A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1569 Wang Shao’s Raid

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"Protect yourself from arrows!"

The general was shouting.

Liang Yimi raised his shield in front of Liang, but she kicked him away.

She looked sideways at Shen An, "There are more than 10,000 rebels, what should we do?"

She has a tough temperament, but she is not a famous general.

How can Xingqing Mansion maintain a ratio of ten to one?

But Shen An, the only one he could rely on at the moment, remained silent.

What did he notice?

Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I sent people to the rebels to recruit them to surrender. I didn't tell you this."

Shen An was looking into the distance.

According to the agreement, Wang Shao should be near Xingqing Mansion at this moment.

If he comes late...

Shen An felt that he could only lead the Mangshan Army to fight guerrillas in the city.

More than 1,000 people blocked more than 10,000 people. Unless he had something good, such as a firearm, Shen An would not be able to make a comeback.

"What do you want? What exactly do you want?"

Mrs. Liang gritted her teeth and lowered her voice, "What do you want... I admit my mistake. I shouldn't have sent people out of the city behind your back."

"Are you scared?" Shen An finally smiled.

"Yes." Mrs. Liang couldn't help but be afraid, "Rebellion comes to the city, and the only thing I can do is commit suicide."

Li Baojiu and Yan Baoyu used shields to block the front, and arrows shot over their heads from time to time.

"You only have more than a thousand people." Shen An touched her cheek, "Why did you send people out? To recruit surrender. Then the rebels entered the city and captured a certain person, and Xixia would immediately boil. The famous general of the Song Dynasty fell into If I fall into your hands, your prestige will be unmatched, and you will take the opportunity to launch a counterattack. Lingzhou City will be uneasy, Bianliang will be shaken... This is the opportunity you want."

Mrs. Liang approached him and whispered: "Those who rebelled and killed me are obviously determined to rebel. Now we..."

"Don't say that you and I are in the same boat!"

Shen An suddenly grabbed the lapel of Liang's clothes, lifted it hard, and said loudly: "Tell someone, whose world is this?"

The soldiers squatting at the top of the city looked here in astonishment.

The most noble woman in their eyes is controlled by Shen An. The key is that this question makes people stunned.

Whose world?

"Let me go!"

A general rushed over with a knife in grief and anger.

Arrows flew through the air, his eyes were about to burst, and his momentum was like that of a tiger.

Shen An didn't look at him and continued to ask: "Whose world is this?"

Liang had never seen Shen An like this before. His eyes were full of indifference, which convinced her that if he didn't express his opinion in public, he would throw her off the city walls.


From the side, Li Baojiu rushed over, blocking with one knife and decapitating him with the other!

As the heads flew up, Liang suddenly laughed, "There are only more than a thousand people in Xingqing Mansion, and there are more than 10,000 rebels. After the rebels enter the city, the Li family will cease to exist."

Xixia was originally a scattered tribe, but was gradually brought together by the Li family and tied together through conquest.

Now the Lord is suspicious of the country, and those forces are dispersed again, just like they were decades ago.

"Since the Li family no longer exists, then Daxia... will naturally cease to exist. If this is the case, then... this will be... the world of the Song Dynasty!"

After she finished speaking, she punched Shen An fiercely.

This bitch’s fists are so hard!

Shen An let go of his hand and felt his stomach shrink into a ball.

Liang gritted his teeth and said: "If possible, I will cut you with a knife!"

In a desperate situation, Shen An forced her to express her position. She vowed to never forget this humiliation.


Dozens of people stood up in confusion and were immediately hit by arrows.

"Daxia is gone!" Liang couldn't even be ambiguous about her attitude. She shouted loudly: "That child... the last emperor of Daxia has gone and was poisoned by the traitors!"

Shen An couldn't help but shake his head slightly when he heard this.

This woman is really decisive!

After meeting Shen An for the first time in the inn, she never mentioned her son Li Bingchang from beginning to end.

At this moment, she said that Li Bingchang had been poisoned to death, so it was naturally difficult for the Song Dynasty to attack Li Bingchang.

Although her son could only remain anonymous from now on, his life was saved.

War has been cruel since ancient times. Once the country is destroyed, the enemy's emperor and his descendants will usually be killed by various means. There are some who can survive, but after being sent to the capital, they will have to go within a few years. .

For example, when the Song Dynasty was founded, many countries were destroyed, and the most famous empress Li did not have any good results.

If Li Bingchang arrived in Bianliang, Zhao Shu would probably think it was nothing, but the prime ministers and ministers would find ways to kill him and eradicate the roots.

Don't doubt Han Qi's integrity, they can really do this kind of thing.

The atmosphere at the top of the city seemed to be frozen.

Liang Yimi whispered: "Morale is gone!"

It was Li Bingchang who allowed these soldiers to persevere. As long as the rebellion was quelled and the Xixia Kingdom was restored, someone would naturally reward them for their merits.

But now the symbol of the country is gone, poisoned by rebellion.

What else is there in Daxia?

The hair is gone.

The morale of Chengtou dropped to the bottom. When Liang saw this, he just wanted to kill Shen An, "This is a good thing you did. I will definitely kill you before I die!"

"Those rebellious people should build ladders, right?" Liang Yimi suddenly became excited, "If we have to wait until dawn, we can still find a way! Give money, yes, sister, reward them heavily, and there will be brave men under the reward!"


Shen An smiled very wickedly, "Look at the eyes of those people."

"What look?" Liang Yimi looked carefully.

There was something obviously wrong with the eyes of those soldiers, some were flashing, some were looking fierce...

Damn it!

Does this mean to rebel?

Liang Yimi couldn't help but lean towards Shen An, "What do you want to do?"

At this time, the shooting under the city ended, and someone shouted: "They have ladders!"


A general stood up and shouted: "Li's country has been destroyed. This world... belongs to us."

"As the saying goes, princes and generals have the ability to be in love with each other. Look, this is a ready-made example." Shen An shook his head and sighed.

Mrs. Liang really wanted to stab him to death, "Could your country soldiers protect us and charge out?"

"There are more than 10,000 rebels outside, and there are only more than 200 rural soldiers in a certain country. How can we attack them?"

"Then let's die together!"

This is Liang's character, he is more decisive than many men.

This woman is so interesting!

Seeing that Mr. Liang had asked someone to find his armor, Shen An advised, "Quiet."

"What are you quiet about?" Mrs. Liang turned around and said coldly: "I will die on the way to kill you!"

"Capture the Liang family, and we will be the founding heroes of the country!" Someone was shouting, and the soldiers who were still fighting bloody battles for the Liang family stood up with evil eyes and slowly came over.

"Get ready..." Huang Chun began to direct the village soldiers to set up defenses.

The crossbows of the local soldiers were the things that the Xixia people were most afraid of, so they just slowly approached, and someone was drawing a bow and setting an arrow...

"Stand behind someone!"

Shen An suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Mr. Liang behind him. As for Liang Yimi, the Prime Minister Cheng Tianniupi coaxedly said that his military power was worthy of greatness, so let him try it.

Liang was silent.

"There's fire!"

The rebels outside the city have dismounted and are running with ladders on their backs; the situation at the top of the city is about to break out...

A Xixia man accidentally saw a fire head appearing ahead, on the left side of the city.

There was only one fire head at first, and then it became so dense that it was impossible to count.

The rebel who had become an infantry looked to his right in shock.

Countless cavalry suddenly appeared there.

The cavalrymen lit the torches in their hands, with a torch in one hand and a long sword in the other, but the sound of horse hooves was very small.

This is something tied to the horse's hoof.

The only one who needs to do this is the opponent.

"It's Song Jun!"

A rebel sergeant suddenly put down the ladder, drew his sword and shouted: "The Song Army is coming!"

The general was supervising the battle in the middle. He waved his sword and shouted: "Go! Go ride a horse!"

"Why did Song Jun appear here?"

"How many troops are there?"


"Stop them!" the general shouted at the top of his lungs.

But they are preparing to attack the city!

There are only more than a thousand people in the city. What are you waiting for if you don't attack the city at this time?

So they happily discussed how to distribute the benefits after they invaded, such as who would be the emperor and who would be the prime minister...

Then the sudden appearance of Song Jun completely ruined their dream.

No spear!

No turning back!

Some are just long knives and ladders.

The ladder was thrown to the ground and the rebels were shaking.

They are infantry. How can infantry resist cavalry?

The infantry of the Song Army could resist the cavalry by relying on systematic combat.

They have crossbows for long range, firearms for medium range, and axemen and spearmen for short range.

But what do the rebels have?

They have nothing. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

The cavalry rushed in and swept away the rebels like a tide.

"Finish the task of eradicating evil and kill them all!"

This is the main force of the rebels. Killing them will kill the backbone of the rebels, and subsequent counterinsurgency will be much easier.

Wang Shao ordered his men to divide their troops to surround them, and those at the top of the city were dumbfounded.

"It's Song Jun!"

The general who took the lead and prepared to take action was hacked to death by his subordinates. Everyone knelt down, waiting for Liang's treatment.

Liang Yimi was so desperate that he wanted to commit suicide with a knife. Now that he was saved, he thought of the embarrassing thing he had done before. He rushed over angrily and slashed with a long knife.

After cutting down a few, he panted and asked a general, "Aren't you planning to rebel? Why don't you dare? Why don't you dare?"

The general glanced at Shen An and said honestly: "Before, the outside could cooperate with the outside, but now there is no outside. These more than a thousand people... we feel that we can't defeat Shen An's country soldiers."

Liang Yi turned around and looked at the more than two hundred rural soldiers, and couldn't help laughing.

More than a thousand people did not dare to fight against more than 200 rural soldiers. This was because they were intimidated by Shen An's performance overnight.

Liang was also laughing, but it was a sneer.

From the top of the city, you can see the battle situation outside, and you can judge the victory or defeat based on the gathering and dispersion of firelight.

The side with more fire was constantly changing formations, and the purpose of changing formations was to trap the rebels.

"The formation changes very quickly." The Liang family has led the army in battle and is no stranger to the formation. "The leading general is very powerful. Who is it? Is he a traitor? Or is he a family member?"

In the Song Dynasty, there were mainly two generals in the northwest, the Zhong family and the Zhe family.

"No, it's Wang Shao." Shen An smiled, feeling extremely satisfied.

"Lingzhou knows the state!"

"Yes, he is also a disciple of a certain person!"

It’s still the fifth update, please vote for me.

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