Bao Zheng stayed at home for a day, and the situation in the court was already turbulent.

Lao Bao is the last prime minister. When he steps down, there will be one less prime minister in the political hall.

In the past two days, messengers have been coming out of Bianliang City. Han Qi said that someone was spreading the news and showing favor to Wen Yanbo and others.

Lao Wen was brought down by an unfounded Hetu incident, and he is still wandering in the local area.

This is the rule of the Song Dynasty.

You are very good at being the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister is not lifelong. You will be the Prime Minister today, and you will go to a certain place tomorrow and take up the post of magistrate that you looked down on back then.

Lao Wen had been eyeing the court for a long time, but the late emperor passed away and Zhao Shu ascended the throne. Neither emperor thought of summoning him. It was really sad!

Now that Lao Bao is about to leave office, this is Wen Yanbo's perfect opportunity, so much so that there are three waves of messengers setting off in one direction, which shows the excitement of the officialdom.

Another popular candidate, Fu Bi, is also being tested.

"Mr. Sir, someone wants to see you."

There were already two waves of guests sitting in the check-in room. They kept flattering him, which made Fu Bi feel secretly happy.

"Fu Xiang, I'll take my leave now."

The two guests said goodbye very politely, and Fu Bi sent them out of the room with a smile, and then he couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

As long as I enter the political hall, Han Qi, just wait.

He was smugly thinking about his plan to become the last prime minister, when an official next to him suddenly said: "Hey! It's strange, but Shen An didn't make any move?"

Another official also said curiously: "Yes! He and Bao Xiang are in love as father and son. Now that Bao Xiang is being impeached, he doesn't help? You should know that Su Shi even wrote eight memorials to defend Bao Xiang!" "

Su Shi really had nothing to say as a friend. Even though Bao Zheng didn't have much friendship with him, with Shen An here, he still chose to side with Bao Zheng.

"But there are more people who impeach."

To defeat a prime minister is a lifelong honor for an official. Needless to say, he will be promoted and make a fortune. This honor can be exchanged for countless good words when the coffin is finalized.

Bao Zheng did not defend himself, but chose to go home to wait for help.

This is a guilty conscience!

Anyone who knows Lao Bao's temper says this is a sure thing.

But why doesn't Shen An stay still?

Call him ungrateful?

Fu Bi didn't believe it.

It's okay for outsiders to talk nonsense if they don't understand, but he knows that Shen An won't leave Bao Zheng alone.

What's the reason?

"Ms. Sir, Your Majesty has summoned me."


To decide whether a prime minister should stay or go, the emperor must hold a court meeting to make a decision.

When Fu Bi went out, he met three people from Zhengshitang.

Without Bao Zheng, the team seemed a little thinner.

They entered the palace all the way, and when they saw Zhao Shu, he looked a little tired.

The New Deal needs go-getters and Bao Zheng with strong firepower. But now that Bao Zheng makes a mistake, what should we do?

Forced to stay?

Look at the looks in Lu Hui's eyes, it's clear that they hope so.

Once Zhao Shu forcibly retains Bao Zheng, he will split the court, and the opposition will immediately launch impeachments.

This is their true purpose.

Zhao Shu can ignore it once or twice, but after too many times, when the memorial floods the imperial city, can you still persist?

The late emperor didn't hold on, can you?

"Bao Zheng's matter..."

Zhao Shu just made a start, and impeachment came as scheduled.

"...Bao Zheng is hypocritical and selfless on the surface, but he is doing some discord in private."

"... Bigamy and then remarriage are something that no official has ever heard of. It can be called a scandal."

"Your Majesty, what does Bao Zheng want to do by protecting this kind of people? I think his motives are worth pondering."


After some impeachment, Zhao Shu looked livid.

This is a sign of being unable to withstand it!

Lu Hui and others exchanged glances, and the new imperial censor Yang Jian left for work.

As long as Bao Zheng is driven away, he will be the new star supported by the opposition.

"Your Majesty, since Bao Zheng became an official, he seems to be fair and strict, but after careful consideration, he actually did not have many political achievements when he was in the local area..."

This is a common problem!

If you take the imperial examination and become an official, you will be in charge of the government without training for a few years. No political achievements are the best political achievements. Otherwise, the new officials would use their imaginations to govern the place according to their abilities, and they would probably harm one party more.

These words swept away the courtiers in the hall with a bamboo pole, but everyone didn't care.

What I’m talking about now is Bao Zheng, let’s bear with it.

"When I came out of Kaifeng Mansion, the people in charge of the government were quite cruel..."

This is where the dirty water begins.

"When Bao Zheng served as the Third Secretary-General, he started the process of cleaning up officials..."

The Song Dynasty had redundant officials and there were so many officials that there was nothing that could be done about it. No one moved. Bao Zheng went to the Third Division, but there was a big cleanup. One guy drove away many officials who had nothing to do and had nothing to do, which caused a sensation at the time.

What seemed a good thing at the time has now become a crime.

This is party struggle!

It will be more intense in the future, just go in with the white knife, come out with the yellow knife... I will poke your gall.

"He keeps saying that he wants to regulate officials, but what did he do when he was the third minister?"

Yang Jian held his head high, and his face was full of righteousness, which seemed to be more than enough, overflowing.

"He actually protected Wang Xiang!"

"Bigamy! Your Majesty!"

Yang Jian said sadly: "This kind of thing corrupts human relations. As long as he knows about an individual, he should despise it and report it. But what is Bao Zheng doing? He actually suppressed this matter."

"It was a coincidence that I learned about this matter..."

This is the news that he spent three hundred guan to buy, and it can be said to be as precious as gold. As soon as he got the news, he couldn't wait to write a memorial and submit it.

"I sincerely request your Majesty to deal with Bao Zheng, otherwise how can human ethics be maintained? How can justice be demonstrated?!"

Yang Jian bowed.

"I sincerely request your Majesty to deal with Bao Zheng!"

Yang Jian shines brightly at this moment!

When Lu Hui bowed, he did not forget to glance at him, and then he couldn't help but secretly praise Sima Guang for his good vision.

Why haven't talents like this been discovered before?


It seems that there is still some gap between X and Sima Guang!

And even though Sima Guang needed to keep a straight face to maintain his temperament, after seeing such a radiant Wang Xiang, he still couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

I feel so good!

Zhao Shu was in a bad mood.

With a dark face, he was really thinking about how to force Bao Zheng to stay.

But once you open your mouth, there is no way it will end!

Once a psychopath goes crazy, it's difficult to control their decisions.

No, even they themselves can't control it.

Han Qi felt something, and couldn't help but complain secretly. But what Lao Bao did was not honest! There was no way for him to defend himself.

Chen Zhongheng felt that he was loyal, so when he saw that the official family was in trouble, he noticed an internal servant poking his head outside.

Something is coming.

Can we interrupt for a moment?

Yang Jian looked too cool and arrogant, and a certain old man Chen just couldn't stand it. Why?

He coughed dryly, shook the whisk, came out and said, "Your Majesty, there is something going on outside."

Zhao Shu also saw it and nodded. Chen Zhongheng walked over slowly, probably faster than an ant.

At this moment, the opposition was full of momentum and wanted to take advantage of the situation to knock Bao Zheng off his horse.

But as Chen Zhongheng delayed, his momentum gradually declined.

You should hurry up!

The weather has been cold recently, so Chen Zhongheng ate too much hot pot and too much Lao Shen's hot sauce, so he relapsed into his old habit, walking with his buttocks between his legs in a weird way.

Yang Jian's eyes almost wanted to spit fire, and he wished he could find a wooden stick to stuff them in!

But the waiter hurriedly wanted to come in and report. Chen Zhongheng glared at him, thinking that if you dare to come in, he would ask you to clean the toilet later.

After finally reaching the door, after listening to the words of the chamberlain, Chen Zhongheng immediately turned around and walked in at a speed like a trot.

The contrast is so dazzling.

What happened?

Everyone couldn't help but guess.

Chen Zhongheng walked to the front and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Shen An wants to see you!"


Yang Jian seemed to hear thunder, and he couldn't help but glance at Sima Guang.

Boss, that Shen Broken Leg is here!

Calm down!

Sima Guang shook his head slightly, feeling that Yang Jian was still a little short of the city after all. But this thing can be trained. After this matter is over, he will train it and then use it for his own use.

Lu Hui glanced at Han Qi. Old Han looked sad and helpless at the moment.

So what if Shen An is here?

Could this still be wrong?

Lu Hui felt happy in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel a little depressed when he thought of one thing.

Someone sent people to Yingtian Mansion to find Wang Xiang, but the news has not yet come.

It's time to come!

At this moment, Shen An was walking in the palace, and those people looked a little strange when they saw him.

"What's going on here?"

Shen An was a little curious.

The person leading the way said: "Today we have decided on Bao Xiang's whereabouts, Lord Shen. They said that you and Bao Xiang love each other as father and son, but at the critical moment... alas!"

You had diarrhea at the critical moment!

Shen An looked confused, then smiled.

Those people could only shake their heads.

Shen An saw an acquaintance, Ren Shouzhong.

It seems that Ren Shouzhong also came to inquire about the news.

Yang Jian said that Wang Xiang's current wife was related to the uncle's house, but Shen An had already asked about it, and it was a distant relative who couldn't be further away...

The relationship between the distant relatives and the distant relatives has already been released in five servers, and it is estimated that there will be more than ten servers.

Who doesn’t have such relatives?

The woman didn't know Cao Yi at all, but Yang Qiang forced them to get together, and the purpose was obvious.

——Cao Yi is now in charge of the Wansheng Army. This is an example of a powerful man turning into a warrior. Moreover, this guy is also a supporter of the New Deal, so Yang Jian and others want to bring him in.

This is to hunt rabbits in the grass.


Shen An gave Ren Shouzhong a rare smile, waved his hand in a graceful manner, and said, "Let the queen feel at ease, those clowns..."

He raised his hand and waved violently.

Ren Shouzhong subconsciously tilted his head back.

This is like a slap in the face!

Who is Shen An going to slap?

Ren Shouzhong stood there waiting for the news.

Shen An walked all the way outside the palace and smiled when he saw the tension inside.

"The officials will let you in."

Chen Zhongheng was really interesting. While leading him in, he said quickly in a low voice: "They are forcing the officials to deal with Prime Minister Bao. careful."


Shen An entered the hall with a smile like this. After saluting, he saw Yang Jian standing in front and asked curiously: "Who are you trying to impeach?"

Yang Jian looked at him, UU Reading Remembering that he was so frightened by Bao Zheng that he hid at home, he couldn't help but feel jealous, and said coldly: "Impeach Bao Zheng."

Do you, Bao Zheng, still dare to scare someone now?

Shen An cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I heard someone say that a gentleman does good deeds without leaving his name behind. This is a gentleman, and I deeply believe it."

Zhao Shu nodded, feeling that Shen An was here and the atmosphere seemed to be more lively.

"Now there is an old man in the Song Dynasty. He did good things but refused to leave his name."

Shen An glanced at Sima Guang, "I once heard that some people ignored other people's disasters and turned a blind eye, and then got promoted and made a fortune. Some people did good deeds and refused to leave their names, but they were framed. I also heard a saying, murder and arson are gold. Belt, repair bridges and roads without corpses..."

Sima Guang felt his heart skip a beat.

Something doesn't seem quite right!

The third update is here, and there’s more!

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