A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,397 Artificial Respiration, Vicious

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Blood spurted out, and the surrounding mist suddenly dispersed.

Shen An spurred his horse and turned around.

There was no one on the horse anymore.

Shi Zhengshou knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "It's Pan Ying! He's the leader!"

Han Tong shivered like chaff and cried as helplessly as a child, "Yes, it was Pan Ying who was responsible for all this!"

Everyone lowered their heads.

Shen An dismounted and walked over slowly.

"I want the truth!"

Shi Zhengshou said: "Every word of the villain is true. If there is a lie, the villain..."

"What?" Shen An placed the long knife on his head, and the remaining blood slowly dripped down.

Shi Zhengshou felt it. He buried his head lower and shouted, "It's Han Tong! It's the copper coins that Han Tong led people to deliver!"

Han Tong's body was shaken, he raised his head and said angrily: "Old thief, you are the one who took the lead."

He said flatteringly: "Mr. Shen, I testify that Shi Zhengshou has been planning this matter since the beginning of the exemption money. What did he say that the money paid by the people below is not enough? If it is not enough, just collect more. Why? Attacking the gentry? This is fishing for the best, and will make the gentry alienate. When the gentry alienates, the Song Dynasty will not be far from collapse..."


Shen An looked at Shi Zhengshou.

Shi Zhengshou raised his head and said with a sad smile: "Emperor Taizu said back then that scholar-bureaucrats are the pillars of governance, and the royal family respects them. Some even say that officials and scholar-bureaucrats rule the world together. But what about now? New policies are coming out frequently these days. , is nothing but cutting off the flesh of the scholar-bureaucrats. This is destroying the Great Wall, this is..."


Shen An knocked him down with one kick and said: "What do you mean if you don't have enough money and food, just collect more from the people? The Song Dynasty has accumulated countless wealth, most of which are in your home. But you can benefit the world by plucking a dime. Without any thought, they just shouted that we are the pillars of the country! But the more pillars like this, the faster the Song Dynasty will perish! How shameless!"

He put his hands behind his hands and looked ahead, and said solemnly: "Break their legs and swagger all the way back to Bianliang. I want those scholar-bureaucrats to know that the people's hearts are as strong as iron and the official law is as strong as a furnace!"

The so-called people here refer to scholar-bureaucrats.

"How dare you, thief!"

Shi Zhengshou and others were generous and fearless in the front, but when the sergeants rushed up like wolves and tigers, they rolled and crawled away.

But there was no way they could outrun these sergeants. After being caught up, the sergeants raised their legs and stepped on them hard.


The screams continued, and Shen An had already reached the river.

The sergeants had already swam to the shore, and Su Shi was caught in the middle. There was mud all over his neck and he looked motionless.

"What's going on here?"

Shen An quickly pulled Su Shi up.

The sergeants talked all over the place: "Su Yushi said that the water was good before he jumped, so he jumped up and jumped down on his head and feet. Who knew that this section of the river was full of silt, and Su Yushi fell down? Go in, stand upright and splash in the river."

I go!

My head was stuck in the mud, my legs were standing upside down on the edge of the river, and I was flopping desperately...

This picture is so beautiful that Shen An doesn't dare to think about it.

Everyone stretched out their hands to pull and pull, and finally washed Su Shi's face clean. They rolled their eyes when they saw it.

"Control the water quickly!"

Damn it!

Someone put Su Shi on his lap and slapped Su Shi on the back hard, but nothing happened.

Damn it!

When Shen An saw something was wrong, he shouted: "Let him lie on the ground."

Everyone put Su Shi on the ground. Shen An first observed Su Shi and found that he was not breathing, so he folded his hands and pressed his chest according to the first aid method in his memory.

After a few times, Shen An was stunned.

What does it look like next?

Do men give artificial respiration to men?

Very uncomfortable!

But seeing that his good brother was not breathing, Shen An finally let go of his diaphragm and slowly leaned down...

At this moment, Su Shi suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Shen An who was very close at hand, turned his face and shouted, "What are you going to do?"

Shen An couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and cursed: "Someone is saving you!"


He clasped his hands together and thanked the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

Su Shi breathed rapidly. Seeing his piety, he couldn't help but be moved and said: "Anbei is indeed a brother."

"Thank you to all the gods for saving me from having to give him artificial respiration."

Su Shi heard this and asked: "What is artificial respiration."

Shen An said casually: "It's just a kiss."


Su Shi turned his head and vomited.

Immediately, everyone returned to the city, and Shi Zhengshou and four other people were lying on the cart, screaming all the way.

The corpse of Pan Ying, who was killed by Shen An, was also among them.

When he arrived at the county government office, Zhang Qiwei led someone to greet him. After seeing Shi Zhengshou and others, he couldn't help but smile: "We are all guessing how many legs Shen County Guild has broken. Who knows... what is that?"

The headless corpse lay on the cart, and the smell of blood filled his nostrils.


There was a sudden sound of vomiting in front of the county government office.

Shen An walked in and asked, "Where is the widow?"


Zhang Qiwei spit out a mouthful of breakfast and said, "He's already been targeted."


Later, the Xiuer mother and son were brought.

Her hair fell down in front of her eyes, and her eyes were as pitiful as a deer's.

"Why are you slandering Zhang Qiwei?"

Shen An is homesick.

Now is the most fun time for taro, and there are so many problems.

Children at this stage are full of curiosity about the world and like to ask questions.

After the age of ten, children gradually know a lot and think they understand the world. Shen An's preaching will only lead to rebellious psychology.

So let’s talk more now to let the child’s three views take shape.

And Maodou, that child likes to cry, especially at night. When he starts to cry, Shen An and his wife cannot sleep, and even Guoguo will be woken up.

Only when you raise children do you know how kind your parents are!

Shen An squinted, thinking of his relatives in that world.

"Slave...that child really belongs to Zhang Zhixian. That year, Zhang Zhixian went to the small shop opened by the slave, and then told the slave that he would marry the slave in the future. The slave was tempted and let him do whatever he wanted. Who knew that it would only happen once? child."

Shen An looked up at the embarrassed Zhang Qiwei and said, "Do you know why I concluded that the child is not yours?"

Xiu'er said in panic: "Mr. Shen, that child is really a slave."

"Look at his face."

The child looked silly, and the skin on his face was rough and dark, as if there was a shell.

"Any mother would rather wrong herself than her child. But look at this child, how long has it been since the dirt on his face was washed? Someone, wash his face."

Someone went to fetch water to wash the child's face. The child cried a few times at first, but then he became good-behaved.

After cleaning, everyone couldn't help but be surprised, "What a cute child."

The child's face is very white, but the water in the basin has turned black, which shows that he has not washed for a long time.

"You've never been a mother, have you?"

Shen An walked down, squatted in front of the child, and asked softly: "Where is your home?"

The child turned his head and looked at Xiu'er with fearful eyes.

"Did you hit him?"

Xiu'er shook her head violently, "This is the slave's child!"

Shen An lifted up the child's clothes and then pulled back his back, and there was a sudden gasp in the hall.

There were many bruises on that young back, and it was shocking to see whether the marks were old or new.

"My child doesn't dare anymore."

The child knelt on the ground and cried.

Shen An thought of Taro, a child of about the same age, but Taro was at ease at home, but this child was tortured.

"Where did the child come from?"

Shen An raised Xiu'er and asked.

Xiu'er said in panic: "I'm a slave, I'm a slave!"

"Is it yours?"

Shen An slapped her to the ground, then picked up the child and asked in a low voice: "Where is your home?"

The child cried, and Shen An nudged him a few times, then let him lie on his shoulder and coaxed him gently.

"where is your house?"

"Home... dad, mom..."

The child's tears instantly wet Shen An's shoulders.


The way Shen An gritted his teeth let everyone know that this person was really angry.

Huang Chun carried Xiu'er to the wing room, and immediately screams continued.

No mother is willing to do such cruel things to her own child. If so, that woman is not worthy of being a mother.

"Lang Jun, that Xiu'er has been refusing to say anything!"

Xiuer's cruelty obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

"The midwife is here!"

Shen An said coldly: "They know how to tell whether a woman has given birth."

In this era, it is impossible to completely erase the traces of childbirth.

"Mr. Shen is brilliant!"

Zhang Qiwei praised: "After the woman gave birth, the traces were very obvious. In the official's house... ugh!"

Everyone wanted to laugh when they looked at him.

You have told everything about your wife!

Later, a midwife came in to salute and said, "That Xiu'er has never given birth."

Shen An looked up, "Are you sure?"

The midwife said proudly: "Don't worry, Lord Shen, the child is only four years old. If it is really Xiuer's child, the traces will still be there, and you can't hide it from me."

"Reward her!"

Shen An felt happy and threw a piece of silver over after hearing that Xiaozhong.

The midwife caught it, looked at the silver ingot carefully, and said happily: "This is too much, too much."

"Mr. Lang, Xiu'er confessed. The child was bought."

Shen An took a deep breath and said, "Ask the source clearly."

The confession came out later.

"There are kidnappers in Bianliang City who specialize in abducting children. After being trafficked, most of the children were sent to the countryside of Xiangfu County, waiting to be sent to the south one by one for trafficking."


"Just south of the city."

Shen An stood up and stretched out his hand.

Wen Xiaozhong handed over the long knife.

"Everyone is coming with me."

Shen An left the county government office with murderous intent. Before leaving, he ordered: "Prepare the place for beheading."

Zhang Qiwei was shocked, "Mr. Shen, if you kill Pan Ying, you will probably be impeached. If you kill those people again, the enemies in Bianliang will take the opportunity to take action!"

Shen An turned around, his eyes were red, "Why don't you kill those beasts and keep them?"

He mounted his horse and led the cavalry away. Zhang Qiwei shook his head and sighed, "Abducting and trafficking children is indeed something that should be killed, but... just leave it to the court to kill!"

Shen An was galloping all the way, and the scouts in front had already found the target with two dead dog-like scoundrels.

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