A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1571 The decisive Zhao Shu

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The cold wind was biting, and Liang Yimi was shivering, not knowing whether it was the cold or something else.

"It's Dali Pills." He said sadly and angrily: "We have businessmen here who go this way specifically. They bought Dali Pills from the Song Dynasty people and sent them to everywhere. Every time, they would give money and benefits. Many times After that, those soldiers were bribed."

"How did you know?"

Liang stood up slowly and asked.

Liang Yi lowered his head, "So...so..."

Mrs. Liang picked up the fire tongs holding the charcoal and murmured: "You are the prime minister and my brother. I will give you any amount of money. If you want a beauty, I will give it to you. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"I'm guilty." Liang Yimi knelt down.


Liang Yimi fell down with just a touch of the tongs. He held his head in his hands, not daring to resist at all.

"I asked why the businessmen smuggling Dali Pills couldn't be caught. It turned out that you were supporting them behind the scenes. Okay, great!"

The Xixia Prime Minister turned out to be the big boss behind the smuggling. If this discovery were leaked, the Liang family would be wiped out in an instant.

Mrs. Liang slapped him again, "If it weren't for Daliwan, if it was Wang Shao..."

She suddenly dropped the tongs and said with a wry smile: "If it hadn't been for Wang Shao's silent intrusion, we would all have died tonight, so you still have merit in this matter?"


Liang Yimi originally felt guilty and wanted to commit suicide, but after hearing this, he knelt down happily and said, "Yes! Sister, this matter must be a mistake."


Mrs. Liang knocked him down with one kick, "Shameless, come on!"

"Somebody come!"

Liang's shouts echoed in the palace, but only a few maids around her responded.

This is the tree falling and the hozen scattering!

"Daxia is gone."

After one night, the entire Xingqing Mansion was ‘renewed’.

The prisoners worked as coolies all night and finally cleared the city.

Shen An's messengers began a desperate run, and they would deliver the news of the capture of Xingqing Mansion all the way back.

"Hedong Road must raise a large army to suppress the remaining Western bandits!"

"Tell them, if they are late, don't blame Shen for not taking credit!"

Shen An took charge of Xingqing Mansion, gathered Wang Shao's subordinates, and continued to attack.

"The defender of Dingzhou will not surrender."

“Where do they get their food and grass?”

"Xingqing Mansion."

"Then cut off their food and grass."

Xingqing Mansion is the big granary of the Western thieves. Shen An is now like a wealthy local rich man, bossing around, only having the maid-like Empress Dowager Liang standing next to him.

"What do you think Zichun should do?"

The map was placed in the middle, Shen An turned around and asked.

Wang Shao was thinking.

"Teacher, do you think you should... go there?"

Shen An looked at him and suddenly laughed.

This person can navigate the complicated situation in the northwest, and his methods are perfect. And he needs to perform meritorious service and leave a deep impression on the big guys in the court.

As the saying goes, wealth can be obtained through danger, and you will not lose your official position if you sit at home and in heaven, so Shen An supports him to take risks.

"Okay, go ahead."

Mrs. Liang knew that her situation at this moment was very delicate, so she sent someone to send a message saying that she wanted to see Shen An.

Shen An went to the harem.

"The general of Dingzhou is a stubborn man. Why don't I write a letter in my hand asking him to surrender?"

This is a gesture and a credit.

"No need." Shen An sat down and frowned when he saw the deserted hall, "Where are the people?"

"Da Xia is gone, who else is there?" Liang's expression was cold. In the past few days, she had seen people's hearts.

There were only a few maids in the palace, and they were probably afraid of being treated by the Song army, so they stayed with Liang.

"Where are they?" Shen An asked calmly. At this moment, he remembered the desperate mentality of Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City hundreds of years later, looking helplessly at the empty hall.

People outside went to ask, and later reported, "They are all hiding in their houses."

"Mingzhe learned well about self-protection. In this case, the Song Dynasty did not support idle people and let them work."

"As you command!"

Then there were more cries and howls in the palace.

Liang sneered and listened, "Why don't we take these guys away too."

Shen An knew what she was thinking, so he said seriously: "I told you, I will guarantee your safety."

"But you are just Shen Longtu." Liang said quietly: "I am still young, so I am afraid that someone will take a fancy to me..."

"Don't you know that a certain gangster named Shen Duanji?"

Shen An was very curious, and so was Liang, "What do you mean?"

"A certain person was very young, but he had made many meritorious deeds, so there was a tacit understanding between the certain person and the officials, so the certain person broke someone's leg to offset the merit."

"Can this still happen?"


"Then how many people's legs have you broken?"

"Too many to count."

"You... are not as official as you."

"But no one has achieved such a feat at such a young age."

"You said you could ensure my honor?" Madam Liang asked, biting her lip.

"Yes." Shen An nodded seriously.

"Then Wang Shao is your disciple. If he is killed by the Dingzhou Guard... So let him come back and let my people persuade him to surrender."

Liang swore that she had good intentions, but Shen An still shook his head.

That's Wang Shao!

If you dare to persuade the boss of the northwest forces alone, do you think he will be killed by a Dingzhou guard general...

"Are you leaving me to die?"

Liang had probably never experienced such treatment, which was close to house arrest, and finally got angry.

There was some movement inside again, and the village soldiers outside looked strange and began to retreat.

"Tell them that they will either become a corpse in the capital or surrender to the Song Dynasty!"

Shen An's temper is very bad.

Someone is coming from the direction of Lingzhou.

More than 10,000 riders, this is the stance of Hedong Road.

"After Wang Shao's attack, our army followed up in time. The Hedong Road army is behind it. Shen Longtu can rest assured."

Hedong Lu's movements were so fast that even Shen An was surprised.

"Lang Jun, this is an official order."

Huang Chun went to find out the news.

"The officials ordered the army on Hedong Road to suppress the west bandits. If something happens to you in Xingqing Mansion, the army will be dispatched in full force."

Shen An nodded and held his hands in the direction of Bianliang.

He was very excited.

In its original history, the Song Dynasty's external stance was always weak, and it often missed opportunities at key nodes.

But now Zhao Shu is different. He wants to slap Xixia to death, so he dispatches the Hedong Road army in time.

As long as the army of the Song Dynasty continues to grow stronger, Shen An is confident that the Central Plains will rise again after the Han and Tang Dynasties.

"Prime Minister Zeng is here."

If the timely arrival of the Hedong Road army was a wise decision, then the subsequent arrival of Zeng Gongliang was Zhao Shu's foresight.

"You had just left Bianliang a few days ago. The officials summoned me late at night and said that they thought you could convince the Liang family. However, the Western bandits were in civil strife. The officials were afraid that you would raise the butcher's knife, so they asked me to clean up the mess."


Shen An handed over his hands speechlessly.

He was planning to kill a group of people to frighten the Western thieves, and even planned to build a huge Jingguan outside Xingqing Mansion.

But Zhao Shu knew his urine nature very well, so he sent Lao Zeng here. His main task was to keep an eye on him and prevent him from going crazy.

Zeng Gongliang looked shabby, but he was in good spirits. He asked Shen An to accompany him on an inspection of Xingqing Mansion. When he saw the mountains of grain and grass in the treasury, he couldn't help but said happily: "Before I came, the ministers and ministers We are all afraid that there will be a shortage of food here, but there was too much loss in transporting it from the Song Dynasty, so I am a little reluctant to give it up..."

"Where is Li Bingchang?" Zeng Gongliang suddenly asked.

"Poisoned to death."

Shen An said naturally.

"Really?" Zeng Gongliang looked at him, "It's better to die."

Lao Zeng's eyes seemed peaceful, but Shen An broke into a cold sweat.

"Anbei, you have made a great contribution this time."

"It's just luck."

"Has Li Bingchang's body been found?"

"..." Shen An looked at Zeng Gongliang.

"After a night of fighting in Xingqing Mansion, there are always some children who are unlucky. If they can be buried with royal rites, I think that child's spirit in heaven will be very happy."

"It's been buried." Shen An felt that Lao Zeng almost pointed at his nose and shouted.

Shen Anbei, where did you hide Li Bingchang?

A convoy has arrived in Lingzhou now.

"It's the Mangshan Army!"

The sergeant guarding the city looked at the more than ten rural soldiers with admiration and watched them leave the city.

There was a child in the car, held tightly by a woman.

Beside them were two men with white faces and no beards, trembling nervously.

"It's safe."

Someone spoke outside, "We will escort you to a place far away. We must tell this child that there is no Daxia anymore, otherwise Lang Jun will kill him with his own hands."


A man in the car knelt devoutly inside, "The villain will tell him that the past life was just a dream. He is just a child from an ordinary family. He will farm and study in this life. Maybe he will be lucky enough to pass the Jinshi and become a university student." Officials of the Song Dynasty."

"That's good." The voice outside suddenly became cold, "If anything goes wrong, you won't be able to survive waiting for anyone!"


In Xingqing Mansion, Zeng Gongliang gave up the topic and went to the top of the city with Shen An.

"I got news on the road, and the official ordered Wen Yanbo to go to the north and take charge."

He turned around and looked at Shen An, "The officials said, if Yelu Hongji attacks, fight! Don't retreat. Wen Yanbo swore in the court that if the Liao army was allowed to break into the Dingzhou and Qingzhou lines, he would personally charge into the battle. .”

Lao Wen's force value is probably beyond recognition. If he goes to charge into the battle in person, he will be killed.

So this is the military order.

"It is said that before he left, he divided up his family property and told his children and grandchildren to treat him as dead."

Old article...

Shen An looked into the distance and suddenly wanted to cry.

Wen Yanbo's move can inspire military morale and deter Yelu Hongji. But it is also a sharp sword hanging high above his head. Once the Liao army really breaks through, he has no choice but to die to serve the country, otherwise he will become a laughing stock for the ages.

This conservative leader was unambiguous at this time, but he was also unambiguous when facing the New Deal, and he clearly stood on the side of the opposition.

On the one hand, he is willing to die to serve the country, and on the other hand, he wants to defend the vested interests of the scholar-bureaucrats...

Which of these two faces is the real one?

"Don't doubt it." Zeng Gongliang said: "At this time, whoever it was that I was waiting for would do the same thing. No one would flinch."

This is the Prime Minister of this era.

"North...when Yelu Hongji learned that Xingqing Mansion had fallen, he would not send troops."

Shen An felt that Zhao Shu should ask him his opinion on this matter instead of forcing Lao Wen to go north.


"Because of the fall of Xingqing Mansion and the Liang family's surrender, the Western bandits can no longer unite people's hearts. This is considered dead. And a certain person is here." Shen An said calmly: "Now there are tens of thousands of cavalry in the Song Dynasty in the northwest, and a certain person is here." What if Yelu Hongji, who is fighting in the north, leads tens of thousands of cavalry to surprise the Liao people?"

Tens of thousands of cavalry were a huge force that the Song Dynasty could not organize before.

This is a force that can change the strategic situation.

"As long as Yelu Hongji knows that someone has tens of thousands of cavalry in his hands, he has to think twice before taking action." Shen An said confidently: "If he dares, someone will dare to give him a lesson he will never forget."

Running thousands of miles was the favorite strategy of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing in the Pre-Han Dynasty.

Shen An also adopted this strategy when he first attacked Xixia.

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said: "If this is the case, I will sit in Xingqing Mansion to clean up the mess."

Shen An looked at it and raised his hand, "It's a deal!"

Zeng Gongliang raised his hand, "I hope Yelu Hongji will take action decisively!"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

The third update is here, and there are two more.

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