A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1572 Wang Shao is full of courage

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"Where's Wang Shao?"

An army gathered in Xingqing Mansion, and Shen An was confident that he could deal with any remaining forces.

But Wang Shao, who went to persuade Dingzhou to surrender, did not come back.

"The empress said she can send someone to Dingzhou."

There are only a few palace maids and chambermaids left around Liang in the palace, but don't underestimate her. After several years of holding the country, she still has many confidants outside. This is why Zeng Gongliang insists on continuing to keep her under house arrest in the palace. reason.

"No need."

Shen An has full confidence in Wang Shao, but no matter how strong this confidence is, it can't withstand the lack of news from this guy!

But he would not accept Liang's help.

Once that woman gives her a chance to contact the outside world, God knows what she can do.

"Let the army attack."

The order was given, and ten thousand cavalry attacked.

The cavalry was very fast. They set off in the morning and arrived in Dingzhou in the afternoon.

"Prepare firearms!"

Of course, the cavalry cannot attack the city with ants, but they bring a lot of firearms with them.

Just when they were about to make a certain sacrifice to blow open the city gate, the city gate opened.

"What does this mean?" The leading general was a little wary.

More than ten people came out of the city, still dressed as Song Jun.

The crowd behind them were all Xixia sergeants.


The Song army began to form a formation, and they only waited for the order to start charging.

"One of our own, don't do anything!"

Someone was shouting from the opposite side, still speaking in Bianliang dialect with a clear accent.

After more than ten riders came over to verify their identities, Wang Shao's whereabouts were revealed.

"Wang Zhizhou entered Dingzhou City, but the guard refused to surrender. Wang Zhizhou didn't say much. He just ordered drinks and got drunk. When he woke up two days later, the guard led his men to surrender."

"Why is this?" The general was confused, thinking, how dare you get so drunk that you are not afraid of being chopped into pieces?

"We don't know, but the guard is very pious now and says he wants to be the loyal dog of the Song Dynasty."

The general felt that his IQ was no longer enough, "Where is Wang Zhizhou?"

"Zhizhou was drunk to death, and he didn't wake up until two days later. When he woke up, he told me to go to Xingqing Mansion to report the news, and he would go to the right wing to go to Shunjun Division to persuade him to surrender."

The general's lips twitched, "The Liao army on the right side facing Shunjun Division is guarding the army. They have strong soldiers and horses. He... will go back and report the news immediately!"

Dingzhou is not far from Xingqing Mansion, and the news was delivered the next morning.


Zeng Gongliang, who was eating soup cakes, sprayed all over the floor. He didn't bother to wipe the food residue from his beard and said angrily: "He actually went to the Chaoshun Army Division in the right compartment?"

"Yes." The sergeant who came to report the news looked excited, probably thinking that this kind of thing was too legendary.

"Speak clearly!" Shen An was still eating soup cakes, looking extremely calm.

The sergeant compared Shen An and Zeng Gongliang and felt that Lao Zeng was not as good as Shen An, "After Zhizhou persuaded the Dingzhou garrison to surrender, he was drunk to death for two days. When he woke up, he went to the Chaoshun Army Division in the right wing... "

"Drunk to death?"

"Yes, the general of Dingzhou didn't want to surrender. Zhizhou asked for some wine. He drank all the fine wines that the general kept in one go, and then the general surrendered."

"The guard is just afraid of being punished and is just timid. Wang Shao got drunk just to show his sincerity. What a trick!"

Zeng Gongliang praised: "I heard that you accepted Anbei as your disciple? You really have a vision. But the Shunjun Division in the right wing guarded the Liao Kingdom, almost single-handedly. The guard Li Duoren was rumored to be very violent. Yesterday, he was Some people say that Li Duoren has been colluding with the Liao people recently. If you say that Wang Shao has gone... you are afraid that he will not come back!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zeng." Shen An smiled and said, "Zichun acts in a measured manner. I believe that he will return safely."

"His boldness is the same as yours. No wonder you accepted him as your disciple." Zeng Gongliang said melancholy: "This matter is very troublesome..."

Later, when Shen An went to inspect the city, an official asked Zeng Gongliang, "Prime Minister Zeng, if Wang Shao dies, he will also die for his country. He is a model for our generation. Why do you say it is troublesome?"

"In battle on the battlefield, casualties are inevitable!"

Once you go to the battlefield, casualties are common, and at best you will be left with a posthumous honor by the government afterwards.

Zeng Gongliang smiled bitterly and said: "The court asked me to act arbitrarily in the northwest direction. My original intention was to stabilize Xingqing Mansion and press forward step by step until encountering the Liao army. With such a safe baggage, follow-up reinforcements will also be safe... But if Wang Shao were to What will happen to Shen An if he dies?"

"Revenge?" an official said thoughtfully: "Shen Longtu's temperament..."

He looked at his colleagues, and they all smiled in unison.

"Shen Longtu's reputation for persuading people with virtue is resounding throughout Bianliang. If something happens to Wang Zhizhou, he will probably kill those people."

How about such a person?

Look at these officials, most of them are envious.

What a blessing it is to be able to follow such a benefactor!

"I'm afraid that he will be furious and lead the army to fight all the way."

Zeng Gongliang was very troubled by this matter, "From Xingqing Mansion to Liao Kingdom, it stretches for eight to nine hundred miles. What will we do with supplies along the way? Is it eating human flesh?"

Someone said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zeng, Shen Longtu is known as the most famous chef in the Song Dynasty. Even human flesh can be made extremely delicious."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, but Zeng Gongliang didn't laugh.

"The overall situation is the most important thing!"

He walked out and sniffed, "Spring comes late in the northwest."

"Zhizhou, this is the Youxiang Chaoshun Military Division!"

In front of the city, more than ten riders were surrounded.

"A certain person is Wang Shao, the magistrate of Lingzhou in the Great Song Dynasty!"

Wang Shao calmly handed over his hand.

"Why are you here?"

Why are officials from the Song Dynasty here?

The defenders were a little confused, but that didn't stop them from feeling happy about catching prey.

"The Song Dynasty has regained Xingqing Mansion."

The news was immediately passed to the city guard Li Duoren.

He was drinking with two Liao people. When he saw someone poking around outside, he excused himself to go to the latrine and came out.

"What's the matter?"

Li Duoren's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was indifferent, but it was scary to see him.

"Yiya, there is a man who claims to be the magistrate of Lingzhou from Song Dynasty. I want to see you."

"Wang Shao?" Li Duoren stared at the sergeant who came to report the news, and the sergeant trembled: "Yes, he claimed to be Wang Shao, and said... that Xingqing Mansion had fallen."

Li Duoren covered his forehead and said, "Bring him in and find a place to place him quietly."

He turned around and went in, his expression still calm.

"His Majesty is looking forward to you in Daliao. As long as you surrender to Daliao, the military division of Chaoshun in the right wing will be yours. Your Majesty has said that you will be hereditary and your descendants will be the masters of this place... It’s the same as the Zhe family of the Song Dynasty.”

The Liao man's face turned red after drinking, and his tongue was a little big, "Li Ya, you can't miss this opportunity! Xixia is currently in civil strife, and God knows what will happen in Xingqing Mansion. If there is something unbearable to say, Li Ya, you should Where to go? It’s better to make a decision sooner rather than later.”

Li Duoren nodded, "I have sent people to Xingqing Mansion to find out the news. I will make a decision in three to five days at most."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you two."

Two Liao people who claimed to be Yelu Hongji's envoys went back. Li Duoren sat in the room for a long time and suddenly ordered: "Bring that Wang Shao here."

Later, Wang Shao came and handed over his hand and gave him a token.

"This is a document stamped with Li Bingchang's seal. This is Li Yuanhao's relic..."

Li Duoren verified them one by one, and finally verified Wang Shao's identity.

"You can come here, which shows that Xingqing Mansion has indeed fallen." Li Duoren said solemnly: "But I have been here for many years, what can Emperor Song give to me?"

"Bianliang is prosperous." Wang Shao said calmly: "If I say that I can give you a high official position and a generous salary, you are a liar. The only thing I can guarantee is that you can live peacefully in Bianliang, and your descendants can all be great officials in the Song Dynasty." rich man."

This is the truth. Li Duoren narrowed his eyes and said, "But I'm used to being free and don't like to be restrained."

"No one in Bianliang will restrain you." Wang Shao stared at him and said word by word: "Shen Longtu went to Xingqing Mansion in person and personally persuaded the Liang family to surrender. The Liang family has the so-called righteousness and soldiers in their hands. It’s still down, do you think you can run rampant in the northwest?”

Li Duoren smiled coldly and suddenly drew his sword and slashed.

Wang Shao was still staring at him, motionless.

The long knife stopped at his neck.

Li Duoren showed off his superb sword skills, and then said coldly: "Is Shen An here?"

"Yes." Wang Shao said, "Do you know Shen Longtu's temperament?"

Li Duoren's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and then he ordered: "Take them down."

After Wang Shao and others left, Li Duoren summoned his confidants to discuss matters.

"The envoy from Xingqing Mansion should come to check once every ten days, but this time it was delayed for five days. This shows that Wang Shao's words are true. Xingqing Mansion is gone, and so is Daxia."

Li Duoren said with piercing eyes: "What should we do?"

"Dedicate yourself to the Liao people!" A general stood up and said: "The Liao Emperor has millions of cavalry, and if we go there, at least we will live in peace. The Song people... Ya Ya, the Song people are not very kind to the warriors, and suppress them at every turn. "

"Yes, if we get together here, we can at least produce a hundred thousand troops. At that time, the Liao Emperor will have to look at us differently even for the sake of these one hundred thousand troops."


The so-called 100,000 troops refer to the population excluding the old and the weak.

In other words, after all the people are mobilized, they can pull out 100,000 horses.

"So...wait a minute, wait until the Liao people's envoy comes again, I will talk to them. UU看书 www.uukanshu.net" Li Duoren needed to think about it.

"How about...killing Wang Shao? This is a great achievement after all!"

"Yes! Carry Wang Shao's head over there. Young Master Liao will give us more official positions."

Li Duoren waved his hand, "I'll think about it later, let's go out."

"This is all the gold I brought from this trip. If it comes to fruition, I will give you ten times."

Wang Shao was out of trouble now. He had to thank the Xixia people. They felt that more than ten people were not a threat, so they did not search carefully and allowed Wang Shao to hide a small piece of gold.

"This matter..." The sergeant who led the team to monitor them pointed to the street on the right, "The Liao people's envoy is at the third house."

"Thank you very much."

Wang Shao smiled and cupped his hands. The sergeant frowned and said, "Just follow us. If there is any good news later, I will inform you in time!"

"Do it!"

More than ten people took action together, and instantly the place became a battlefield.

The more than 20 people escorting them were caught off guard by the violent Song people. They were first put into a group of more than ten people, and then the two sides fought. The Song army was all elites. After killing them, Wang Shao shouted: "Follow me."

The Xixia people on the street avoided each other one after another. Some people called for the army, but it was too late.

The third one!

Wang Shao found the house and kicked open the door.


Two Liao envoys had drunk too much and were sleeping. When their entourage came out, they were chopped into pieces with a knife.

"Kill them all!"

Wang Shao led his men and charged in. After a while of killing, the place turned into a slaughterhouse.

He was covered in blood and walked out carrying the heads of the two deceased people.

A group of sergeants who came outside after hearing the news were dumbfounded.

"Tell Li Duoren to either kill someone or...please surrender!"

Fourth update, there will be an additional update from the leader later.

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