A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1575 Xiao Guanyin’s Confidence

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Spring in the north is still cold, but green is already all over the grassland.

A troop of cavalry was on its way.

In Zhongjing City, Yelu Hongji was already ready to travel.

"The territory of Daliao is huge. As an emperor, I must visit everywhere to deter those who may be rebellious. Let those people know the majesty of Daliao and continue to crawl there, waiting for my call. This is where I go Purpose of hunting.”

Yelu Hongji likes to live in a big tent, where he feels extraordinarily free.

But this is Zhongjing City, the commercial capital of Daliao, the most prosperous place. It is naturally impossible for him to set up a tent in this city.

The ministers are also happy to stay in Zhongjing City, but when the emperor wants to go on tour, they must follow him. In a word, where the emperor is, the court will be there.

Yelu Hongji was sitting on it dressed in casual clothes, with a map held by two guards in front of him.

He searched on the map and prepared to designate the route for this patrol.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Xixia."

A sergeant was brought in, and after saluting, he said, "Your Majesty, there is something strange going on over there with the Xixia people. Troops from several places quietly gathered and went to Xingqing Mansion."

"Li Bingchang is young and ignorant. Liang pretends to be fierce to scare people. Except for his brute strength, Xixia has nothing."

Yelu Hongji's words were very accurate, and all the ministers agreed.

He smiled slightly, "The Li family has lived a good life for too long. Some people are unwilling to give up and want to overthrow them. This is Daliao's opportunity. What do they have left now? Xingqing Mansion? What is Daliao's next step? ?”

One of the ministers said: "Your Majesty, I think Daliao can just watch." He looked at his colleagues and saw someone with a look of disdain on his face, so he sneered and said: "If Daliao captures Xingqing Mansion, it will be one more person than the Song Dynasty." A place of fighting. While Xixia is unruly, the Song people seem to be proud of themselves. I wonder if they will regret it when war is everywhere."

"Nie Chen!"

A military general cursed: "There are many fertile fields in Xingqing Prefecture. If they are taken away by the Song people, they will be able to hit Daliao from the side during the war. By then, Daliao will not only fight with the Song people in the south, but also We still have to be careful of the Song people attacking us from the right, how can we fight the battle?"

"The most fearful thing is that the Song people will attack Xijing." Another general said with cupped hands: "Your Majesty, once the Song people attack Xijing, Nanjing will be in danger! So I thought that we should go all out to capture Xingqing Mansion, even if we start a full-scale war with the Song people, No matter what!"

Yelu Hongji was thinking.

The map clearly shows that whether to attack Xingqing Mansion or not is not a big problem. If the Song Dynasty attacked Xijing from the flank...

"The Song Dynasty people can flank Xijing from Linfu Road."

Yelu Hongji glanced at the generals and knew that there was internal strife.

Like the Song Dynasty, there were also many conflicts between the civil and military forces within the Liao Dynasty, and the cause was constant failures.

The warriors hoped to give the Song people a blow with all their strength and engage in a battle for the fate of the country. Either you die or I die.

But the civil servants wanted to take another look, hoping that there would be changes within the Song people that would benefit Daliao.

That's why they opened their eyes and told lies, just to start a war.

This trend needs to be suppressed!

Yelu Hongji looked indifferent, "I have sent an envoy to the Chaoshun Army Division in the right wing. If we can persuade Li Duoren to surrender, Daliao will have the most secure defense."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The civil servants were happy, but the military officers looked a little dissatisfied.

Is it better for the martial artist to suppress it?

This thought flashed through Yelu Hongji's mind and was immediately suppressed.

In the past, he would have thought this was a good idea, but the Song people were becoming more and more powerful now, and suppressing the warriors would be self-inflicted.

"There's news from the Song Dynasty." A chamberlain came in to report.

Yelu Hongji nodded, and a man came in outside.

"Your Majesty, Wang Anshi from the Song Dynasty took office as Yushi Zhongcheng. As soon as he came to power, he impeached several people who opposed the New Deal. Later, he was said to be narrow-minded."

"Wang Anshi?" Yelu Hongji nodded, "I have seen his poems. Yes, he is a great talent."

"The Song people's army on Hedong Road was all out, and tens of thousands of cavalry rushed to Lingzhou."

"The Song people now only have tens of thousands of cavalry, and they have all passed..." Yelu Hongji frowned and said, "To Lingzhou?"


A military general said with an excited expression: "Your Majesty, the Song people are going to attack Xixia!"

"Zeng Gongliang has also arrived in the northwest."

"Zaifu is going out to destroy Xixia!" Yelu Hongji looked solemn.

"Where is Shen An?" An official asked the visitor regardless of the rules.

"Shen An left Bianliang last year, and I don't know where he went all the way."

Yelu Hongji said solemnly: "Where can he go? Only to the northwest!"

"Go and ask for information, and make inquiries everywhere."

When it came to Shen An, Yelu Hongji's mood was obviously wrong, and he could feel his anger faintly.

Later he went to the back.

Spring is here, tender green is everywhere, and you can feel the refreshing breath when you take a breath.

The sound of the piano came slowly, and outside the hall, a child was listening.

After hearing the footsteps, he turned around, saluted, and whispered: "I have met Your Majesty."

Slightly thin body, fair skin, straight nose, all these look like a smaller version of Yelu Hongji.

"Why didn't you study?"

Yelu Hongji's tone was very calm.

Yelu Jun said: "I have finished today's lesson."

"Then go practice riding and shooting."


Yelujun went out and looked back from time to time, but hesitated to speak.

The sound of the piano inside is still there, gradually becoming more lingering.

The spring breeze outside was blowing gently, the sun shone on the branches and leaves, and the branches swayed slightly... The shadows on the ground were also constantly swaying.

It was a peaceful morning.

The sound of the piano suddenly became intense, like two armies confronting each other.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of the piano stopped, and a low sigh came from inside.

"Plundering one's own brocade for a brocade that embroiders shameful things about men and women is such a mess. Qingwen is despised by Mrs. Wang. She probably won't last long, pitiful. It's just Tanchun who is so bold and doesn't want to show off to her husband that she dares to do so. Take action...the Jia family is starting to fall into chaos, this is a sign of decline, it's so sad!"

Suddenly there was a faint sentence, "I really envy Tanchun's temperament."

"What do you envy her for?"

Yelu Hongji walked in.

There is only one person and one piano in the hall.

Xiao Guanyin was dressed in plain clothes, kneeling on the mat, with a graceful posture and a calm expression.

She raised her head and said: "Your Majesty is here, I am polite to you."

"What is this?"

Yelu Hongji leaned over and picked up a few pieces of paper. He glanced at them and found that they were the latest episodes of Chronicles of the Stone.

"Shen An's Stone Notes?" he asked, holding up the pieces of paper.

"Yes." Xiao Guanyin answered calmly.

"You admire him?"

Yelu Hongji suddenly asked this question.

"No." Xiao Guanyin lowered his eyes slightly, with complicated eyes.

"He went to the northwest. I know what he was going to do. If he was leading an army on an expedition, there was no need to cover it up. Since he was covering it up, he must have wanted to use his friendship with the Liang family to persuade him to surrender. Do you think he can or can't?"

Yelu Hongji's eyes were cold and stern, and his right fist was clenched.

Xiao Guanyin said in a low voice: "Women do not interfere in politics, but your Majesty asked the wrong person about this matter. If my concubine interferes in politics, it will be a crime."

"You're fine."

Yelu Hongji sneered: "Jun'er has gradually become weak with you."

Xiao Guanyin suddenly raised her head, "Do you want to destroy Jun'er?"

It was wrong for the prince to be weak. What did Liao rely on to establish the country? It's force.

The prince cannot inherit the martial prowess of his ancestors, and the future of Daliao is in doubt.

"Jun'er's riding and shooting skills are well-known by everyone. How could he be so weak?"

Xiao Guanyin pressed the table, her body rose slightly, her back arched, and she said angrily: "That's your son, he is only ten years old, why are you afraid of him? When he was a baby, you also had gentle eyes. Holding him in his arms, he whispered that he would be the successor of Daliao in the future. It has only been ten years, but you actually regard him as your rival...the emperor's rival...isn't it enough to have me? You have to add your own son, Can you get back on your feet?"

Yelu Hongji's face turned red, and he suddenly let go, and the pieces of paper fell down.

"Da Liao lost to the Song Dynasty several times, and you became depressed. You were so angry that Shen An vomited blood, so you thought that I had an affair with him... You couldn't kill him, so you wanted to kill Jun'er and me. , is this how you feel that you are the Emperor of Liao?"


The hysterical Xiao Guanyin sat down with her face covered, and sneered: "You don't need to do anything. When you feel that my death has come, just ask someone to say a word, and I will naturally give you an explanation. But before that, If you have some humanity, don't imitate Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and treat your own children as enemies..."

"You take care of yourself!"

Yelu Hongji strode out, causing a gust of wind.

The pieces of paper were blown by the wind, and Xiao Guanyin murmured to himself: "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty swept across the Xiongnu, and he was not afraid of any opponent. And you...as the emperor of Daliao, what have you accomplished? Daliao will be here There is weakness in your hands..."


The female officer came in and said, "It's better not to say anything like this in the future."

Xiao Guanyin let go of the hand covering her face, raised her head and said, "Go find out about the northwest and report back quickly."

The female officer responded. After she went out, Xiao Guanyin looked around, then lay down and picked up the pieces of paper.

The room was very clean, but she still blew on the paper a few times and then carefully put it away.

She just sat on her knees, her expression as calm as death.

In the afternoon, the female official came.

The female official looked nervous and said, "Madam, it is said that Shen An went to the northwest and Zeng Gongliang also went to the northwest. The Song people are probably seeking Xixia. If Xixia is lost, there will no longer be a barrier between Daliao and Song people. Madam, a war is not far away. ”

"He went to the northwest?"

The corners of Xiao Guanyin's mouth raised slightly, "If he goes to the northwest, Liang will definitely not be his opponent, and then he will make great achievements..."

The female official felt that there was something wrong with her focus, "Mother, Daliao will fight with the Song people!"

"Didn't we fight?" Xiao Guanyin sneered: "We have been fighting, but Daliao has been defeated in recent years."

"Your Majesty..." The female officer looked back and looked outside, "Be careful that the walls have ears."

"So what?" Xiao Guanyin said coldly: "In his eyes, I am just a dead person. If my death can prevent Jun'er from being suspected by him, then why not die?"

The female officer lowered her head, tears falling, "Mother..."

Xiao Guanyin smiled and said: "He went to the northwest, and Xixia will definitely no longer exist. If you don't believe it, just wait and see."

Second update.

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