia's side, the more panicked the Liao people would be. If they captured Xingqing Mansion, the Liao people would immediately withdraw their troops and send envoys. Let’s talk about the love between Song and Liao brothers..."

Wang Shao raised his head with admiration in his eyes, "At that time, the Liao Kingdom was probably afraid of the Song Dynasty..."


Shen Anchang thought about the situation for a while, and couldn't help but said happily: "At that time, the Song Dynasty will slowly calm down the interior of Xixia, and then it will be time to look north and aim at the hometown of Yanyun."

"Yanyun's hometown!"

It was a place that Song Dynasty longed for and dreamed of.

Shen An nodded and said, "Think about it carefully. I will take you to see the king someday."


Wang Shao left with the map and seemed to be fascinated by the blueprint drawn by Shen An.

Originally, he only wanted to plan for the northwest, but now Shen An has brought the entire north in with a stroke of his pen, and this momentum immediately calmed him down.


It’s really tiring when people are so talented!

Shen An sat down, holding the tea cup, and drank tea happily.

Wang Shao is a great talent, and Shen An has no doubt about this.

The key is that he was born as a serious Jinshi, but he was very interested in martial arts.

There are many civil servants who are interested in martial arts, such as Lao Han.

But being interested is one thing, having the ability is another.

Lao Han is a typical helpless person.

But Wang Shao is quite talented.

In the past, Chang Jianren shined in the navy, and later in the land, Wang Shao excelled. It can be seen that Wen Zhuanwu has great achievements!

This is a living sign, and Zhao Shu and Zhao Xu will be able to use it in the future.

Shen An was lying on the recliner proudly, and Huang Chun came in from outside, "Lang Jun, we found out. Two years ago, Wang Xiang was an official in the Third Division, and the wife he married was far from the uncle's family."

Shen An still closed his eyes, "You know what Mr. Bao is like, and he will be accommodating in other matters. But if you have Zhuo Xue and want to marry another woman, Mr. Bao will come to Yulin Lane with a knife. So...here There must be something fishy about it, Wen Xiaozhong has already gone, so keep an eye on Bao Gong's house and don't let those rats in."


Huang Chun agreed, but then asked: "Lang Jun, what if Wang Xiang refuses to say it?"

"There are only two reasons why he refuses to say it. The first is that someone here found him and forced him to shut up. The second is that he has some bullshit reasons and is not willing to say... Both of these... are ungrateful. Ungrateful people…”

Shen An's face turned cold, and Huang Chun said goodbye.

After hearing that Xiao Zhong was galloping all the way, he arrived at Shuntian Mansion in the afternoon of the next day. But the journey was not smooth, and there was a lot of blood on his body.

After entering Shuntian Mansion, he went directly to find Wang Xiang without a moment's delay.

In Shuntian Mansion, Wang Xiang, a meritorious military officer, was handling official matters. A clerk came to report, "Wang Canjun, there is someone outside asking to see you."

Wang Xiang looked up, his fair face, thick eyebrows, and smile looked very handsome.

"Go take a look."

He got up and went outside.

When he arrived at the gate, he saw that Xiaozhong was unfamiliar and smelled of blood. Wang Xiang took a step back warily and asked, "May I ask..."

"Master Shen An." Wen Xiaozhong glanced behind him.

"Mr. Shen?"

It's rare that Shen An's name is not known nowadays. Wang Xiang's brows were a little more nervous, "I wonder why Lord Shen sent you here."

Most people would react like this when encountering Shen An.

Wen Xiaozhong whispered: "Do you still remember what happened two years ago?"

Wang Xiang's face turned pale instantly.


He looked a little hesitant.

Wen Xiaozhong took out a sign, which turned out to be made of gold.

The only person with such skill in the world is probably Shen An.

This is consistent with his status as the richest man in the Song Dynasty.

But this is not enough.

Wen Xiaozhong took out another letter. After opening it, Wang Xiang saw Bao Zheng's familiar signature and nodded, "What's it about?"

Wen Xiaozhong said: "Some people impeached Mr. Bao, saying that you had a bigamy two years ago and it was Mr. Bao who protected you..."

He stared at Wang Xiang, and just as he was about to threaten him, he saw a figure flashing out of the corner of his eye.

In an instant, Wen Xiaozhong disappeared from Wang Xiang's eyes.

Wen Xiaozhong chased him all the way, and finally punched the man unconscious in the street and dragged him back.

When he dragged the man back, Wang Xiang was still there.

"This is……"

The man had fainted and was being dragged by Wen Xiaozhong like a dead dog.

"This person came from the capital, and I met a lot of people along the way."

Combined with the smell of blood all over his body, Wang Xiang couldn't help but turn pale.

This is political struggle. It is said that there is no blood, but it is above the court. There is quite a bit of blood in private.

Wen Xiaozhong took out an oil paper bag and said, "This is the dry food of the Li family in the capital. It is the most delicious. Rich people like to buy some and take it with them when they travel far."

When the oil paper package was opened, the aroma of the cake inside was overflowing.

"You should know the purpose of their coming here. They just want you to shut up or change your mouth. What do you think?"

Wen Xiaozhong's voice was calm, but Wang Xiang felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast.

He nodded and asked mysteriously: "Then why don't you buy dry food from the Li family?"

Wen Xiaozhong said calmly: "These things that the Li family got are just leftovers from my family's fun. If Mr. Lang wants to do these businesses, how can they survive!"

These words are arrogant, but very true.

Shen An's business ability is unparalleled in the world, and even officials say that he is an excellent candidate for the third envoy. This is evident.

Wang Xiang lowered his head, "This is a family scandal..."

"you say."

"X has been smart since he was a child, and he has fair looks. Later, he went smoothly in the imperial examination... There was a cousin who... liked X, but X didn't like her. Besides, the family didn't want to get married like this. Later, the cousin became a little crazy..."

This is encountering paranoia.

"Slowly she got better. Her family was looking after her marriage. A certain person was also selected as a Jinshi, and the family also found a wife. But that day she went crazy again... and made a fuss. Finally, when Bao Gong learned about it, Just suppressed it..."

If this kind of thing is not suppressed, it will become a scandal regardless of whether it is true or false.

"The cousin has now followed her husband to the south... and we are at peace with each other."

"Is this really the case?" Wen Xiaozhong said, "I need your signature for this matter..."

This request was a bit excessive, but Wang Xiang nodded in agreement.

He asked: "Did Mr. Bao make no excuse?"

Wen Xiaozhong shook his head. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

Wang Xiang couldn't help but burst into tears, "Mr. Bao is worried that something will happen. It will be a scandal..."

Once things happen, Wang Xiang and his cousin will be forcibly brought together by public opinion, and all kinds of dirty water will be thrown at them. He was afraid that he would not be able to see anyone.

"What else do you want?" Wang Xiang said firmly: "Either I will follow you back to Beijing to testify..."

Bao Zheng wanted to continue to protect him, but Wang Xiang couldn't bear it.

This is the repayment of gratitude.

"Don't worry, once the matter is finalized, you can just fight anyone who dares to throw dirty water." Wen Xiaozhong nodded, looked into the distance, and said coldly: "Don't look at the commotion now, wait until some time When I return..."

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Yian, Prince Consort" for the reward, I will continue to add more updates on February 1st, please forgive me.


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