There are gold belts for murder and arson, but there are no corpses for repairing bridges and roads...

This sounds like a mockery, but who does Shen An want to mock?

Yang Jian turned his eyes and glanced at Lu Hui.

Didn't their people go to Yingtian Mansion to find Wang Xiang?

A pig’s brain can think of this!

He glanced at Lu Hui for a few times and felt that he didn't look like a pig, so he felt relieved.

——On the official road from Bianliang to Yingtian Mansion, people from the Imperial City Department were inspecting the corpses.

A marriage officer knelt on one knee and inspected a stiff corpse. He stretched out his hand and wiped the gap on the neck of the corpse, then put it into his mouth and tasted it. He turned around and said: "This knife directly wiped his throat and major meridians. If there is no more, it will be a pig slaughter." Sheeps don’t have this ability either, it’s amazing.”

The leader of the team scolded: "Yang Qi, you are licking blood again!"

The marriage officer smiled and showed his white teeth, "This is not the last autopsy. The knife was used after poisoning. Later, the villain was also beaten with a stick. This is the habit that the villain developed after that. But still Well, once the villain has a taste, he will know how long this person has been dead."

"How long have you been dead?"

"More than two days, almost three days... No wonder there is a rancid smell..."


Everyone squatted on the edge and vomited, and a sour smell filled the official road for a while.

Later, other bodies were delivered.

"There are twelve corpses in total, five people were stabbed to death, and seven people were hit with sharp weapons... It should be hidden weapons..."

Yang Qi raised his head and said happily: "This sharp tool is like a small drill. This man is a good hand. Everyone who knows it will definitely like it."

Zhang Baibian himself is a good decision-maker. When he hears that a good person has committed a crime, he will definitely meet Lie Xinxi.

Bianliang Imperial City, inside the palace.

Shen An's voice echoed.

"...Someone learned about what happened between Prime Minister Bao and Wang Xiang two years ago, so he regarded it as a treasure and immediately wrote a memorial to impeach Prime Minister Bao."

Shen An nodded slightly at Wang Xiang and said in a very polite manner: "Your Majesty, you know that I hate evil the most, so I wanted to check it out..."

Wang Xiang glanced at Lu Hui again.

What Shen An meant by this was that he sent people to Yingtian Mansion!

Have you got it done over there?

Lu Hui looked calm.

Their troops were divided into two groups, one intercepted the people from Shen An's family who were going to Yingtian Mansion, and the other went directly to Yingtian Mansion to talk to Wang Xiang.

There are so many people, who can get through?

At this moment, he was a little dissatisfied with Yang Jian's eagerness, and felt that he should have some peace with himself before impeachment.

But Wang Xiang was so eager to make meritorious deeds that as soon as his brain got hot, he did it directly.

This idiot!

He looked at Shen An.

"I sent Wen Xiaozhong there, but more than ten people intercepted and killed him along the way..."


Shen An glanced at Lu Jie. He didn't know who did this, but the bodies were on the road. He thought the person behind the scenes was going to have a headache.

Lu Hui's eyes turned cold, and he felt that his heart had hit the bottom.

"Wen Xiaozhong went all the way to find Wang Xiang. After asking, he learned that they had done good deeds together without leaving their name."

This matter... I'm afraid it's going to be reversed!

Zhao Shu was overjoyed and coughed dryly: "Come and I'll listen."

Yang Jian's body shook a bit, but he still hoped that the news he bought was correct.

Shen An said: "Your Majesty, when Wang Xiang was at home, there was a girl from a distant relative who liked him... But his parents had no intention, and he had never been tempted..."

Things like this don't happen often, but they do happen.

"Later, the woman became a little crazy and said that she would definitely marry him. Anyway, she said a lot of crazy things."

This is a brain problem.

Yang Jian's body trembled slightly.

He glanced at Lu Hui.

Lu Hui shook his head slightly, signaling him not to panic.

Hold on, we can win!

"Slowly, the woman got better, and her family also showed her the marriage. Wang Xiang also won the Jinshi, and the family also showed him the marriage, and both parties got married...The woman suddenly went crazy again, saying that it was Wang Xiang’s wife.”

This is a headache!

When Zhao Shu heard this, he already understood. He relaxed his body and thought that Bao Zheng was indeed not this kind of person!

"Wang Xiang happened to be serving in the Third Division when the woman was making trouble. When Prime Minister Bao learned about this, he felt that it would ruin Wang Xiang's reputation, so he went to Kaifeng Mansion and suppressed the news."

Shen An glanced at Yang Jian and said, "Prime Minister Bao didn't have any selfish intentions in doing this, he just couldn't bear Wang Xiang's unfair injustice. Later, the woman's family went far away to make peace with each other. But I didn't expect that someone would take this. The matter was revealed again, and Bao Xiang avoided it not because he was afraid of anything, but because he didn't want to reveal the matter. After all... people's words are scary!"

In an instant, a tall image of someone who endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens appeared.

Zhao Shu felt guilty.

"Is Bao Qing actually like this? I just sit back and watch him being besieged. I feel really guilty."

Yang Jian felt that he could kill Bao Zheng in one battle and become famous all over the world. Hearing this, he hissed: "Your Majesty, this is Shen An's trick. Then Wang Xiang must have been threatened. Or bribed, yes, Shen An has He also likes to throw away money, often throwing away tens of thousands of dollars, so if Wang Xiang can hold back, he must have bribed him."

Shen An sighed, "You were frightened by Prime Minister Bao, and then you were even more worried about Shen's revenge on you, so you went to find a backer and transferred to Yushitai."

Sima Guang stood there dumbly, like a statue.

"As soon as you went to the Yushitai, you couldn't wait to take revenge. No, there was another one. You had to submit a certificate of surrender. So when you got the information, you didn't research it carefully and just hurriedly submitted the memorial... I asked you, can you Did you know that you need to leave a record with the local government when you get married?"

The household registration in the Song Dynasty was divided into levels. After a while, they would be graded according to the family situation, and then taxes would be arranged according to the levels. This kind of investigation and evidence collection is very detailed, and your neighbors may even be invited to testify about the rating.

Yang Jian blinked, "Someone..."

This matter... I really didn't pay attention!

Zhi Da Cai Shu is talking about this kind of people.

Lu Jie's eyes changed. He remembered that he had sent people to Kaifeng Mansion to check Wang Xiang's marriage the day before yesterday, but he was told that there was too much information and he needed to look through it slowly.

This search has been postponed until today.

He suddenly thought of Yang Zuo.

Then Yang Zuo and Wang Yu were chatting and laughing, could he secretly stop them?

If Yang Zuo takes action, the matter will be in danger!

Shen An suddenly laughed, "This matter is quite simple. I think there is news from Kaifeng Mansion."


Zhao Shu is now very interested in knowing who is manipulating all this.

He looked at Shen An and remembered Yang Zuo's position.

There is no doubt that Yang Zuo is biased towards the New Deal, which is also the main reason why he can take charge of Kaifeng Mansion.

Do Shen An and Yang Zuo have a tacit understanding?

So Yang Jian was tricked.

Why does this guy like to trick people so much?

But I am very happy!

Yang Jian stood there, trying to maintain his composure, but the more he thought about it, the more panicked he became.

At this moment, Lu Jie was already observing his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, just like Sima Guang, he was a special gentleman.

The news came later.

"Your Majesty, that woman..."

"Can you please don't say her name?" Shen An interrupted the report, "After all, she is sick. If her name is revealed, her family will definitely be extremely embarrassed when they find out in the future."

The chamberlain looked at Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu nodded, "She is also a poor person."

There was more warmth in his eyes when he looked at Shen An.

A minister who can be considerate of others will not be bad.

Han Qi and others also nodded, and the atmosphere gradually improved.

No, it was a little jubilant.

"That woman got married more than a month earlier than Wang Xiang, and her husband also made it clear... that she was not Wang Xiang."

This is a done deal.

Shen An looked at Yang Jian, "What do you say about this?"

Yang Jian's legs went weak and he knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, I was negligent. Please go somewhere."

Failure to impeach Prime Minister will result in getting out. But Yang Jian is confident that Lu Jie and others will give him a hand, so that he only needs to hang out in the place for a few years before he can naturally return.

Consider those years a vacation.

"do not!"

Shen An said with regret: "Your Majesty, Yang Yushi Gaocai, the impeachment of Prime Minister Bao was just a moment of negligence. I feel that he should not be blamed, so let him stay in Bianliang."

At this moment, he forgot what he said earlier to expose Yang Jian's motivation for impeachment, which can be called forgetfulness.

Han Qi praised: "Look at this big heart. It's just a little bit smaller than me, but it's much wider than Bianhe River."

"Your Majesty!" Yang Jian shouted explosively, bursting into tears. The sound of his kowtow echoed in the hall, and everyone could not help but be horrified: "Your Majesty, my sin is unforgivable, please go somewhere."

He was in tears, tears streaming down his face. He kowtowed vigorously and felt that his forehead was gradually swelling.

Shen An smiled so innocently, but why did he want someone to stay in Bianliang? Definitely for revenge!

Thinking of Shen An staring at him, Yang Jian felt itchy all over and wished he could leave Bianliang right away.

Lu Jie raised his head and looked ahead. He hoped that Yang Jian would go somewhere, so that the matter would be over. What happened next would naturally depend on his own destiny.

This is what happens to cannon fodder.

Shen An is looking for assists!

At this moment, Yang Jian was distracted and only wanted to go somewhere to avoid trouble. Shen An would be going too far if he took any further action.

Han Qi looked at Yang Jian who kept kowtowing, and suddenly sighed: "It's so pitiful... Your Majesty, the place is difficult! When all the censors are appointed from all over the country, it will be even more difficult to serve as an official. Why do you run out when you go to the Yamen? Drinking, playing with women, etc., probably less."

Ouyang Xiu coughed uncomfortably. This was how he was when he was an official. He would spend all his time traveling around the world with prostitutes instead of doing serious business. Drinking and playing with women, this official does it really well.

No, in their opinion, being an official should be so free and easy.

But now the censors are gradually moving down to the local level. There are two censors in one government, vertical management, and the local governments have no right to interfere. Moreover, there is also a term of office, and the place will be changed after one or two years in one place, which will greatly reduce the possibility of the censor being pulled into the water.

It will be difficult to become a local official in the future!

Han Qi shook his head, "Your Majesty, I heard what Sima Guang said a few days ago... By the way, he said that although Yang Jian is younger, it is normal for young people to make mistakes. Don't beat them all to death, but give them a chance... I think this It's great to say that..."

He turned back to look at Sima Guang and asked, "Jun Shi, is that so?"

Sima Guang felt great hatred in his heart, thinking how could this old man know what I said to others?

He nodded with difficulty, and Han Qi said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you see, even Sima Guang said this, which shows that Yang Jian does have potential. UU Kanshu I invite your Majesty, Just keep him."

do not!

Yang Jian looked up at Zhao Shu impolitely.

If you want to keep me, Shen An will have to ruin my reputation.

He placed his hope in the benevolence of the officials, but he didn't know that it was people like him that Zhao Shu resented the most.

I'm not happy anymore, and you don't want to be happy either!

This is Zhao Shu's temperament.

He glanced at Sima Guang and others, and when he saw them bowing their heads and pretending to be Bodhisattvas, he felt extremely happy.

He glanced at Shen An again and saw that his expression was calm and almost honest. He couldn't help but sigh with satisfaction, and then said, "That's fine."

Yang Jian kowtowed too much and his head was dizzy. When he heard the fatal news, he couldn't help shouting: "Help..."

There will be an additional chapter from the leader in the evening.

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