A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1396: Unyielding to the Death

After Shi Zhengshou left the city, he beat his horse and ran wildly.

A group of more than ten people hurried south like lost dogs.

Han Tong's face turned pale, he caught up with Shi Zhengshou and asked, "Will Shen An come after him?"

Shi Zhengshou said sideways: "They have to pursue us for a while. After they find out that we ran south, it will be difficult to pursue us."

"They have cavalry."

Pan Yi is missing his family.

But he knew that once he brought all his family members with him, the target would be too big to run away from.

"Can the cavalry go into the water?"

Shi Zhengshou had a smile on his lips.

Han Tong was startled, then said ecstatically: "Did you arrange a boat by the Huimin River?"

Shi Zhengshou couldn't help but laugh, "Two cargoes arrived from the south the day before yesterday. After delivering the cargo, the shipowner didn't want to leave the ship empty, so he said he would wait a few days before picking up the cargo."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Han Tong laughed and said: "After getting on the boat, Shen An could only look at the river and sigh. How would he know where we would land casually? But is the boat owner reliable?"

Shi Zhengshou said proudly: "That is someone's property."

"Shi Gong is so secretive!" Pan Ying praised: "No one knows that you are still doing business in the water, tsk tsk! It's a shame for this, otherwise Shen An will probably lay a trap for us to exploit."

"So this is the advantage of being quiet." Shi Zhengshou said calmly: "A cunning rabbit has three holes. Hide your strengths and brag about your weaknesses. This is the way to be a human being."

"You have to hide your strengths so that others don't know your strengths, and you can kill them with a single blow at a critical moment. And you have to brag about your weaknesses so that others will overestimate your weaknesses and not dare to take action... How wonderful!"

Han Tong held his hands on the horse and praised sincerely: "This is the true meaning of life. If I had known it earlier, I would have been more than this."

"Shi Gong is a very talented person, but it's a pity that he never passed the Jinshi examination. Otherwise, the Song Dynasty would have had one more famous minister." Pan Ying carefully considered Shi Zhengshou's words and couldn't help but feel the fragrance in her teeth and cheeks. "If Shi Gong leads the army, , I think he is also a famous general of the generation, I will not let Shen An Zhuan be more beautiful than before."

"Yes!" Shi Zhengshou sighed: "I studied hard for many years, but I couldn't pass the Jinshi test. I was depressed later, but I finally cheered up."

He looked back and saw that the entourage was in a low mood, so he said loudly: "Don't worry, our trip is only temporary. When the loyal people in the court work together to abolish this harmful new law, That’s when we return.”

He said proudly: "No matter how miserable we are now, when the time comes, we will be heroes, heroes of the Song Dynasty. Wherever we go, no one will not celebrate with their foreheads and hands, and no one will not cheer loudly."

Everyone cheered up and started running wildly.

Gradually you can see the mist steaming.

The Huimin River is very long, flowing all the way to Bianliang, benefiting countless people around it.

At this moment, there is fog above the Huimin River, and the boats on the shore are looming in the fog.


After seeing a corner of his own boat, Shi Zhengshou excitedly rode towards it.

When they reached the front, Shi Zhengshou shouted: "Where is Huang Yu?"

The fog on the bow of the ship suddenly surged, and then a man walked out of the fog, looking like a fairy.

The man was dressed in official uniform and looked proud.

"Why is the historian so late? Let Su wait."

"It's Su Shi!"

Shi Zhengshou stepped back in panic.

Su Shi said with a smile: "It's Su. Why don't you go on board the ship to talk about articles and poems with Su?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shi Zhengshou suddenly laughed wildly, and then said: "Did Shen An actually find X's ship? It's really amazing, but does he think X's skills are limited to this? So, I want you to wait and see what I can do today. Come on!"

He said calmly: "After Shen An placed the reward, a certain person was uneasy and had already asked someone to wait outside the city. When a certain person left the city earlier, they had followed him, one to break up the rear, and the other to deal with the accident, and you It was an accident. How many sergeants can there be on the ship? Dozens at most. A certain fire turned you all into water ghosts. How about it? Come on!"

He looked back, and everyone couldn't help but turn their heads.

The mist slowly spread from the river, and the place behind it was blurry and hard to see clearly.

"Somebody come!"

Shi Zhengshou shouted again, his voice a little hoarse.

"Here comes someone!"

His horse snorted uneasily.

The fog in front began to surge, as if a giant beast was slowly walking inside.

Shi Zhengshou looked happy and shouted: "Hurry, protect me and escape far away!"

Setting fire to the ship was something only a fool would do. Shi Zhengshou just wanted to escape now.

The mist suddenly dispersed, and Yiqi slowly came out.

"Shen An!"

Shi Zhengshou tightened the reins, and the horse took a few steps back, then neighed.

"Why are you so fast?"

Shi Zhengshou asked in disbelief.

He felt that his arrangement was as outstanding as a famous general, but Shen An was following closely behind him, which meant that his arrangement was useless.

"Where's the person behind?"

Shi Zhengshou thought of this and felt that those people should be able to resist for a while.

A human head was thrown out of the mist, and then Huang Chun came out with the cavalry. Many of them had blood stains on them.

It goes without saying that those who are behind are finished.

But they couldn't stop it for even a moment?

"Such a famous general... harms others and himself!"

Shen An said calmly: "Those methods of yours are no different from children's play in the eyes of someone. What you call breaking off the enemy and dispersing as soon as they rush away. Are those people who are not even as good as ordinary sergeants worthy of intercepting Shen's warriors?" "

Those cavalrymen all held their heads high and were extremely proud.

They had indeed dispersed the group of people in a single rush without any damage to themselves. This was more of a driving action than a battle.

And the praise of the famous general Shen An made them feel that they were really invincible warriors. Now even facing the most elite cavalry of the Liao army, they dared to fight with fewer enemies and more enemies.

This is a required course for an army commander: to boost morale!

Shen An knew this well, and his casual words could boost the morale of these cavalrymen, while Shi Zhengshou and others on the opposite side looked ashen.

"Someone is not as good as him!"

At this moment, Shi Zhengshou's heart died. He suddenly shouted: "Shen An is vicious. Anyone who doesn't want to have his legs broken and dragged back to Bianliang will follow a certain person to survive!"

He pulled out the short sword he was carrying, and everyone was excited by what he said. No, they were afraid of Shen An's reputation for cruelty. They all pulled out their swords one after another, waiting for Shi Zhengshou to lead everyone to fight Shen An.

"Hey!" Shen An said in surprise: "You actually underestimated this person?"

He pulled out his long sword, Wen Xiaozhong and Yan Baoyu were always guarding him, ready to charge and kill.

Shen An raised his long knife and prepared to attack.

At this moment, Shi Zhengshou turned the horse's head and galloped away, "If we capture Su Shi, we will have a chance to survive. Follow him and charge!"

Han Tong and others were startled, and then followed behind.

Damn it!

Shen An couldn't help but cursed loudly: "Damn it, I thought you were a good man, but who would have thought you turned out to be a piece of shit!"

Huang Chun said: "Mr. Lang, you have fought in all directions and are invincible. Moreover, you have built countless temples and have a great reputation. Shi Zhengshou, a man who has never even killed a chicken, how dare he stroke your tiger's beard!"

I was deceived!

But the biggest difficulty is... the space for movement on the ship is small, and Su Shi has no room to maneuver there. If he is killed on the spot, Shen An will go crazy.

"Zizhan, run!"

Shen An shouted while chasing after him.

"Kill Su Shi!"

Shi Zhengshou and others were overjoyed when they heard Shen An's cry.

This cry shows that there are not many people on board. As long as we capture Su Shi, this is a desperate attempt to survive!

Everyone shouted wildly, trying to cheer themselves up.

More than ten sergeants appeared on the ship. This was all the power brought by Su Shi's trip. These sergeants were enough to pack up the people on the ship, but it was hard to say when faced with the cavalry attack by the crazy Shi Zhengshou and others.

It has always been a problem for infantry to block cavalry, not to mention that this is the Huimin River, so there is no room for maneuver.

But Su Shi stood there very reservedly, and even took out a folding fan, opened it and flapped it a few times.

The weather was getting cold, and it was even colder by the river. He fanned himself a few times, couldn't help but sneeze a few times, and then said proudly: "Light the fire!"

A sergeant asked: "Su Yushi, where should we go from here?"

A sergeant nearby had already lit the pile of firewood that had been prepared on the ship, and the flames rose.

"What did you say?" Su Shi was very proud at the moment, feeling that he was a famous general, and he might be able to lead an army to kill the enemy in a few years.

"Anbei, look at what X means!"

The pile of firewood was poured with kerosene, and the kerosene flowed and the flames burned along it.

The sergeant turned pale and said, "Su Yushi, where should we go to avoid the fire?"

Su Shi looked back at the flames approaching.

Behind him was the river, which was now prohibitively cold.

In front of them were the ferocious Shi Zhengshou and others. The horses they had beaten were covered in blood on their buttocks. The horses were charging like crazy. Without a spear formation, who would dare to intercept them with a long knife?

So where are we going?

Su Shi was dumbfounded.

He suddenly realized that his plan was very good, but he just forgot to leave a way for himself to survive.

Shen An also discovered it, and he couldn't help but cursed: "You idiot, are you going to die together? Jump into the river quickly!"

Su Shi was in a daze.

Without going into the water, he knew the water was cold. It would be really uncomfortable if I jumped!

Shi Zhengshou and others quickly approached, but the horses were forced back by the flames on the ship.

While the flames intercepted Shi Zhengshou and others, they also forced Su Shi and others to the bow.

"Jump into the river!"

A sergeant took off his armor and jumped down. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The other sergeants followed him one after another.

In the end, only Su Shi was left, and he was about to jump in tears. The sergeants shouted in the river: "Take off your clothes, take off your clothes, or you will sink!"

The weather was cold, so Su Shi wore a cotton robe. Once the cotton robe absorbs water, it will become very heavy and drag Su Shi down.

"It's so cold!" Su Shi took off his cotton robe. He was burned by the flames and chilled by the wind.

"Zizhan, jump quickly!"

Shen An has already rushed over.

"My water quality is so good! Ah..."

Su Shi shouted and jumped down, still in the standard diving posture with his head down and his feet up, which was very handsome.

A pair of big hairy legs shook a few times in the air, and then his heroic appearance was obscured by the boat.

Shen An felt relieved when he saw this, then he pointed his sword at Shi Zhengshou and others and asked, "Do you want Shen to ask you to dismount?"

Pan Ying felt that the rest of his life was completely over. He roared loudly and said angrily: "Traitors, you have deceived the king and brought disaster to the Song Dynasty. Even if I die today, I will not dismount!"

They will not die. This is a judgment that has been made for a long time, but it will not be easy. According to the rules of the Song Dynasty, they will be sent to such a smoky land to be with the natives. Life is really worse than death.

Since you are immortal, how can you seek the greatest benefit for yourself?

Pan Ying wanted to establish a strong and unyielding character. When there is a chance in the future, someone might remember her unyieldingness and rescue her.

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