A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,608 The Plow of the Song Dynasty

Shen An's nap was not finished after all.

Chang Jianren brought the latest ideas of the navy.

"The navy wanted to start cleaning up the coast of the Liao Kingdom now. When the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty happened, the navy would land with sergeants from the side and give the Liao army a blow."

Chang Jianren still has the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, but there is more coldness between his eyebrows.

"The Liao Kingdom is vast and sparsely populated, and a navy landing... unless it brings a large number of cavalry, it can only be a harassment."

Shen An felt that the cost was too great and there was not much profit.

"But the Koreans are here. How did the Koreans respond when you were waiting to land last time?"

Shen An has always felt that the Korean people have a kind of self-confidence. From now on, they are confident that they are invincible. The Liao Kingdom is not their opponent, the Song people are not their opponents, and we are not afraid of anyone.

"That time, the subordinate captured the enemy general and asked him to send a message, but they did not respond."

Chang Jianren said coldly, "I think the Koreans are unreliable."

"They are just facilitators."

Shen An didn't think the Koreans had any influence on the overlordship on this continent, but the fleas, although small, made people itchy.

"The navy must train hard, not just for the Northern Expedition."

Shen An smiled and said, "Overseas will be the next focus of the Song Dynasty. In the future, the navy will go to sea to find more territory for the Song Dynasty."

"check it out."

Shen An took out the sea chart, pointed at Dashi and said, "What does the Song Dynasty want now? Control trade. What is the first task of the navy? Find a place to sell the goods of the Song Dynasty, do you understand?"

"For the goods of the Song Dynasty?" Chang Jianren was obviously a little confused about this.

"What do you think the goods are?" Shen An asked. He took a fruit, rubbed the peel with his hands, and took a bite. It was so sweet!

"Goods... aren't they just bought and sold by merchants?"

"You only see businessmen, Jianren." Shen An said seriously, "If you want to be in charge of one side, you must have an overall view."

Chang Jianren stood up and stood with his hands tied, "Please teach Shen Longtu."

"Sit down!" Sailor Du Yuhou was so respectful, Shen An felt comfortable, he pressed his hands, "Whether it's rice or various goods, what are the extra things you get out of these things except for the use of the Song Dynasty?" manage?"

"Then it's not superfluous."

Chang Jianren's answer made Shen An almost vomit out a mouthful of old blood, "If the Song Dynasty wants to develop, is it so... not redundant every year? There are so many goods every year, how can the Song Dynasty develop? Where will the money come from? "

Chang Jianren lowered his head and said, "I don't know what I am doing."

He was originally a painter, concentrating on pen and ink, and later he was a warrior, who only cared about killing people and didn't understand the economy at all.

"Listen carefully."

Shen An hadn't taught in the academy for a long time, so he temporarily checked in with his teacher.

"If the Song Dynasty wants to develop, both food and commercial taxes will be higher and higher every year. For this, many means must be used, such as gold, fertilizer and pills to increase revenue, right?"

Chang Jianren nodded, then looked for paper and pen from Zhuang Laoshi and started recording.

"There are many ways to increase food income, such as increasing fields and cultivating improved seeds... But no matter how much food there is, what if there is not enough money? The only thing that makes life in the imperial court tight every year is the lack of money."

"In order to make money in the Song Dynasty, the country should encourage merchants and workshops. When farmers have more money due to increased income, they will buy more things. Note that at this time, the value of workshops becomes available. Workshops As business gradually increases, they need to recruit people, so many people who can't find work will also have income... This is a good cycle. You can understand this cycle as making cakes... and use this to cook cakes. As the pie gets bigger, the court, merchants, and people will benefit in many ways."

Chang Jianren raised his head and said, "Shen Longtu, this increase must have a head, right?"

"Yes." Shen An felt that his understanding was pretty good, "So now the use of your navy comes to discover new places. Jianren, this world is very big, much bigger than you think. In the distance, In such a place, those people eat with knives and drink from wooden cups... They don't even have decent clothes, and the feces is piled up outside the city like a big mountain. What do you think of this kind of place?"

"Barbarians!" Chang Jianren frowned and said, "They are more barbaric than the Western thieves."

"That's right." Shen An said with satisfaction, "But they have money. What do you think if the goods from the Song Dynasty are shipped there?"

"It will make a lot of money." Chang Jianren understood and began to write hard.

Shen An stretched out his hand happily, and Zhao Wuwu, who was waiting beside him, handed over the tea cup.

There are students who are smart, there are maids who bring tea...

Such days are so refreshing!

After Chang Jianren finished writing his understanding, he stood up and saluted respectfully, "I understand, I understand. The navy of the Song Dynasty should find buyers for the goods of the Song Dynasty."

"Yes, there is one more." Shen An's expression...Zhao Wuwu could see it clearly from the side, and she swore that the husband at this moment was more ferocious than she had ever seen before.

"I told you before that this world is a jungle. We are a beast in the jungle, but there are many opponents. What should we do?"

Chang Jianren stood up subconsciously, "It's time to kill those opponents."

"That's right!" Shen An wanted to laugh.

The future bosses of the Navy have been taught like this by me. Once there is a chance in the future, overseas countries will be in trouble.

The West is still far away from the great voyage now. It can be said to be in a state of semi-ignorance. When the navy of the Song Dynasty appears in the West, the world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"There's no room for maneuver on this."

Shen An thought about the future history and couldn't help but sigh, "If we don't take action now, those people will come to kill us when we are weak, enslave us, burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil."

"No way." Chang Jianren blinked his mouse eyes, "Can those barbarians enslave us?"

"Yes, so... before that, we should become the overlords of this world!"


Chang Jianren returned to Jinmingchi, and Qin Zhen talked to him.

"What does Shen Longtu say?"

The positioning of the navy is very important. Now that Jiaozhi has been destroyed, no one knows what the next task of the navy will be. However, the navy is a very demanding branch. Once it does not go to war for a long time, its strength will fade quickly.

"Shen Longtu said a lot." Chang Jianren briefly repeated the points Shen An said.

"...Shen Longtu means to let the navy become the plows and merchants of the Song Dynasty, find farmland for the Song Dynasty, and find trade routes for the Song Dynasty."

Qin Zhen couldn't help but praise him, "It's really far-sighted. It's a pity."

"Why did the military leader say this?"

Qin Zhen said regretfully, "Someone has let it out recently that I'm probably going to go somewhere else."


Chang Jianren stood up and said, "When Xiaguan came to the Navy, if it weren't for you, how would Xiaguan be today? Why should we take you away?"

Qin Zhen smiled and said, "A certain person has been in charge of the navy for more than ten years. If this continues, the navy will become a person's private army... It's time for a person to leave."

Chang Jianren felt uncomfortable, Qin Zhen patted him on the shoulder, "A certain meeting will advise the officials, and you will take over. But you have to know that there is no final conclusion on the matter in the court, so... It is not easy for Shen Longtu to interfere in this matter. , otherwise it will be a taboo, so Jianren, you have to make preparations in advance. If the DPRK asks you about the navy's countermeasures, you have to have a plan."


Chang Jianren remembered what Shen An said.

The navy of the Song Dynasty should find farmland for the farmers of the Song Dynasty and find sales for the merchants of the Song Dynasty.

Let’s work together to make this cake bigger and bigger!

This prospect makes people excited!

"Shen Longtu is indeed the number one person in the Song Dynasty to the outside world!"

Shen Longtu has now arrived at his father-in-law's house.


Taro ran past him, beating him everywhere with a bamboo stick in his hand.

Seeing those flowers and trees beaten into branches and leaves, veins jumped on Shen An's forehead.

"Taro is really smart. He actually knows where to whip it, where it will break most easily..."

"Run slower!"

Mrs. Li looked kind and loving beside her, and even pointed out the best place to hit, which made Shen An deeply believe her words.

If you leave your child to your maternal grandfather or other grandparents, the child will become a demon king.

Yang Zhuoxue led Maodou over and said with a smile, "Earlier, Maodou was talking about daddy."


Look at the indifferent look on Maodou's face. Whatever he was talking about, he was probably threatened by Yang Zhuoxue when he was crying.

——If you cry again, your father will come to take care of you right away.

Men are so miserable!

Then Yang Jinian came back.

My father-in-law bought a lot of food, and his hands were full of oil-paper bags.

"Anbei is here!"

Yang Jinian gave the oiled paper bag to Ah Qing. While rubbing the deep marks made by the straw rope, he asked, "I heard that the Korean envoy was coming. Why didn't the officials summon you?"

"The Goryeo wallflower is not worthy of the Song Dynasty's eyes."

"That's it!"

Yang Jinian frowned and said, "But if Goryeo joins forces with the Liao people, will the Song Dynasty be in trouble in the north?"

"Yes." Shen An smiled, "But Da Song hopes to have such trouble."

Yang Jinian looked at him, "Are you talking about...looking for a mobile operator?"

With just such a sentence, Shen An had to look at his father-in-law with admiration.

"My father-in-law has extraordinary vision..."

Then the flattery went out one after another.

Yang Jinian stroked his beard and was pleased, while Yang Zhuoxue was holding Maodou and watching with a smile.

It was natural for a son-in-law to flatter his father-in-law. After Yang Zhuochao arrived, he felt that such a brother-in-law was not at all like what the outside world had rumored.

After a warm welcome, Mrs. Li said happily, "Your brother-in-law is here. From now on, you can go to the academy and be obedient."

Yang Zhuochao said, "My brother-in-law has helped me a lot in the past few years. He has given me textbooks for the academy and a few books that are not available outside. My child can pass the academy, and my brother-in-law deserves the most credit."

He bowed in thanks.

This brother-in-law is mature!

Shen An was very pleased and helped him up, "Everything I give you is fake. If you don't work hard, no one can help you."


Yang Zhuochao said, "It's just that this time I don't plan to go to the academy..."

Yang Jinian's face trembled.

As a father, he naturally hopes that his son will study under the nose of his son-in-law, so that he will have a bright future.

But the son didn't want to go.

"Dalang, are you confused?" Mrs. Li was a little annoyed. If her son-in-law hadn't been there, she would have wanted to go up and pinch her son's ears.

Shen An smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, let's see what Zhuo Chao says."

Yang Zhuochao saw something was wrong in his father's eyes, not to mention his mother, and even his sister had a straight face, which showed that he was in crisis.

He shrank his neck and said, "Father, mother, and brother-in-law once said that the best teacher is one who is beaten severely by the outside world. The so-called beatings are lessons. My child thought about it, if he went to the academy, those professors and classmates would definitely look at him differently, my child. How can I be punished..."

"Besides, there are no imperial examinations in the academy."

Yang Jinian glanced at his son-in-law, "What do you think, An Bei?"

The son-in-law is only half a son, so Yang Jinian will only discuss with Shen An at this time.

"Zhuo Chao is ambitious." Shen An likes such a brother-in-law. "Whether he succeeds or not, we will know in three to five years. If Zhuo Chao excels in his studies by then, he will naturally take the imperial examination. If he fails, he will have a son-in-law." I'm here, just don't worry."

Yang Jinian nodded slightly.

With such a son-in-law, UU Reading www.uukanshu. nnet He really feels relieved.

Yang Zhuochao happily raised his hands to Shen An, "Thank you, brother-in-law."

If it weren't for Shen An, he would definitely be punished today.

Shen An said sternly, "Just a word, don't become a nerd. Being an official like that will harm others and yourself!"

Yang Jinian shouted, "This is your brother-in-law's warning. Do you remember it well?"

Shen An has been an official for many years. If the officialdom is a world of officialdom, then he is a trend-setter. For such a person, most people will not give you any warning, regardless of whether you live or die.

Yang Zhuochao stood with his hands tied, "Yes, I have remembered it."

Thanks to the leader of the book friend ‘venderii’ for the reward, here comes the fifth update. Good night everyone!

Asking for a monthly ticket.


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