A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1398: Submerged, Mush

| | | -\u003e -\u003e  Taking the kidnappers all the way into Xiangfu City, Zhang Ba has already been here.

He glanced at the kidnappers with disgust and said, "The officials were very angry when they learned the news. Shi Zhengshou and others must be brought back to the capital for disposal."

"Take it, take it."

Pan Ying had been killed, and Shen An was relieved. He was in a good mood at the moment.

Zhang Baibian pointed at the kidnappers and said, "The officials said that you will be up to no good if you come here. Take these people back and don't kill them privately."

"What do these people do with their lives?"

Shen An was angry, "These people are worse than beasts. Do you know how painful it is for the families who kidnapped their children? That's all, you don't know."

Only after he became a father did he know how painful it was for a child to be abducted. Just thinking about it for a moment made him feel sad, his heart, liver, stomach and lungs ached together.

Zhang Baba said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether I know or not. The official's orders are there and no one can do anything. The execution ground prepared by Zhang Qiwei has been dispersed by X. You should give up this idea."

Damn it!

Zhao Shu was definitely worried that he would do something unmanageable, so he sent Zhang Bianba.

When the kidnappers heard this, they couldn't help but cheered.

From the moment they learned that Shen An had arrived in person, they felt that a disaster was coming.

The sergeants along the way didn't treat them as human beings at all. Anyone who walked slowly would just chop them with the back of their swords.

This is not a fear of hacking them to death, but a fear that they will be hacked to death before they reach the city.

So after hearing Zhang Ba8's words, some shed tears and some cheered.

Everyone has heard of Shen An's "deeds", the most shocking moment in Beijing. What is the concept of Beijing with thousands or tens of thousands of people?

No one knows, but these kidnappers know one thing, that is, their ruthlessness is a joke in front of Shen An.

Don't play this in front of him, or you will die miserably.

So they were really excited.

There is help!

Especially after seeing Shen An's resentful look on his face, they were even more happy.

Shen An sneered at Zhang Baba several times, and then fell behind.

As long as Zhang Baibian doesn't let anyone take action, that's enough. He doesn't care about the rest.

According to Zhao Shu: That guy is a wild horse, no, a wild wolf. He wants to eat meat when he goes out, and he can't stop him.

People from the Imperial City Department around him praised: "Everyone knows that Shen An was calmed down by just one word. He is really prestigious enough."

"No, we all know that not only does he have high prestige, he also has incredible skills. Who can defeat him in Bianliang?"


Listening to these words, Zhang Baibian couldn't help but think of the difficulties he had to practice the Eagle Claw Kung Fu.


Sure enough, if you don’t go through wind and rain... you won’t see a rainbow!

This seems to be what Shen An said, right?

It's also quite appropriate.

Shen An went to the back and whispered: "Let people go and spread the word among the people. These people are all kidnappers."

Huang Chun's eyes moved and he whispered: "Don't worry, Mr. Lang."

A country soldier disappeared behind. The group of people slowly headed to the county government office, preparing to take Shi Zhengshou and others with them before returning to Beijing.

Gradually, more and more people came to the front.

They stood silently on both sides, hands behind their backs.

This posture is wrong!

Someone said: "You all know this, right?"

Zhang Baibian also felt that something was wrong, "There is murderous intent!"

He swept over with sharp eyes, trying to find the person who was preparing to assassinate.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "A certain person's daughter was only three years old back then! Those beasts abducted her. Thinking of a certain person's daughter being bullied and unable to find her parents or a home, such a person's heart is like It's like being strangled with a knife. After the child was abducted, a certain family has suffered terribly and has been looking for it until now, but where is the child? Where is the child? They have all been sold!"

The crowd was in a commotion.

This is not right.

Zhang Baibian shouted: "Back off!"

The crowd closed in silence.

"Why don't those beasts die? Why do we keep them?"

"Jun Gong Shen has obtained the confession!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

This is decisive news.

Those common people gradually showed a fierce look in their eyes.

Zhang Baibian swore that he had never seen such ferocious people.

In the past, the people he saw on the streets of Bianliang were all friendly, at least no one dared to look evil at him.

"Kill them!"

An old man took out his hand behind his back, and it turned out to be a stone.

The common people showed off their weapons one after another.

Everything is there.

As long as you can't think of it, there is nothing they don't have.

"We all know, what should we do?"

The people gradually came over.

Zhang Baibian was extremely skilled, but at this moment he was confused.

The leaders are all old men and women, what can he do?

Take action?

If you attack the old man and old lady, he will be infamy for thousands of years, and Zhao Shu won't be able to spare him even if he goes back.

An old man suddenly accelerated.

"Come on!"

Everyone rushed forward.

The people in the Imperial City Department looked at Zhang Ba Ba eagerly, and some were trembling.

Really scared.

They have never been afraid of anything, but now facing the impact of the people, they were trembling with fear.


Zhang didn't dare to block him for eight years, so he led his men out of the way.

"Step aside!"

The old man came over with the stone in his arms, and his beard and hair were very frightening.

"Get out of the way!"

I go!

Shen An didn't expect that the people would be so fierce.

Everyone moved out of the way, and the kidnappers were so frightened that they turned around and ran away.

But they were tied together by ropes and couldn't run unless they worked together.

In an instant they were overwhelmed.


The screams can give people nightmares.

Outside, everyone could only see countless hands waving kitchen knives, sticks, and stones...

"Your Majesty, Shen An would like to see you."

"Let him come."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "As expected, I did everything quickly, but I don't know who is the culprit."

Han Qi said: "I find it difficult to say. If Zhang Qiwei is corrupt, the evidence is ready. With Shen An's ability, he should have come back yesterday. But he was a day late. I thought it must be something else. Maybe someone is playing tricks."

"Han Qing's words are very true." Zhao Shu also felt the same, so he sent Zhang Bianba, "Xiangfu County is a pilot project of the exemption law. Nothing can go wrong. Shen An just went there. Some people in the capital said that he was afraid that he would They are so unscrupulous that I sent Zhang Baibian just to silence these people."

"Your Majesty is wise." Han Qi smiled and said: "Those people are nothing to worry about. As for the exemption money, I think it is to rob the rich and give to the poor. Although it is helpless, the Song Dynasty is in such a situation, everyone should work together. I and others took the lead in paying the exemption money , blocked their mouths, what can they do? They can only sigh, hahahaha!"

Old Han was very proud, but Zeng Gongliang couldn't see his arrogance, so he said, "Before Shen An left, did Prime Minister Han say that he would vouch for him?"

"Yes! Guaranteed." Han Qi said carelessly: "He has only been here for three days. What big things can he do? I guarantee it."

Shen An is here.

"How was the trip?"

When Zhao Shu saw that he was not suffering, he felt that the problem was not big.

"Your Majesty, Zhang Qiwei was framed for corruption and I offered a reward of five thousand dollars. Someone surrendered and revealed the people behind it..."

Spending money again?

Han Qi was a little envious.

It’s really cool to be able to spend money without restraint!

But he is the Prime Minister and cannot be so presumptuous. The key is... he is not as rich as Shen An, and he has no confidence!

"There were five people behind them. The five people fled immediately. I led my men to pursue them. Su Shi was bold and led his men to block them."

I want to show my gratitude to my good brother here, but when I think of the scene of Su Shi falling head and feet into the mud, Shen An can't help but sigh.

"I captured them, but my hand slipped..."

He lowered his head.

Zhao Shu blinked his eyelids, but with the last glimmer of hope he asked, "Whose leg did you break with your slippery hand?"

This is a routine operation. Han Qi smiled and thought that this kind of thing is guaranteed, hahahaha!

Shen An said tangledly: "Then Pan Ying made rude remarks. I was so angry that I chopped him into pieces with a slip of my hand."

Zhao Shu covered his forehead and raised his head, feeling that it was really difficult for him.

His hand slipped and he chopped into pieces. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net probably wanted to kill someone to scare those people.

Powerful gentry, plus wealthy businessmen.

These were the main forces opposing the immunity from service law.

When Shen An killed Pan Ying, he was declaring: Anyone who opposes the exemption law must be prepared to lose their head.

I feel happy when someone kills someone, but I also have a headache!

Zhao Shu glanced at Han Qi.

Han Qing, the guarantee you promised, now I am counting on you.

Han Qi felt that this case was not complicated, so he was happy to use it to show his magnanimity and responsibility.

But now I can’t bear it!

Han Qi said seriously: "Your Majesty, I thought that Pan Ying dared to resist with a knife and deserved to die. Shen An killed him by mistake and deserved it!"

We can't hide this matter, so let's make a confession first.

He turned around and looked at Zeng Gongliang. Zeng Gongliang said calmly: "Pan Ying is so ambitious that she said some treacherous words and even resisted. If I had been there, I would have killed him. Isn't that intolerable?" "

Old Zeng is on the road!

Han Qi was very satisfied. As for Bao Zheng, needless to say, he would definitely protect Shen An.

Ouyang Xiu rubbed his old eyes, "I think these people are trying to rebel, right? Otherwise, how could there be so many sword-wielding servants?"

Tsk tsk tsk!

Everyone looked at Ouyang Xiu and felt that they had underestimated him in the past, but they didn't expect that he turned out to be the most ruthless one.

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