A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1568 Shen An defected to Daxia

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"The rebels were defeated."

A guard ran back excitedly, "Mother, the rebels are fleeing in all directions, and our army is pursuing them."

Mrs. Liang turned around and went in and sat in front of the desk.

The hot pot has been burned out, the dishes inside are squeaking, and black smoke is rising.

Liang Yimi picked up the pot, screamed when it was burned, and threw the pot away.


Those charcoal-like pieces of meat exuded a burnt aroma, but the guard couldn't help but ran out and vomited wildly.

"He won." Liang murmured, "He is indeed sure."

"I'll go take a look." Liang Yimi rushed out and came back immediately.

He stood outside the hall and choked up: "Sister, he did it on purpose. He had been watching our people suffer heavy losses before, and only when they were about to collapse did anyone take action. He did it on purpose. He wanted to destroy Daxia. "

"I know." Mrs. Liang covered her forehead and said, "He said he could stand out outside the city. I thought he was being harsh at the time. But the thunder blow earlier showed me that he was not lying. If he is willing, he can do this in the city. Who can stop him from leaving the city?"

She didn't know that dust explosions depended on the environment. The environment tonight was very suitable, otherwise Shen An wouldn't dare wait until he was about to collapse before taking action.

"Sister." Liang Yi kneeled on the ground, feeling confused.

"That man is just a fox. You are no match for me..." Mrs. Liang picked up the wine pot and poured the wine slowly.

She suddenly groaned and threw the wine bottle away.

The wine was flying in the air and the wine bottle fell to the ground.

"Daxia..." Liang stood up suddenly, "How many more of us are there?"

Liang Yimi looked up and said, "There are still more than five hundred. This is reserved for the last minute."

"Get him out." Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Drive him out of the city!"

Liang Yimian stood up and went away. Mrs. Liang stood there and said coldly: "You saved me, then I will spare your life!"


She suddenly stopped Liang Yimi and said: "There are traitors outside. If we have a falling out with Shen An at this moment, it would be inappropriate for those people to attack the city. In this case, I will send people out of the city with tokens to pardon the traitors. If it can be done..."

Liang Yi's eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Then kill him!"

Ms. Liang lowered his head and clenched his fists, "That's all. If it's done, bring him here."

"Sister!" Liang Yimi said angrily: "Keeping him here is a disaster!"

Ms. Liang raised his head: "Go quickly!"

In front of the palace, Shen An and the village soldiers were confronting the returning soldiers.

"He is Shen An, I recognize him."

The interpreter stood in front and spoke. He was recognized as Shen An, and the sharp archers immediately focused on him.

The interpreter's legs trembled for a moment, and then he forced himself to calm down and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Kill!" The leading general sneered: "You came to Xingqing Mansion to seek Daxia, right? No wonder you had the means before but didn't use it, sitting back and watching us suffer heavy casualties. Now I think you wanted to use up our manpower. , so that you can control Xingqing Mansion, but unfortunately we still have more people than you!"

More than a thousand soldiers who had just gone to burn, kill and loot were slowly approaching.

"Lang Jun, we can fight out!" Huang Chun was confident.

"Come into the palace! In addition, ask our people to open the city gate and let the rebels come in." Shen An smiled very kindly, "Tonight someone is going to turn Xingqing Mansion into a ghost!"


Liang Yimi came out with his people and cursed: "Shen An has a tacit understanding with the empress a long time ago. This time she came to defect to Daxia. What are you waiting for to make a fuss? Go and eliminate those traitors quickly."

"He defected to Daxia?"

Everyone felt that there was something wrong with their ears, but Liang Yimi was very sure, and Shen An didn't refute.

"Go quickly!"

Liang Yimi drove them away, then turned around and said with a smile: "The situation is urgent, please forgive me Shen Longtu."

"It's easy to talk about."

The two of them were just talking and laughing here.

Later, some country soldiers came, approached and whispered: "Lang Jun, the back door of the palace is open, and a group of people went to the city gate. The leader was Liang's confidant."

Shen An smiled and said, "Get a sheep to roast and eat, and get some wine to ward off the cold."

"Okay, go and get two sheep and a jar of wine."

Shen An and Liang Yimi sat down opposite each other, and Liang Yimi said sincerely: "When we go to Bianliang from now on, I have to ask you to take care of me, especially the empress. I don't know how many people are watching her..."

"It's just a small matter, I'll take care of it." Shen An smiled.

Liang Yimi raised his hand, and Shen An raised his hand.

The two high-fived each other.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, a group of cavalry set out from behind the palace and went all the way to the city gate.

"Open the door!"

The leader of the chamberlain is Liang's confidant, and he will go to the rebels to recruit surrender.

The city gate opened quietly.

The chamberlain led the people out of the city and galloped all the way.


Suddenly a torch lit up in front, and hundreds of riders could be seen vaguely.

"I came here on the order of the empress!"

The servant held the edict high and walked over with his head held high.

At this time, you must maintain your momentum, otherwise persuading surrender will turn into surrender.

"What happened in the city earlier?"

Wang Shao was among the hundreds of riders, and he could understand some Xixia dialect.

"Someone in the city conspired to rebel before, and they were all hanged."

The waiter smiled, and the two parties gradually approached.

"That's wrong!" The guard behind him suddenly pointed to the opposite side and shouted, "Their sword is wrong!"

There are still differences in the weapons between the Three Kingdoms, and veteran soldiers can naturally recognize them at a glance.

The waiter's face changed, and he shouted: "Who are you waiting for?"

"Fire the arrow!"

Crossbows covered the area, and someone shouted: "It's the Song Army!"

Only the Song Dynasty was so extravagant to acquire so many crossbows, and would often set up huge crossbow formations to frighten the enemy.

The waiter wanted to scold her instantly!

Why did Song Jun appear here?

He raised his hands and shouted: "One of our own! One of our own!"

The crossbow arrow fell, and three people survived, and the chamberlain was one of them.

"Dismount and kneel down!"

Wang Shao, wearing Xixia armor, rode out and said coldly: "Someone wants news!"

The chamberlain and two guards dismounted, trembling under the threat of crossbows.

"What happened in the city?"

Wang Shao dismounted, drew his sword and walked over.

The chamberlain raised his head and said, "Shen Longtu is in the palace."

"Oh!" Wang Shao was a little surprised, "The teacher is really amazing."

Being able to sneak into the palace is like entering the palace. It can be seen that Shen An has grasped the situation.

"What happened before?"

The chamberlain shook his head. He was Liang's confidant, so he still had some loyalty.

Wang Shao smiled, "Still a good guy? Okay, come on, do it!"

The three were tied up, gagged, and then tortured.


The miserable howl coming from the nasal cavity was particularly penetrating. One of the guards nodded desperately. Someone pulled away the cloth that blocked his mouth and asked, "What happened?"

"Previously...previously Shen An led more than 4,000 people and defeated the rebels with divine magic."

"Magic? Explain clearly."

"It was... it was a huge explosion. Many rebels were killed, and there was a huge mushroom in the sky."

"Zhizhou, we have seen this mushroom before."

Wang Shao nodded, feeling relieved.

"I was worried that something happened to the teacher, but I didn't expect that he would run rampant in Xingqing Mansion with just those few people. Is there anywhere in the world that he can't go to?"

The general on the side asked: "Zhizhou, Shen Longtu brought people into the city without gunpowder. How did he make such a big noise?"

"It can only be gunpowder?"

"Yes, when we attacked Xixia last time, we used gunpowder to blow up the city gate. The power was not as powerful as today. According to someone's speculation, if we want to cause such a big explosion, we will have to pile up Xingqing Mansion with gunpowder. !”

"I don't know." Wang Shao really didn't know. At this moment, he especially wanted to see Shen An, and then asked him about his various plans for this battle, "Then why are you waiting to leave the city?"

He suddenly stared at the chamberlain.

The chamberlain still shook his head.

"A certain person is the empress!"

He sneered and said: "Shen An is in the city. If you kill someone, the empress will naturally kill him!"

Wang Shao stared at him, "I have thought of the reason why you said that. I think the teacher defeated the rebels, and then the Liang family's ambitions revived, and they wanted you to go out of the city to persuade the rebels outside the city to surrender, cooperate inside and outside, and surround the teacher... …”

"You're talking nonsense!" The waiter tensed up and asked, "Who are you?"

"A certain family knows Lingzhou Wang Shao!" Wang Shao suddenly laughed, "If so-and-so says something wrong, you will remain silent. If you say so-and-so is nonsense, it shows that you are guilty, hahahaha!"

He laughed and turned around, "Teacher is fine!"

The waiter was shocked, feeling that the Song people really had too many talents. A Shen An made Daxia disgraced and almost destroyed, and now another Wang Shao appeared.

The people of the Song Dynasty had many talents, but Wang Shao was a talent that was rare to see in a hundred years. It was just luck that the chamberlain met him by accident.

"Zhizhou, enemy troops found!" The scout came back, bringing the news that Wang Shao had been waiting for.

The chamberlain stood up and shouted: "Yes..."


The long sword was unsheathed and he swung it down.

The chambermaid still kept shouting after his head fell to the ground.

Wang Shao sheathed his sword and said calmly: "Kill them all and assemble the entire army."

The fire head could already be seen in the distance, and the Song army slowly retreated.

"The rebels are coming!"

The sound of horse hooves gradually came closer, like thunder.

The city began to panic, and the horns were blown in a messy manner.

Liang Yi is here.

Shen An also came.

Later Liang also came.

The remaining soldiers all went to the top of the city and looked at the fire in the distance quietly.

"It's a traitor!"

Liang Yimi stole a glance at Shen An and saw that he was smiling, so he couldn't help but sneered.

Liang was wondering whether the envoy she sent had reached the rebels, and also glanced at Shen An.

Shen An turned sideways and smiled at her, very softly.

Mrs. Liang also smiled, very charming.

"Where is that bitch Liang?"

A group of cavalry rushed over, the fire was bright, and the grins of the generals could be seen.

Liang's heart thumped, and Liang Yimi shouted: "Traitors, all the rebels in the city have been put to death, why don't you please surrender?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The generals burst into laughter.

"You only have more than 4,000 people in the city. Even if you can kill the more than 8,000 people, how many will be left?"

"I didn't expect those people in the city to leave us in such a situation. I will treat their wives and children well in the future."

"Siege the city!"

At the sound of horns, the rebels began to gather.

There was a heavy sound of horse hooves, and the rebels rushed towards them with their bows and arrows drawn...

Thanks to the leader of ‘Gu Shang Fancheng’ for the reward. The fifth update is here, please vote for me.

Goodnight everybody!

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