A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1395: Ability to make meritorious deeds

| | | -\u003e -\u003e  Five men were sitting together in the study room of a house in Xiangfu County.

The man sitting at the top was named Shi Zhengshou. He had a sullen face, his eyebrows drooped to both sides, and his voice was also gloomy. "Five thousand strings, are they careful what they do that night?"

Han Tong on the left nodded, holding the teacup in his long and delicate hands, looking very calm, "Don't worry, it's okay!"

Shi Zhengshou looked at Pan Ying on the right, frowned and said, "Where is that Xiu'er?"

Pan Ying was slightly chubby and had a very amiable smile, "That woman is greedy for money. Someone scared her, saying that Shen An kills people without blinking an eye, and he likes to lie the most. Shen An built Beijing temples everywhere, and some people cheered loudly, but There are also people who are afraid of her, and that woman is. And she knows that once she tells the truth, she will definitely be sent away. Not to mention she will be rich and powerful. Don't underestimate women, they are really ruthless, and they have nothing to do with us men. "

Shi Zhengshou nodded, "Be careful not to be caught by that person. By the way, the person who was in charge of carrying the copper coins that night..."

He looked at Han Tong's hands and said, "If necessary... um!"

Han Tong nodded, "Don't worry, a certain person has already gone."

Shi Zhengshou said with satisfaction: "This matter will be settled."

He stood up, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "That Zhang Qiwei is extremely evil. The exemption money made us miserable. At first we couldn't move because the officials were watching, but it's different now. Who would have thought that we were taking revenge for the exemption money now? Things?"

Everyone laughed.

Shi Zhengshou felt everyone's satisfaction, "This is the first year of the exemption money. We have paid it for one year, but what about next year? What should we do next year? Continue to pay it? Who are you waiting for?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Who is willing? That money is what we have earned through hard work and grown on the land. Why should we pay it?"

"It doesn't matter if the officials listen to the slander, we have plenty of ways to make the exemption money... harmful to the people!"

Shi Zhengshou raised his head slightly and said confidently: "Everyone, the exemption money in Xiangfu is just a trial, a trial, do you understand?"

Han Tong said loudly: "A trial is a trial. If it fails, there will be no follow-up. Now Zhang Qiwei has accepted more than three thousand dollars in bribes. This is a huge drawback. There are still several petty officials below who are trying to do this. These will be discussed later. The evidence will be collected and sent up, so that the officials and prime ministers can see this harmful immunity law!"

Pan Ying nodded, "Many people will report to the government this time. We must use the power of thunder to turn the situation around in one fell swoop!"

Everyone laughed.

Someone came in later, walked to Han Tong's side, whispered a few words, and then went out.

After he went out, Han Tong stretched out his slender white hand and waved it gently, with a smile on his face.

Shi Zhengshou said with satisfaction: "Okay, that person is gone, everything is safe."

Han Tong said with a smile: "Then Shen An thinks he is omnipotent. Today we will let him make a big mistake in Xiangfu County, hahahaha!"

Pan Ying said happily: "I heard that there are several new singers in Mr. Shi's family? One of them has a waist like a flying swallow and can dance on the palms of his hands. Can I meet her?"

Shi Zhengshou pointed at him and laughed and scolded: "You are a narrow-minded person! That woman just tried it last night, and it was really wonderful! You have taken advantage of it today, which shows that you are also a greedy person!"

Pan Ying said with a smile: "Then I want to taste it, hahahaha!"

"Mr. Shen, the clerk who had diarrhea that night confessed!"

When Zhang Qiwei came in a hurry, Shen An was drinking tea and chatting with Su Shi, mainly about where Su Mai would go to study in the future.

Shen An was about to have lunch when he had the clerk on duty re-interrogated.

Then Huang Chun came.

"Lang Jun, the little man used extraordinary means, and the man confessed, saying that he colluded with a man named Li Jian. Our people have already set out to find Li Jian."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to find them." Shen An narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't underestimate those enemies. Once they gather together, their power cannot be underestimated."

Everyone nodded, but Shen An continued calmly: "But so-and-so is not among them!"

Huang Chun said matter-of-factly: "Lang Jun's methods, how can those people be opponents?"

Later the news came.

"Lang Jun, Li Jian died at home. He seemed to have been poisoned by charcoal."

"Is there a charcoal basin in the house?"

"Yes, and the doors and windows are closed!"

Zhang Qiwei cupped his hands and said, "Master Shen is indeed a master of calculations!"

"This is not a divine calculation, but... a fight in the air!"

Shen An smiled and said, "It's very interesting."

Zhang Qiwei said worriedly: "You said before that there would be results tomorrow, but there are no clues!"

In his opinion, Shen An's decision to solve the case tomorrow in front of everyone is a pressure tactic.

But now that the other party has silenced him, your pressure is useless!

Shen An sat there, holding his chin with his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

He remained in this position for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes look very wise!

Zhang Qiwei said happily: "Do you have any idea?"

He thought Shen An was thinking about something just now.

"Sleep is coming."

Zhang Qiwei had a constipated expression on his face, and Shen An yawned and said, "I'm going to take a nap. I'll call you later."

He went to bed, but left a group of people in a daze.

"what to do?"

"Shen An is sleeping."

Shi Zhengshou seemed very calm, but at this moment he could not help but show a proud look.

"There was nothing he could do."

Han Tong smiled and said: "Once that man is gone, he will have no evidence, and there will be no further trouble in this matter. Let's just wait and see his joke now!"

Shi Zhengshou nodded, "It's good that you took action on this matter in time."

Han Tong lowered his head slightly to show his humility.

Pan Ying yawned and said, "I want to sleep too."

Shi Zhengshou smiled and said: "Don't think about women all day long. Go back to Shen An and get out. You can choose a singer from a certain family!"


Pan Ying yawned halfway and burst into tears.

Shi Zhengshou sighed: "I don't care about these, I only care about one thing."

His expression was solemn and sacred, "What I care about is the future of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty cannot be in chaos, and the New Deal is the source of chaos."

"Why did you say that the New Deal was the source of trouble?" Shi Zhengshou said seriously: "Who will govern the world with the officials of the Song Dynasty? We! Without us, can the Song Dynasty be stable?"

Pan Ying sighed: "Yes! But now they are targeting us everywhere. Almost every article of the New Deal is cutting our flesh. How can we bear it?"

"The officials are confused!"

Han Tong said with a smile: "Don't be angry. Let's make a start this time, and people will naturally follow up. When the time comes, people from all over the country will report that the new law is harmful to the people. One person says it is useless, but what about ten people? What about a hundred people? What about thousands of people?"

Shi Zhengshou chuckled and said: "Thousands of people pointed it out, but it ended without any illness!"

He raised his head and said with a cheerful smile: "Thousands of people have pointed it out, but it ends without a cure, hahahaha..."

"Mr. Lang!"

Someone was shouting outside. Han Tong recognized that it was his servant and said, "Come in and talk."

He raised his teacup and apologized for interrupting Shi Zhengshou's laughter.

The two drank a cup of tea, and then smiled at each other, feeling that they could not go against their hearts.

The servant came in and said in panic: "Lang Jun, Yang Wu is missing!"


Han Tong frowned, "Yang Wu..."

This man's family had many servants, but he didn't even know who Yang Wu was.

The servant said: "He was the one who took action that night."

Han Tong's body slid down on the chair, and then he asked sideways, "But are you going out to play?"

The servant shook his head, "He said he went to the toilet, but he didn't come back for half an hour. Then we went to look for it, but we couldn't find it. They scooped out the cesspit to the bottom and found a dead cat."

"Who is Yang Wu?"

As soon as Shi Zhengshou asked, he saw Han Tong's body slipping down and sliding directly under the table.


There was a spittoon under the table, but Han Tong knocked it over.

Pan Ying stood up slowly and said in a trembling voice: "Are you... not the person who carried the copper coins that night?"

Han Tong suddenly cried under the table, his voice sounded miserable, "Yes!"

Pan Ying sat down helplessly.

Shi Zhengshou's cheeks trembled, "Why? Why?"

Han Tong slowly got out, holding his hands on the table, as if he would collapse if he let go.

"Where did he go?"

Han Tong turned around slowly and shouted: "Go find it! Go find it quickly!"

The servant left in a hurry.

The three of them stood there motionless.

"A certain person said that it was useless to throw money at him."

Shi Zhengshou took a breath nervously, and his body trembled, "But I forgot one thing, and that is the people who did it. Can they withstand the temptation of five thousand coins?"

"Why didn't you silence me?" Pan Ying hit the table hard, her eyes turning red.

"How to silence?"

Han Tong sobbed, "Seven people, seven people did it. How did you silence them?"

"There is too much noise, and seven people are missing. Their families will make a fuss, and Shen An will take the opportunity to take action."

Shi Zhengshou glanced outside and said, "If he goes to look for Shen An, we will be in danger. Han Tong, please go home!"

Han Tong shook his head and said with a evil smile: "Then Shen An is a ruthless person. If I go back, you can take the opportunity to get away with it! Stop dreaming about sweet dreams. Let me tell you, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Either live together or die together!" "

"Run away!"

Pan Ying slowly squatted down, her whole body trembling, "Then Shen An is a famous general, and he understands the importance of military strength and speed. If we don't leave, we may not be able to leave."

Shi Zhengshou took a deep breath and said, "Quick!"

"Mr. Lang, someone has surrendered."

Shen An, who was sleeping, got up immediately and asked, "How is it?" while getting dressed.

"The person who came here is the domestic servant of Han Tong, a local gentry. He claimed that he and six other people carried copper coins into the county government office five days ago."

"Han Tong... check, the cavalry is gathering."

Shen An walked out of the room and saw a group of officials standing outside, headed by Zhang Qiwei.

"Thank you, Lord Shen."

Zhang Qiwei was really grateful and shed tears. If Shen An hadn't come, if Shen An hadn't placed a reward of 5,000 yuan, he would not have been able to escape the frame-up this time.

This kindness was so heavy that he couldn't help but cry.

"If you have time to shed tears, why not go and ask Han Tong who he is friends with on weekdays."

This kind of thing cannot be done by just Han Tong.

The news will be summarized soon.

"Mr. Sir, today Han Tong is having a gathering at Shi Zhengshou's house. There are five people in total."

"Where are those five people?"

Shen An stretched out his hand and Wen Xiaozhong handed over a long sheathed knife.

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