A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1574: Yao Family General, Wang Zhizhou is Mighty

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The two figures were leaping and fighting in front of them. They didn't have the beauty in TV series and movies from previous lives, but they were punching each other.

After several back and forths, the two looked evenly matched.

"Yao Si..." Shen An squinted, thinking of General Yao of the Western Army.

Is he the Yao family general?

He thinks it should be.

Just when he was thinking about something, Yao Si had already grabbed Yan Baoyu's shoulder, and then used sumo wrestling, suddenly using his back.

This is a back fall!

Yan Baoyu put her foot on his calf and jumped into the air.

This is leverage.

Shen An enjoyed watching it very much.

There was endless applause around him, and Yao Si accounted for the majority of the applause. This shows that this person is quite famous in the military.

Yan Baoyu grabbed Yao Si's eyes in mid-air.

Yao Si raised his head, and Yan Baoyu's fingers scratched across his cheek, causing several scars.

If this was Zhang Baibian's move, just this one move would make Yao Si kneel down.

Yao Si let go and punched out at the same time.

Yan Baoyu just landed on the ground, bent over and lifted his right leg back.


Yao Si was kicked in the chin and staggered back.

Yan Baoyu turned around and pounced.

Yao Si yelled, and the two were entangled again, but Yao Si was probably kicked on the chin, his movements were a bit slow, and he received two punches after a while.


The third punch hit his Yintang, and Yao Si fell to the ground.

He shook his head on the ground and shouted: "Good fists and kicks! Good fists and kicks, good man, sign up for me, I will buy you a drink later and ask for some tips on fists and kicks."

Yan Baoyu glanced at his left wrist, where there were a few finger marks, and said, "Mangshan Army, Yan Baoyu!"

"Mangshan Army..." Yao Si struggled up, probably still a little groggy, and said unsteadily: "But Shen Longtu's rural army?"


At this time, Shen An and Zeng Gongliang came over, and everyone quickly saluted.

"Is this because you have nothing to do?" Shen An said with a straight face: "Since there is nothing to do, there are thousands of people displaced in the city. When you go to help build houses for them, go!"

"Build a house for a Western thief?" Someone said, "Shen Longtu, that's a Western thief!"

"That's right, the Western thieves have been fighting with us for how many years. Why do we build houses for them?"


Shen An just looked at them quietly, and the voices gradually disappeared, and then he slowly said: "They are not Western thieves, but common people of the Song Dynasty. When you come here, you are clamoring that you have no chance to make meritorious deeds. If you have nowhere to use all your strength, then go and build houses for them.”

Zeng Gongliang understood what Shen An meant and nodded: "From now on, no more mention of Western thieves is allowed. They are all from the Song Dynasty."

Yao Si rubbed his forehead and said: "Yes, in this way the Western thieves... No, in this way they will naturally return home."

This guy actually understands this?

Shen An glanced at him, and Yao Si quickly handed over.

"Go quickly!"

So a group of soldiers appeared at the reconstruction site, and under the command, they moved building materials, cut down trees outside the city, and built houses.

The people who were rebuilding their homes were a little overwhelmed. They watched the Song army sweating profusely as they built houses for them. Gradually, someone came to help and found out the news.

"We are not Western thieves, we are the people of the Song Dynasty. When the people of the Song Dynasty suffer disaster, the army will naturally help."

The rules of the Song Dynasty were to go to the Xiang Army when there was no need, to build bridges and pave roads, to go to the Xiang Army to provide disaster relief... whatever they did, they were the Xiang Army.

There was no Xiang army here, so the Imperial Army came up.


A pair of eyes full of distrust.

The Song Dynasty generally treated Xixia with the same mentality as it treated a rebellious son, wishing to slap him to death. Xixia's emotions towards the Song Dynasty were more complicated. It was probably the indignation of poor children when they saw their rich children failing to live up to their expectations, and they wished they could take that fancy world away from them.

Now the Song Dynasty actually says that they are the common people of the Song Dynasty. No one really believes this!

During this period, most of the people in the city were wary of Song people, with the exception of businessmen. Under the temptation of profits, they even learned a lot of Song dialect.

"time to eat!"

Big buckets of food were brought in on carts. The soldiers lined up to receive the food, and then each found a place to eat.

There was still a lot of food in those big barrels, and the people huddled aside and ate the dry food they had prepared at home.

"Hey! What are you waiting for?"

The fat cook roared angrily: "I've been waiting for you. If you don't come to get it, are you going to let me starve to death?"

"What do you mean? And ours?"

Those people smelled the aroma of food and felt that this world was a bit dreamy.


A group of soldiers beat and kicked the people and drove them away. The cook who knew Xixia cursed: "Where is the bowl? If you don't bring your own bowl, how can you eat it with your hands?"

One of the common people really stretched out his hands, and the cook slapped them away with a spoon and cursed: "You are really here, go and get the bowls and chopsticks."

"The home was burned down."

A child stood at the front, swallowing hungry.

The fat man reached out and touched the top of his head, turned around and cursed: "Didn't you hear? Go and get the dishes and chopsticks quickly. If you don't have them, go buy them. What the hell! What are you keeping so much money for?"

So a group of soldiers rushed away and came back with a lot of bowls and chopsticks.

"Eat, eat."

Everyone has soup cakes to eat, eating the delicacies of the Song Dynasty, and feeling the warmth of being regarded as a family. Smiles gradually appear on the faces of the people.

"Look at the snot, slow down!" Shen An and Zeng Gongliang came to inspect. When they saw a child's nose was full of snot, they reached out and wiped it, and then said with a smile: "Adults only care about their own food, so they can watch it anyway." child."

"Thank you Shen Longtu." The child's parents were extremely excited, probably feeling honored that their child's nose was so lovingly wiped by Shen An.

Shen An said with a smile: "This child is smart at first glance. I will send him to study in the future."

With his hands behind his back, he quietly wiped his right hand with runny nose on Zeng Gongliang's body, and then rubbed it.

The child's father said in panic: "Where can I study?"

"You can do it if you say you can!" Shen An smiled and said: "In the future, a school will be built here, and children can go to study. If they are successful, they can go to Bianliang to take the Jinshi examination. If they pass the Jinshi examination, they will be officials. When the time comes, the ancestors will be honored. Just wait and enjoy the blessings.”

The child's father said happily: "Then can we also take Dali Pills in the future?"

Zeng Gongliang snorted coldly and glanced at Shen An.

What a great evil you have done! These people are still addicted to the Rat Club and cannot extricate themselves.

Shen An said with a serious face: "Dali Pills are too popular. They will be sold in a unified way in the future and are not allowed to be obtained in private."

MLM can no longer be played here. If you continue to play it, it will be self-inflicted harm.

The man felt a little regretful, and then someone asked: "Shen Longtu, can we join the army?"

The life of the people of Xixia was difficult, and joining the army was a good way.

"Yes." Shen An said seriously: "Since I said that you and others are the common people of the Song Dynasty, then naturally you will also have what the people of the Song Dynasty should have!"

He cupped his hands and said: "This is the promise made by the officials of the Song Dynasty. Just remember it. If anyone refuses to give it, go to Bianliang to file a complaint and let the officials make the decision for you."

"Long live!"

Under the leadership of a thoughtful person, the people shouted long live. If they had some more wine, Shen An was sure they could dance with the soldiers beside them.

This is the family relationship between soldiers and civilians!

Zeng Gongliang whispered: "Where did you learn such methods to appease the people?"

"A certain person is from the Mang Mountain lineage..."

At this moment, Mang Mountain was bright again.

Zeng Gongliang praised: "It's really a good trick. With just a few words, the officials won the hearts of the people in Xingqing Prefecture. But let them go to Bianliang to complain, do you think they can go?"

Shen An smiled, "Well... to be honest, the Dengwen drum has been beaten a lot of times. Some people's pigs have run away and they ask officials to help them find them. Some couples are fighting for family property. I feel that It's unfair, please ask the officials to make the decision for them... As long as they can get to Bianliang, I think the officials will make the decision for them."

"You, you, these people become fools compared to you."

"A messenger is coming!"

Shen An was about to refute Zeng Gongliang when he heard the voice and shouted: "Bring the messenger here!"

A group of cavalry was brought over. When they saw Zeng Gongliang and Shen An, they dismounted and saluted.

"I've seen my husband, I've seen Shen Longtu."

"How is Wang Shao?" This group of cavalry is the group of people who followed Wang Shao out.

"Wang Zhizhou is fine."

"Tell me about it." Zeng Gongliang suppressed the anger in his heart and muttered silently, "I am very calm, I am very calm." ’.

Wang Shao's move was unauthorized. If it weren't for Shen An's face, Lao Zeng would have ordered him to be dealt with.

"Zhizhou took us out of Dingzhou and rushed all the way to Chaoshun Military Division in the right wing. We met Li Duoren. The Liao envoy happened to be there at the time."

There were many people around at this moment, and everyone felt nervous.

"On the way, Zhizhou Xiao showed his rationality and righteousness, and persuaded the people who were watching us. Then he led us to the location of the Liao envoy, rushed in all the way, and killed them all..."

So fierce?

Shen An couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Wang Shao, Wang Shao, he is indeed the famous and invincible general across the northwest!

"Later, Li Duoren came with his people, and Zhizhou asked him on the spot whether he wanted to surrender to the Song Dynasty, or whether he wanted to become a corpse on the top of Jingguan. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Li Duoren knelt down and asked to surrender..."

Fierce man!

This guy is a tough guy!

Shen An looked sideways at Zeng Gongliang, "What did Prime Minister Zeng say?"

In the past few days, some people said that Wang Shao had advanced so aggressively that he wanted to impeach him. Shen An didn't hesitate. Before the news about Wang Shao came, everything he did was wrong.

What now?

"Originally I wanted to take it slow and go step by step. I thought I would attack the Chaoshun Army Division on the right side next month. The army has been prepared, the food and fodder are ready, the casualties and losses are all ready. Right However, the Shunjun Division of the Xiang Dynasty was persuaded by Wang Shao to surrender. The army suffered fewer casualties and gained more food and savings. This is a great achievement!"

"He allowed the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to regain the territory without any bloodshed, and even cut off the black hands of the Liao people extending to the northwest. He has made a great contribution!"

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said: "I really want to accept such a talented person as a disciple so that I can teach him. I think it is a blessing, but you took the lead... It is said that Wang Shao took the initiative to become a disciple?"

"Yes!" Shen An was in a happy mood at the moment, and even looking at Lao Zeng, he felt very pretty.

"We don't have to attack anymore?"

"Yes! The Shun Army Division in the right wing was persuaded to surrender by Wang Zhizhou, and the army came in vain."

It’s really all for nothing!

The Hedong Road army gathered in Xingqing Mansion with the goal of responding to subsequent attacks, among which the Shunjun Division in the right wing was the biggest target.

Now that the biggest target has surrendered, what's the point of the army coming here?

All efforts were eliminated by Wang Shao.

For a time, Wang Shao's name spread throughout Xingqing Mansion and throughout the army.

When Wang Shao appeared in Xingqing Mansion two days later, Zeng Gongliang personally went out to greet him and the entire army formed a formation.

"Draw the sword..."

Countless long swords were unsheathed.

"Wang Zhizhou is mighty!"

The swords are as long as the forest, and the shouts shake the wind and clouds!

It’s still the fifth update, where is the monthly ticket?

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