A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,414 The Lonely Warrior Goes Straight to Hell

| | | -\u003e -\u003e Feng Yaozu felt that Wu Zheng was a big trouble.

According to the unspoken rules below, if you want those big households to collect taxes, you have to give them benefits. Otherwise, collecting taxes is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and everyone will avoid them.

You have connections, so does so-and-so, so people from all over come to beg for mercy, hoping that their connections will avoid the position of Li Zheng.

At that time, Feng Yaozu was really on the wax.

So he knew many things, but could only turn a blind eye.

But now Wu Zheng actually revealed this matter, and Feng Yaozu was very sad.

This is a violation, and if you don't do it right, it's illegal.

what to do?

The clerk on the side laughed and said, "Why don't you... scold me."

This is three drinks as a penalty.

Wu Zheng said angrily: "If Chen Biao is not dealt with, I will return to Beijing."

I'm going back to Beijing to complain!

Feng Yaozu closed his eyes and said with suppressed anger: "Let Chen Biao return the overcharge, and secondly... punish him with twenty sticks!"

The next day Wu Zheng went to Yangjiacun again and took everyone to supervise.

Money and food were carried out, and every household was overjoyed as all the extra money they had paid in the past three years came back.

"Thank you, Yushi Wu."

An old farmer knelt down. Wu Zheng went to help him, but more people knelt down.

"Thank you Wu Qingtian!"

Whether they were old people, children, or even women, they all knelt on the ground and shouted piously.

Wu Zheng had tears in his eyes, Shen An's words echoed in his mind.

——For thousands of years, people have been longing for the blue sky. Why? Because they have grievances, they have grievances! But to whom can they tell their grievances and grievances? Who will listen to them? No one will listen. So if you wait, you must bring back the voices of the people and let the officials know how the people are living and what they are thinking!

Is this the voice of the people?

As long as they can live a stable life and don't bully them, they will be happy.

But why can't such a simple request be met?

Shen An did not give an answer. He hoped that these censors would go down and experience and think for themselves.

In a few years like this, the Song Dynasty will gain many determined reformers. They have lofty ideals, they know the shortcomings of the Song Dynasty, and they dare to fight against those decadent vested interests.

This is what the Song Dynasty should look like in the future.

Wu Zheng gradually understood some truth at this moment.

It turns out that after the officials below lost their supervision, they were really the source of trouble!

Think about it, when these people are greedily reaching out to the people, what are they doing?

They are digging at the foundation of the Song Dynasty!

Wu Zheng looked firm and said: "This is just the first case! A certain general has traveled all over Fengqiu. If you have any grievances, just speak up!"

Fengqiu was shocked when the news came out.


Feng Yaozu smiled bitterly and said: "The officialdom is a big dyeing vat. Do you think you can be alone? Then you will be killed sooner or later."

The county magistrate next to him sighed: "Now many people have gone to Wu Zheng's residence, saying that they have grievances and asking him to make the decision. It's a mess. It's a mess."

"When the time comes, the superiors will say that we are incompetent." Feng Yaozu said angrily: "And Wu Zheng will become Qingtian, bah! Let's go and find a place to drink."

It's really fun to be an official in the Song Dynasty.

As long as you don't make any big mistakes, you can do whatever you want.

Su Shi will be like this from now on, he can be called a handsome brother. But Su Shi was not lustful, he just liked the excitement.

So Feng Yaozu took his people out. Later, more than ten gentry from the county gathered, plus a group of female prostitutes.

Everyone left the county town and walked slowly.

It didn't take long to find a good place with a small lake next to it and a pavilion on the shore.

Everyone went in and asked Feng Yaozu to sit at the main seat. Then they sat down and asked the female prostitutes to sing and dance.

There was melodious singing and dancing, and everyone toasted to each other, enjoying themselves for a while.

Feng Yaozu's mood gradually relaxed, and later he even asked a female prostitute to accompany him for drinks.

This is part of the official culture, and everyone just looks on with a smile.

It's easy to get drunk when drinking outdoors, and Feng Yaozu gradually became dizzy.

He held a female prostitute on his left and right, feeding him wine on the left and vegetables on the right, almost like a god.

A horse came from a distance, followed by a big man walking quickly.

"Wu Yushi, there is a pavilion in front of us, let's take a rest."

Wu Zheng went out to investigate almost every day. He had a horse, but Huang Zapai could only walk. After persisting for a while, he felt that he was going to collapse.

Wu Zheng nodded and said, "I'll buy you a drink today."

"Thank you, Censor Wu." Huang Zapazha suddenly perked up when he heard that there was wine.

"Why is there someone?"

After getting closer, you can see a female prostitute dancing beside the pavilion, and there are many people in the pavilion.

Huang Zatai ran to the front and took a look, then turned around and said, "Wu Yushi, it's the county magistrate and the others!"

Wu Zheng's face turned cold, "Today is not a day off!"

Huang poked a smile and said, "It happens all the time. Wu Yushi, the county magistrate, likes to take people on outings when they have nothing to do. Everyone thinks it is an elegant thing."

"Elegant affairs?" Wu Zheng said coldly: "This is a mediocre official and lazy administration! Fortunately, the court still said that this person is capable!"

He rode over and said, "Wu Yushi, the previous magistrates are like this too. You can't go!"

Brother, there are many officials in this world like this. Can you pick them up one by one?

But Wu Zheng was just a fool. He rode over and looked coldly at the song and dance and Feng Yaozu and others inside.

"It's Wu Zheng!"

"Wu Yushi is here!"

Gradually, the singing and dancing stopped, and people became silent.

"What are you doing here?" Feng Yaozu asked coldly.

He had classified Wu Zheng into the ranks of stupid young people and was not prepared to give him any more face.

He has even written a memorial, saying that Wu Zheng disrupted local governance.

Look back to you!

Feng Yaozu drank a glass of wine and felt dizzy.


My drinking capacity is not as good as before!

Wu Zheng said coldly outside: "It's time to go to the Yamen now. Why is Feng Zhixian having fun here?"

Grass mud horse!

Feng Yaozu really wanted to curse, "Why, can't I go on a trip?"

When Ouyang Xiu was an official, he often took women out with him, and it was said to be an elegant thing. Couldn't Feng Yaozu do the same?


Wu Zheng left without saying a word.

Damn it!

Feng Yaozu couldn't help but scolded: "You little beast, how dare you do this? If you have the ability, go and impeach someone!"

Wu Zheng turned around on horseback, "Yes, a certain meeting will impeach you."

This madman!

Wu Zheng submitted a memorial, but nothing happened.

The second memorial is still the same.

The third letter...

As he walked down the street, the people shook their heads and sighed when they saw him.

A well-meaning person whispered: "Wu Yushi, all the officials in the world are like this. You can't defeat them."

The gentry who participated in the party that day went back and laughed at Wu Zheng, calling him a madman who wanted to make enemies of the world.

It is so common for officials to travel, who cares and who is stupid.

You really think you are ruling the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, but you are lying!

Wu Zheng lowered his head, his eyes full of anger.

After lunch, he took out ten guan of money and stamped it on Huang, "I will go back to Beijing now. If I never come back, you can live a good life."

Huang poked and waved his hand, "I can't take it. You really make decisions for the people. If the villain asks for this money, he will have nightmares at night!"

Idle men all know what is good and what is bad, but why don’t those officials know?

Wu Zheng dropped the money, mounted his horse and drove away.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!

Huang poked and chased after him, shouting: "Wu Yushi, it won't happen, it won't happen, come back!"

He chased them all the way, and finally knelt down and howled at the city gate.

During this period, he followed Wu Zheng around. From the beginning, he just wanted to earn some hard money, but now he is moved by Wu Zheng's passion, and he has changed unknowingly.

Someone knew him and asked, "Huang Tie Tie, why are you crying?"

"Wu Yushi has returned to Beijing."

"If he comes back to the capital, he should go back to the capital. We are so close to the capital. Horseback riding is very fast. We can still make it in time for dinner!"

Huang poked his head up and said with tears streaming down his face: "Wu Yushi is going to file a complaint!"


Everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Someone murmured: "Is he going against the thousand-year-old officialdom rules?"

Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, official laxity has been a habit, and no one has ever thought of correcting it.

What about going to the Yamen to check in... Are you afraid that you are mentally retarded?

"Hey! I'm afraid I won't be able to come back now!"

"He wants to go against so many officials, and Bianliang will be hell for him!"

Huang poke stood up and went back, his back looking particularly desolate.

The sound of horse hooves rumbled.

"Array up!"

Thousands of cavalrymen reined in their horses. For a moment, the horses neighed, and the white breath they exhaled was spectacular. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

"How about the Holy Army?"

Zhao Shu rarely appears outside the city.

Fu Bi said: "Strong troops and strong horses!"

The Gongsheng Army can be called the fighter jets among the watchdogs. It has always been the most important army to the officials of the Song Dynasty. They like to show off whenever there is nothing wrong.

Zhao Shu said with satisfaction: "The Gongsheng Army is pretty good."

Several commanders of the Gong Sheng Army nearby could not help but secretly rejoice, their eyes proud.

The Gongsheng Army, as the name suggests, is to protect the official family and the capital.

This kind of responsibility makes them regard all the armies in the world as nothing, thinking that Tian is the boss and I am the second child.

"What do you think of Shen An?" Zhao Shu looked to the right, then slowly walked over.

Cao Yi stood there with his helmet on, and next to him was Shen An, who looked very serious.

"Anbei, the Gongsheng Army looks very powerful!" Cao Yi was very envious, thinking that if Wan Shengjun were all cavalry, he would be able to dominate the world.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, otherwise Sister Cao Yu would beat him half to death before Zhao Shu could take action.

Shen An shook his head and said with disdain: "They are just like that. Uncle Guo, Lao Cao, believe it or not, if the Gong Sheng Army goes to the northwest, they will be beaten into dogs by Zhe Jizu's subordinates."

"Can't you?" Cao Yan felt that Shen An was exaggerating, "It looks very powerful!"

The cavalry drill of the Gongsheng Army just now looked so powerful that most people standing nearby would not be able to stand firmly.

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