A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,413 The trouble caused by Leng Tou Qing

| | | -\u003e -\u003e Bianliang has been very lively recently.

The Imperial Guards everywhere were practicing crazily, and the San Yamen frantically sent people to inspect everywhere. According to the Chief of the San Yamen, the only ones who could not participate in this battle were the watchdogs.

Look, other brothers have gone to the northwest, but you are still squatting in Bianliang looking at the gate. Isn't it embarrassing?

As a result, there were shouts of killing all day long around Bianliang, making people think they were coming from the West.

"We are not afraid of any Western thieves now. The army has gone to the northwest, and we are guaranteed to capture that woman, Empress Dowager Liang, and return to the capital. Hey, hey, hey... Didn't you say that the woman was having an affair with someone?"

"Jun Gong Shen. The Empress Dowager Liang admires Jun Gong Shen's talents and is willing to warm his bed!"

"Tsk, tsk! That's the Queen Mother! I guess it has fine skin and tender meat, and is fragrant all over. Duke Shen is indeed lucky."

"Shouldn't it be to warm the quilt for the official family?"

"That's nonsense, haven't you noticed? Now the official family is just with the queen, there is no second woman!"

"Is this from the beginning? Bah, bah, bah! The official is an emperor."

"What lasts forever? That's the deep love between the emperor and the empress."

When he heard this, Zhao Shu, who came out of the private server, glanced at Gao Taotao beside him.

Gao Taotao felt sweet in his heart and couldn't help but pull his sleeve.

"People are not afraid of attacking Xixia!"

Gao Taotao felt that the Song Dynasty had finally become stronger and stronger, and couldn't help but smile.

When your wife is in a good mood, this is another level of joy.

Zhao Shu whispered: "This is the confidence brought by victory again and again."

A group of men came from the front, all wearing official uniforms.

"There are so many people!"

Gao Taotao quickly stepped aside.

"It's the censor."

Zhao Shu smiled and said: "They will go somewhere tomorrow."

"Are they the censors who went to inspect the place?" Gao Taotao looked at them carefully and praised: "They look full of energy, they are very energetic."

A censor ran after him and shouted: "Wu Zheng!"

A censor in front turned back and said, "Zheng Hong, don't yell."

The chasing censor smiled and said: "What is your calligraphy?"

Wu Zheng said: "Let's do it."

The censor who came after him praised: "Good call. OK, we assigned a place earlier. Where are you going?"

Wu Zheng raised his head slightly and said energetically: "I am going to Fengqiu County."

"Fengqiu!" Censor Zheng Hong said in frustration: "I want to go to Hangzhou, but it's too far there."

Wu Zheng smiled and said: "It will be rotated every one or two years, and everyone will go everywhere."

"Yes!" Zheng Hong cheered up and said proudly: "If I go down this time, I will definitely catch a few corrupt officials."

"What if there are no corrupt officials?"

"Then let's arrest a few officials who don't do anything."

"So is a certain person."

The censors slowly walked away, and Gao Taotao said thoughtfully: "Official, is this the guarantee of the New Deal?"

Zhao Shu nodded, "Let's see, let's see what they can do if they go down this time. But the place has been prepared, and they are afraid that they will be deceived."

At dawn the next day, Wu Zheng had already left Bianliang City.

He rode fast all the way and arrived at Fengqiu County in the afternoon.

According to the unspoken rules of officialdom, the first thing he should do was visit the county magistrate Feng Yaozu.

But Wu Zheng kept in mind what Shen An said: You are independent, and the local government has no right to interfere in your affairs.

So he went around first to get familiar with the situation in Fengqiu City, and then went to visit Feng Yaozu.

"New censor?"

Feng Yaozu's complexion was slightly dark, and a tuft of nose hair came out of each nostril, which looked very strange.

"I've met Magistrate Feng."

Wu Zheng is here.

Feng Yaozu looked at it and said calmly: "Wu Yushi came to our Fengqiu County. The whole Fengqiu County is very happy. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

This is a polite statement.

Wu Zheng said: "It's just room and board."


Of course, food and lodging must be taken care of, but there is no need to arrange for someone to do odd jobs?

Feng Yaozu glanced at Wu Zheng and saw that he was determined, so he said: "That's fine, let's make arrangements immediately."

Since you don’t want it, he won’t go up a pole to please you.

Later, someone took Wu Zheng to his residence. The county magistrate said: "Magistrate, these censors are here to find trouble. It's better to be kind!"

Feng Yaozu said disdainfully: "A certain official is upright and not corrupt. Why are you afraid of him? Just stay calm and see what he can do."

The county magistrate smiled bitterly and said, "Why bother!"

There is a rule in official circles: Don't offend others if you can, and don't be stingy if you can use public money, food and materials to sell favors. Anyway, it's not my own stuff, so I don't feel sad if I give it to you.

Feng Yaozu said coldly: "You don't understand. These censors came down according to the rules of two people in one government, but why should they come to Fengqiu County first? There are so many counties around Bianliang, Kaifeng, Xiangfu, Weishi , Chenliu, Yongqiu, Zhongmou, Yangwu, Suanzao... there are so many counties, why did the Yushitai send people to us first? Is it because we think something is wrong in Fengqiu? Is it because we suspect someone of corruption? Bah! "

He said angrily: "And haven't you noticed this Wu Zheng? He looks straight and straight. The most important thing for such people is the wind and the rain. When the time comes, they will disturb the place and be very annoying. So if I don't keep him cold, why should I keep him warm? Him? Dreaming!"

The county government itself has the function of gathering people, so the street where it is located is quite prosperous.

Wu Zheng was placed at the left end of this street.

The clerk who led the way found an idle man, and then they went to the small courtyard together.

Opening the door, Xianhan took a look and said, "Jianxi!"

The yard looked messy, with a lot of dried feces and scattered debris.

Very bad!

But after all, Wu Zheng came with the mentality of doing something. Seeing the idle man sweeping the house, he couldn't sit still at home, so he went inside to clean up.

Some of the clerks were sitting on the wax, some were not moving, and some were trying to move. It was not their job to move, but in the end they still moved.

The three of them started working together, and it was done in more than an hour. After that, they started buying quilts and simple daily necessities.

In the afternoon, Wu Zheng looked at the new home that had taken shape and said happily: "Not bad, good, thank you for your hard work. I'm going to treat you."

The clerk cupped his hands and said, "I still have something to do in the yamen, thank you very much."

Wu Zheng nodded, and after the clerk left, the idle man named Huang ZapPai said flatteringly: "Noble sir, I heard them say earlier that you were here to cause trouble! That's why no one gets close to you."

This idle man can be considered bold and fearless.

Wu Zheng smiled and said, "If I give you money, you go get some food and wine and come back. Can we eat together?"

Huang poked and poked away happily, and when he came back later, the two of them sat down and had a meal.

"Are you familiar with the personnel here?" After getting tipsy, Wu Zheng asked Huang Zatai.

"Familiar." Huang poked his chest and said, "There is nothing unfamiliar about Fengqiu."

Just want money.

Wu Zheng took out a piece of banknote and handed it over, "This is a month's expense."

Huang poked it happily and took it, swearing that he would be Wu Zheng's this month and could do whatever he wanted.

The next day, Wu Zheng asked Huang to lead the way and wander around.

"Wandering around?"

When Feng Yaozu got the news, he said disdainfully: "Whatever he wants, in one sentence, I am upright and fearless!"

In the next few days, Wu Zheng walked around like this. He visited every place in Fengqiu, and then began to go to the countryside.

He took Huang Jiaozai and went all the way to those villages to check.

"Is there anyone taking advantage of others?"

"Did someone overcharge you for the food you were waiting for?"

"Where's the servant?"

In a place called Yangjia Village, Huang Zapazai found the problem.

"Collect it!"

A group of old farmers surrounded Wu Zheng and said timidly: "That man named Chen Biao is upright and very fierce. He always harvests 10% more and beats him if he doesn't give."

Wu Zheng frowned, "You are waiting for so many people, are you still afraid of him?"

A group of old farmers looked at him like a fool, and most of them turned around in dismay, "That's all, this is an ignorant guy who doesn't understand anything. Why should we ask him to do anything? Be careful when Chen Lizheng takes revenge on us."


Wu Zheng's face turned red and he said loudly: "I am here under the emperor's order. As long as you have any grievances, I will be able to make the decision for you. If not, I will resign!"

This is straightforward enough.

Several old farmers turned around, and one of them said: "Wu Yushi, only the first-class households can hold the position there. The first-class households have rich people. In addition, Li is in charge of rural taxes, and he is very fat. The family also raises ten people." There are many idle men. He is an official. If we take action and he casually accuses us of any crime, who will the county listen to?"

"Is that so?"

Wu Zheng suddenly pushed aside the person in front of him and shouted: "Take someone to have a look."

He looked over one by one.

Most families can be described as bare-walled, with people wearing rags and tatters, and the pots and stoves are either chipped or tattered...

The sun shone in through the leak in the roof, and the whole house looked lifeless. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Is this the real life of the people?

Several children were looking at him with dull eyes. The clothes they wore were also in tatters.

What is the difference between such a day and hell?

Wu Zheng's eyes turned red.

He choked and said: "Such a beast, if I can't deal with him, I will kill him if I turn around!"

Young people are always full of enthusiasm and will take action when they see injustice.

The old farmers looked at each other, and someone whispered, "I'm afraid he's just a stupid young man."

"Yes! But it's better than those big bosses in the county who don't care about us."

"Hey! Thank you."

The old farmers knelt down, and Wu Zheng hurried over and pulled them, "Get up quickly, get up quickly."

Then he took the yellow stamp to Chen Biao's house.

Chen Biao looked like a rich man. After the two parties introduced him, he said in panic: "The villain didn't charge too much!"

Wu Zheng sneered: "You still dare to deny it, are you asking someone to capture you?"


Chen Biao glanced at Huang Zatai. He recognized this idle guy.

This so-called censor doesn't even have any followers?

I'm afraid it's not a stick.

He just complained about injustice. In the end, Wu Zheng was so angry that he returned to the county town to look for Feng Yaozu.

"Yangjiacun, ask someone."

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